Tales from Tabletop

By WritersErrant

141 5 10

In search of answers for a tragedy, a young woman leaves the only place she ever knew to explore a land known... More

Session 1.1: The First Step
Session 1.2: The First Step
Session 1.3: The First Step
Session 1.4: The First Step
Session 2.1: Voyage to Syndramire
Session 2.2: Voyage to Syndramire
Session 2.3: Voyage to Syndramire
Session 2.4: Voyage to Syndramire
Session 2.5: Voyage to Syndramire
Session 3.1: Lendrig's Hollow
Session 3.2: Lendrig's Hollow
Session 3.3: Lendrig's Hollow
Session 3.4: Lendrig's Hollow
Session 4.1: Into Lendrigol
Session 4.2: Into Lendrigol
Session 4.3: Into Lendrigol
Session 4.4: Into Lendrigol
Session 4.5: Into Lendrigol
Session 4.6: Into Lendrigol
Session 5.1: Beneath
Session 5.2: Beneath
Session 5.3: Beneath
Session 5.4: Beneath
Session 6.1: Divide and Conquer
Session 6.2: Divide and Conquer
Session 6.3: Divide and Conquer
Session 6.4: Divide and Conquer
Session 7.1: Lord of Abyss
Session 7.2: Lord of Abyss
Session 7.3: Lord of Abyss
Session 7.4: Lord of Abyss
Session 7.5: Lord of Abyss
Session 8.1: Return to the Hollow
Session 8.2: Return to the Hollow
Session 8.3: Return to the Hollow
Session 8.4: Return to the Hollow
Session 8.5: Return to the Hollow
Session 9.1: Before the Deluge
Session 9.2: Before the Deluge
Session 9.3: Before the Deluge
Session 9.4: Before the Deluge
Session 9.5: Before the Deluge
Session 10.1: Battle for the Hollow
Session 10.2: Battle for the Hollow
Session 10.3: Battle for the Hollow
Session 10.4: Battle for the Hollow
Session 10.5: Battle for the Hollow
Session 10.6: Battle for the Hollow
Session 10.7: Battle for the Hollow
Session 11.1: Into the Abyss
Session 11.2: Into the Abyss
Session 11.3: Into the Abyss

Session 5.5: Beneath

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By WritersErrant

Chapter V: The Trap Shuts


Selene awoke with a start, sweat beading on her brow. She had the same nightmare as before the attack, but this time it was only the final part. Drowning under the gaze of some awful monster looming above. As she got her bearings, she saw the others beginning to rise as well. Everyone seemed far more rested than before.

Even Argent seemed more energized.

The group quickly passed out quarter rations and discussed their plans going forward.

"We should probably start looking for a way out now," Jezran said in between mouthfuls of dried meat, "Now that we've passed the trap, anyway."

"You think the maze and slimes were the trap?" Ari asked.

"I can't believe anyone would have thought we'd survive that. That many slimes would probably make quick work of a party twice our size, especially if they didn't have any magic."

The rest of the party showed signs of agreement. Argent looked like he wanted to say something, but reconsidered.

"Perhaps you are right, but we'll still need to be careful going forward," Argent cautioned.

The party, upon review of their options, came to realize the path they were now on, did not appear to include any significant deviations. The path behind them was blocked, and every path going a different direction was also blocked. As they passed the final ruined hallway, they realized they were past the labyrinth.

Only another straight hall into the dark without any seeming end.

It was like they were back on the staircase. Every step forward felt slow, and there was no sign they were any closer to the end. Until suddenly, they finally passed through the corridor into an empty chamber, pitch black.

As they entered, the darkness was pulled back, almost like a curtain. The room itself was remarkably similar to the one they found at the bottom of the initial staircase. The ceiling rose high above them, but a walkway appeared high above instead of a balcony.

That wasn't the only dissimilarity.

On the other side of the room dwelt another of the creatures. At first, it appeared to be dead as well, but then an energy thrummed through the fetid pool it lay in. Ripples pulsed through the pool as the corpse rocked back and forth.

Selene's vision could not see any colour in the darkness, but something in the skin changed. It was no longer dry and taut against the bone. Beneath the skin, it engorged as though life blood began to flow once more through it. As if the thrum pulsed life back into the creature.

Slowly, strengthening with each pulse of the thrum, it began to stir. Tentacles moved lethargically, as if rousing from a deep slumber.

A voice echoed in her mind. It was ancient, and came in fragmented pieces.





Tentacles flailed and its body thrashed, causing the ground beneath her feet to shake.

During the tremor, the wall behind them shut with a definitive thud.

Now, there was no way out.

The trap was shut.

A sharp pain shot through Selene's arm. She cried out and turned to see an arrow protruding from her shoulder.

Eyes shot up to see a line of merfolk standing on the walkway above, bows taut with another volley ready.

The creature from the pool, through powers unseen, rose into the air. Its body revealed, in all its horror. Mouths gaping and biting from every angle, tentacles writhing and undulating below, a single gaping maw on its head, lined with rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth. The only place not marked by teeth or tentacle was its face above the main mouth, where three eyes were stacked vertically on its head, gleaming blood red.

Another thought passed through her mind, Blood...fresh. Worthy...sacrifice.

Selene paled, whether it be the voice in her mind or the blood draining from her wound, she was not sure.

This is the trap.

Fear filled her veins, but she drew a dagger in her unarmed hand, bracing herself beside Hamish against the beast above them.

We fell right into it.

Tentacles lurched toward her.

Selene acted on instinct, ducking under the tentacles and rushing forward. With a loud cry, more from pain than anything, she plunged her blade into one of the tentacles dangling beneath the beast. It roared aloud as a scream echoed in her mind.

WIth the creature temporarily distracted, Selene quickly looked around for support. She saw no one as the enchanted shadows once again closed around them. Sounds of struggle surrounded her, as if a horde of monsters were let loose within the shadows and now pounced upon the party.

Everything was lost in the chaos.

Before the creature could make another attempt to strike, Selene was already gone, rushing as far back as she could from the tentacles and teeth. Another volley fell, forcing Selene to roll away, an arrow narrowly missing where her head would be. Selene's breath was ragged. Blood kept spilling from her wound, staining her sleeve as it flowed down her arm.

Adrenaline was numbing the pain, but Selene knew she couldn't move her arm.

One arm was not enough.

Eyes turned to face her as the beast above spun in the air. A roar reverberated through the chamber as it charged towards her, ready to strike with tendrils or tear her apart in its vicious bite.

"Everyone retreat! Head for the exit!" Argent cried over the din.

"What exit?" Selene called out, ducking under a strike by one tentacle and jumping to the side to avoid another arrow barrage aimed for her, grunting in pain as she landed on her bad arm. As she rose, she turned to see an opening on the wall to her right.

She did not recall seeing it there before.

"Go! Now!!" Argent cried.

No time to think, Selene bolted, making it through the passage by the skin of her teeth.


The way behind Selene shut with a resounding thud. Shocked, she stopped mid-sprint.

Selene raced back, finding a slab of rock blocking her path back into the chamber.

She placed her ear against it, and heard nothing coming from the chamber within. She gave it a feeble knock, but a dull thud was all she heard. Desperate, she gave it a hard shove with what little strength remained in her uninjured arm.

The stone gave no quarter.

Relenting, she turned around, and saw she stood alone in a dark corridor.

"H-hamish?" she called weakly.

No response.

"Argent? Ari...?"


"Anyone?" She whispered weakly.

Tears welled in her eyes. Selene wanted to scream, to call out to her companions so they could rescue her. But she knew they were not alone in this place. Any scream might alert another creature to her presence, and she was in no condition to fight.

Nor did she know if she could handle a fight on her own.

Sliding down the closed wall until she sat on the floor. Selene stared at the ground through misty eyes. She bit back the tears, and rubbed her eyes with her good arm as she tried to force herself to think.

Only one course of action made sense, but her mind rebelled against it. Her breath, which had been heavy and ragged, slowed as she finally relented to the reality of her situation.

She swallowed, and turned to face the open path before her.

I'll need to find another way back to them. Or another way out of here.

With a shaky step, Selene rose to her feet. Adrenaline had not yet faded, but pain was beginning to throb from the wound. It would cause problems if left untreated, but Selene ignored it for now. She started walking, following the corridor into the dark.


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