The Black Sheep (No. 17)

By DeadGirlEternal

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The McKnight family are Witches apart from their oldest. The Black sheep. After the sudden and mysterious dea... More

Lorilei McKnight
The Dinner Party
The House Guest
Know Thy Enemy
The Last Dance
The Last Day
The Sun Also Rises
As I Lay Dying
New York to Tennessee
The Birthday
The Hybrid
The End of the Affair
Disturbing Behaviour
False Moon Pack
The Reckoning
Smells Like Teen Spirit
Ghost World
Ordinary People
The New Deal
Our Town
The Ties That Bind
Bringing Out The Dead
Dangerous Liaisons

Crying Wolf

216 4 0
By DeadGirlEternal

Crying Wolf

In the busy city of New York, it is raining, making it even busier as a black 1969 Corvette turns into the faculty parking lot in one of the designated spaces within one of the top Universities in the city at their campus in Washington Square. Once the car parks in the space and the engine cuts off, the car door opens, and a feminine figure dressed in black pulls out a black umbrella; opening in the rain, the driver steps out of the car and calmly walks through the downpour into the building with students running past her into the safety of the brick building.


Inside one of the classrooms of New York University, some of the top students scramble around to find a seat. "Quick! She's coming!"A male student shouts as they rush into the room and find the nearest chair when the classroom door dramatically opens, and a gorgeous brunette walks into the room. The smartly dressed woman stands at the front of the room, putting a black laptop bag onto the small wooden podium, not even looking at the students, who sit nervously as the young professor takes out a stack of test papers. The brunette slams the small pile of papers onto the table next to the podium, making the students jump in their seats. "I have never seen such a pathetic attempt!" She yells, making the students quiver. "These essays were to express your interest in a topic this course has gone through in extreme detail." The course professor picks the stack of papers back up and selects one of the essays at the top.
"Michelle grossly misjudged her audience as she chose the mythology of werewolves, making up facts that have zero credibility. As. She. Did. NOT. Have any credible references to back her beyond ridiculous claims." The brunette throws the pink folder at the student, who flinches as the papers inside scatter around her. "Noah...your portrayal of witches was beyond wrong and a little sexist," She again throws the green file in his face, making him wince. "All of your essays are to be rewritten by the end of the week, and if you think I am joking, then you don't know me very well."
"Professor McKnight?" Noah asks as he raises his hand, and she looks at him with piercing blue eyes. "Could you give us some pointers on our essay topics?"
"Of course," She replies with a fake smile, grabs a piece of chalk, and begins writing on the blackboard. "When writing about these subjects, think of them as living within our world. The topic of these essays was clear. 'What happened to them in modern times'" She turns back to the students, seeing a hand raised. "Yes, Taylor?"
"When you mean 'living in our world'? Do you mean living in the present amongst us?" Taylor asks the professor.
"I do. Whichever of your choice, be it Witch or Vampire or even Werewolf, or something else. I want you to write your essay about what could have happened in the present, would they have to change their ways, having to adapt to our modern ways and such." The brunette explains to the class, who seem interested. "The remaining time in this classroom, I want you all to come up with ideas for your essays and begin writing them up. I want them done by the end of the week. Email them to me and by next Wednesday you will find out your final results." She receives silence. "Am I clear?"
"Yes, professor!" The students reply, and a phone begins to ring. The professor recognises the ringtone in a heartbeat.
"Get out your laptops and start coming up with ideas," She orders them, walking back to the podium for her laptop bag; she digs around to find her phone; she finally finds the device and answers the call, seeing the contact pop up on her screen. Finally, she unlocks her phone and walks out of the room; her students wonder what's happening as the door closes, but they know better than to question her.


The young professor puts the phone to her ear, hearing a familiar voice she has missed in the last few weeks. "Hello, Dear Child," She smiles at the voice.
"Hello, Lijah," She replies, moving the phone to her other ear. "Finally find her?"
"Indeed," He replies.
"And you want me to come to where you are and help you, don't you?" The brunette asks.
"Yes," Elijah answers.
"I'll text Dr Martin, he still owes me a favour. He'll help you out, while I stay here in New York," The young woman smirks.
"Lorilei, I need you here." He tells her, and the smirk disappears.
"The way you say that makes me not want to go there even more. Where is it you found the little double?" Lorilei asks him, and he lets out a deep sigh.
"Mystic Falls," The Original answers, and the woman drops the phone to the floor. "Lorilei? Lorilei!" She picks up the phone angrily.
"I AM NOT GOING to that evil little town!" She shrieks into the phone, hoping she messed with the Original's heightened hearing.
"I wish that it wasn't but I've found her. Contact the Martins and come down here as fast as you can." He demands after a few silent moments.
"This is ridiculous. I can't just up and leave like you. I have a job," Lorilei snaps, growing angry.
"I know. I'll give you time. The Martins will have to do till you arrive," Elijah replies calmly, and she sighs.
"Fine. I'll make the calls, and the apartment above my parents' old shop is still empty. I'll make sure it's cleaned up ready for you. The spare key is under the heavy pot plant that can only be lifted by a vampire or a witch. Let me know when you get there. And you are smiling aren't you?" She asks him, glaring at the phone before ending the call. "Smug bastard." She walks back into the classroom to continue watching the squirming young adults.


Lorilei McKnight storms into her office with her secretary hurrying to catch up with her as she sits at her desk. "I don't understand! You're leaving?"
"Yes, I'm officially on sabbatical. What part of that don't you understand? You need to find some boxes to put my stuff into storage in my apartment building. Professor Hart will cover my classes till I get back. Also, no one. And I mean no one is to come into this office while I am not here. I will find out, Jessica," Lorilei warns her secretary as she packs up some belongings and takes her keys.
"Where are you going?" Jessica asks her boss.
"Back to the hellhole that spat me out," She replies as she walks out of the room with a smirk.
"What if I need to reach you?" The secretary questions as she closes the door behind her.
"If you call me for anything that is not life threatening I will make your life hell. Ask my students. They know how that feels," The professor tells her and waves goodbye as she leaves.


Lorilei huffs as she drives down the highway out of New York, heading for the little town of Mystic Falls; when her phone rings, she looks at the contact, deciding to answer, putting it on speaker phone. "What do you want, Jonas?" McKnight answers the call.
"When are you getting here?" Dr Martin asks her, growing impatient.
"What happened?" She asks him, and she listens as he explains. "Sounds rough. I should be there by tomorrow evening. I'm going to find a place to rest for the night."
"Elijah said that you'd be here today," Jonas replies.
"Well, he was wrong. I'll be there tomorrow. You're lucky I'm even going to that little town I hate with every fibre of my being," Lorilei retorts and hangs up the phone as she continues to drive. "Idiot. Acting as if he's my superior." She grumbles as she turns into a cosy-looking storage facility.


Inside, Lorilei opens the room, filled with grimoires from all over the world and other supernatural items that any good witch would die to have. She grabs a few bags from one of the cupboards and begins putting some of the books and other magical items into them that she'll probably need for her trip to the evil little town she hates so much and can't help but break into a memory of her horrid past.


"Where is she?!" Lorilei heard her mother shriek from the living room; she winced from the basement as she finished putting the clothes into the dryer. The brunette raced up the stairs to see her mother, Charlotte McKnight, stomping toward her with a look of fury, Lorilei waited for the slap, and seconds later, she received it, falling to the floor with a big red handprint on the side of her face. Lorilei looked at her mother with tears before looking back down at the ground. "I've told you, stop talking to your siblings again! Don't touch any of us! You filthy child!"
"Yes, mother," Lorilei muttered, lowering her head even more to the floor.
"I want you to repeat it again. What will you not do?" Charlotte demanded.
"I don't talk to Alexis and Edward or touch anyone in this house," She repeated, tears falling down her cheeks, hating her family, wishing she could run away from all her problems. But having witches for parents meant she could never escape from their grasp as the family servant.


Lorilei breaks from her thoughts of the past she wishes to forget as she looks at the grimoire in her hands, the family grimoire, the worn-out brown leather and metal framework around the corners with the bronze family tree emblem in the centre. The book she stole when she was kicked out of the dinky little town was all Lorilei had with her. "I wonder if that old witch is still alive?" She wonders aloud, thinking of a certain Bennett witch that helped keep her from returning to the tiny little town that hated her and she hated back. Lorilei grabs her bags, heads out the door with her three heavy loads full of her belongings, and locks up the storage unit.


In the woods within Mystic Falls, Jules and Brady burn the bodies of their fallen friends, and they walk over to the caravan with Stevie, pacing back and forth nervously, the male looking up at him. "Go ahead. Tell her," Brady tells him.
"Let me just preface this with a big disclaimer. That screams, "I should have known better"." Stevie replies, getting his phone out of his jacket pocket.
"What is it, Stevie?" Jules asks him, growing concerned.
"When Brady told me what that Typer kid said about Mason being here for the Moonstone, something clicked. There was this moment back in Florida when I suspected Mason was up to something because he was banging that hot vampire chick Kathy and he didn't want anyone to know." He explains.
"All right. Just get to the point, Stevie," She tells him.
"That is the point, Jules. It's the Sun and Moon curse. Mason was asking me all kinds of questions about it, if it could be broken, and when that evil man-witch showed up last night double-click. Witches, Vampires, Moonstone. They're putting everything in place to break the curse," The young man explains more.
"We can't let them do that, even if we have to kill every last Vampire in this town," Brady warns them, and they devise a plan to get the Moonstone for themselves.


Elena, Bonnie and Caroline are sleeping at the blond's house from their sleepover when the doppelganger's phone rings, waking the three teens up. Caroline pushes her friend from the bed onto the floor; the brunette gets her phone from the side and answers it, hearing the familiar voice of her boyfriend, Stefan. "How was the slumber party?" Stefan asks his girlfriend.
"Good and much needed. When can you and I have one?" Elena inquires, crawling out of the room to have a little privacy as she leans against the hallway wall.
"That can be arranged," He agrees.
"Okay. Now. Today. Take me far, far away," The doppelganger smiles dreamily.
"Even with everything that's going on?" Stefan asks.
"Because of everything that's going on," The double retorts.
"And you're sure this has nothing to do with dodging your father who just got into town?" He questions.
"Uh, this has everything to do with that," Elena replies.
"Well, in that case, where would you like to go?" The younger Salvatore inquires.


Andie rushes down the stairs as Damin escorts her out, both having places to go that day. "I'm late. This is such a crazy day," Andie comments as she races down the stairs, putting her coat on and looking in the mirror as she fixes herself. "I'm uh, covering the historical society's high tea."
"Ooh! Thrilling!" Damon teases her.
"Yeah. It's for some visiting writer. He's writing a book on a small-town Virginia. It's a big snooze," She replies as they walk to the front door.
"Writer? What's his name?" He asks her.
"Uh, Elijah Smith?" The reporter replies.
"Smith. He's using Smith?" The older Salvatore questions, putting her scarf around her neck to hide the large white bandage on the side of her neck, which hides the bite marks he gave her.
"Okay. You have your story straight in your mind, right?" Damon asks her.
"I can't say that you bit me or drank my blood, just that we hit it off and I really like you. You are terrific, though. You're sweet, funny, you're honest," Andie recites her lines, and he adds something a little more.
"And you're falling hard," He compels her.
"You might be the one," She sighs dreamily.
"Perfect," Damon smirks and opens the door for her as Alaric arrives. "Perfect. Have a great day, honey." He kisses her on the lips.
"Oh. Hey, Alaric," Andie smiles as she leaves. "Later."
"My new girlfriend, Andie Star, action news," He grins cockily as he looks at the high school teacher, who looks uncomfortable.
"It's not called action news," Alaric tells him.
"I know. I just like saying it. Come on," Damon replies as the Vampire Hunter walks into the house and he closes the door, both stepping into the living room. "So John Gilbert gave me this to kill Elijah," He removes the Original dagger from a cloth with a vial of white ash. "Said you have to dip the dagger in the remains of an old white ash tree that dates back to the Originals, if there's any truth in that."
"So you think it's a setup?" The teacher asks him, and Damon hands the human the dagger, who inspects it.
"It could be. Guy's a weasel. Wouldn't put anything past him," The Vampire replies. "What are you up to today, Mr Saltzman?"
"Well, Jenna and I were supposed to go to her family's lake house, but somehow, we both got roped into doing this historical society thing at the Lockwood's." Alaric explains.
"Where Elijah's the guest of honour," Damon replies.
"Tell me you're not gonna kill him at the tea party," He pleads with his friend.
"No. That would be stupid," The Vampire denies with a fake laugh. "I want to know his endgame before I kill him but I do think it's time Elijah and I officially met," He puts the dagger and vial of ash away, and they head out to the Lockwood's little tea party that was full of surprises that they have no idea are coming their way.


Bonnie and Caroline sit at a table in the Mystic Grill, enjoying some of their greasy food. "Okay. So tell me about this big witchy plan you've been cooking up?" Caroline asks the Witch.
"We still don't know the extent of what Elijah's up to," Bonnie replies.
"No, we don't," She replies.
"So, I'm gonna ask Luka to tell me what he knows," The Witch informs the blond.
"And he's not gonna tell you anything," Her best friend retorts.
"I didn't say he was gonna have a choice," Bonnie smirks, and Caroline spots her ex-boyfriend Matt, smiling and a little wave, but he doesn't return it, looking upset and getting back to work. "What's that about?"
"Uh, I don't know. I thought that we were... I don't know," Caroline sighs, her teen romance going up in smoke.


Tyler walks into the woods by his house, seeing Jules by the caravan. "Tyler, hi," Jules smiles, seeing the young Werewolf.
"You're still here," Tyler states.
"Is that all right with you?" She asks him.
"That guy last night made it pretty clear you needed to go," He warns her.
"And we will soon," The blond Werewolf assures him and Brady and Stevie walk over. "Listen. We kind of need your help with something."
"We need you to help us find the moonstone," Brady tells the kid.
"Somebody needs to explain to me what the big deal is about a rock," Tyler exclaims, growing tired of being left in the dark.
"That rock helps break the curse of the Sun and the Moon," Stevie explains.
"I don't know what that means," He replies, still lost.
"It's an old curse placed on both Vampires and Werewolves," Jules explains.
"Vampires break the curse, they're free to walk in the sunlight but we're stuck only turning at the full moon, aka Werewolf Armageddon," Stevie informs the young, naive Werewolf.
"But if we break it, they're stuck as night-walkers, and we can turn whenever we want," Brady explains, and that gets the kid's attention.
"Aka Werewolf Domination," Stevie adds and Tyler sighs, growing frustrated.
"Tyler, if we can turn at will, that means we never have to turn at all, not if we don't want to," Jules tells him, seeing the gleam in his eyes.
"I'd never have to turn again?" Tyler asks.
"There's more. Stevie?" Brady tells him and looks at the scrawny Werewolf.
"If those vamps are gearing up to break the curse, they must have also found the doppelganger," Stevie announces.
"The doppelganger?" Tyler repeats.
"Evil twin shadow person. We're betting Mason's hot vampire chick Kathy knows all about it, so we need you to help us find Kathy. I have a picture," Stevie explains as he gets out his phone, trying to find the photo. "Mason brought her to the bar once. No one liked her. She was a vampire. Bad news." He shows the picture of Katherine and Mason. "Right, right here. The girl next to Mason...."
"That's Elena Gilbert!" The young wolf exclaims in shock.
"You know her?" Jules asks him.
"I've known her my whole life," He answers, and she looks at Brady, sharing a look.


Caroline plucks up the courage to talk to her ex, walking over to Matt while he works. "I'm... I'm working," Matt tells her, trying to get rid of her and walking away.
"Yeah, I can see that but can you work and talk?" Caroline asks him, following him.
"What do you want, Caroline?" He asks her, stopping.
"Uh, I want to talk about what we were supposed to talk about last night before I had to cancel on you. I want us to clear up the weirdness. I just want us to talk about us," The blond tells him, trying to fix their relationship.
"Now, you're just making it worse," The ex replies.
"Uh, I... I don't know what's going on, Matt?" She asks him, seeing the conflict in his eyes.
"Where were you last night when you were supposed to be with me?" Matt asks her, already knowing the answer.
"I..." Caroline tries coming up with a lie.
"And don't say you were with Bonnie because Bonnie was here, Caroline. I saw her," He admits, and there is a short silence between them.
"Oh," She sighs, knowing she's caught in her lies.
"Yeah," The ex sighs before leaving to get back to work.
"Matt!" Caroline calls after him, trying to go after him; when Tyler walks over to the blond, he spots him.
"Caroline," Tyler calls her, seeming desperate.
"You stay away from me," She warns, stepping next to him, but he tries to grab her arm.
"It's important," He tells her, throwing her bag onto the floor, making it seem like an accident as they crouch, picking up her scattered belongings.
"Just stop it, Tyler, okay? You're just... You're just making it worse," The Vampire sneers as she picks up her things, and the Werewolf pockets her phone, putting it in his back pocket as he tries to help her.
"Please, Caroline. I'm sorry about what happened, okay? But there's so much we need to talk about," He tries getting her to talk, but she grabs her bag and gets to her feet.
"I said just leave me alone," She storms off, leaving Tyler alone, and Matt walks over to his best friend, wondering what was going on between them.
"The two of you want to get together, fine. There's nothing I can do about it but do me a favour, and both of you stop lying about it," Matt warns him.
"Matt, there's nothing going on," Tyler reassures him, but his friend grows angry, pulling him closer.
"Hey! I said stop lying!" He snaps and storms off, leaving the young Werewolf with something to think about.


Stefan comes round to the Gilbert house to pick up Elena. "Are you ready for our romantic weekend?" Stefan asks her.
"Beyond ready," Elena sighs, needing a break from the Supernatural. "Let's go before John shows up and pretends to be a concerned father."
"Mmm. I'll go put these in the car," He tells her, taking her bags and opening the door. When Elena receives a text from Caroline, she looks at her phone at the text, popping it up on her screen.

Need to talk. Where are you? - Caroline

Headed to lakehouse W Stefan. U okay? - Elena

"Uh, please tell me there's nothing wrong," Stefan asks her, growing worried about their quiet time away together.

All good, never mind. Have fun. - Caroline

"Nothing's wrong. Just Caroline. Come on. Let's go," Elena tells him after receiving her text.

Xoxo - Elena

The couple head out the door smiling, none the wiser of what will happen on their romantic getaway to the Gilbert Lake House.


Tyler looks at Caroline's phone that he 'borrowed' as he looks at the texts exchanged between him and Elena under the guise of her blond best friend. He looks at the three other Werewolves in the woods by the caravan. "She's going to Dunham Lake. Her family has a house up there," Tyler announces.
"Nice. Let's go get out doppelganger," Brady replies, going to his car, and Tyler follows.


The couple drives up to the lake house; Stefan looks at Elena, seeing her quiet and looking at the home wistfully. "You all right?" Stefan asks his girlfriend.
"I'm good. I just haven't been back here since before...." She explains, going quiet again, and he looks at her, catching on.
"Oh, my god. Elena, listen. Just say the word, all right? We'll get back on that highway, we'll go anywhere else," He assures her.
"I've always loved it here. I want it to stay that way, I was just...having a moment," She replies, looking at him.
"Okay," The younger Salvatore mutters, and they get out of the car, grabbing their things; Elena opens the door and enters the house, but Stefan can't step inside.
"You don't have to wait out there. I'm all good," Elena assures her boyfriend.
"Oh, that's great because I'm, uh... I'm stuck," Stefan announces, and she looks at him in mock horror.
"Oh, my god. You can't get in," She gasps.
"Not gonna be a very romantic weekend unless you, uh, invite me inside," He tells her.
"Stefan, I can't...." The doppelganger lies.
"What?" The young Salvatore asks in horror.
"My parents left this place to John Gilbert. He's the only one who can invite you in. I'm sorry. I completely forgot," Elena fibs more.
"You're kidding me, right?" Stefan asks her, and her face turns from upset to smiling.
"Stefan Salvatore, I hereby invite you into this home," She tells him, smirking.
"You are such a liar," He smirks back, entering the house, taking her into his arms, and pulling her into the air.
"Hey, hey, hey!" The human giggles as they kiss, walking into the house, making themselves very at home.


At the Lockwood Mansion, it's the Historical Society Tea Party; Mayor Carol talks with Elijah, and one of them is keeping an eye out for someone needing some company that wasn't trying to get in his pocket. "Have you spent much time in Richmond for your book? There's such a wealth of history there?" Carol questions the supposed writer.
"No. I'm focusing mostly on the smaller regions of Virginia. Lots of research. Strictly academic," Elijah retorts, growing bored with the conversation.
"That's fascinating," She replies, and Damon arrives at the tea party, and Jenna spots him, walking over to the older Salvatore.
"Damon, what are you doing here?" Jenna questions, and Andie swoops in to save her fake boyfriend.
"Hi. You came," Andie sighs dreamily as she looks at him.
"Hi," Damon replies.
"Hi," They peck, surprising Jenna as she looks at them.
"Thanks for introducing us, Jenna," He tells her and moves into the room, spotting Elijah and Carol, who spot him as he walks over.
"Damon," Carol greets him.
"Carol," The older Salvatore greets her back, kissing each other on the cheek.
"What a surprise. Elijah, I want you to meet Damon Salvatore. His family is one of Mystic Falls' Founding Families." She reveals.
"Such a pleasure to meet you," Damon pretends to be friendly as they stare at each other.
"No. Pleasure's mine," Elijah replies, and both Vampires shake hands. "There is someone I would like you to meet as well." He turns around at the sound of high heels clicking on the room.

"What the hell?" Jenna mutters, seeing a familiar face.
"Hey, Jenna, long time no see," Lorilei smirks as she enters the room that went dead silent the second she entered.
"Who is that?" Damon asks as she walks towards them, and he sees the look on Carol's face.
"I'm Lorilei McKnight," She introduces herself with a satisfied smirk, seeing the looks she was getting.

"Lorilei is a close friend of mine," Elijah tells them.
"I miss the three piece suits," Lorilei teases the Original. "I like this one, but I miss those suits."
"Damon Salvaore," He introduces, shaking his hand, but she doesn't touch him.
"Nice to meet you, Damian," She smiles and turns to the Mayor. "Carol, it's nice seeing you again. It's been what? 10, 11 years since I lived in this tiny little town?"
"It's nice to see you again, Lorilei. What are you doing here?" Carol asks her.
"Well, when Lijah told me he was writing a book on small towns in Virginia, I thought of Mystic Falls. Where I used to live." The young brunette smirks at the Mayor.
"You used to live here?" Damon asks her, surprised, and Elijah can't help the ghost of a smile on his face.
"Yeah. I did. I left after my parents died," She confesses with a grin. "Why? Writing a book?"


Bonnie walks over to Luka at the Mystic Grill as he plays pool by himself, some coffee as an offering and a little something else. "Come bearing coffee gifts," Bonnie offers.
"So you're talking to me now?" Luka questions, stopping his game.
"I found out what your dad did, saving my friends from the wolf pack," She replies.
"Well, had I known that's all it took...." He jokes as Jeremy walks into the restaurant, sitting with Caroline as they watch them.
"Hey. How's it going?" Jeremy asks her.
"What are you doing here?" Caroline asks him.
"Bonnie called. I wanted to help. How's it going?" He inquires.
"She's selling it, and he's buying it. She's giving him the sex smile," She takes it a step further than the kid is comfortable hearing.
"All right, Caroline. I get it," The young Gilbert snaps at her, and she gives him a little look.
"What do you say? You want to play a game?" Luka offers a friendly game.
"Yeah," Bonnie agrees.
"Yeah?" He questions.
"Yeah," She repeats, and he turns around to begin another game. When he doesn't feel good, grows light-headed and loses his footing, Bonnie grabs him, not wanting him to fall to the floor and gain unwanted attention.
"What's happening to me?" Luka asks.
"You'll be okay," Bonnie assures him as he almost falls; Caroline and Jeremy rush over to help her. "Why don't we go over here?" She tries to move him away.
"I got him, I got him," Jeremy tells her, taking Luka off her hands, hooking the Warlock's arm around his neck, and heading to the back door. "What kind of witch roofie was that?"
"Strong one," She replies with a smug grin.


Elena stands in a blanket on the dock of her family lake house, looking out at the peaceful lake, and Stefan strolls towards her, embracing her from behind. "Having another moment?" Stefan questions, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.
"Jeremy broke his arm diving off this dock when he was 6. My dad taught me how to fish. Right off the edge up there," Elena reminisces, pointing at the end of the dock. "So many memories. Do you ever think about us? What our future will be like, our memories?"
"I think there are long conversations to be had about our future, about the kind of life we could have together," He replies, snuggling into her.
"Now there's a box that we shouldn't open," She adds.
"Oh, we can open it. Whenever you're ready," The younger Salvatore assures her.
"No. I'd rather just be here... Now," The doppelganger answers.
"You know, this is a future memory. It's where your boyfriend whispered to you that he loved you," Stefan says. "I love you." Elena smiles lovingly at her immortal boyfriend, loving how he whispers in her ear.


Lorilei sticks with Elijah at the little tea party; when Damon walks over to the pair, Elijah follows the young Vampire into the old Mayor's office, leaving Lorilei alone to fend for herself. Although Alaric looks at them when John strolls toward him, Lorilei grows bored of the stares and leans against the door, waiting for Elijah to come back out, and she gets her phone out, checking her messages. "What's Damon doing with Elijah?" John asks him.
"How would I know?" Alaric retorts.
"Because you're his little helper," He replies.
"If you say so, John." The teacher snaps, growing bored.
"Does Jenna know about your extracurricular activities? Maybe it's time we tell her," Gilbert threatens him, looking at the strawberry blond talking with Andie. "I mean, she can't stay in the dark forever."
"You're a dick," Alaric spits at him.
"I don't think you should sleep over anymore. It's inappropriate with children in the house, and that ring that Isobel gave you, that's mine. I'm gonna want that back." He tells him; Alaric nods along and watches John walk away.


Inside Richard Lockwood's office, Elijah looks around the office. "What can I do for you, Damon?" Elijah asks the young Vampire.
"I was hoping we could have a word," Damon offers.
"Where's Elena?" He inquires.
"Safe with Stefan. They're laying low, you know, bit of a Werewolf problem," The cocky Vampire replies.
"Oh, yeah. I heard about that," The Original comments.
"I'm sure you did since it was your Witch that saved the day," Damon remarks.
"You are welcome," Elijah replies.
"Which adds to my confusion on exactly why you're here," He questions.
"Why don't you just stay focused on keeping Elena safe and leave the rest to us," The Original warns him, going towards the door, but Damon rushes himself in front of the older Vampire.
"Not good enough," Damon replies, getting in Elijah's face, which he doesn't like, pushing the young Vampire into the far wall, strangling him. Damon struggles in the older Vampire's hold, trying to strangle him back, but it has no effect; Elijah grows bored and grabs the young Salvatore's hand from around his neck and breaks Damon's wrist with ease.
"You young Vampires, so arrogant. How dare you come in here and challenge me?" Elijah sneers, growing angry.
"You can't kill me, man. It's not part of the deal," He wheezes.
"Silence," The Original orders and takes a pencil from the desk, driving it through the young Vampire's jugular, making him cry. Elijah lets go of Damon, who catches himself on the desk, a hand on his wound to stop the bleeding and takes out the pencil, grunting in pain. Elijah gets out his white handkerchief, wipes his hands of blood and gives the young Vampire the cloth, giving it to him, and Damon puts it to his wound. "I'm an Original. Show a little respect. The moment you cease to be of use to me, you're dead, so you should do what I say. Keep Elena safe." He leaves the room, looking at Lorilei, who looks done with the Society Tea.
"Did you show him who's boss?" Lorilei asks him, and she steps away from the wall, putting her phone away.
"Of course," He replies with a smile, and they walk back into the party.


Stefan stands in the lake house kitchen, cooking while Elena watches him from the living room on the couch with a glass of wine in hand. "My dad did all the cooking, too," Elena remarks.
"And your mom?" He asks her.
"She sat right here and watched. She couldn't cook either," She replies, looking at the dying fireplace. "Fire's dying."
"Oh, yeah. I'll go get more wood," Stefan offers.
"I got it," The human argues.
"No, no. It's cold outside." He argues back, and she gets up from her comfy seat.
"So I'll get a jacket," Elena tells him, going upstairs to her parent's bedroom, looking around, reminiscing in the memories, picking up one of the perfume bottles on the dresser, and sniffing it. Stefan walks in after her, watching her. "My mom's perfume. Jenna was supposed to pack all this up, but... she kept putting it off. I don't blame her." She goes into the wardrobe and takes a sweater off the hanger. "Here," She throws him the shirt. "Bundle up," Stefan puts on the red chequered jacket. "Igreat-granddad'sranddad's and you look very hot in it."
"I look hot in your dead great granddad's jacket?" Stefan questions, looking at her funny.
"Beyond hot," She replies, and he walks over to her, kisses her, and pushes Elena against the wall, continuing to kiss her passionately. "Stefan!" She stops him. "It's my parents' bedroom." He stops and looks at the wall of the wardrobe. "What?" He knocks on the closet's back wall, hearing the hollow sound coming from inside. "What?" Elena asks again.
"This is hollow inside," Stefan answers and takes down the wooden panels to find a door with a lock.
"What is it?" She asks.
"It's a really good hiding place," He replies, breaking the lock and opening the door, revealing many weapons to kill Vampires.
"Oh my god," Elena gasps in shock.


Bonnie, Jeremy and Caroline set Luka down on the floor in the middle of Caroline's living room. "We only have, like, an hour or two before my mom gets home," Caroline warns them, bringing as many candles as she can find. "And these are all I could find."
"Place these evenly around the room," Bonnie instructs her, and Jeremy takes some of the candles to help the blond.
"How does this work?" Jeremy questions.
"Um, I'll put him in a trance and ask him questions. It's like hypnosis," The Bennett Witch explains.
"You sure you're strong enough for this?" He asks.
"That's what the candles are for. I'll draw power from the flames," The Bennett Witch adds.
"I'll get the matches," Caroline offers.
"I got it," Bonnie tells her, lighting the candles with her magic.
"Never gonna get used to that," Jeremey remarks.
"Oh, come on. That's pretty hot, and you know it," Caroline comments, and he smiles, looking at the Witch, who looks back at him.
"I need a bowl of water," Bonnie announces, looking at the youngest, Gilbert.
"Yeah, yeah. I'll go get it," Jeremy says, leaving the room.
"Okay. What was that? "It's hot"?" She asks her friend.
"He is so crushing on you," Caroline teases her.
"So?" The Witch replies.
"So... What, you'd rather be with traitor Warlock over here?" The blond Vampire asks, gesturing to the unconscious Luka.
"I'm not into Luka. It's just, you know, he understood me, and he was new and different," Bonnie replies.
"And you've known Jeremy since forever, and you only see him one way, as Elena's brother but you're a Witch, and I'm a Vampire. You know it's not like we're in any position...." Caroline remarks.
" be picky," The Witch adds, laughing.
"No, to judge," She corrects her, laughing too, and Jeremy comes back into the room, giving Bonnie a bowl of water that she puts on the floor.
"Looks like he's waking up," Jeremy warns her, and Bonnie dips her fingers into the water, placing them on the side of Luka's head; the flames flare higher as she accesses her magic, beginning the spell.


Damon and Alaric sit in the Salvatore library after the Historical Society Tea Party, going over what happened at the party. . "Today was a bust," Damon huffs.
"Yeah. How's the throat?" Alaric asks, digging at him a little.
"Sore," He replies, rubbing his throat.
"Yeah. That Elijah's one scary dude but with nice hair. And an old face apparently just shows up on his arm?" Alaric comments and gets up from his seat. "Hey. You want another one?" Damon hands him his empty glass, and the history teacher goes to the bar, pouring them a drink.
"He's gonna be hard to kill," The older Salvatore comments.
"Yeah. I'd think twice before I'd trust that dagger and some ashes to do the job. You're gonna need more info," He warns his friend.
"I'm out of sources," Damon grumbles.
"What's up with you and this news chick?" Alaric asks, walking back to his chair, giving his friend his drink and sitting down.
"She's got spunk, huh?" He replies with a smug look on his face.
"Just don't kill her, please," The Vampire Hunter pleads with him.
"If I did, who would report her death?" The older Salvatore teases.
"Just don't do it, all right? She's friends with Jenna, and it's bad enough that I'm lying to her about everything else. I hate the lies," Alaric huffs and looks at his phone, seeing how late it is. "Oh, god. I got to go. I got to pick Jenna up. Don't worry. I'll, uh, show myself out." He gets up from his chair and walks out of the living room, putting his glass down.
"Good luck," Damon calls after him as he walks out, the Vampire lies back in his chair, trying to relax, when he hears a crash from the hallway, and he gets up to have a look. Damon walks out into the hallway to find Alaric standing, clutching his stomach; he looks at his friend, who goes to his side, seeing the Vampire Hunter with a stake in his stomach, bleeding. Stevie jumps down from the ceiling behind the Vampire onto his back, putting a syringe of Vervain in his neck. Damon tries to fight Stevie off, throwing the scrawny Werewolf into the wall, but he doesn't let go, putting more of the liquid into the Vampire's neck, which speeds to another wall. Stevie puts the remaining Vervain into Damon, who succumbs to it and falls to the floor.
"Whew! Damn, you're strong. It took the whole syringe," Stevie remarks as he gets up from the Vampire and the door behind Alaric opens as more Werewolves arrive. "Grab that one. He's dead," He tells the two males, and Jules walks in with a shotgun on her shoulder.
"Hi, Damon. Nice to see you again," Jules greets the barely conscious Vampire.


Elena looks around the hidden room in her parent's room, finding another old journal, and Stefan stays out of it, leaning against the doorway, watching his girlfriend. "These must be the other Johnathan Gilbert journals. Jeremy had the one, but John said there were others. His whole life's in here," Elena says as she skims through the book and continues to look around.
"I'll go get the firewood. I'll let you have a moment," Stefan tells her and walks away as she finds a box full of wooden bullets.


Brady looks at his phone in his caravan, getting a text from Jules. "We're good to go. You up for this?" He asks Tyler, who sits at the table, and doesn't answer back, seeming nervous, and Brady sits in front of him. "These people have done nothing but lie to you. This girl that you've known since birth, she's with the Vampires now, the ones who killed Mason. They're the enemy, and if they break that curse, well... All of us are as good as dead. Are you up for this?"
"Yes," Tyler answers, feeling pressured by the older Werewolf.
"Good. Because if you woos out, you're gonna have me to deal with. You got it?" He smiles.


John stands in the Gilbert kitchen, pouring himself a glass of wine, and Jenna walks in, thinking it might be Alaric. "Where's Elena?" John asks her.
"At the lake house for the weekend," Jenna answers.
"With Stefan?" He inquires, already knowing the answer.
"Yes, with Stefan," She answers angrily.
"And who gave her permission for that?" The older Gilbert asks her.
"I did," The Aunt answers. "Until you get a lawyer, file for guardianship, it's my call, and there's nothing you can do about it."
"I always knew you were lax with them but I didn't think you were negligent," John retorts, growing frustrated.
"She wanted to get away from you, okay, and so do I, so I'll be staying with Ric," Jenna replies, wanting to hurt him a little and begins to walk out of the room.
"Because he's such a great guy, right?" He replies, wanting to hurt her relationship.
"You are on dangerous ground," She warns, stepping towards him.
"He's a liar, Jenna," The Uncle tells her.
"What?" The strawberry blond questions.
"Did he ever tell you what happened to his wife?" John asks her, stepping around the kitchen island.
"She died," Jenna answers.
"Really? So they found her body?" He questions, playing on dangerous ground.
"What are you saying?" She asks him.
"Why don't you ask Ric? I'd love to hear his answer. Have a great night," He leaves the room, letting her think, and she looks back at him, unaware of the whole truth.


At the Salvatore house, Alaric lies on the living room floor dead while Damon is tied up on one of the chairs in chains and an iron collar around his bleeding neck. The older Salvatore regains consciousness, seeing his friend dead on the floor, and spots the Gilbert Ring on his finger, glad to know he is coming back. "Morning, sunshine," Stevie greets him as he holds the chain to the collar, pulling it, and digging the wooden nails into Damon's neck, making him grunt in pain. "I saw this movie once, some torture porn flick. Anyway, they had this collar device that was really cool, so I just modified it some with some wooden nails, and when I pull...." He demonstrates, pulling the chain again, making the collar dig into the Vampire's neck, making him grind his teeth in pain.
"So I hear you have the Moonstone?" Jules questions as she walks over.
"Oh, if you only knew the irony of this moment right now," Damon replies. "Let me tell you how this is gonna go. You're gonna torture me, I don;t talk. Someone loses a heart. Last time, it was your boy Mason."
"This time, it will be you," She replies, seeming sure of herself and looking at Stevie; making the scrawny Werewolf sigh, he pulls on the collar, making Damon grunt in pain, looking at the wolf.


"How long is this gonna take?" Caroline asks, growing worried that her mom will walk in at any moment and it will be hard to explain.
"I don't know. He's fighting me," Bonnie replies as she keeps her hands on the side of Luka's head.
"Please stop Please," Luka pleads as he struggles out of the trance, but Bonnie keeps trying and gets him back under as he goes limp on the floor.
"There. All right. Why are you working with Elijah?" She asks him.
"Klaus. We both want him dead," He answers.
"You want to kill Klaus, too. Why?" The Bennett Witch asks him.
"Because he has her and we have to get her away from him," Luka answers again.
"Who... Who are you talking about?" Bonnie asks him.
"My sister," He answers.
"Sister? Why does he have her?" She continues to ask.
"He's searching for a way to undo the curse without the doppelganger. He's forced generations of witches to help for centuries," The Warlock answers with no choice.
"What has Elijah promised you?" The Bennett Witch asks him.
"Not Elijah. Lorilei McKnight," Luka answers, and Bonnie frowns, recognising the last name, and so do Jeremy and Caroline.
"What did she promise you?" Bonnie rephrases the question.
"If we help Elijah kill Klaus. She promised to return her to us," He answers.
"And how do you kill Klaus? How do you kill an Original Vampire?" She asks him.
"They'll kill me if I tell you. Don't make me," The young Warlock tries to fight the trance.
"It's okay, Bonnie. We can find another way," Jeremy assures her.
"No. How will you kill Klaus?" Bonnie asks Luka again, using more magic.
"After the sacrifice, Klaus will be vulnerable, weak. It's our only chance," Luka answers.
"After the sacrifice?" Caroline questions.
"What do you mean, after?" Bonnie asks him for clarification.
"Lorilei says Klaus will be vulnerable," Luka answers.
"But Elena will be dead," She replies.
"Yes. Elena has to die," He answers.
"No," Jeremy shakes his head in disbelief at the thought of his sister dying, and the three teens look at each other.


Stefan drops off some more firewood, looks around and goes into the garage to get some more; flicking on the light switch, he goes to the end of the garage, about to pick up some more, but he feels that there is someone there with him that isn't Elena. He turns around to see Brady, who shoots him in the heart with a wooden bullet; Stefan grunts in pain, falling to the floor as Tyler walks inside. "Keep him down. If he moves...kill him," Brady warns Tyler, handing him the gun before stepping down, leaving Tyler and Stefan alone. Tyler points the weapon at Stefan as he moves around in pain.
"Don't move!" Tyler yells at him.
"Just let me get the bullet out, it punctured my heart. I need to get it out. I'm not gonna fight you," Stefan promises.
"I don't think so," He exclaims.
"Tyler, why are you doing this?" The younger Salvatore asks him.
"I can't let you break the curse," The young Werewolf answers.
"You know about the curse?" Stefan inquiries.
"You're liars, all of you," He answers angrily.
"No. I swear to you. We don't want to break the curse, Tyler. We don't want to do that," The Vampire tells him.
"Oh, yeah? But I do. I can't be like this forever," Tyler replies.
"Tyler, I'm just trying to save Elena," Stefan pleads to him.
"Elena will be fine!" He assures him.
"They didn't tell you that part, did they? Who are the liars now?" The Vampire pokes at him.
"Tell me what?" The young wolf asks him.
"In order to break the curse. Elena has to die," Stefan tells him, and the blood drains from Tyler's face inside the house, Elena comes downstairs, wondering where her boyfriend could be and looks at the open door, not seeing him.
"Are you growing the trees out there?" Elena calls out jokingly but doesn't get a reply and grows worried. "Stefan?" She still doesn't get a response and walks towards the door, unaware of Brady waiting for her, but she has the good sense to pick up a knife before she walks outside. "Stefan, what are you doing out there?" Brady grabs Elena, but she struggles, stabbing him in the abdomen, making him lose his hold, and she goes into the house, locking the door behind her. Brady removes the knife, grunting a little in discomfort and breaks in the door as Elena runs upstairs to escape and hide.
"I can smell you," Brady taunts her, and she takes off her sweater, throwing it onto the floor of the opposite room before going to the other to hide from the Werewolf, who follows her upstairs and sees her shirt on the floor, smelling it. Elena goes out of the other room while he's distracted. Heads downstairs, looks at the open door, slamming it shut, alerting Brady upstairs as she races to hide in her parent's bedroom. The Werewolf calmly walks downstairs, looking at the door, but isn't fooled as he heads for the other bedroom; seeing the wardrobe door open, he looks inside but doesn't find her and looks in the hidden room, still not finding her. Elena drives a stake through his shoulder, making him collapse onto his knees as she runs, heading for the front door. He pulls it from his shoulder, groaning in pain and races after her; she takes the bloody knife from before as she runs outside with Brady following her. Stefan steps before him, ripping the Werewolf's heart out, and he falls to the ground. Elena looks at her boyfriend in relief and races into his arms.
"It's okay. It's okay. You're okay. You're okay. You're all right. It's okay," Stefan assures her as he wraps his arms around her, hugging her, glad she's safe, and she spots Tyler, who walks onto the porch, so happy to see her alive.
"Tyler?" Elena questions, pulling away from Stefan.
"I didn't know what they were gonna do to you. I didn't. I just... I didn't want to be like this anymore. I'm sorry, Elena," Tyler tells her, close to tears, and she walks up to him and wraps her arms around him.
"It's okay," She promises him, and he melts into her embrace, glad he's got her forgiveness.


Jules stands in front of Damon as she tries to extract the whereabouts of the Moonstone. "You know what the great thing about buckshot is? It scatters through the body, maximum damage. Where's the Moonstone?" She asks again.
"Get over it, honey. You're never gonna get it," Damon tells her.
"You looking for this?" Elijah asks as he walks into the room with Lorilei next to him, holding the Moonstone. They walk further into the room, and Lorilei places it on the table behind the couch.

"Go ahead. Take it," Lorilei encourages them with a playful smirk as one of the Werewolves races towards them. Still, she holds her hands out in front of her, linking them over each other and pushes forward, causing a force to move the wolf away into the fireplace, which flares to light, burning him alive as he screams. Two more wolves race towards them, but Elijah rips out their hearts; while they're distracted, Jules runs out, leaving Stevie cowering on the floor, but the Original strolls towards him as the young scrawny Werewolf pulls his hood up to hide as if that will work.
"What about you, sweetheart, hmm?" Elijah taunts the cowering man.
"Lijah, don't be so mean," Lorilei giggles and waves at the scared-looking Stevie.
"You want to take a shot? Yes, no, yes?" He asks. "Where's the girl?" He turns to Damon.
"I don't know," Damon shrugs, seeing as he's chained to a chair.
"She left while you were showing off," Lorilei answers, sitting on the couch arm.
"It doesn't really matter," Elijah shrugs, letting go for a second and punches Stevie in the face, killing him instantly, falling to the floor and walking to Damon, removing the chains with ease. "So you realise this is the third time I've saved your life now?" Lorilei picks the Moonstone, and the pair walk out of the room.
"Bye Demon!" Lorilei yells, closing the front door. Damon takes a few moments to regain some of his strength and clean himself up; he comes back downstairs, cleaning up the living room; he answers his phone, talking with Bonnie. "So he planned to kill her all along," Damon replies.
"Yeah. The sacrifice is part of Elijah's plan," Bonnie tells him, and he hangs up while Alaric wakes up.
"Finally. You missed all the fun," The older Salvatore says, looking at the history teacher as he gets up, sitting on the armchair, needing to ring Jenna, who answers as she waits for him to pick her up as she reads with a glass of wine.
"There you are. Are you okay?" Jenna asks.
"Yeah, sorry. I...I... I've just been grading papers," He lies, hating himself. "Honestly, uh..." He looks at Damon as he carries out the bloody rug. "I fell asleep. I'm sorry. Jenna, I'm a jerk."
"No. It's fine. I'm just glad you're okay," The strawberry blond replies, John's words in the back of her mind.
"Sorry. Tomorrow I'm all yours, okay?" Alaric promises her.
"Sure. Sounds great," Jenna assures him.
"All right. Good night, Jenna," He says, hating himself a little more.
"Good night," She replies, and they hang up.


Stefan answers his phone, talking to Damon, who relays the same information Bonnie just told him. "It was straight from the Witch's mouth. He was gonna go through with the whole sacrifice. You should probably just keep her away a little longer," Damon warns his brother.
"Be careful. Try not to get yourself killed," Stefan tells him.
"Yeah. It's been a day for that," He replies and ends the call; Elena walks over to her boyfriend. "That was, um...that was Damon. We need to talk," He turns to his girlfriend.
"What is it?" Elena asks him.
"He learned that Elijah's planning for you to die in the sacrifice ritual," He informs her, but she doesn't look surprised.
"I know the deal I made, Stefan," She confesses. "Elijah's very careful with his words. He promised to protect my friends. He never said a word about me."
"You mean, you knew that you weren't gonna survive this?" The Vampire asks her in shock.
"If it comes down to the people that I love getting killed or me, I know what my choice is gonna be," The doppelganger replies.
"Elena, could you stand out there earlier with me, talking about making plans for our future, when you don't even expect to have one?" Stefan snaps at her in disbelief.
"I'm sorry, Stefan. I'm just trying to keep the people that I love safe. I'm trying to keep you safe," Elena argues.
"No. What you're doing is you're being a martyr," Stefan argues back.
"How is that any different from when you say that you would die to keep me safe?" She asks him.
"Because I've already lived. 162 years I have lived, and you've barely begun, and now you want to let yourself get killed? That's not heroic. It's tragic," He replies and walks away, letting her think it over.


Bonnie walks with Jeremy after interrogating Luka. "So will Luka remember anything?" Jeremy asks her.
"No. He'll know he lost consciousness, that's all," Bonnie replies, shaking her head.
"Should we wait for Caroline?" He asks her.
"She was just gonna drop Luka back at the Grill. Said to lock the door on our way out," She brushes it off.
"Yeah. Well, I hope she drops him hard," The little Gilbert jokes.
"Wait. You're Elena's little brother, I've known you forever. You're that punk kid. I remember your awkward phase and then your emo phase. Your druggie phase and overnight, you turned into this hot guy who's really sweet and...." The Bennett Witch blushes, confessing.
"You think I'm hot?" Jeremy asks her.
"With everything that's going on, you know, curses and sacrifice...." Bonnie trails off as he walks towards her.
"Enough already," He tells her; leaning down, they kiss.
"Wow..." She blushes as he pulls away, letting her catch her breath, and she leans in, continuing the kiss.


Carol turns off the lights downstairs, heading halfway up the stairs, when she hears a noise, stopping. "Hello? Hello?" She calls out into the dark but hears nothing and walks down the stairs, looking around and finding a letter from Tyler.


Tyler walks into the Mystic Grill, spotting his best friend and walks over to Matt. "Matt," He calls out.
"I'm not in the mood, man," Matt tells him, stopping his cleaning up.
"I need to say something," He replies, needing to get it off his chest.
"All right. Say it," The blond says.
"I've been going through a rough time, something I can't really talk about, and Caroline's been helping me through it. She's been there for me more than anyone's ever been there my entire life, and I kind of fell for her. I don't know how anyone wouldn't because she's pretty incredible. But she loves you, and she needs you and to be honest, she deserves someone like you. So you be good to her, okay?" Tyler confesses.
"Yeah, man. Of course," Matt answers, thinking about his words.
"See you around, Matt," He says, walking away.
"Yeah," The blond replies, watching him leave.
Caroline sits on her bed, but she feels someone is nearby and walks out of her bedroom, walking towards the front door. "Mom?" She calls out but doesn't get a reply and looks outside but doesn't see anybody. Tyler watches her, wanting to say something to her but doesn't have the courage and leaves, walking down the street, finding Jules in her car, getting in, looking at her, upset about losing her pack. "I'm sorry about Brady and your friends, but if I'm gonna go with you, no more lies," Tyler warns her.
"No more lies. You're doing the right thing," Jules tells him.
"I can't stay here, not like this," He replies, and they drive away.

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