cinema [h.s.]

By inalamood

238K 6.4K 2.2K

CINEMA: noun // The production of movies as an art or industry. Rory Fraser is a 25 year old single mom and a... More

opening sequence.
characters and warnings.
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen.
chapter eighteen.
chapter nineteen.
chapter twenty.
chapter twenty one.
chapter twenty two.
chapter twenty three.
chapter twenty four.
chapter twenty five.
chapter twenty six.
chapter twenty seven.
chapter twenty eight.
chapter twenty nine.
chapter thirty.
chapter thirty two.
chapter thirty three.
chapter thirty four.
chapter thirty five.
chapter thirty six.
chapter thirty seven.
chapter thirty eight.
chapter thirty nine.
chapter forty.
chapter forty one.
chapter forty two.
chapter forty three.
chapter forty four.
chapter forty five.
chapter forty six.
chapter forty seven.
chapter forty eight.
chapter forty nine.
chapter fifty.

chapter thirty one.

4.1K 126 44
By inalamood

⚠️ TW: throwing up!!!!

February 1, 2021.


"Don't shush me!"

"Mommy, you are being loud."

"No, I'm not!"

"Let me sing happy birdday to daddy!"

I open my eyes and chuckle lightly, my throat dry from sleep. "What're you two bickering about?"

"Daddy!" Ivy gasps, snapping her head over to me. "It's your birthday!"

"Is it?" I fake shock, pulling Ivy into bed with me. "I had no idea!"

"You're seven now!" Ivy squeaks, "Older than me and mommy!"

"Twenty seven, Ives." Rory chuckles lightly, correcting her.

I look over at her and my face falls. She seems paler than usual and her eyes are sunken in.

"Are you okay?" I ask, running a hand through Ivy's hair.

"M' fine." She nods, smiling softly. I bite my lip and decide not to pressure her any further.

"Can I sing birdday to you now?" Ivy says, causing me to snap my head back over to her.

I smile and nod. "Knock 'em out little leaf!"

"Happy birdday to you! Happy birdday to you! Happy birdday daddy, happy birdday love you!"

Ivy throws her hands up in the air as she finishes her rendition of Happy Birthday and I can't help it as tears form in my eyes.

"Oh no." Ivy frowns, cupping my face in her hands, "Daddy don't cry. Be happy, not sad!"

"I'm not sad, baby." I sniffle, chuckling lightly. "M' very happy."

"Oh." Ivy giggles, "You like my song then?"

"I love it." I smile, hugging her tightly. "Best birthday song ever."

"Wrote it meself." Ivy says proudly, tapping her chest.

"Ives, why don't you go set the table for daddy's birthday breakfast?" Rory hums. Ivy gasps and hops off the bed, running out of our room without saying another word.

"Happy birthday." Rory smiles softly, kneeling on the bed and placing a sweet kiss on my lips as she hovers over me.

"Thank you baby." I smile, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "You sure you're feeling okay?"

Rory rolls her eyes, patting my thigh, "I'm fine, really. Now up you get, birthday boy! We've got a long day ahead of us."

I groan and toss the covers off of me as best as I can. "Why can't we just lay in bed all day and watch rom-coms?"

"This is your first birthday with us. You're getting your cute little ass out of this bed or no sex for six months." Rory says pointedly at me and I gulp, rushing to get out of bed.

"You're awful." I grumble, looking down at Rory as we stand by the bedroom door. "No sex, really?"

"You love me." She smirks, wrapping her arms around my neck, "And it got you out of bed, didn't it?"

I hum, "I guess it did." I lean down to connect my lips with hers when we're rudely interrupted by a familiar tiny voice.

"Stop snoggin!" Ivy squeaks from the hallway. Rory and I look at each other and furrow our brows.

"Where did she hear that?" Rory whispers, snorting.

"Gemma probably." I mutter, "She's gonna have our kid saying words like fuck and shit."

"What's shit?" I look down at our feet and see Ivy standing there with an innocent look on her face.

I shoot my head over to Rory with wide eyes.

Rory says after a moment, "We can't say that word, okay?"

"But, daddy said it." Ivy frowns, "Why can't I say it?"

"It's an adult word." I explain softly. "Kids don't use that word."

"Oh." Ivy pouts, "Is stupid an adult word?"

"It's not an adult word but it's also not very nice." I point out, "We don't call anyone stupid, okay?"

"Okay, daddy." Ivy nods, "Can we eat now?"

I chuckle and shake my head, moving to the side so Ivy can lead the way. She grabs me by the arm and drags me down the hallway.

As soon as we enter the kitchen I'm met with hundreds of white balloons floating around on the kitchen floor and on the window in front of the dining table there's a lopsided banner that reads "Happy Birthday" obviously written by Ivy.

"Oh my goodness!" I gasp, "Are all these balloons for me?"

"Mhm!" Ivy squeaks, "Mama and me blew 'em up for you!"

"I love it." I gush, "Did you cook me breakfast too?"

"Yeah!" Ivy nods, "Come see!"

Ivy drags me to the kitchen table and throws her hands up in the air before settling them on her hips, "I pesent to you, birdday breakfast!"

I look over and laid out on the table in a line are five plates filled with toast, hash browns, pancakes, fruit and eggs. Each plate has a note over it with sweet little sayings.

"Oh, this is lovely Ives." I smile widely, my eyes cloudy from tears, "Did you help mumma make all of this?"

"I helped with the eggs." Ivy giggles, "I burnted the toast so mama made it!"

"This is already the best birthday ever." I smile, pulling Rory close to me by her waist. "Thank you, baby."

"You're welcome." Rory smiles shyly, leaning into me. "After we eat, we've got to get ready. We're meeting Mila and Drew downtown."

I pull out Ivy and Rory's chairs and help Ivy make her plate, even though Rory insists I sit down and eat since it's supposed to be my special day.

After we finish eating, I reluctantly head back to Rory and I's bedroom to start getting ready for the day.

Rory cleans up the kitchen while Ivy pops all of the balloons floating around the room one by one.

I dig through my side of the closet and throw on a pair of blue shorts, my grey Green Bay Packers sweatshirt, my dark blue adidas and a blue hat to bring the whole outfit together.

Rory and I are steadily running out of room in the closet that's in our bedroom. Our clothes are practically squeezed into it and both of our dressers are nearly full too.

I've spoken to Rory about just moving into my house where I know we'll be safe and have more room but right now she's comfortable staying here and so the topic of discussion has quickly faded out.

Part of me thinks she's scared to make such a big change, which is understandable. Her and I have made some pretty big moves in the almost seven months we've been together that have changed everything.

And it's only a matter of time before things get even crazier. The final day of filming is coming up and after that, I will be heading back into the studio to finish my third studio album.

Most of it is done. I've got a few songs in my notes app that I want to produce and put on the album that has yet to be given a name.

My latest note is a song I wrote based on Rory and I's little lunch date to the sushi restaurant before we started dating.

I remember that day like it was yesterday.

Rory and I had almost kissed the day prior. We were both upset, and after I had gone to her house so we could talk, the two of us went and got lunch and I introduced her to my favorite server.

Jillian has a sweet spot for Rory even though they've only met once. Any time I see Jillian out in public, she asks about Rory and how we're doing.

She nearly cried when I told her about Ivy and how I have taken on the big daddy role.

After I've gotten myself dressed, I spray on some cologne and head back into the living room. Ivy is already dressed and standing by the front door while Rory is no where to be seen.

"Where's mumma?" I ask softly, peaking around the entry way of the living room.

"Bathroom." Ivy responds, "Her tummy is upset."

I frown at that and walk over to the hallway bathroom, knocking on the door lightly.

"Baby, are you okay?" I get no answer. Instead, I hear Rory puking her guts out on the other side of the door.

I knew she looked off this morning. Her face was really pale and her eyes were sunken in. Her voice was also scratchy and she seemed a bit more distant than usual.

I turn the door knob and slowly push the bathroom door open, frowning at the sight in front of me.

Rory is hunched over the toilet, her hair bunched back with one hand while the other keeps her steady over the toilet.

She's coughing and gasping for air and her entire upper body is shaking from the intensity of it all.

I quickly rush to her side, squatting down beside her and taking her hair in my hand, making sure to grab the pieces threatening to fall in front of her face.

"Why are you in here?" Rory manages to get out between gasps. "This is gross."

"I don't care." I state plainly, rubbing her lower back. "Why didn't you tell me you were feeling poorly?"

"I felt fine until I ate." Rory sighs, picking her head up out of the toilet. She wipes her mouth with the back of her sleeve and flushes the toilet.

"You didn't look good this morning either." I state, helping her stand from the bathroom floor. I fill up one of Ivy's gargling cups with water from the sink and hand it to her.

"Wow, thanks." Rory scoffs, taking a small sip. "I was a little nauseous this morning but I thought it was because of the headache I've had."

"I didn't mean it like that and you know it." I sigh. "I'm just worried. You're not feeling well and here I am dragging you out of the house when you should be in bed resting.

"You're being ridiculous." She sighs, finishing off the water. "It's your birthday. Ivy and I have had this day planned for weeks. I'm not about to let a small stomach bug stop me from doing that."

"But-" I go to protest but Rory cuts me off.

"I promise I'm okay." Rory smiles lightly, walking up to me and cupping my face in her hands. "You worry too much."

"You're sick." I pout, putting my hands on her wrists. "I need to take care of you."

Rory narrows her eyes at me, "It's your birthday."

"And you're my girlfriend." I argue. Rory sighs and shakes her head. "Nothing I say to you will change your mind, will it?"

"Nope." She smiles, "I feel better. I think it was something I ate."

"If you feel sick at any point, we're coming home and canceling the party I know you planned." I point my finger at Rory and her jaw drops.

"How did you know about that?" She pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I didn't." I smirk, "But now I do."

"Harry!" She groans, "You ruined the surprise."

"Technically, you did." I chuckle, pinching her hip. "Why don't you start getting cleaned up and I'll keep our little gremlin in the other room entertained."

"Please don't give her candy. She's going to have so much sugar tonight at the party." Rory pleads, pulling off her sweatshirt.

I take a moment to scan over the top part of her naked body and smile. She has the body of a temple.

A temple in which I've explored every inch of.

She's the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on and I can't believe she's for my eyes and my eyes only.

"Eyes up here, birthday boy." Rory's voice snaps me out of my thoughts and I can almost feel my cheeks turning red from embarrassment.

"Sorry." I clear my throat and turn to look away from her. We've been together for several months and I still find myself getting shy around her when she catches me admiring her.

"You stare an awful lot, you know that." Rory giggles, jumping around the bathroom as she slides on a pair of workout leggings.

"I can't help it." I bite my lip to contain a smile and lean against the doorway of the bathroom, "You're just so beautiful."

"Go tend to our child!" Rory rolls her eyes and pushes me off the doorway, "Shoo now!"

I take one last look at her before turning on my heels and walking away. I head back into the living room and find Ivy quietly playing with her dolls.

"Hey bugger." I smile, "Mind if I join you?"

Ivy's eyes light up and she shakes her head, patting the spot next to her on the floor.

"Is mama okay?" Ivy asks softly, handing me her favorite Elsa doll.

"She's okay." I nod, "Remember when you were sick? And your tummy was hurting you?"

"Yeah." Ivy sighs, "My tummy hurted and I threw up on mama's floor."

"You did." I chuckle lightly, slightly grimacing at the reminder. That day was awful. I've never seen Ivy so calm. I'm used to her bouncing off the walls and wanting to learn new things.

"You came over and cuddled me and then I feel better." Ivy smiles, "We should give mama cuddles."

"Yeah?" I smile, feeling a bit proud that my daughter is so kind and thoughtful. She definitely gets it from her mother.

They're the exact same person. Ivy's just shorter and younger.

"Mhm!" Ivy nods, "After your birdday though."

I laugh at that and run a hand through Ivy's hair. She's slowly starting to grow out of her bow phase which is absolutely heart breaking.

I've loved putting bows in her hair and finding new ones in the shops that she doesn't have.

Sometimes, I think I'm meant to be a girl dad and I'm perfectly fine with that.

I can't wait for the day Rory and I have kids and I can finally show her the baby Gucci sweater I bought a few months ago.

I've still got it hidden in the bottom of my closet at my house. That way I know she won't find it until I'm ready to show her it.

Rory appears in the doorway a few moments later and both Ivy and I's heads shoot up with wide smiles on our faces.

She looks so much better. Maybe it was something she ate. Then again, we all eat the same thing every night and Ivy and I haven't gotten sick.

I scan my eyes over my her body and smile. She's wearing a white tank top, black leggings and my socks, along with my shoes which I have no clue how they fit her but they do.

"Ready to go, birthday boy?" Rory smiles, her phone in hand. I nod and hop off the floor, pulling Ivy up along with me as she giggles.

I get Ivy out to the car and into her seat before sliding into passenger seat of my Range Rover. Rory insisted she drive and I be the quote on quote "passenger princess." for the day.

I won't lie, it's quite weird. I'm used to being in the captain seat with my left hand on the wheel and my right hand firmly on Rory's thigh.

This time though, my left hand sits on Rory's thigh while she drives and I prop my other one up on the door, tapping it lightly as music quietly flows through out the car.

"Where are you two taking me?" I ask, realizing the route Rory is taking is a route I've never used before.

"You'll see." Rory smirks, turning onto Sunset boulevard. She finds a parking spot and puts the car in park, turning in her seat to look at Ivy.

"What do you say Ives? Should we take daddy to the first place on our list?" Ivy nods excitedly and unbuckles herself from her seat, climbing on top of the middle console.

"It's daddy's day!" Ivy shouts excitedly as Rory steps out the car. I unbuckle and open my door, sliding out the passenger seat and helping Ivy out of the car.

Me and Rory both take one of Ivy's hands as we walk down the sidewalk. I'm still confused as to where they could be taking me. There's so many places out here that I love and adore.

After a few minutes of walking, we stop in front of a giant arch that reads DREAM GARDEN.

My breath hitches and I look over at Rory with wide eyes. "You brought me to a plant nursery?"

"Mhm." Rory smiles, "I know how much you love plants."

"It's only ten am. You're not supposed to make me cry." I huff, blinking away the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me in a while. I'm not one to ask for things, solely because I can buy it myself.

When it comes to birthdays, I usually get jewelry or things for my house. Both of which are items I love and adore, but when it comes to gifts, I prefer the actual doing of something rather than the gift giving.

"They're happy tears, mommy. Don't worry." Ivy reassures Rory and I let out a wet laugh.

"They are happy tears." I confirm, nodding towards the worker as she lets us through.

We walk through the garden and I explain to both Rory and I the history of certain plants, one specifically being the String of Hearts which is a plant where the leaves look like hearts and the vines are spilling out the top of the plant, overflowing onto the ground beneath them.

Once we've made our way through the garden, we leave and attempt to find a restaurant. After walking around for a few minutes, we eventually stop at a little drive in cafe called Cafe '82.

There, I order a salad while Rory gets Chicken Salad Sandwich and Ivy gets Chicken tenders.

After we finish eating, Rory rushes to pay before her and Ivy drag me out of the restaurant, quickly thanking the employees as I stumble out the front door.

"Are we on a time crunch? I feel like I'm running a marathon!" I joke, grasping Ivy's hand tightly as we stop at a cross walk.

"Yes." Rory replies, smiling smugly, "We have to go home and start getting ready."

"What time is this said surprise party?" my brows furrow and I look down at my apple watch. "It's one o'clock right now."

"Five." Is all Rory says, nodding towards the cross walk sign that now has a green man walking, signaling it's okay for us to cross.

We make our way back to the car. On the way there, I stop and take a few pictures with fans, making sure Ivy's face isn't showing in the background of any of them.

It's pretty much known that Rory and I are dating. I haven't confirmed anything, solely because I don't need to. It's my personal life and it's my personal business. No one else's.

Ivy falls asleep on the car ride home. I get her out of the car and into her bed and then me and Rory head into our bedroom to take a shower.

Rory makes the water extra hot and I find myself wincing as I step in. I don't know how women can take scolding hot showers. I feel like my skin is melting off of my body.

I wrap my arms around her waist from behind as she stands under the shower head, letting the steaming hot water run down her face.

"I love you." I hum into her shoulder, traveling my hands up towards her breasts. I cup them both in my hands and squeeze them lightly.

Rory let's put a loud wince and rips my hands off her breasts before turning to look at me.

I stand there wide eyed. Did I hurt her? I didn't think I was squeezing them that hard. I know how sensitive her boobs can get, especially when she's on her period.

"Did I hurt you? Shit- I'm sorry." I ramble on and Rory cups my face in her hands.

"No, baby." She shakes her head. "They're just really sensitive right now, more than usual."

"Are you sure?" I gulp. I can feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes and take a deep breath. "I-I didn't think I was squeezing them that hard."

"You weren't." Rory sighs, "They just hurt really bad today. I'm supposed to start my period any day now. You didn't hurt me."

"Promise?" I plead, "I never want to hurt you like that. Even on accident."

"I promise." She smiles, rubbing her thumb along my jaw. "I'm fine, baby."

"Can I wash your hair?" I smile lightly, trailing a finger down her arm. "As an, 'I'm sorry for squeezing your boobies too hard' apology."

"Did you just say boobies?" Rory snorts, handing my her shampoo. "And yes, you may."

"Breasts seems too proper for this moment." I pout, "And boobies is a funny word. I like funny words."

"You're a child." Rory points out, leaning her head back, "Massage me, Styles."

"That sounds dirty."

"Maybe it was supposed to be."

"Fuck." I groan, running my shampoo covered hands through her hair.

"Getting worked up, are we?" Rory turns to face me and hooks her arms around my neck.

Her faces inches towards mine and for a moment I think we're about to have a full blown naked make-out session in the shower with soap running down both our faces, but she stops right as our lips begin to touch.

"We can't have sex because little ears but we can do other stuff." She whispers. I gulp and look her in the eyes. "Tell me what you want, birthday boy. A birthday blowy? or do you want to eat me out."

I stand there and try my best to process the words coming out of Rory's mouth. "I-I want your mouth." I finally say after a moment.

Rory smirks and pushes me against the shower wall.

"Get ready for the best birthday blowjob you've ever had in your life."

ꕤ ꕤ ꕤ

"You have to close your eyes." Rory huffs, turning onto a dark street.

"Why!" I whine, throwing my head back against the head rest. "I already know about the party. Why can't I know the place?"

"It's a surprise, daddy." Ivy says from the backseat. I sigh and cover my eyes with my hands.

"No peeking." Rory warns. I feel the car come to a stop and puff my lips out.

"Can I look now?"

"Nope." Ivy giggles. I hear both the drivers side door and back left door open and shut, making me assume I've been left in the car alone.

My door opens seconds later, and it takes everything in me not to uncover my eyes and snap my head over to the sudden gust of cool air.

"I'm going to help you out of the car and then we're going to walk a few steps." Rory explains. I nod and squeeze my eyes shut, holding out my hands for Rory to take.

I slip out the car and my shoes immediately hit hard pavement. Rory pulls me away from the car before shutting the passenger side door.

I follow closely behind Rory as she drags me a few meters, trying not to fall. I'm in an all off white suit. The only part of my outfit that's not off white are my pink glasses and my hand bag.

After a few minutes of walking, I heard a door open and then I'm being led into a very loud place.

I feel Rory place her hands on my shoulders and stop, my shoes letting out a loud squeak as they slide across what I'm assuming is tile flooring.

"You can open your eyes now, daddy!" Ivy says excitedly. I open my eyes and am immediately met with steamers, balloons and a big sign that says HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY.

I look around the room and see so many familiar faces. My mum and sister are here, along with my band, managers, Rory's mom, Florence, Gemma, Chris and even Niall.

"Oh my god." I laugh lightly and turn to look at Rory. "You did all of this?"

"Mhm." Rory nods, "Jeff helped with some of it. But yeah, I did."

"Holy shit." I curse, engulfing her in my arms, "I love you so fucking much."

"I love you too baby." She whispers. I look at her and kiss her harshly before pulling away.

"How long have you been planning this?" I smile, rubbing my thumbs along her hips.

This had to of taken weeks for her to plan.

"Three weeks give or take." She shrugs. "Ivy was the one who suggested it. So all props should go to her really."

I look down at Ivy and smile, leaning down and picking her up with one arms.

"You planned daddy a surprise party?"

"Yeah!" Ivy giggles, "I seen someone on tv do it and wanted to do it for you."

"That's very sweet, little leaf." I smile, kissing her head. "This is the best birthday ever."

I take Ivy and Rory around to introduce them to anyone that hadn't met yet before spotting Drew in the crowd, talking to Pauli.

"Drew!" I cheer, "You made it!"

"I wouldn't miss your party for the world, white chocolate." He pats me on the back, "How have you been?"

"Really good." I smile, "Really happy."

"That's great, man. Pauli was just telling me about tour. You're going back in September?"

"Yeah." I nod, "Just for three months. If you want to come to any of the shows just let me know and I'll get you on the list with Ivy and Ro."

"They're going with you?" Drew looks at me in shock and I furrow my brows.

"Of course." I nod, "I've already spoken to Rory about it. She's been thinking of taking Ivy out of preschool to travel and tour would be the perfect opportunity for her to see parts of the world she hasn't."

"Well shit!" Drew laughs, "Maybe I'll quit my job and follow y'all along."

"You're more than welcome too."

I talk with Drew and Pauli for a bit longer before excusing myself. I haven't seen Rory at all since we first got here and I'm beginning to get worried.

She wasn't feeling well this morning and now she's nowhere to be seen.

I walk around the club for a while and I finally spot her and Mila talking in a secluded corner. I walk over just as Rory is shoving something into her bag and smile lightly.

"Are you okay?" Rory jumps and turns to face me, her eyes wide like a deer in headlights.

"I'm fine." She rushes out. "Mila and I were just discussing.... something."

"Something?" I frown, "Did you get sick again?"

"What?" She furrows her brows, "No! I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" I narrow my eyes at her and she nods, smiling lightly.

"I'm sure." She walks away from Mila and takes my hand. "It's time for everyone to sing happy birthday to you."

"Rory-" I start, but she shakes her head and cuts me off.

"Baby, I'm okay." She says softly. "It's nothing to stress over, I promise."

"You'd tell me if there was anything wrong, right?" I can't help but get a bad feeling about all of this.

"Of course." Rory frowns, "I love you."

"I love you too." I whisper.

Rory pulls me to the center of the room and walks off to the back of the club with Jeff. They come back a few moments later with a giant cake.

Rory lights all of the candles and prompts everyone around me to start singing happy birthday.

I pick Ivy up and let her help me blow out my candles, hugging her tightly as she says "Happy birdday daddy!" into my ear.

"Hey H, can you put Ivy down for a mo?" Rory smirks and I know exactly what's coming.

I hand Ivy off to my mum and close my eyes in preparation as Rory pushes me closer to the cake, eventually shoving my face into it.

Icing coats my hair, lashes and ears. I pull my face out of the cake and smirk, rushing to grab Rory before she can run away.

"Oh no you don't." I laugh. I cup her face in my hands and smash our lips together.

When we pull apart, icing is smeared on her face and pieces of her hair has white specks in it.

"Happy birthday to me."

ꕤ ꕤ ꕤ

I feel like I apologize every time I take awhile to update, but here I am once again saying I'm sorry for the delay.

I HATE this chapter 🤣🤣

Big things are coming soon.

Any guesses?

Get ready.

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