My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 34

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The night before the first day of school, Mike was doing some work at the hideout while Keith was testing some new tech.

Keith: so Mike you excited about the new school year?

Mike: as a matter of fact I am, there's a lot of things that I look forward to this year.

Keith: really like what?

Mike: for starters the cultural festival, but there's plenty of time for that, also the sports festival...... nevermind.

Keith: and what about your girlfriend Nakanaka?

Mike: -blushing- hey she's not my girlfriend!

Keith: oh~.

Mike: shut the hell up.

Keith: haha sorry I just like teasing you.

Mike: yeah? Well I don't see you dating someone.

Keith: oh I already tried, it didn't wotk out that well.

Mike: wait..... what? Since when?

Keith: I think about a month later after we moved here, we only dated each other for a few weeks. This job is very time consuming.

Mike: ...why am I just hearing about this?

Keith: you didn't ask.

Mike: I.... so who was she?

Keith: she's a stylist, she owns her own beauty salon. Her name's Karisu

Mike: wow... and what happened?

Keith: well things didn't work out so well, I was too busy with work and so was she, we never had time to go out the two of us.

Mike: oh.... I'm sorry about that brother.

Keith: it's okay, it was a mutual break up but I'm glad to have met her.

Wayne: -covered in blood- alright ladies enough chit-chat we've got work to do.

Keith: jeez Wayne you okay? You're bleeding.

Wayne: don't worry mate, it's not mine.

Keith: .......... hey Mike don't you think that Wayne can be a little unhinged sometimes?

Mike: you're just realizing that now?

Wayne: as I was saying, I got a lead on the Red Legion's hideout.

Keith: how did you?

Wayne: I have my ways, but there's still much to do before we can launch an attack.

Mike: where's it located?

Wayne: somewhere in Europe.

Mike: -clenches his fists-

Wayne: Mike focus, I know you want to end this as soon as possible, but there's a process to all of this.

Mike: to hell with it! Let's call Tadano and point him in the direction.

Wayne: no can do, we can't just send Tadano somewhere without the approval if our boss.

Mike: to hell with that! Let's kill those terrorists right now!

Keith: MIKE!

Mike: ......

Keith: I know how you feel, but this isn't something to take lightly, if what Wayne says it's true and the hideout it's there, they'll be armed to the teeth with defense.

Wayne: he's right, we don't what are Tadano's limits but we can't take the chance, he's still a valuable asset for the time being and we can't afford to lose him yet.

Keith: that and because he's our friend.

Wayne: ......right, moving on Keith. I need the hard drive.

Keith: what hard drive?

Wayne: the hard drive that you collected with all the Intel you collected on your mission.

Keith: oh that hard drive.

Wayne: yes, you didn't lose it now did you?

Keith: pfff of course not, I keep it safe on my helmet.

Keith went to look for his helmet, but couldn't find it.

Wayne: ..... you lost it.

Keith: no!........ yes.

Wayne: Keith I swear to god I will burry you and take a piss on your grave.

Keith: wait I know you're angry but I have a back up plans for this.

Wayne: really now?

Mike: actually he does, since he's always misplacing things I planted a chip on his helmet.

Keith: correct, and now Mike can track the location of the helmet and find the hard drive.

Wayne: you better not screw this up Keith.

Keith: I won't.

Mike: well I'll head home early, first day starts tomorrow.

Wayne: alright then.

Itan, the morning of the first day.

Hitohito: -yawns- ( I knew it was a bad idea to stay up late the night before the first day.)

Hitohito and Shouko were already in their assigned seats, he was placed on the seat back and to the right of where Shouko's desk is located. In front of him another girl with long blonde hair wearing a lot of makeup.

Hitohito: ( I wonder how Mike's doing?)

Class 2-3.

Yamai was on her knees crying.

Yamai: noooooooooo why wasn't I the same class as Komi-sama!!!

Mike: great another year in the same class with this wacko.

Yamai: I heard that and it's not great for me either having you in the same class.

Mike: as long as you ease down on the craziness I'll tolerate you.

Yamai: you know that loser Tadano is not going to be here to protect you.

Mike: like I need protection, what are you gonna do stalk me to death?

Yamai: you-

Omoharu: good morning Mike.

Mike: oh Nakanaka-san, good morning.

Omoharu: -pouts- I told you to call me Omoharu.

Mike: (cute.) S-sorry Omoharu, good morning.

Omoharu: looks like we're in the same class, lucky me.

Yamai: hello? I'm not done talking to you!

Mike: so did you catch the latest episode of One Treasure?

Omoharu: yeah and it's just getting better.

Yamai: tch whatever.

She walked away leaving the two of them.

Back to class 2-1 the blonde girl was struggling to make friends, no one has approached her since class started. It was now the fifth period, she spent lunch alone.

She started crying making her makeup run.

Teacher: okay Manbagi can you do the next problem- eh?!! Manbagi are you okay? Class rep! Class rep!

Hitohito: (another year as class rep...) are you okay miss? Do I take you to the infirmary? (I don't know if I should she's a girl and I'm a boy.) Umm Komi-san can you come with me?

Shouko: -nods-

The two of them took Mabagi to the infirmary but halfway through she threw up in the hallway. Hitohito stayed behind to clean the mess and Shouko took her.

Hitohito: -moping the floor- not how I planned the first day to go.

Mike: tell me about it, our homeroom teacher shaved his head and grew a beard to look like that chemistry teacher from the tv show.

Hitohito: Mike. What brings you here.... you're not skipping class right?

Mike: relax I'm just going to the restroom -looks at the vomit- you okay?

Hitohito: hm? Oh this, Shouko and I took a classmate with us to the infirmary but she threw up so I'm cleaning up.

Mike: I see -keeps looking at the vomit- why is it sparkling?

Hitohito: alright go to the bathroom and then head to class.

Mike: aye aye captain... oh by the way.

Hitohito: hm?

Mike: we actually might have a lead on the Red Legion's hideout.

Hitohito: you serious?

Mike: I am, if the information is correct then we can finally put an end to their reign of terror.

Hitohito: wow, that's big news.

Mike: I know, that's why I wanted you to know.

Hitohito: thanks buddy, we'll do justice for the victims of the Red Legion.

Mike: yeah.... I hope so.

Hitohito placed a hand on his shoulder.

Hitohito: now go to class, we'll talk when the time comes.

Mike went to the bathroom quickly and headed back to class.

Hitohito finished cleaning the vomit and went back to class, a few minutes later Shouko came back with Manbagi who was feeling better now and with no makeup on her face.

Half of the class gazed at her beauty before she took a seat, Hitohito doesn't know what happened there, but since he can read the room, he knew that Shouko and Manbagi are now friends.

Time skipping to the end of the first day Hitohito packed his stuff quickly.

Najimi: yo Tadano wanna hang out?

Hitohito: I can't I have work.

Najimi: hmmmm if it's money you need, I know a few ways to make it.

Hitohito: knowing you, it's going to be sketchy.

Najimi: don't worry it's not anything illegal, I just want you to promote my NFT.

Hitohito: me? Out of all people.

Najimi, well not you Hitohito, I mean the other you. If Guardian promotes it my NFT will increase in value and we can split it 70/30.

Hitohito: didn't a lot of people get scammed because of those.

Najimi: well there's always collateral.

Hitohito: pass, I want to earn my money ethically, and Guardian won't promote such a scummy practice.

A/N: Guardian doesn't approve of NFTs.

Hitohito: -looks at his watch- oh man I'm already running late, hey can you handle the paperwork today?

Najimi: sure bestie.

Hitohito: thank you -runs away-.

Najimi: ...... oy Komi-san! Tadano asked if you could do the paperwork.

Shouko: !

Hitohito was already running late for work, so he took his bike and pedal his way to work. He could get quicker if he fly but he doesn't want to risk being caught.

Hitohito: now Tanaka-san will fire me.

Inside the Tokyo Herald at the conference.

Goro: next thing on the agenda is..... ah it appears that an unidentified object crashed down in Tushima I need a reporter to cover the story.

Haruka: I'll go.

Goro: -sighs- I shouldn't be surprised, okay Miura and Yasahiro you will head to Tsushima first thing tomorrow.

Kuze: actually we can head right now, I'm sure we can catch a flight right now.

Haruka: smart.

Goro: then what are you waiting for? On with it.

The couple stood up and headed to the exit when they stumbled upon Hitohito.

Hitohito: sorry I'm late, I had to stay late at school for paperwork.

Goro: understood, make sure it doesn't happen again and take a seat.

Haruka: we'll be off.

Kuze: take care Tadano.

Hitohito: eh? Okay see you then.

Goro: alright moving on, and this is important, I want you guys to get an interview with Guardian.

Coworkers: ...... EEEHH?!

Goro: I know, I know, but if we pull this one off will be having our biggest exclusive in the city, or better yet the whole country.

Employee: but sir no reporter has ever got close to interviewing Guardian, how do you expect us to pull this off?

Goro: use your brains! I'm sure he'll have a few minutes to spare for an interview.

Hitohito: (says who?! I barely have time to watch TV after school and work!)

Goro: and whoever gets me that interview, will receive a 130,000 yen bonus check.

Employees: EEEEEHHH?!

Goro: meeting adjourned, now get back to work!

The conference ended and the workers were now motivated to get that interview.

Goro: Tadano can you wait for a second, I need to talk to you.

Hitohito: oh ummm, sure.

He closed the door after everyone else left.

Hitohito: (why do this feels awkward.) Ummm-

Goro: I never had the chance to thank you.

Hitohito: hm? For what?

Goro: keeping my niece safe, she told me everything and I am glad you were there.

Hitohito: what did she tell you?

Goro: that you were by her side during the hostage situation before Guardian arrived.

Hitohito: (that's not how it happened....) um boss if you allow me-

Goro: wait let me finish, I know I've been hard on you at the beginning, but with this competitive business you need the best of the best....

Hitohito: I understand sir.

Goro: so I've made my decision, how would you like to be a full time employee once you graduate high-school?

Hitohito: ...... eh?

Goro: of course that would mean a salary increase but not by much.

Hitohito: sir I feel honored I really do..... but that's not really what happened.

Goro: what?

Hitohito: you see that night at the gala, I was in the restroom when that happened, once I got out I saw the armed men and immediately hide back..... I sneaked through the window to call the police..... but I left your niece there..... I apologize for that.

Goro: oh..... that's.....well at least she wasn't hurt.

Hitohito: I don't know what else Alice said about me, but I'm just an average student working part-time, I don't have anything special on me. (I can't tell him the truth, but it also doesn't feel right to go with that lie.)

Goro: well that's not entirely true, you have great qualities, and with what happened at the gala, well I couldn't expect you to charge at the criminals and stop them, it's not you're bullet proof or something.

Hitohito: (oddly enough that's how it happened, and I am bulletproof.)

Goro: but you were a gentleman to her and that impressed me, so once again thank you.

Hitohito: -nods- anytime boss.

Goro: well that'll be it, you are dismissed.

Hitohito: yes sir.

Hitohito just sat on his desk writing another article about his school team.

Hitohito: an interview with Guardian......

He gave it a thought, he isn't the type of hero who stops for interviews or gains publicity, but at the same time, he could use the bonus check with the new sibling on the way.

Hitohito: (how would I even interview myself?)... well it's getting late now I'm going home.

Tanaka's office.

Goro: hmmm am I asking too much for my employees?

*ring* *ring* *ring*

Goro: -answers the phone- Hello?..... Youko?! It's been a while....... you what?....... oh I see you need an extra set of hands....... don't worry I know the right guy he's also a high-school student...... I'll let him know Youko take care.

Hitohito: -entering the office- hey boss before I leave for the day is there-

Goro: great timing Tadano! I have a special task for you.

Hitohito: you want me to accompany your niece somewhere?

Goro: actually this is something different, I have a friend who's the chairwoman of a high-school, but she also has a daycare center for the teacher's toddlers.

Hitohito: so you want me to work there?

Goro: just for a week, one of her employees took a PTO so it's gonna be short-staffed. She asked me if I could lend her an extra set of hands, and don't worry you'll be paid for the time you work there.

Hitohito: well I can't say I'll do a good job with that since I don't have experience babysitting, Are you sure you trust me with that?

Goro: of course, after how you treated my niece I recommended you for the job, you're a natural at caring for people.

Hitohito: still I don't know if-

Goro: please Tadano, she lost her son a while back and I promised her that I'll help her in any way I can.

Hitohito: wow..... if she needs help then I'll help Tanaka-san.

Goro: thank you Tadano! You're doing me a solid one here.

Hitohito: you're welcome boss, so what's the school's name?

Goro: oh it's Morinomiya Academy.

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