Depressed Boy's Love

By princessali777

530 112 62

Samuel Lenard, surprisingly the school's heartthrob and most wanted boy in school. It's surprising because he... More

What Am I doing?
I know that I don't know what I'm doing
Relax to Study and Study to relax
Monday's curse is another man's Monday Blessing
Sam it up for me
A dollar for a Test
A challenger
Good Company
Just One Look
Today, I met the most annoying girl
A hella Annoying Girl
To boil you alive
Cat Girl
Apologies from Author
Chicken Nuggets
Angel Lucy Ilves
Christmas Special
You're not An Angel
Blush. Crush. Hush
A Day Without You
I'm Sick
Richie's Sleepovers
I care
Let me make you Happy
More Wolf than Urchin
He Loves Me, She Loves me Not
A/N apologies
What Friends Do
Play The Violin
I Can't Kiss You
Phone Numbers
Josh Evans
Dreams and Nightmares
A/N: Greatest Apologies
Chelsea Troubles
Old Wounds
I belong to You
First Date
First Day On The Job
My Second Job
Sleepover with A Surprise
Up And Running Again
I'm Not A Pervert
Operation: Make It Official I
Operation: Make It Official II
Operation: Make It Official III
Staying In
Prom Buzz
Operation: Make It Official... Final And Prom

Sweet Tears

2 1 0
By princessali777

Angel's pov*******

Sam is the sweetest. I want him to be the last lover I'll ever had... And I don't mean it in the bad sense. I meant it in the married couple sense.

We got to school late this time, since there were already people walking around by the time we got there.

There was no one in Class C yet, since most of us where either late comers or we just stayed away from the class.

I pulled him to the class and sat him on a chair, then straddled him.
His cheeks flushed and he held a firm grip on my waist.

"Hey, now. You don't want to start what you can't finish, Angel"

I smirked and licked my lips "Oh, I can finish this". I started opening the first 2 buttons of his shirt and pulling the shoulders aside

In a blink of an eye, I could feel his soft flesh under my teeth.

I sucked on a spot on his shoulder in a circular motion.

He groaned which made me bite him harsher as a punishment.
My Samuel seems to be either a secret masochist or he's a plain old perv, because he hissed in pleasure and got turned on because of that.

"You like it?" I asked while my tongue ran across the mark.

He nodded and I rashly made another mark on his shoulder.

"You like things rough huh?" I whispered against his skin, sending him tingles.

He nodded again and I left another hickey right on the neck.

"You're a horny pup, Sam, you know?"

The damn prostitute just nodded again!

I didn't want to leave my love unsatisfied, so after leaving the last mark on his collarbone, I pulled him in for a rough kiss.

It soon got heated and turned into a make out session.

When we parted for air, I held him arms length apart and told him.

"Now, nobody will try to go after you. You now have my love signed all over you. All you have to do is be proud of it"

He simply stared at me dumbfounded before blushing and nodding obediently.

"You're mine" I whispered to myself.


"Hey, Angie baby"
I looked up to meet the sharp gaze of my best friend.

"Richie, how are you?" I asked.
She flashed me a warm smile.

"It was wonderful! Can you believe it? Samuel came over to my place?"

The words just rang in my ears. What did she just say?

"We were studying together, and then he starts flirting with me and... Oh~~" she mused.
I stared up at her with disbelief and disgust. Was she that desperate? Or that obsessed?!
Lying to me.

"What did you guys read about?" I asked her casually and the question seemed to stump her.

"Oh- er... Chemistry. You know... Since that's what we got!"

Psh. Puh- lease. You couldn't even get any history with the guy if you tried.

"Ah? Why?" I pestered on.

"Just..." Her gaze darted all around, but it never met mine.

"For reading... For a group project! And I couldn't help but admire his handsome face. For a nerd, he's a good score as a guy. And he's waaaay better than Josh, am I right?"

I gritted my teeth in anger. I couldn't stand her simping over my boyfriend like that, especially since he was mine!
And the fact that she was rubbing my break-up all over my face was so immature.

"And he's definitely my type... Infact! I think I'm his type too. I have long straight hair, I'm super smart like him, I'm rich, and pretty and talented... No offense Angel, but those are traits that you'll never have"

I didn't want to ask if that was an insult. It sure sounded like one and I clenched my jaw in anger.

"You know? I'm pretty sure he's taken"

Richie's eyes widened at my words.
"Lenard? Taken? That would be a miracle. He hardly ever speaks to anyone unless it's necessary. He even hates all form of physical contact. I'm glad he's started warming up to me" she noted with pride on her face.


"Lately he's been talking with Oliver and Fifi a whole lot... Do you think they'd know something about their relationship?"

I just shrugged and stood up sharply, carrying my empty tray with me

"Or maybe you know something. I don't like to admit it, but Samuel is getting closer to you" she blurted.

I'm his girlfriend, dumbass.

"I don't get it. I clearly said that he doesn't like weird annoying goofballs like you... I told you to stay away from Him... How did you two suddenly become closer all of a sudden?"

My eyebrow twitched in rage.

"Coincidences. What can I say? He likes to talk about books, so I tend to ask him questions about studies" I replied gruffly.

Her eyes gleamed "Oh! He likes to talk about books! Yeah, I knew that! He couldn't stop talking about it all day, yesterday. He just kept going on and on about chemistry, you know? I think he's really falling for me"

"Sure, Richie. Whatever makes you sleep at night"

I dumped my tray and marched away to the school's music room.

Stupid Richie. She sounded like an awful witch!
Why am I just noticing that she has been insulting me?
She always finds a way to lower my self-esteem.
But not this time. This time I trust Samuel. I've experienced his love and I've beared witness of it's abilities.

Angry tears rolled down my cheeks as I sobbed uncontrollably.

My so called best friend is a back stabber.

She took my ex boyfriend. I let her have it. She took my pride, I let her have it. She took my popularity, I let her have it.
I gave her everything, because I didn't want to fight.
But nothing changed.

I wanted to move, but my legs gave way and I slumped down to the ground in the corner of the music room... With my tearful sobs echoing around to be heard.

I didn't know what to do or what to say, but I suddenly said the first thing that came to my mind.

I started wheezing and gasping for breath. Oh no... Not again...


The air around me seemed denser now and I could hardly breathe.

"Samuel" I called in hardly a whisper.

My voice was cracked and I was steadying my breaths.
I didn't have a disease... At least it wasn't a disease to me.
I just usually got... What word?... Affected when I get too emotional.
You know, sad, angry, depressed.

I was all three at the time and I was having a really bad attack. My head was clouded with voices that kept on saying Richie's words were true.

Were they true?

I needed comforting at the time, and the only person that has done that before is Sparky... But sparky isn't here now... There was only one person that came to my mind.

He couldn't hear me. No one could. My voice was barely audible. I couldn't move. The pain in my chest and the thoughts in my head kept pulling me down.
Okay fine... You could say I suffer greatly from depression.

"Sam. Samuel" I kept calling, because underneath all my morbid thoughts, I still had hope that he would find me and help me.


10 minutes passed like 10 hours. I was still crying, though hiccups were forcing their way in between sobs. My head was buried between my legs.
"Sam, Samuel..." I cried hopelessly.
I finally gave up. I need to be realistic. There's no way he would.

"Cat girl?"

My heart jumped, and I felt my body heated up like it was shocked by a bolt of lightning.
My head snapped up to look at him. It was him. It was really him.

He squatted in front of me and used his right hand to cup my cheek.

"I've been looking all over for you. I didn't see you in the cafeteria, your class and you didn't come with any of your friends. Not even Richie. Why are you here? Have you been crying?"

I wasn't paying any attention to what he was saying. I was happy. Happy he was here. The instant weight on my head and shoulders have been lifted. I felt happy again.

I smiled. I smiled so wide, I thought my face was going to tear in half.

"You heard me" I mumbled.

"You were calling for me?" He asked with his eyes looking pained.

"You heard me" I repeated with a crack in my voice.

"Angel, tell me what happened" he demanded, but I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter. You're here. I need you"

My legs suddenly gained strength all on their own and I leaned forward to hug him tight.

I gripped his white shirt so hard, and cried on his shoulder.
He couldn't bring up the matter, so he just squeezed me tightly and whispered reassuring words into my ears.
Words that I never knew I could be told.
Words that I've never heard.
Words that I never knew could be filled with such sincerity and genuiness.

I love you.
I love you.
You are Special.
You are the most precious thing in the world to me.
You are my one and only Cat girl.
And I love you so much.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
Let me know your pain.
Let me feel your pain.
So I'll cry for you.
I love you, Cat girl

It was repeated.
Again and again.
Again and again.
Again and again.

Until I was calm.

Even after my breathing was even, neither of us loosened our grip.

"Can you tell me now?" He asked cautiously.

I sniffed and started explaining my conversation with Richie and everything that happened after then.

"And... I... I find it hard to breathe when I get too emotional..."

"I needed something... Something to help me... I didn't know how but it should help me... It happens every night... It hurts... It's heavy"

Samuel pushed me gently against the wall, as he leaned closely.

"I didn't know you were going through all this, Angel. If I had known..."

I smiled "It's okay, Sam. When we started dating, the number of times it happened at night decreased greatly... I don't know why I called you... But the feeling stopped when you appeared right before me..."

Sam smirked "That's why I saw that sparkle in your eyes"

He was so close to my face, yet so far. I wanted to kiss him already, but I tried to hold myself.

He gently placed his index finger under my chin and raised my head up to look at him.

"You're more than what the world thinks of you. If they saw you the way I see you, you'd be a queen for sure"

I nervously returned his smile and he wiped the tears off my cheeks with his thumb.

"Don't cry though. Your tears are too precious to be wasted on a proud, heartless, witch like Richie. You shouldn't even be friends with her at this point"

"I don't want her to be sad..."

"Trust me she won't be. She doesn't care about your thoughts and feelings. You're invisible to her. She wouldn't even notice your absence in he life"

I stared at him in silence, then blinked away.

He sighed frustratingly "You're too loyal for your own good. You're hurting yourself in the process. If you hurt yourself, you hurt me too"

I was silent.

"Angel, I know it's not easy for you but you have to let go. You're carrying way too much unnecessary load. It's affecting your mental and emotional health"

My voice couldn't come out, but tears trickled down my face like little droplets of mercury on glass.

He leaned in closer and kissed my jaw, where the tear landed.

I hiccuped.

My breathing steadied slowly, but it got a little heavier from the pleasure I was feeling.

He moved back and my face was suddenly slapped with cold dry air.
He licked his lips and leaned forward again to claim my lips.
He didn't kiss me rough like he liked... He kissed me sensually like he knew I liked.

And just like that... I was cured. I was comforted.

Josh's kisses were never this fulfilling or comforting. Now that I think about it... It almost felt kinda empty...

I started kissing him more passionately and I was on top of him in less than a minute.

He made a short grunting noise that stirred something in me, but before we could go any further he pushed me away.

"Wait! S-stop!" He almost yelled.

His cheeks were flustered and he was panting heavily.

He quickly sat up again.

"You have class"

I blinked. I did? When did they ring the bell? Did he come here just for me? Did he purposely skip class?

"I have a free period" he explained after seeing the obvious confusion clouded on my face.
"Oh" I mouthed, then I leaned into him again.

"I don't wanna go to class"

He caught me in his warm embrace and planted a wet kiss on my forehead.
"I don't want you to go either, but I don't want you to be distracted because of me"
I attempted to snuggle closer to him but he pulled my hand firmly and held me up.
He dragged me out of the music room and I scoffed.
Kill joy.

He brushed away stray strands of my hair and kissed my cheek tenderly.
"I'll see you later, princess"
I stood there dumbfounded for some time before I finally finished booting.
With utter realization hitting me like a hammer on a nail, I ran straight for class.
I swore I heard him laugh.


The day was finally over! I could go home! I could see my lovely boyfriend again!
I ran to Class C faster than Fuli from lion guard could say "Huwezi"
I saw him! My handsome boyfriend. About 6 feet! (Did I mention that I made a major error back then? Turns out, he's a lot taller up close and I'm a lot shorter when I grudgingly accept it)

He was in the middle of a conversation with Oliver and Fifi. I guess he's warmed up to them since they know about our relationship and aren't haters.

I sneaked quietly behind him and crowed like a rooster.
The heads of all the students snapped to our side and their gaze fell on my happy face and their famous Samuel Lenard, looking like he met death.

"Hey, Sam~" I said in a sing song voice.
Before he could speak a single word, Richie came out of nowhere and was all over him like cheese on macaroni.

"Sam! Are you okay?" She asked out of concern, then turned to me with a glare.
"I told you to stay away from him. People like you are just destroying his life!"

Fifi stood up for me "An advice, Richardson. Keep your damn nose out her business"
Richie snapped "She's my best friend! She is my business! I always have to keep her in check! If it weren't for me..."

"She would still be dating Josh" Fifi quipped.
There was silence for a second, but Richie spoke again.
"It's not my fault Josh was a cheating pig! I did good for her—"
"By swapping saliva with him behind her back"
Fifi muttered her replies calmly.
Oliver just stared at the both of them while I just stood awkwardly behind Sam.

"Shut up already. I don't want to hear anything else after what i just went through" Sam spat harshly at both of them.
Richie casted a long cold glare at Fifi, but Fifi just returned it with a calm threatening gaze.

Fifi turned to me and gave me one of the most threatening looks I've ever received.
"What are you looking at me for?!" I wailed

Fifi rolled her eyes "I can't believe you accept to  still call yourself the best friend of that... witch"
"Richie's not a witch! She has... issues and it's complicated!" I retorted.
Fifi just sighed and walked away.
"Oy! Oliver, get your butt over here!" She called Oliver that was still staring at us with a confused expression.
Oliver immediately dashed to catch up to Fifi.

I was alone with Sam and I stared up at him with puppy eyes.

"What?" He asked, his warm eyes revealed once again.
I shook my head, pretending to be mute.

He cocked a brow "Is this a game...?"
I glanced skillfully at Richie to see if she was watching us, and... she was...
I brought my voice to a whisper and made him lean in closer.

"You said you don't want to hear anything else..."

His eyes widened and he stared at me. He shook his head while wearing a smirk.

"My girlfriend's voice is an exception" he teased and attempted to snake his arms around my waist.
To be honest, I wanted nothing more than to hug him and kiss him... but that could wait! That could wait 30 minutes couldn't it?!
But noooooo.... God had to make it even harder for me by making this boy too friggin hot!
I snapped my head towards all directions, hoping that a certain somebody wasn't around and watching. The gods were on my side, because Richie was outside the classroom.
I turned my gaze back to my clingy boyfriend "You're naughty" I teased.
"Only for you"
His warm smile captivated my heart, and made it flutter.

I leaned up a bit to lock our lips in a short passionate kiss...

What the heck?!
I quickly pulled away from him, hoping that we were not seen.

Sam's mood hastily darkened.
"What do you want, Chelsea?"
Chelsea beamed at him and flashed him a sweet smile.
"I just wanted to ask after you, Sammy~ I notice that there's a peculiar..."
She paused, then turned to me with a disgusted look.
"...pest around you. Don't worry. I'm an expert on dealing with these kinds" she said while stressing the 'pest' in her sentence.

Samuel narrowed his eyes at her and flashed her a threatening glare "Who I interact with is none of your business. Go be someone else's mom"

Chelsea blushed of embarrassment. Thank God the class was empty, if not, she'd be a laughing stock.

"I know, I know. I just wanted to know if you can handle it" Chelsea replied, ignoring the fact that she used the 'it' pronoun to describe me.
"I'm like her boss, you know. She's a coward. I can just–"

Sam suddenly swung his bag over his shoulder and left.

I gulped. It was just Chelsea and I in the class now.

Chelsea turned to me with the ugliest scowl on her face.
"I'll give you my last warning. Stay away from him! I don't know why he doesn't treat you like the loser you are. He clearly knows you are. You must've done something! I've got my eye on you! He's mine!"

"Technically, Chels. He's not. You can't own a human..." I blurted stupidly.
Chelsea eyed me then scoffed "Why am I even worried? You couldn't even keep Josh, how do you attempt to bag this one now, considering the fact that you're a goofy pushover"

My mood dropped. Could people please stop bringing Josh up?! For some reason, the sound of his name brought back old memories.

Before I could retort, she strutted away and I was left there alone and in pain.

I felt angry, but I had to keep my anger under control. I couldn't get angry... that'd spoil my reputation for being the happiest girl alive, wouldn't it?

I was about to walk forward, towards the door, but I walked straight into someone's arms, and was wrapped in a tight hug.

Sam's POV*******

I was leaning against the wall, eavesdropping on the conversation between my girlfriend and the other human.
I didn't like the way she addressed Angel. That was rude, cruel and just wrong. I am out of her league, when will she understand?!

"You couldn't even keep Josh, how do you attempt to bag this one, considering the fact that you're a goofy pushover"

My jaw clenched. How dare she?! How dare she insult my love, cat girl?! I wanted her to know that Angel doesn't even need to attempt. She's won me already. I wanted to hold Angel, kiss her and so much more, all in Chelsea's presence... but Cat girl would be in danger.
Of course, there'll be a time when we won't care about anyone else but ourselves, but now's not the time.

Chelsea strutted off, completely oblivious to the fact that I was right here, by the wall. Any-who, it's good she didn't notice me.

I turned just enough to take a good look at Angel's expression.
She stood there like a lighthouse in the middle of the sea. Just standing there... just blank. She was zoning out. I could tell Chelsea's words were replaying in her mind.

I didn't waste a second. I was standing right in front of her, and when she took a step, I grabbed her and hugged her tight.

She seemed stiff in my arms for a moment, then I felt her body relax and she sighed.
I loosened my grip and made her look up at me by raising her chin slightly.
I craved her for so long. I love her so much. She shouldn't believe any sort of nonsense people spout. I was here, because I wanted to be. She was mine, because She wanted to be. And I would never be like Josh. I would never treat her the same way that horrible piece of crap treated my Angel!

She seemed to get the message from my eyes, because a smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

I pulled her closer, and finally locked our lips in a sensual, but passionate kiss. After a minute of countless butterfly kisses, I deepened it, earning a soft moan from her as my tongue search the corners of her mouth.

My legs had a mind of their own, and so did hers. I didn't realize when I was moving slowly, towards a desk, and Angel moved along too.

Our movements were halted by the nearest desk behind her, but my body wasn't satisfied.
With one last step, I made her sit on the desk. One of my hands gripped the side of the wooden table, while my other shamelessly moved downwards from her neck to her waist.

With a slight tug, my fingers felt the explicit warmth of her body under her white shirt.

Our lips parted, but I wasn't done in the slightest. I planted soft feather-like kisses across her neck and shoulders, my hand slowly making its way to the first button of her shirt.

"Saaamm~" she moaned.
It was only one button I swear! I swear on your triple banana split ice-cream, I swear!
Thanks to her slightly exposed chest, the areas to explore were more now.
Before I got carried away, I landed another passionate kiss on her lips, then pulled away.

I loosened the first two buttons of my shirt and slid it down a bit, so my shoulder was exposed to her, revealing the mark she had left in me earlier this morning.

"I'm yours, Angel..." I said, trying to make my voice more assuring than ever.
"And you're mine" I added...
Then she cried.

Angel and I were at our usual hangout spot; the park.
It was a place to relax and have fun. It was also her best place to be our selves without worrying about Chelsea and Richie.

We were snuggled up on a bench listening to the therapeutic sound of the wind. The annoying sounds made by the pigeons. And the silent conversations with the other few people here.

"Sam" Angel's voice said my name like it was her last word.

"Do you... would you like me... more... if I was... less annoying?"

Less annoying?
Where was this low self esteem coming from?
I stared deep into her dark brown eyes, that looked almost sad. It broke my heart that she wanted to change for me.
"Angel... you don't have to change for anybody! I love you because you're very annoying. You help me live my life and you're a big distraction for me. Without you, I'd die a lonely bookworm"
Angel snorted, trying to hold back a laugh.
"Nice sermon"

I smiled, and then told her more seriously "I mean it. Just be you. Nothing's wrong with you. You're perfect and amazing"
"Nobody's perfect"
"Will you just let me speak, dammit?" I huffed and she burst into a fit of laughter.

"Thanks Sam. For being my friend... my support... and the sweetest urchin ever~"
I blinked. She didn't just say that last but put loud.
"I thought I was a wolf?"
"You're hybrid"

Pfft. Silly cat girl.

We snuggled up closer to each other, with her head resting on my chest, listening to the sound of my heartbeat.

"Why is it so fast?" She asked
I suddenly felt heat crawl up to my cheeks.
"Your position is quite intimate" I replied truthfully.
"Awwwn~ You're so cute when you're blushing"
I rolled my eyes. This girl...
I was about to come up with a snarky reply, but she shut me up with a kiss to my cheek.
I looked down at her, only to find her head back to the same position it were on my chest. Her breathing was even. Was she asleep?
She is.
Wait one minute...
She's riding me home! She can't sleep!
Cat girl!

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