Young Justice x OC Book 2

By ArtiSmarti26

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As new challenges arise Tomika's relationships are questioned and put to the test. New adversaries come to li... More

Chapter 1: a lot of catching up to do
Chapter 2: So I can't go toe to toe with Superboy anymore
Chapter 3: Intervention
Chapter 4: Girls Trip
Chapter 5: Weird Energy "Impulse"
Chapter 6: it all went so wrong, so fast
Chapter 7: My Magic needs some major work.
Chalter 8: Yeah Kaldurs going to hear about this later...
Chapter 9: Invasion Prevention
Chapter 10: The term Cornered Animal, really didn't register did it?
Chapter 11: Stop Calling me Ma!
Chapter 12: To help Kaldur I have to help myself
Chapter 14: You can heal a stab wound but can't fight an infection??
Chapter 15: Free Jaime!!
Chapter 16: Finally Over
Chapter 17: Are you kidding me?
Chapter 18: Interlude

Chapter 13: Thats no Moon

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By ArtiSmarti26

(Don't think of contents of this chapter as DID it's more like possession with permission)

Red Volcano proved to be a pain in my butt no matter where he came from or what he was doing. Blue Beetle and teens metas made the situation a non issue before I could get there. Something was off all I had to do when I got there was tell the press I at the moment had no plan to join the League, now that was a thought.

I was a little agitated being out of the loop with the senior members of the team, I was feeling restrained. Nightwing disappeared on me while I had a panic attack, and the issue was not that I had a panic attack. He's always had an issue accepting the consequences for his actions.

I was picking up Ben from soccer practice the sun was setting and I was a little busy driving. "My friends think I'm weird cause I mom and dad won't let me drink Reach". He told me. "How bad is it really"?

"Do not drink it pal the Justice League won't go in a mile of the stuff". I told him. "If anyone gives you an issue with it just tell them you've got a weird allergy. Trust me tell someone something makes you crap your pants you have an excuse for life"! I told him.

"Yeah that makes sense". He chuckled and we road listening to music. "Did I hit my head at practice? You see the second moon too, right"? He asked and I really didn't hear him at first.

"Not really since I'm looking at the road". I told him as we pulled up to a red light.

"Tomika look at the sky"! He shouted and I looked over.

"Holy Toledo". I gasped. "Ben get my phone and call Conner". I told him and he grabbed my phone before the car behind me started honking the light was green.

"Tomika, we're both seeing this right"? Conner asked. "I'm watching the news right now".

"I'm driving, but yeah are we being called in"? I asked.

"I don't know but I'm not waiting to find out, I'm calling Nightwing. Make your way to the warehouse and drive safe". He said before hanging up.

"That's no moon". Ben chuckled and I rolled my eyes. "Y'know? Star Wars"? He chuckled trying to diffuse my worry. We pulled up at home and I let him out.

"Inside, lock the doors keep Antonia away from the news until I give the all clear". I told him through the rolled down window. I drove back to my apartment and flew straight off to Bludhaven. "The heck is that thing"? I asked walking into the warehouse.

"No clue, open to ideas though". Garfield told me.

Conner came in and started typing away. "Nightwing said stay tuned for briefing while they figure out just what exactly it is".

After a few hours it became clear Mongul and the War world did not come in peace, if the Reach were here that meant no attempt at negotiations only destruction. We stood by on Bio Ship. Prepared for his response. The Leaguers deployed when negotiations failed and the giant laser came out.

"Totally the Death Star". I said watching it in a little bit of Awe.

"Go time Bolt". Arsenal told me. We were able to bypass security and walk right on the War World.

"Alpha to watchtower. Green Beetle's schematics are on the money at least so far. No commander the threat ends". Super Boy confirmed with Nightwing.

"The war world knows we're here"! Blue Beetle warned us as the drones descended upon us. My lightning took them out enmass. More were coming until Arsenal fired a missile and nearly took out Super Boy.

"A little warning might have been nice"! Super Boy told him.

"Take cover". Arsenal snarked.

"Come on guys almost there"! I told them reading the map. We entered this command room and saw our threat.

"He is a big one". Arsenal commented.

"This is their attack force? I'm insulted". Mongul told us.

"Learn to cope". Super boy said leading our attack.

It became really clear, this guy was practically unmatched. Practically. "The novelty of this encounter has nearly warn off". He said throwing wolf into Wonder Girl. He was taking us down a leg for sure until he sat back in his chair. I stayed on the floor trying to regain my energy. I felt a pull.

"No". I gasped sitting up. I looked back and saw it was only Cassie trying to pull me over to her. "Are you alright"? I asked sliding over to her and she nodded.

"Bolt, we might need you know, her".  Super Boy told me.

"That takes some negotiating". I told him and got to my feet. "Fulmine. I need your help". "Do you now"? "Yes we're getting creamed here". "Any stipulations I should know of"? "No killing don't destroy the Earth or War World in the process. Hurt my friends you'll never see the light of day again". I told her and closed my eyes. Into the pin I went.

(Switching to Fulmine's perspective)

"Fulmine has intervened". I said flying into the air. The behemoth lit up like a Christmas tree. But it was not my lightning. "How fun". I smirked shooting lightning at him myself. He stood up and stumbled away.

"He's rocked take him"! Super Boy ordered. They charged him and I watched, Tomika is the up close and personal type I prefer long range. Their hits took him down and then he was hog tied.

"Order has been restored". I rolled back into the pin and Tomika came forward. I thought it was Tomika until she was still in my room.

"What's happening"? She asked.

(Switching perspectives back)

"I don't know someone else is in control". I ran over to the window to see we were standing up and seeming very confused.

"Woah". She giggled and Wonder Girl came up to us.

"Are you ok Bolt"? She asked.

"Nope"! She giggled again. "Not Bolt! You have three guesses though". She told us. "Man I haven't seen the real world in so long! And I'm in space? Cool"!

"Michelle! I need you to surrender Tomika's body back to her". Fulmine ordered.

"Fulmine I'm going to take care of this! It's fine I can handle it"! Michelle told us.

"We've got a new issue". Super Boy said into his radio.

"Come on! Three guesses"! Michelle told them again.

"You're an old pin wielder"? Arsenal guessed.

"Yes but what's my name silly"? She asked.

"Kid we don't have time for this, either get serious or get Tomika". Arsenal ordered her. Michelle didn't like being told what to do...

"You're mean". She pouted.

"Michelle let me out"! I ordered hitting the door.

"No I want to see Xavier"! She told me.

"Xavier isn't here if you let me out I will let you see him". I told her. "Pinky promise"! She seemed to think about it for a moment before the door unlocked. I flew through it and back into my body. "Geez that's so violating". I shivered.

"She's back? Never mind Nightwing we're good". Super Boy told him.

"I'm back. That was Michelle apparently not just Fulmine can take control. Let's get ugly back to earth so we can figure out what the heck to do with him". I sighed.

"Great job everyone. Now rendezvous asap so we can bring you home". Nightwing told us. We started carrying Mongul back and it was no small feat. Not that I was much help, Fulmine tapped me out with the all the lightning she used.

"Hey where's Alpha"? Mal asked.

"Trudging along with the big bad, who must weigh like a metric ton. We're just a couple minutes out". Arsenal told us. We walked in the area we entered through and saw Mal and Karen kissing.

"Wow how do I get that reward"? Arsenal asked.

"You did good bambino". I told him teasingly.

I pecked him on the cheek. "It's a start". He smirked.

"She just called you a child, basically her little brother". Super Boy informed him.

"Well the gang's all here". Blue Beetle said before taking Impulse out hitting him over the head with the crystal key.

"Blue what the heck"? I asked before his stapler things shot at me. I flew back into the wall and Arsenal ran to free me.

"Blue what are you doing"? Super Boy asked. I got free and pushed Arsenal behind me.

"No not again". Arsenal said back up to the doors behind us.

"Arsenal no"! Bee yelled catching onto his plan before I did.

"I will not be taken again"! He yelled hitting the button to open the door. I grabbed onto him and stayed a float while Blue tried to close the hatch. When he did we smacked into the floor. The air got really thin, in my experience of nearly drowning several times I don't travel without a respirator. Arsenal used his grappling hook and grabbed me pulling us into a hall way. Blue fired on us and nearly missed, nearly. "Keep running"! Arsenal told me and we did. We eventually had a second of relief. "Bolt you're bleeding". He told me. I looked down and sure enough, I'd been clipped by one of Blue's staples. On the opposite side of where I had been stabbed before. The staple was still intact. I snapped it off and pulled a bandage roll from my belt and started wrapping. "That's not going to work". He told me before helping me.

"Not another solution". I groaned. "Keep moving, Fulmine can take care of this". I reminded him. "But I'll need time to let her do her thing". We kept moving and little did I know it would cost me a kidney.

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