We won't stop now! (Jailey Fa...

By MasonStrocityVA

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The Music Freaks is owned by Rosyclozy, including all of the characters from it. Originally, This was a theor... More

Chapter 1: Hopes dashed...
Chapter 2: Shadows of the past
Chapter 3: Rekindling
Chapter 4: Fixations
Chapter 5: Jake's Last Show
Blooper for "Jakes Last Show"
Chapter 7: What is Love?
Chapter 7.5: The Monster In The Closet
Chapter 8: Haileys Truama
Chapter 9: Saving the show at last.
Chapter 9.1: Who did it?
Chapter 10: Singers Request
Chapter 11: Snow Storm or Snowy Miracle
Chapter 12: SnowStruck.
Chapter 12.5: Just a Dream.
Chapter 13 Trailer
Chapter 13: The end is just another beginning.
Chapter 13.5: The Recording
Finale Part 1: Trust
Authtors Note
Finale Part 2: Nightmare?
Finale Part 3: Conflicted.
Finale Part 4: Breaking Point
Final Note
The Real Finale: A Night of Love, A Final Step, and A Hearty Goodbye.

Chapter 6: Hailey's Fear

690 9 46
By MasonStrocityVA

The bell rang, Last class of the day now. Hailey was traveling through the hall with Zander, They were talking about Jake, Hailey wanted to forgive him, move on already but she couldn't. She needed more time. Zander was trying to let her accept that, telling her it was normal for her not to fully trust the oaf, even he didn't.

"I just don't understand Zander... I want to believe him; I want to just let it all go and move on but... This ache in my chest is still thumping..."

Hailey softly mumbled, Zander putting an arm around his sister, trying to be comforting.

"Hailey, I keep telling you, it's alright not to forgive him. Even I don't. I'm not going to pretend it didn't happen, it wasn't just one incident. Besides, I... Know how you felt about him."

Zander admitted, looking away, slightly seething. Hailey tensed up and looked at him.

"Zander I- D-do-"

"Don't bother Hailey, I already know. You liked that oaf... You probably still do. Thats why you're having a harder time."

Zander spoke, Causing Hailey to go silent, Tears slightly whelm up in her eyes... She continued his point.

"And if I forgave him now... and I let my feelings out... I might end up hurt again..."

Zander sighed, Patting his sister on the back. He turned to face her and just quieted down for a bit, then speaking up.

"It's best you take time to yourself to think about it. You can't rush this decision either... I won't stop you if you do forgive him... And I won't make you not date him... It'd... be wrong for me to do that... even if I do despise that oaf sometimes..."

Zander sighed heavily. Causing Hailey to slightly chuckle

"Only sometimes?"

She teased, giggling as his face lit up in anger and frustration.


Hailey just began laughing as he went on a rant about Jake. He stopped as they reached the class door, and they walked in and sat down. They just have a study hall, so Hailey started doing some of her missed work.

Hailey didn't notice that Jake walked in late, and he seemed conflicted himself, but also looked extremely guilty when he looked over to them... He walked over to them and put a gentle hand on the desk.

"Hey... Uhm... I'm... Sorry, I yelled at you earlier... I was... Emotionally stressed."

Zander looked at Hailey, who seemed to recognize what he meant. Zander was a bit defensive.

"It's alright Jake... I was too... It was normal in that moment... I still need time..."

Jake nodded slightly.

"I-I know, Sorry Hailey. I just... needed to get it off my chest... I'll stop bugging you now."

He smiled softly, then walked over to another desk, setting up some stuff as he just watches some gacha tube. Zander looked at him, but then looked away and went back to doing his own thing. Hailey pressed the tip of her pencil against the paper she was working on, trying to keep her composure. Eventually she did and finished her work.

Jake was stuck in thought, zoned out from everything around him.

This feels so hopeless... No matter what I try It feels like I can't get her trust again... Nor anyone else's... Shes probably not going to let me back in again... I'm going to be alone.

Jake thought, looking away and biting the inside of his cheek. He grabbed the front end of his hair and shut his eyes, tugging on it. At that time though, Someone Sat in the table in front of him. Jake immediately put on a metaphorical mask.


Jake blinked, looking at his... 'Best Friend' as he slowly trailed his sights away. Drew was the first one to speak though.


He spoke, the venom laced in his voice was really obvious, and it made Jake quiver slightly.

"...How long were you going to play me the fool?"

Jakes eyes slightly widened, immediately feeling a crushing kind of guilt...

"How long did you know. What, did you think I shouldn't have known? Oh, I know what it is. You used that against her, right? made her return that freaks diary, right?"

his voice was clearly being heard, because some students had turned their heads.

"You chose freaks that only knew you for a week, over me, who's been your friend since middle school. Are you happy with yourself? I told you, they just wanted to use you. And because you caught on, because they heard whatever you said, they kicked you to the wolves. How does it feel?"

Jakes Eyes began to... show a number of expressions. Whispers started to be heard again.

"Drew I..."

Jake tried to talk but fell short on words. His eyes were full of conflict. The pressure was building up, the whole class was expecting them to throw down.

"I'm only sorry That I didn't tell you sooner... But you're not so innocent either... I told you, And You already knew... I cared about the club; I cared about singing... Why is it so hard for you guys to just accept that... I just wanted to find a place I could let it all out, somewhere I'd be accepted..."

Drews glance began to grow harsh, as if he got offended.

"...It's not like I could trust you with it, You... We, Taunted the club ever since we found out about it... How would I be able to look at you and tell you I liked that kind of stuff too?"

Drew's gaze started to soften up, his eyes trailing towards Hailey and Zander who were trying to ignore the drama around them. Zander seemed heated though, all those murmurs were annoying him, and Hailey just looked stressed out. Drew returned his gaze to Jake, who was looking away.


He was a bit silent, then glared at the other students that were gossiping. As if telling them to mind their own business.


Drew scoffed, getting up and going to the teacher's desk, then leaving after getting himself a pass to the bathroom. Jake just sat there and put his head down. Hiding his face in his bag and tried to keep himself composed. Everyone finally stopped whispering and went back to their business. Hailey contemplated going over and helping him, but she just couldn't do it. Her heart felt like it was being tugged by two sides. Zander noticed this and sighed. He stood up and went over to Jake, Sitting beside him.


Zander spoke, Causing Jake to sit up slightly, turning his head to see Zander there. He seemed a bit confused, also shocked.

"Look, I'm not great at this sort of thing, But... You'll be alright. If I was able to give you another chance, I'm sure as hell the others will too. So just, Hang in there."

Zander spoke lowly, trying not to attract attention. Jake looked a bit... surprised but also slightly better.


Jake felt at a loss for words. He felt... warm. Warmth he hadn't felt since... well, almost a week ago now. Jake slightly cracked a smile.

"...Thank you..."

Jake said, and Zander just rolled his eyes.

"Don't get used to it. ... I guess you did prove me wrong... You aren't ashamed of us, Huh."

Jake nodded, and Zander slightly smiled back.

"I still don't trust you, but... Thanks, I guess."

Zander spoke, then got up, going back over to Hailey, who seemed even more surprised. She didn't think Zander could be so... comforting. She hadn't seen him do that in a very long time.


Zander asked blatantly.

"You're so cool Zander..."

Hailey chuckled softly, Causing Zander to be confused. Jake on the other hand just started to write, but what could he be writing down? Hailey just kind of focused on whatever she wanted to do. Eventually, the final bell rang, and the students all leave. Jake stays behind, still writing on his paper, Zander left to the music room, and as Hailey went to follow suit, she tried to take a peek over Jake's shoulder to see what he was so distracted by.

Suffice to say, it wasn't too pleasant at first glance. It was a long essay, not an assignment, but it was definitely a letter for someone to read... and what Hailey was able to see, absolutely broke her. She quickly got out of there before Jake could notice she had been staring. Zander was waiting on her, and he looked overly concerned when she came out, looking miserable.

"Hailey, what happened? Why are you looking so... hurt again?"

Zander questions, and Jake walked out of the classroom, holding a envelope. Hailey had run off as they locked eyes, and Jake seemed...confused. Zander glared at him.

"What. did. you. do."

Zanders words came out icy, and Jake was... already confused as hell.

"I- I didn't do anything? I was just...writing...something."

Zander's eyes pierce through Jake, who is confused still. Zander extends his hand out, as if ordering Jake to hand it over. Jake was... extremely hesitant, however he did. He handed the note to Zander. Zander carefully opens it, and starts reading the letter, eventually stumbling upon what Hailey probably saw. And he was... Dumb founded.


Screams Zander, who's tone was full of anger, and confusion. Jake closed his eyes, then reopened them after Zander stopped yelling. There was a crowd around the two now.


Zander pushes the note onto Jake's chest, who was trying to speak up.

"Zander listen I- It's not- ugh... I'm not moving away.."

"The hell are you talking about?!"

Zanders glare only got colder. Again this idiot was seeming to backstab them, is he just toying with them?

"That note is for my Uncle up in the town over, I told him I'd stay at his place for a while after we finished with the competition, It's not like I'm moving away, it was.. just going to be for a few weeks..."

Zander sighed, crossing his arms.

"You're a genuine idiot. How the hell did my sister fa-"

Jake's left eyebrow rose.


Zander quickly stopped talking, then grumbled something under his breath. Jake continued to stare in confusion.


"Just shut up. Forget I said that last part. Anyways, Go talk to her before I change my mind about you a fourth time."

Jake softly chuckled

"As you wish, Grape Lord."

Zander rolled his eyes, Scoffing as he walked away. He desperately needed Luke right now, He did not like being around Jake more than he had to. Sure, He gave him another chance, but that doesn't mean that he is going to be chummy with him. Jake turned, then quickly started to look around the school, trying to find the blueberry head.

After a few minutes, Jake ended up in the garden, having lost track of any leads, or time as well. It was almost sunset, but he could see a path of broken petals. He decided to follow the trail. He calls out for her

"Hailey? Are you here? Come on, I've been looking for hours...! It's almost sunset, your families going to be worried!"

Jake called, but no response. he reached the end of the trail, and there was a flower bed, with someone tugged between the bushes. It wasn't Hailey, It was... Milly.

Jake flinched, and stumbled back.

Whys Milly still here?!

He thought, and then decided to shake her to wake her up. After a while, He gave up because she wouldn't budge. Jake sighed.

"I really can't stop messing up..."

He sighed, then started to walk away before stopping to turn back to Milly who was still sound asleep.

"I'm really sorry Milly... You probably hate me, but you guys are always... going to be special to me."

Jake mumbled, then walked off. He continued his search for Hailey, and he was just about to give up.

"...Maybe she's home already... Jeez... It's... so late... but what am I gonna do about Milly? I can't just.. leave her there, right? But she won't really be happy if she wakes up just to see me there.. Ugh, this is hopeless..."

He complained, Jake had continued mumbling, causing him to be distracted. He ended up walking into a door, seething and flinching back in pain. He softly whined before opening said door. There was just.. a bunch of stairs that led downwards. Jake had never seen this room before. He decided to give it a shot... he has looked everywhere except here.

"Hailey!! Are you down there?!"

He called, making his way down. Every step filled him with overwhelming fear. Damn, This felt like a nightmare come true. Jake's stomach churns, he continues making his way down until he finally reached the ground level, Or more specifically, The Basement. He nervously opened the door, and it wasn't... exactly pleasant. It was dark, and kind of dusty. it wasn't a tight space, rather it was a big open space, as if the entire schools size was the same as this room. He quickly pulled out his phone, turning on his flashlight. Jake bit his inner cheek as he navigated his way around the place.

"H-Hailey if your down here, this really isn't funny...!"

Jake called out, but only heard his own voice echo back at him. Jake's eyes were wide, but also twitchy. He felt like something bad was here. Jake continued his way through, shining every area possible, and eventually... He heard something.


Jake whipped his head around, shining the spot, and saw the one he was looking for, except she was terrified. She got up and tried to run, but only tripped. Jake quickly tried to help her, but she started to scream, even begging for her life

(for perspective, considering jake was using his flashlight, she wouldn't see him, just the flashlights light.)

"Hailey cut it out, It's me! Jake!... I'm trying to help you!"

She seemed to calm down slightly, And quickly grabbed his hand and pulled herself up. She hugged him quickly. Her breathes were quick, and she seemed heavily afraid for some reason. She shakily started to speak.

"Get me out of here please... I don't even know why... or how I got here... I remember running... and then suddenly... I saw this room and... kept running... it felt like someone was chasing me.."

Jake listened to her closely, and nodded. He held her closer to his chest.

"It was probably security dumbo... I wonder why this rooms so abandoned though... They could make so many classes or even workshops here... Well, I don't like this place much either... come on hails, let's go before we really worry everyone..."

Hailey nodded quietly, and together, they made their way back out... but not before hearing... some kind of groan. a muffled out... groan. They didn't investigate, they only shut the door fast and barricaded it before rushing up the stairs again and closing the door behind them. Both of them were fearful and left as soon as possible. Jake ended up bringing Hailey to the garden where Milly was still sleeping. Hailey decided to bring her to Her house, and Jake nodded in agreement. Hailey then looked at Jake, then turned away.

"...You're such a jerk...Playing with my feelings like this damnit..."

Jake was... Confused at first, but then tried to make her listen.

"Hailey... I'm not moving away.."

Hailey turned to him, as if she was gonna yell at him about the note.

"Hails, That note was to my uncle, I told him I was going to stay with him in the next town over for a while because I hadn't seen him... I wanted... to talk to him about how we... would win the competition together... I was going to tell you...."

Hailey seemed to... mentally face palm. All of this panic because of another misunderstanding. Life sucks. Hailey shudders at the thought of that basement... that groan sounded so... haunting. She didn't want to think about it anymore.


Jake asked, Holding his hand out to her.


Hailey looked at his hand, a million thoughts came to her head, but she stuck to one. She grabbed his hand, and smiled at him. She knew the truth about him now. She pulled him in a bit and smirked before responding.


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