Just Ask Me To

By Harperaus

5.6K 75 17

Louis has a brain wave but needs the other boys to agree. He hasn't seen any of them for years... he hasn't e... More

I Let


110 1 0
By Harperaus

'Good morning Mr Tomlinson. Oh Mr Styles! Hello, we haven't seen you around here for a long time, how lovely to see you.'

Louis smiled 'Hello Evie. I don't know how many times I can tell you to call me Louis. We're here for the meeting, do you know if they're ready for us?'

Harry stood slightly behind Louis and didn't respond the Evie when she spoke to him, instead just sending a small smile her way. He had been nervous all morning and had even been sick before they had left the farm. They had finished recording the songs last night and it had been a joyous evening of the five men simply enjoying each others company and reliving old times. That feeling of love and happiness had evaporated the second they had walked into this building. The last time they had been here had been the start of the end for him and Louis. Harry trusted Louis and knew that he had every intention of staying with him but he wasn't naïve, he knew how this could go. There was every chance Harry would lose Louis again today.

Louis was feeling just as anxious but had no intention of showing that to Harry. It was his fault, his weakness that had caused their breakup last time and no matter what happened here today he would be walking out of this building hand in hand with Harry. He gently placed his hand on the small of Harry's back to lead him to the elevators. Once they were inside and on their own Louis crowed into Harry's space.

'Look at me Haz.'

Harry looked at Louis, his eyes were filled with fear and apprehension.

'Trust me love, I'm not a child this time. I won't leave you.'

Harry nodded at Louis and mustered up a small smile just as the doors opened. They were met with Louis' management team, every single one of them had a look of shock on their faces.

'Louis good to see you, we didn't realise Harry would be with you.'

Louis shook every one's hand and Harry followed suit.

Daniel looked between Louis and Harry. 'Well shall we go into the board room and get into this meeting? Harry, if you don't mind waiting here I'll get Evie to come up with a coffee for you.'

Harry's eyes flicked to Louis' he looked so sad, it was almost a repeat of what happened all those years ago. Louis took a step closer to Harry and took his hand.

'No, Harry will be coming into the meeting. This concerns him too.'

Daniel tried to hide his annoyance. 'Fine, come on in.'

Once they were settled, Harry and Louis sitting side by side still holding hands Daniel turned to them. 'Well Louis, you asked for this meeting and while I can guess what it's about, how about you fill us in?'

Louis smiled at Harry and then met each person in the rooms eyes. 'Harry and I are back together and I will not hide that fact this time. I've asked for this meeting to see if we can get on the same page about how to move forward.'

'Louis, lets be realistic... this, you and Harry, it's not good for your brand. Your fans don't want to think that you're with Harry. They want to think that you're available and at any moment could fall in love with them.'

'With all due respect Daniel, that's bullshit. You've made me have girlfriends over the years so how is this any different, other than being real? Be honest, you don't have a problem with me being in a relationship you have a problem with me being gay.'

'Look, Louis, Harry, I don't have a problem with you being gay, not even a bit but it will impact on your career. You will lose fans. Harry, what do your management have to say?'

Louis gave Harry's hand a squeeze and nodded gently, encouraging him to speak.

'Since I left your management I haven't hidden the fact that I'm bisexual. My management couldn't care less and neither do my fans. If I lost anyone along the way because of my sexual orientation then they are not missed, wanted or needed.'

Daniel rubbed a hand over his face. 'Look, I can see that it's worked ok for you but it wont be like that for Louis. He has a certain image to uphold. He can flounce about like you do and still expect to keep his fans.'

Harry could feel Louis tensing and the colour rising on his neck. 'Daniel, that sounded very much like you were insulting Harry and I'm telling you now that if you do that again or even come close to it, you and I are going to have a problem. Am I being clear? Do you understand what I'm saying?'

Harry rubbed Louis' leg under the table to try to calm him down. As much as he loved the fact that Louis was defending him and was slightly turned on by it to be honest, he knew that Louis losing his temper and punching Daniel was not the way to get what they wanted.

'Alright, lets not bullshit each other here Louis, what do you want? How do you see this going?'

'I want to live my life with Harry and I want you to support that. If you don't I'll find new management.'

Daniel smiled at Louis, it was the fakest smile he'd ever seen. 'Louis, do I need to remind you that we have a contract?'

Louis matched his fake smile. 'No Daniel, I'm very aware of the contract, I'm prepared to enact the buy out clause and pay my way out of it. Let me break it down and be very very clear, you have a couple of choices. You can pull your heads out of your arses and remember that you work for me, I don't work for you. You can continue to work for me under my direction and you can keep raking in the money that you make from me and my music or I can buy out my contract and we can part ways, today. I'm not spending another day with management that don't support every aspect of who I am.'

The room was deathly silent, you could almost here the management teams brains trying to process what was happening. Eventually Daniel collected himself.

'Okay, we hear you. Let us have a discussion, make some damage control plans and get back to you.'

'If you want to stay with me, there will be no damage control. Harry isn't some problem to be handled, he's my partner. I wont be waiting for you to get back to me either. You've got however long it takes Evie to show me photos of her kids, then I'm walking. Come on Harry, lets go chat with Evie.'

With that they got up and walked hand in hand from the room. They stood at Evie's desk cooing and oohing over her children until Daniel walked out of the meeting room and asked them to re join them in the meeting.

'Look, Louis, Harry, we really don't think this is the best for your careers. Why can't you just keep being together quiet?'

Louis sighed and stood up from his seat putting his arm around Harry's waist. 'We're not doing that again. I wont hide the fact that I'm in love with Harry. The buy out clause is Three Million, you'll have it by the close of business. We're done here.'

Louis and Harry walked from the office for the very last time arm in arm. They said their goodbyes to Evie, Louis telling her that she was too good for this company and if she ever wanted a new challenge to give him and call and he'd find a place for her.

As soon as they got to the car Harry pushed Louis up against it and kissed him. 'Fuck Lou, you were so bossy and sexy in there. Take me home and be bossy and sexy with me.'

Louis laughed and kissed Harry again. 'Whatever you want my love.'

'I just want you.'

'You've got me forever.'

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