Tales from Tabletop

Da WritersErrant

141 5 10

In search of answers for a tragedy, a young woman leaves the only place she ever knew to explore a land known... Altro

Session 1.1: The First Step
Session 1.2: The First Step
Session 1.3: The First Step
Session 1.4: The First Step
Session 2.1: Voyage to Syndramire
Session 2.2: Voyage to Syndramire
Session 2.3: Voyage to Syndramire
Session 2.4: Voyage to Syndramire
Session 2.5: Voyage to Syndramire
Session 3.1: Lendrig's Hollow
Session 3.2: Lendrig's Hollow
Session 3.3: Lendrig's Hollow
Session 3.4: Lendrig's Hollow
Session 4.1: Into Lendrigol
Session 4.2: Into Lendrigol
Session 4.3: Into Lendrigol
Session 4.5: Into Lendrigol
Session 4.6: Into Lendrigol
Session 5.1: Beneath
Session 5.2: Beneath
Session 5.3: Beneath
Session 5.4: Beneath
Session 5.5: Beneath
Session 6.1: Divide and Conquer
Session 6.2: Divide and Conquer
Session 6.3: Divide and Conquer
Session 6.4: Divide and Conquer
Session 7.1: Lord of Abyss
Session 7.2: Lord of Abyss
Session 7.3: Lord of Abyss
Session 7.4: Lord of Abyss
Session 7.5: Lord of Abyss
Session 8.1: Return to the Hollow
Session 8.2: Return to the Hollow
Session 8.3: Return to the Hollow
Session 8.4: Return to the Hollow
Session 8.5: Return to the Hollow
Session 9.1: Before the Deluge
Session 9.2: Before the Deluge
Session 9.3: Before the Deluge
Session 9.4: Before the Deluge
Session 9.5: Before the Deluge
Session 10.1: Battle for the Hollow
Session 10.2: Battle for the Hollow
Session 10.3: Battle for the Hollow
Session 10.4: Battle for the Hollow
Session 10.5: Battle for the Hollow
Session 10.6: Battle for the Hollow
Session 10.7: Battle for the Hollow
Session 11.1: Into the Abyss
Session 11.2: Into the Abyss
Session 11.3: Into the Abyss

Session 4.4: Into Lendrigol

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Da WritersErrant

Chapter IV: The First Day


Final preparations were short.

The party traveled light, so the only key items remaining were rations, the potion, and the compound. In the case things went south, it was decided each member would carry a portion of the supplies. Hamish volunteered to take the bulk, as he was by far the strongest physically and could carry the most with the least trouble.

Selene begrudgingly accepted the added weight. She could not argue with the logic of keeping her own rations, should the party get separated.

By the time the final preparations were complete, dawn arrived.

All was silent on the streets of Lendrigol. The streets were slick with a pale morning dew, and the salted air frigid. Around the tower, there were still parts obscured by low hanging misty tendrils. The omnipresent fog lifted lethargically as the sun rose into the sky. The rising of the mists gave way to a milky haze that obscured the world past a certain distance, making any kind of long distance sight difficult or impossible.

Nearby, no signs of the activity from the night could be seen. It created an odd illusion, as if the events of the night prior never occurred, and were naught but a bad dream.

A nightmare born from mists and shadows.

"Spooky." Selene whispered to herself.

Jezran nodded, "Yes, that's a good word for it. Hopefully it stays like that and the creeps will be all we need to worry about for a while."

"Everyone stay near the center of the street where possible, we want to avoid getting too close to alleys," Argent stated as he strapped an assortment of weapons to holsters across his chest and waist, "Jezran, stand in the center of the group. As our guide, keep focused on the path ahead. We'll need to plan when and where to turn in advance so we don't find ourselves trapped."

Everyone gave their affirmation. Jezran, holding the Orb in his hand, whispered a spell and gazed into a blue light that began emanating from within the magical device.

"We need to go this way," Jezran said, pointing down the street, "It continues straight as far as I can see."

Argent nodded, "Good, let us know if anything changes," he then turned to the party and said, "The rest of you, stay alert. Jezran cannot assist in keeping watch while he's focusing his mana."

"But I can assist if we do run into anything," Jezran said, "I can carry my own weight in a fight, as the need arises."

"We'll need to keep chatter to a minimum," Argent continued, then turned to Selene, "Selene, stay close to me. I don't want you out of my sight."

Selene was about to object, but Argent's commanding presence silenced any protest. She simply nodded.

"Good, let's move everyone!" Argent said, and so began their trek into the ancient ruins.


The rest of the day passed slowly. They moved quickly, always on guard for danger, yet nothing of note occurred.

Selene was not sure if she should be disappointed or happy for the unremarkable first day.

As dusk approached, Argent insisted they look around to find a suitable shelter.

"We'll want a building as secure as the tower for the night," Argent said as the mists around them turned shades of amber, "They will need to be above ground level, preferably second floor, with a single exit we can barricade."

"Won't that be a problem if we get attacked?" Selene asked, confused.

"Yes and no," Argent said as he eyed the nearest buildings, "Yes it will cause us problems if we find ourselves surrounded, but better we have walls around us than be exposed at night, even with Jezran's circle."

"You're thinking we'll really be attacked tonight?" Jezran said, surprised.

"I don't know, but best we prepare all the same, as we'll need time to wake everyone for a fight." Argent reasoned.

They eventually found themselves a room that appeared safe enough for the night meeting Argent's standards. While the city was decrepit and ancient, it seemed the buildings and rooms within were still quite sturdy. Once they found a room within that fit Argent's specifications, they used whatever was on hand to block the entrance, which was mostly broken furniture from the nearby rooms.

As an added measure, Ari cast a spell on it, freezing the wall and barricade solid.

By the time night fell, the room was secured and Jezran's circle was drawn.

For security, the room had no windows or any means to see outside, so it was hard to tell what was going on outside. If one kept quiet, though, you could hear things moving in the rooms beyond, or perhaps something scratch against the floor above or outside the building. Beyond that, it was surprisingly peaceful.

Dinner was swiftly prepared. The party then ate in silence, with bed soon to follow.

Selene sighed, unable to hide her disappointment. Sure, she was frightened of what they might find, but the fact nothing happened today made her fears feel pointless.

Perhaps that is why Hamish, upon finishing his meal, clapped his hands together and declared, "It has been long day, my friends. We have travelled far and were quite blessed to find no misfortune this first day. So before rest I say we celebrate with story."

Argent shrugged, but Ari bounced in her seat.

"Oh we should," she said in excitement, "It would be nice to unwind a little."

"Interesting suggestion," the wizard said, using a dry cloth to clean his beard after eating, "I did add charms to the circle to make us harder to detect, so we don't have to whisper. And it might be fun, listening to a tale of adventure as we sit here, huddled together in this ancient ruin."

Hamish turns to Selene, "What say you, my friend? Do you have a story to share?"

"Well...I suppose I could," Selene said, trying to act nonchalant as a toothy grin spread across her lips, "I have been working on one that might be worth sharing."

Selene sprung from her seat and hovered over the fire. "Our story for tonight begins at the final step of our voyage to Syndramire. Dawn had come, yet the night chill had not left our ship's deck." Selene lowered her voice as her hands rose in the air, like the sun rising overhead, "Even as the sun rose higher into the sky, this chill did not leave us, for we approached that most terrible land, Syndramire."

Dropping her hands, her voice returned to normal but took upon a sorrowful tone, "Alas, as it stretched upon the horizon, we all felt the chill creep into our very bones," She reached an outstretched hand before her, "We grew ever closer, deeper into the maw of the beast, and our hearts dropped as the captain called out."

Deepening her voice, she crossed her arms and closed one eye, taking up a caricature of a sea captain, "Aye, we won't be makin' it to port this day. Lads, gather ye the crew and stow beneath deck. Barricade ye way, lest the night 'orrors that swim in these curs'd waters eat us in our very beds."

With that, Selene rushed to the other side of the fire and spun in the air, landing with a flourish, "We toiled 'til dusk, only making it below deck just before night fell upon the land. Even though we labored tirelessly, we feared the creatures of the dark. That despite our efforts, a beast so great might still find and destroy our readied defenses, leaving us poor souls doomed."

Straightening her back, drawing her shortsword in one hand and resting the other on her hip, she declared, "It was then decided that a brave few might guard the rest. May those brave souls long be remembered."

With a flourish of her sword, she pointed to each member as she called their name, "Noble Argent, Master of the Blade. Wise Arifrenya, Sorceress and Mystic. Brother Hamish the Stalwart, Bravery and Brawn embodied."

Reaching herself, she spun the sword a few more times before plunging it into its sheath, "Last, but not least, the legendary Selene Bryseis, adventurer supreme and teller of tales."

Here, she crouched, looking into the flames, and spoke calmer, slower, "We four bravely held watch all night in shifts. All ready to fight at a moment's notice. The night was long, but we held to our oath. For a long while, all was clear, but that would change."

Using one of her daggers, she poked at the embers, letting the fire die down as she whispered just above the fire's crackle. "It was but a few hours before dawn that we first heard the noise. Something was circling the ship, hitting it every now and then."

Softly, she tapped her dagger against the floor once, "Thump."

Twice, "Thump."

And then stopped for a moment, letting silence settle. Then struck for the third time, "Thump."

Selene rose to her feet, but kept her voice hushed, "It was not long before the circling stopped and the beast came aboard, or that's what I would say if I knew not the truth. You see, a great beast from the darkest depths found us that night, seeking a mighty morsel to sate its accursed hunger. Finding our vessel, it sought a taste, to see if we were worth the effort. It dragged its tongue across our decks in slow, wandering circles, until it found our barricade."

Raising her voice, she slammed her fist into her palm, "Finding opportunity, it slammed into our ship with all its force. Luck was on our side this night, for the barricade held. Twice it tried to break our shield with force great enough to splinter wood and crack bones, but still it did not yield."

Returning to her seat with a thump, she finished by saying, "Finding no crew or tasty meat, the beast retreated. Morning came and we beheld its efforts, cracked doors and boxes, dampened floors and icy fear. A fitting omen for those who travel to Syndramire."

Hamish smiled wide and clapped heartily, "A most wonderful story, Selene! Well done."

Ari shared in the half-orc's enthusiasm, "Definitely, what a fun story!"

"Not bad, but I doubt that was a tongue." Argent said simply, though a smile played on his lips.

"I don't know, maybe Selene is right," Hamish said, chuckling, "Floor was wet where thing travelled on ship, yes? Maybe big fish was taking taste before bite, but didn't like splinters!"

"Perhaps, but anything coming from the water would leave wet marks."

Selene shrugged, "Maybe, but it seemed like the best explanation to me, and it's not like we know anyway."

"The longer I've been here, the more those kinds of stories ring true. This place does not make any sense." Jezran added thoughtfully.

Argent shrugged, accepting defeat before changing the subject, "Looks like it is getting late, shall we prepare for sleep now or would anyone like to tell another story?"

Ari was the first to speak, "I feel like we could do with maybe one more story..."

Hamish and Selene nodded.

"Alright," Jezran said, "Anyone else want to go?"

There was silence for a moment as everyone thought about what story they should share. Meanwhile, Ari whispered to Selene, a hopeful smile on her face, "If you're still up for it, do you think you could maybe share one more?"

Selene thought about it for a moment, then nodded, "Sure," she then said loud enough for the rest to hear, "I can always go for another one! How about this time 'Brog the Earthbreaker?'"

Hamish smiled brightly, "Oh! I know this. Is good story! Can I help tell Selene?"

For a moment, she was reminded of a night long ago, asking her father the same thing. Another time, this might have brought a tear to her eye. This time, Selene only smiled brightly, "Okay! I'll start, then you jump in when you're ready!"

Hamish nodded, and Selene began, "In a time long past, a great wind bore down upon ocean tides..."

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