my darling violet

By busy_reading07

512K 10.1K 1.1K

violet jones grew up around people that she feared. one day she got thrown a massive curve ball, her whole li... More

little info
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Character 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Author's question
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102

Chapter 45

3.9K 90 25
By busy_reading07

Violet's pov

Much to my enjoyment we got home within 3 minutes. As soon as the cars stopped everyone got out of their cars, with Alonzo standing on my side of the car with the door open waiting for me. Getting out of the car I look around to see everyone walking ahead of us, all of them almost having steam coming out of their ears.

Stopping to walk beside me, Matias looks at me and we just stare at each other knowing what is about to go down when we walk through the front door. Getting inside all of my family is there, hell even three people I don't know are here. This is a little excessive for just a fight but hey that's just a maybe sane person's opinion.

Walking into the living room all of the attention goes to me. Matias and I walk over to the couch that is away from everyone else knowing that's exactly where I am suppose to go. The minute I sit down and actually get comfortable Alessandro clears his throat drawing most of the attention to him.

"why was Alexander Karlsson talking to you today" Alessandro says with a frown. I look down thinking of the way I tell them

"um because he was fighting in my class and I was the one to get him off the other guy" honestly this is going to be a shit show, there is no way that they aren't going to find out that we were friends

"why did you do that?" he asks after taking in what I said

"Because he was attacking the guy that I was talking to" at this point I'm just trying to prolong the big boom that's coming

"and why would he do that, who was the guy you were talking to" you could tell that Alessandro knew I was stalling at this point so he was gradually getting a little more frustrated which was making him angry

"um because the guy that was talking to me was bothering me and I have no idea what his name was but I think he is the captain of the lacrosse team"

"you mean Chris, what the hell was Chris doing" Xander interrupts

"I have no idea what his name was, he was too busy talking about you guys to tell me his name, I did, however, get the head cheerleader's name that was also bothering me" I mumble the last part knowing it wasn't important

"what the hell did he say to you, I swear I'm going to kill him" Xander is getting really angry now

"Don't worry Olivia was just asking me to be on the cheer team and the guy agreed with me that I am not joining but he made the comment that you guys would never let me because then all of the guys would want to sleep with me more and then he tried to make a move on me. It's fine though he didn't do anything"

"I'm going to kill him, I want to kill him so bad" Xavier says now looking as angry as Xander. The rest of the guys look mad but not as mad as them, hell even Matias looks as mad as the twins

"Why did Alexander attack him" Alessandro says getting back onto topic

"... because the jock was bothering me" I mumble not looking up, just looking at the carpet

"And why would Alexander Karlsson care about someone bothering you" Alessandro keeps pushing

"because he has been mildly stalking me for almost the past two weeks" I say in almost a whisper

"why the hell is he doing that!" I was startled when the voice that almost yelled was coming from right next to me, crap Matias doesn't know about it, I haven't had time to because everyone was around

We all look at him, everyone except me was looking at Matias with confused expressions because no one but him heard what I said. I look at him with a little bit of concern, I have no idea what he was going to do or hell even what he thinks.

"What did she say, what happened" Francesco says with panic. Matias just looks at him not saying anything so Leonardo turns to me

"What did you say, why did he freak out" knowing that it's going to happen sooner or later so I just decide to get this over with

"Alex was mildly stalking me for almost the past two weeks" I say with a sigh

"ALEX, why are you calling him Alex" Nicolo yells, scaring me a little bit soi sink more into my seat after jumping a little

"why haven't you told us he was doing that" Matthew say gently, he must have seen me jump a little

"Violet, please explain this" Alessandro tries to say gently too but he was a little forceful

"I call him Alex because we were friends before I knew who he was, as soon as I found out who he was I stopped talking to him because I knew you guys would frown upon it. And he was stalking me because he wanted to know if I was okay and apparently he misses me" I explain totally giving up

"How did you find out who he was" Alessandro asks

"Matias told me when he saw me talking to him" I'm only half lying and I'm only doing that because Matias was just being a good friend I don't want him to get yelled at

"why didn't you tell anyone that violet was talking to Alexander" Alessandro now looks to Matias

"I didn't think it was necessary, she stopped talking to him immediately and I thought he would leave her alone" Matias shrugs seemingly not bothered by everyone's eyes on him

"you should have told us still, even if you thought nothing was going to happen. Even if he was dying you still should have told us" Massimo now jumps into the conversation

"guys it's fine, Alex didn't do anything, we were friends and now we don't talk to each other and I told him to leave me alone today, so he won't be bothering me again. And also for your information the jock guy Chris or whatever his name is, I am pretty sure he is in the hospital half dead so there is no need to go after him" I exclaim trying to just wrap this up

"Also why couldn't we have done this after school, I mean there are only six classes a day and you grabbed me before I could go to the two of them that I actually like" I huff finally getting everything off my mind

"I understand that you told him to stop stalking you but we are still going to be more protective of you, we will have people in the school at all times and I want at least one of the boys to be with you at all times. I am glad that you stopped being friends with him when you found out who he was, but I want to make sure that you didn't tell him anything or show him anything that might be important. We are leaving this Chris guy alone, he was only doing normal teenage boy things and unless he actually did something to violet then we will do something about it. Now violet I am sorry that we forced you to skip the two lessons that you actually like but when something like this happens, when you have a lengthy conversation with the enemy we act immediately and this just happened to be a good time when everyone didn't have any pressing things" Alessandro says this long ass speech looking at the boys when talking about Chris

"Now that that's out of the way who the hell are these guys" I say pointing to the three people just standing off to the side

"they are our friends, they work in the mafia for us and they are going to be in school replacing two of your teachers and then one of them will be the principal, that way we can make sure you're safe" Elijah says looking over to the three of them before looking at me

"This is Niall, he will be your teacher for geography" Andrea says pointing to the guy standing in the middle with curly blonde hair and blue eyes

"yeah about that I'm moving into Sarah's geography class. Before you say anything if I move I will not be in the same class as Alex and Sarah needs someone to be in her class" I talk kind of fast

"That's... fine, I think it will be good to get more space from him, we'll just move Liam to your new class" Alessandro says after a pause

"This is Louis, he will be your English teacher" Andrea points to the guy on the right who has blonde hair, he is well built but they all are. I am sure that the girls will have a field day when they see all three of them in school

"and this one is Zayn, he will be the principal. They are all starting in two days" Andrea slaps Zayn on the shoulder obviously being closest to him. Zayn has black hair with big brown eyes

"why does it have to be good-looking guys, the girls in school are going to go crazy when they see them" I exclaimed looking at the three of them

"hey we can't help that we are good looking" Louis says with a smirk. I can tell he is the one that jokes a lot

"Hey, they are the same age as us I don't want anything happening" Massimo points between the three guys and me

"what they are good-looking doesn't mean I want to do anything with them. You guys are good-looking too but just because I say it doesn't mean anything" I say looking back to Massimo

"Okay well, we are just warning you and also the guys. Sister, okay we don't do anything with her except keep her safe" Lorenzo says gently towards me but then turns the three guys pointing at me with a stern face like he is telling off his kids

"Okay, can I go upstairs now since you kind of rudely pulled me out of school" I ask looking over to everyone who was at school

"yeah sure but letting you know now you aren't going to school tomorrow. I don't want you to go to school without Zayn, Niall and Louis there to keep you safe" Alessandro explains a little forcefully

With that, I wave goodbye to everyone and head upstairs to go to the library. I still can't believe that they haven't found me in the library, I suppose it's because they don't go in there or if they do check they just check when I am not in there. 

. ☾ . 

omg, I am so sorry this is so late I completely forgot that today was Monday

also thank you to everyone who has been voting, commenting and also adding this to their reading lists. idk why but when I see that someone has added it to a reading list it makes me so happy. 

as always vote and comment, it really helps other people find this 

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