Never knew I needed you /les...

By f1addict3

263K 6.2K 1.9K

Charles unexpectedly becomes single. He thought that break up was gonna be easy but it turns out to be comple... More

1. The breakup
2. News
3. The flight
4. The friday
5. The Saturday
6. The sunday
7. The outdoor fun
8. the Zandvoort
9. The coming out
10. the Monza
11. The after party
12. The day after
13. Back to monaco
14. the cardio
15. the cold
16. the hospital
17. the chicken noodle soup
19. Bubble bath
20. The Singapore sling
21. Trying to cope
22. The Japanese trauma
23. Champion
24. Charles the loud one
25. Presents and breakfast in bed
26. Comfort and coming out
27. Moves like jagger because of you
28. When in America
29. Planning the fight
30. Bad luck again and again
31. Insecurities
32. A Sky Full of Stars
33. What could go wrong?
34. having fun and then regretting it
35. What did you do?
36. The last dance
37. Surprise!
38. Chrismas gifts

18. The Shopping

6.2K 143 40
By f1addict3

Max pov: 

Charles had gotten better so fast that I couldn't quite belive it. He was training hard for the next race and to be honest I kinda hoped that he would win. I knew that I would be the champion and so did Charles so in my mind Charles's happines was more important for me than me securing the championchip as early as possible. Unfortunately Charles had to fly to Maranello before leaving to singapore so I was currently playing fifa in my appartment alone. Charles had been gone four days already and I had started to miss him maybe too much, even tho we had been texting and calling every day. Luckily I was leaving to singapore tomorrow evening so I could see him in little bit under two days. We were both staying in the same hotel so we could be seen with each other there. 

I got frustrated because of the game and stopped playing and threw the controller away. I was laying on the sofa with Charles hoodie. I loved wearing his hoodies so I wore them pretty much all the time. I started thinking about what we could do when the winter break started. I knew that Charles wanted to visit Indonesia so I thought about booking us a trip there as a surprise. I decided to call Arthur so I could make sure Charles was free after Abu dhabi and hadn't booked a vacation already. It didn't take long before he picked up. 

"Hey Max what's up?" He asked.

"Hey I was thinking that I want to surprise Charles and book a holiday for us after Abu dhabi, so I wanted to make sure that he was free then" I said smiling while looking for flights at my computer. 

"yeah I have his Calendar and he's free after the post season testing and doesn't have anything untill new year" Arthur said slowly. 

"Great, thank you Arthur" I smiled. 

"No problem! Can I ask where you want to take him?" 

"I was thinking Indonesia, do you think that's something he will like?" I asked. 

"Oh that's great choise, he has been talking about wanting to go to bali for like the whole year" Arthur said sounding excited. "Now I'm just sad that I can't go with him, but I'm sure you will have a lot of fun" I could hear the tone switching and I chuckled. 

"Yeah he has been talking about that a lot. But can you make sure he doesn't book a trip to that week or a trip to Bali for that matter?" 

"Yep I can do that if you make him bring me some souvenirs from Singapore" Arthur laughed. 

"Great I will do that. Do you have something in mind that you want?" I asked. 

"Hmm, I have been wanting the Dior sneakers that Charles has" He said sounding a little shy, maybe because they were quite expensive. 

"Sure I'll se what I can do about that! But I have to go pack and book the tickets now bye" I said and hang up. I purchased flights from dubai to bali and a five star hotel so we could relax properly. I was so excited that I could take Charles on a proper vacation. When my phone rang and I saw Charles calling me I freaked out a little because I didn't want to spoil the surprise, but after few deep breaths I answered the face time call. 

"Hi Max I miss you! What are you doing?" Charles said smiling. I saw that he was laying in bed. 

"I miss you too, but not long before we're in Singapore" I said happily. "I was just going to pack my bags". We talked the whole night and Charles kept me company while I packed my bags. When the clock was ten we ended the call and I went to sleep happily. 

The next day rolled around, and I slept surprisingly well. I had to go to the gym with my trainer to do last preparations for the weekend. I saw Daniel at the gym and we chatted a bit before I left. It was almost certain that he wouldn't have a seat next season and I was sad because he was my best friend after all. Daniel didn't know what he would be doing next year or he just didn't want to tell me yet. After the gym I didn't really know what I should do. There was still plenty of time before the flight so it led me to just pacing around the house while thinking about what I should do. Finally I decided to just leave to the airport four hours before the flight wich was a good decicion. They were running low with staff so even tho I had buisness class seat I still had to wait in line for security check and baggage drop ect. 

When I finally got seated on the plane I texted Charles that I was on my way. The flight went by pretty quickly, well that was maybe because I slept for half of it. I also watched some new movies I had not had time to go see and ate some good food. When we landed I was the first one getting off the plane and I was almost running thru the airport. I wanted to see Charles and go to the hotel as quickly as possible. I hadn't quite realised how much I missed him. Well yes I knew I missed him but this much was almost scary. I missed his smile and laugh. I missed his touch and his good looking body. I missed his smell and his stupid jokes. I got frushtrated when I had to wait for my baggage longer than five minutes. When I finally rushed to the arrivals and was looking for my driver who would take me to the hotel I almost started crying when I saw Charles instead of my normal driver. I ran to him and took him in my arms.

"Omg I missed you so much" I said while hugging him tightly. 

"I can't breathe" Charles laughed before tightning his grip around my waist. "I missed you too so much" He whispered before letting go of me so we could go to the car. 

"I didn't know you would bring me to the hotel from here" I said while we were walking towards some random car since we didn't get our own here because the track was literally in the middle of the city. 

"Well I wanted to surprise you so obviously I didn't tell you in advace" He said sarcastically.

"But what did you do to the original guy that was supposed to pick me up?" I asked still kinda confused. 

"I just told Christian that I would pick you up" Charles laughed. We drove to the hotel while catching up since we hadn't seen each other in almost a week. I had missed his smile so much. 

I checked in to my room so it wouldn't be suspicious but took my things straight to Charles's room since there was no point in taking them somewhere else. We would be sleeping in the same bed either way. 

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked while jumping to lay on the bed. It was only mid day so we had plenty of time left today. 

"I need new underwear I forgot to pack enough" Charles said hiding his face behind his hands and I started to laugh. 

"Oh Charlie I missed you and your stupidity" I said while laughing. Charles just crossed his arms and tried to look offended but ended up laughing and coming to lay down next to me. 

"But I was thinking that it's almost Arthurs burthday so we could get him a gift also and I need new sweat pants" I said. 

"So shopping day it is" Charles said happily. "But I need to go to the gym also at some point" He added and I agreed. I changed my clothes and then we left to the shops near the hotel. 

"So first your underwear what do you want?" I asked while trying to navigate us to the nearest mall. 

"I thought you would know what I want" Charles said with a low voice that got me off guard. 

"Yep so Calvin it is" I said a bit too stunned to speak while Charles just laughed. 

"I have no idea what to get Arthur" Charles complained while I was choosing boxers for him. 

"Well has he said that he would want anything?" I asked trying to not be too straight forward. "What size are you?" I asked when I finally picked the good ones, I don't know why Charles didn't do this by himself. 

"Arthur said something about some sneakers" He said clearly not listening me so I just got xs and shoved them into his hands. 

"How small you think my ass is?" He said faking his disapointment. 

"Well I asked you and you didn't answere" I said shruging my shoulders. I saw Charles switching to one size larger and I saw an opportunity. 

"So your ass is small not extra small" 

"Oh my god Max stop that my ass is bigger than yours" He said blushing now. 

"Well I wouldn't be so sure about that, but if you say so" I said took the boxers and went to pay them. 

"Oh I can pay them thanks" Charles said and tried to take them away from me. 

"Nah I feel like spoiling you today" I winked and he was clearly happy about that. 

"Well it's nice to be the one recieving once" He said probably reffering to his girlfirends before me. 

"So the Shoes Arthur wanted" I said so I could get his atention back to the gift I had promissed Arthur. 

"Yes! Well he wanted some type of sneakers but I don't remember wich ones" Charles said clearly bit of frustrated. I didn't know how I could hint about the dior ones but like a gods gift from heaven dior shop was in front of us. 

"Dior! Thats the sneakers he wanted" Charles almost yelled. 

"Shh Charles I don't want any fans noticing us" I tried to calm him down while walking towards the dior shop. 

"Yes sorry" Charles smiled. When we walked to the store a nice lady came to us asking if we were looking for something in particular and Charles told about the shoes. The lady showed us the shoes. 

"I didn't even realise he wanted the same ones that I have" Charles mumbled while looking at the shoes. 

"Well now you can match with him" I said smirking. Charles picked the right size 

"Arthur has to be thankfull because I'm buying him such expensive presents" Charles said and as we were walking toward the cash counter he saw something and stopped. 

"Max do you see the sweather, isn't it so good looking" He said while stepping closer to some kind of sweather that looked really nice in my opinion also. 

"Yes it's pretty, do you want to try it?" I asked very well aware what would happen now if Charles liked it. 

"Can I?" He asked and I just nodded. The sales associate got the right size for Charles. I waited for him while he tried it. 

"Well what do you think?" Charles asked while stepping out of the changing room. 

"It looks great on you, do you want it?" I asked knowing that I would be buying this for him now. 

"Well yes but I don't know if I should" He said trying so hard to think about it. 

"Well I think you should get that" I said smiling and after a bit of convincing Charles he agreed. when he got back and we were walking towards the cash counter again I took the sweater. 

"I will buy this for you and I won't take no for an answere" I said and turned away from him so he couldn't say no. After we walked out of the store I was happy and I saw that Charles was also happy wich made me even happier. We went to get me the sweat pants wich Charles insisted on paying and I agreed after a ten minute conversation. I knew that my birthday was in a couple of days so I assumed that Charles had gotten something for me so that's why I wanted to buy him some stuff and also I was going to get a huge bonus because of the wdc. He didn't notice but I had bought him two pink boxers so he would be surprised when he would see them. 

"I'm hungry, should we eat here or at the hotel?" I asked. 

"I think at the hotel, we have been so lucky not to be spotted by fans so I don't want to take any more risks" Charles said and I agreed. We walked back to the hotel lobby and saw Carlos. 

"Oh nice did you give Charles your credit card" Carlos joked at me because I was carrying all the bags while Charles was smiling next to me. Charles face got red and I just laughed. 

"Oh my god why can't Lando ever buy me something" He said fake sadly and then laughed before walking away. 

"Well now we know what Lando should give Carlos for his birthday" Charles joked when we got to the elevator. I was so happy to have made him happy.


A bit of a different type of Chapter today hope you like it, I sure did! 

Thank you for voting and reading<3<3

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