Favorite Slipup

By Itgworl_

75K 3.2K 330

Her pain comes with a price! More



544 31 1
By Itgworl_

"Walker!" Me and Josh stood up and walked over to her and she stepped to the side and let us in the door. "Good morning."

"Good morning." We spoke in unison.

"Follow me right this way."

She took my weight and heigh.

I was 205, I lost 40 pounds and I didn't even notice. Joshua cooks most of the time and he eats so healthy but it's still so delicious. Plus we do a lot and he actually works out with me.

"You can sit in here, the doctor will be in soon." I nodded and she walked out.

"You looks beautiful baby."

"I lost 42 pounds."

"See I told you, you can work out all you want but if you still eat horribly you won't lose anything." I nodded. "You are just as beautiful with or without the weight." I laughed and covered my face and I heard his soft chuckle.

There was a knock on the door and the doctor walked in.

"Hello, I am Dr. Houey." She waved.

"Amillion but you can call me Amil." She nodded and shook my hand.

"Joshua." They shook hands.

"What bring you into day."

"I might be pregnant. I have severe morning sickness. I am so emotional and I can't control now matter how hard. I hate crying and it feels like that is all I been doing. I been craving so much and I eat way more than before. I went from having no appetite and not being able to eat for two days sometimes. Now I eat- how much?"

"Once every hour maybe, she eats small portions though." She looked at him and nodded.

"And my boobs hurt so much. When I wake up my nose feels so stuffy."

"Yeah, it looks like you have a case of baby." We laughed. "We can do a blood test which are more accurate, then we have the urine test."

"I'll do both."

"Okay so I'll be right back." She excused herself and left.

"You may need to start eating more baby. I need you to make sure you are nourishing yourself and the baby."

"I eat a lot."

"I know baby, but in reality you don't. I just wanna make sure you are taking care of yourself. We can worry about that other shit like the diet and weightloss shit after this."  I nodded. "Eat what you crave and shit like that. I will take care of you." I nodded.

The doctor walked in and se hand me the cup and I did what I had to do and they took the blood. And that took like a half hour.

"I got to throw up." I groaned.

"Um here..." the nurse grabbed a bedpan and I threw up.

"I am sorry." I the wave came of me again and I threw up.

"No you are perfectly fine." She said, I felt Josh's hand rubbed my back.

I continued to throw up.

I pulled my self together and she gave me a small cup of water to rinse my mouth and she put tissue in the bedpan and put on gloves.

"I'll take this." She took it.

"Thank you."

"No problem, just open the door and call me if you feel sick again." I nodded and she walked out.

"That is so embarrassing."

"Why?" Josh rubbed my thighs. " I am pretty sure they go through this all of the time. You are not the first one who had morning sickness, at a morning appointment." I nodded. "Shake it off."

"I am trying."

"Shake it off! Shake it off." He started singing the Taylor swift song  and dancing as I laughed.

"You are so silly." I laughed.

"Daddy's got the moves." The doctor laughed.

"Daddy?" We both ask because she better be saying it the way I think she saying because I will tap that ass.

Yes in the office!

"Yes you are indeed pregnant. I will have my sonographer or obstetric ultrasound technician to help you get a ultrasound to get a specific round up of how many weeks or months you are." I nodded. " I want to put in some prescriptions for you, and I also want to tell you that you stop are low on iron and a few other things but we are testing it now. I know you may not have been expecting all of this coming to the doctors today. But these are things that we have to talk about, you have to take better care of yourself now. Everything you consume or you lack the baby lacks." I nodded.



I am almost 3 months pregnant, how did I not know? I mean at the end I kind of figured that I was pregnant, but I'm almost in my second trimester, and I am just now realizing.

"You hungry." We pulled up to the house.

"I will cook." He laughed. "What? I am serious."

"What will you cook?"

"I don't know."

" or we could just go to your mom's house and you can cook over there, cause I know she wants us over there." 

" I got to tell her I'm pregnant." I laughed and he smiled and walked over to me and kissed me. "I wanna tell Macy first."

"Call her."

"I'll invite her and the girls out for brunch." I shrugged.

"I am so excited." He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. "I can't believe this is real life right now"

"Me either, when I tell you, I was FTN and FTK. I didn't want no man or no baby. Now I'm having a baby by my man. I never really wanted to get married or I never saw this type of life for myself. Now I just wanna experience everything with you."

"You will." 

"You wanna have sex?"

" Well, at least you got an explanation of why your ass been so hot and horny." We laughed.

We slowly made our was upstairs.

" are you saying I wasn't like this before?"

" you were always ready to go, but you weren't as demanding, you were still a little shy, you didn't know how to ask for the dick. You just skipped over that and now you demanding the dick."

"I don't care. Fuck me." I kissed him and he chuckled against my lips.

"We gotta be at you moms by 3."

"Okay, it only 1 something." I shrugged. "And is it really a must?" I kissed him.

"Yes, you know how your mom is."

He laid me back into the bed and his lips hovered over mine.

"How wild we going?" He asked and I laughed.

"Mmm..." I looked up and made a thinking face and he laughed. "How about we just fuck at level one."


"Okay maybe two with a lot of love making." He kissed my lips softly. "No foreplay." He raised his eyebrows.

"No foreplay?" I laughed and shook my head.  "I got to taste the pussy, now or later. At this point, I do it for my pleasure." We laughed.

I kissed him and the kiss became aggressive and sloppy.

"Mmm." I moaned against his lips.

He unbutton my sweater and pull off and he unsnapped my bra from the front.

Good thing I had on some tights because I can't fit any of my jeans anymore. They are either to big or too small.

Pull off my sweats and popped my panties in half.

His kissed travel done the center of my body.

"Fuck me already." I moaned softly band he pulled me to the edge of the he pushed my legs back and I grabbed them and he played at my entrance.

"You want it?"

"Yes baby." I looked up at him. "Please give it to me."

"How much?"

"All of it." He slowly pushed into me and I gasped softly. "Ou shit." I moaned softly.

"This pussy was ready." He laughed devilishly. "Owe..." he grabbed one of my legs and rested it on his shoulder.

He sped up his strokes and he gripped my hips softly.

"Oh shit..." I let go of my legs and grabbed his wrist. "Joshua." I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Nope look at me." I opened my eyes and he glared down at me. "You so fucking sexy."

"Yes baby." I whined. "Oh my fucking- yes."

"Mhm." He bit his lip.


"Take that big dick?"

"Oh fuck. Yes baby." I moaned loudly. "You fucking me right."

"You hear yourself? Listen to how wet that pussy is baby." He spoked softly.

"Yes yes yes." I groaned and he wrapped his hand around my neck.

The feel of his dick touching and rubbing everything inch of my walls. It just felt so right. He found the perfect tempo. It felt so good. He was digging me out.

"Yes." I hissed. "What the fuck?"

"How you feeling baby?"

"So fucking good." I moaned loudly. "What are you doing to me?"

"What you asked of me baby." He bent down and kissed me. "This pussy so good." He lick up my leg and suck my on my toes.

He loved my feet and for the first time getting my toe sucked added to the pleasure. It didn't tickle and it didn't feel weird. Everything he did felt like magic.

"Oh... ba... be..." I gasped. "I am going to come." He slapped my thigh.

"Yeah." He growled.

I could even make a full word. The pleasure became more intense by the thrust.

"Mhm there you go." I couldn't catch my breath no matter how many time I gasped for air and the drop of pleasure came crashing down. "Fuck."

"Ugh." I pushed out and it spreaded through out my body. I felt him flicking his tip back and forth on my clit. "Ugh!" I squealed and I could her the liquid splatter against his floor.

"Look at that." He laughed and kissed me rough.

He flipped me around and I got into positions.

He put his hands on my shoulders and  I reached down and put him at my enterance and he slide into me.

"Mmm." I moaned softly.

He went to work.


"Mommy!" I yelled walking into the house.

"Hey momma." She smiled at me and hugged me.

"Hey mommy." I hugged her. "Why are you so happy?"

"Nothing." She giggled and she stared at me in awe.


"You look exactly like me."

"Oh my gosh, Macy said that." I laughed and she hugged me again.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too mommy." I sighed. "You are gonna make me cry."

"What? Why?" She rubbed my back and it emotions just flowed.

"I don't know, I just love you."

"Baby it is alright." Josh said soothingly.

"I know, I am sorry." She let me go and I hugged Josh and he held me tightly.

"No, baby you are fine." Joshua reassured. "You are fine." He rubbed my back.

"You never cry." My mom sighed and i felt her small hand on my back.

"Today it just a good day." I laughed and just wipe my tears gently. "I am turning in a cry baby." He kissed me.

"Yes you are and you are so beautiful." He kissed me again.

"Okay, I am fine now." They laughed.

"Hey baby girl." My dad walked into the kitchen.

"Hey dad." He ruffled his hand through my hair and I laughed.

"Josh." He greeted Josh with a hug.

"You look just like your mom." He laughed.

"Is it because I wear no make now? Everyone keep saying that." We laughed. "Mommy's hair is curly then mine." I ran my fingers through it.

"You got my hair baby, I told you don't be upset. This the only thing of mine you have."

My hair is thick but it doesn't have real curls like my mom has thick and curly 4c hair and she can do so many style with it and I can't. My mom used to gush over my hair and I never got it. I love her hair and how she put it in a fro. I loved her hair, I used to play in Macy's hair and do so many styles on her. I never really taught myself how to do my own hair. I never wear it out but I really been loving wear it out lately. Just wet it, comb it and let it wave and kink up. My dad's hair is the same way. Me and Lamarcus as his hair and Maddie and Macy has super curly hair like my mom. I remember people used to think I was mixed. Then when I say I am an all black Jamaican breed then they used to say you have Jamaican hair like huh? I baffles me that people really think black women can grown hair. My mom hair is long, she never wears weave, she just styles it, he hair is in the middle of her back with press and that is by choice, she just likes that length.

"Well I have to talk to Alex about Macy baby shower." Josh helped me sit down. "Thank you baby." I kissed him.

"Ew yall too in love for me." Lamarcus walked in and we laughed. "Hey sis." He hugged me.

"Hey buddy."


"Lamarcus." They shot eachother a head nod.

"You got my sister pregnant or something? She been glowing lately." He grabbed open the pot and my mom pushed him back.

"Huh?" I looked at Josh.

"Huh?" He mocked me. "I have had my share of pregnant women." He laughed at his own joke.

"You are so stupid." I laughed. "What makes you say that?"

"The nose spreading, the lips, lighten or the darkens of your skin. Skin clearing up, hair growth, the shinny glowing skin, the beautiful aura around them." He point to me. "You have all that going on."

"Wait are you pregnant?" I looked at Josh.

"Go head baby." He placed his hand on my lower back.

"Yes." My mom instantly lit up.

"Oh my goodness." She squealed.

"Congratulations." My dad dapped up Josh.

"Oh my goodness, you and Macy, I am so happy. I honestly never would've thought that you would have a kid. This is so good! I am glad." She hugged me.

"Please no one tell Macy. I have to tell her. I was supposed to tell her first." They nodded. "I am going to be a mom." I chuckled softly because wow.

This is real.

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