The Frost Giant & The Wolf

Galing kay TheZaraRoseSeries

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Your name is Nova Hemming and you've been a Stark Industries legal advisor since Tony Stark became Iron Man... Higit pa

Prologue: Storming The Palace
Chapter 1: Harrison or Hemming
Chapter 2: Not So Secret
Chapter 3: Meeting The Family
*Chapter 4: What Is Going On In There?*
Chapter 5: Evil Returns To Midgard
Chapter 6: Visions
Chapter 7: The Aftermath
Chapter 8: Exercising Patience
Chapter 9: The Past
Chapter 10: I Need You To Come Back
Chapter 11: Please Forgive Me
Chapter 12: Control Of Your Mind
Chapter 13: Girls' Day Out
Chapter 14: Stick To The Plan
*Chapter 15: Catch And Release*
Chapter 16: The coordinates
Chapter 17: Folklore Or History?
Chapter 18: Raiding The HYDRA Base
Chapter 19: Going Home
Chapter 20: Not What We Seem
Chapter 21: Wicked Game
Chapter 22: Don't Test Me
*Chapter 23: Heritage*
*Chapter 24: Return To Asgard*
Chapter 25: Tension & Appearances
Chapter 26: Clarity
*Chapter 27: Walk Of Shame*
Chapter 28: Gálgviðr
Chapter 30: The Lost Princess
Author's Note & Thanks!

Chapter 29: Þrymheimr

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Galing kay TheZaraRoseSeries

"Who is Synnove?"

"You, my daughter."

Your heart skipped a beat as you stood there, staring at the woman in front of you. It was a moment you had dreamed of your entire life, yet never believed would come true. But there was no denying it now. The woman standing before you was your mother.

You didn't know why you hadn't noticed before. The resemblance was striking. You could see your own features reflected back at you in the woman's face. The same almond-shaped eyes, the same soft freckles dusted across the cheeks, and even the same dimpled smile. It was as if you were looking into a mirror, only this mirror showed you the missing piece of your life.

"You're my mother?"

"Indeed I am."

Your attention was once again drawn to the loud banging noise behind you. Turning around, you saw Thor attempting to break through the ice wall with his hammer while Loki stood beside him, shaking his head. However, despite Thor's best efforts, the wall remained steadfast, refusing to budge.

"I... Uh... They... Will you let them through, please?" you asked hesitantly.

"Are they your allies?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, they are."

"Even the Mischievous one?" the woman inquired, her voice laced with scepticism.

"Yes, both of them."

"Do you trust them?"

"With every fiber of my being." You agreed.

After a brief pause, the woman nodded, reluctantly accepting your answer. "Very well."

Calm and composed, the woman lifts her hand and waves it once. By magic, the barrier dividing you from Thor and Loki disappears. Thor and Loki step forward, their expressions a mix of relief and curiosity.

The realization struck them like a lightning bolt—the woman from your dreams, the one they had been searching for, was none other than Skadi herself.

Thor found himself momentarily speechless. His usually confident and composed demeanor faltered, replaced by a mixture of surprise and awe. Loki seemed caught off guard by the revelation. His ever-present smirk faded, replaced by genuine disbelief.

"Queen Skadi." Thor pressed his arm against his chest and bent his head in a gesture of respect, followed by Loki, who mirrored his brother's actions.

"Welcome, princes of Asgard," Skadi began, "Be warned that your presence here is only granted at this moment in time. Shall you return without Synnove, this wall shall be the end of your journey."

Thor's mind raced as he tried to make sense of Skadi's words. "Skadi... Synnove..." he muttered, his brow furrowing in deep thought. Suddenly, it hit him like a bolt of lightning. "Lady Nova, you are the lost princess!"

"Indeed she is," Skadi confirmed, her voice filled with warmth. "Now, let us head to the castle. I will tell you everything your heart desires to know."

It all hit you like a tidal wave. Years of unanswered questions flooded your mind and you couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - confusion, excitement, but even a hint of resentment.

With a wave of her hand, Skadi channeled her magic and transported the four of you to the very heart of the majestic castle. The grandeur of the castle's architecture left you in awe as you appeared in a sitting room adorned with intricate details. The dimly lit hallways stretched out before you, filling the air with an otherworldly ambience.

"Thrymheim." Loki's lips moved, but only a whisper escaped, his voice stolen by the sheer beauty of it all.

"Please be seated." Skadi's voice broke through Loki's reverie, her tone calm and composed. She gestured gracefully toward the cozy seats positioned by the crackling fire, inviting the three of you to take a moment to gather yourselves and find solace in the warmth of the hearth.

Thor sighed contentedly as he removed his gloves. His hands, numb from the freezing cold, were finally thawed by the comforting warmth of the crackling fire. He closed his eyes for a moment, relishing in the simple pleasure of feeling his frozen hands come back to life.

As the flames danced and flickered, casting a soft glow across the room, Skadi took her place in one of the armchairs. She sat quietly, her eyes fixed on you. Loki took your hand and led you to sit down in the double armchair next to Skadi and he sat down beside you.

As you settled into your seat, the silence between the four of you was palpable. It was as if the weight of the unspoken words hung heavy in the air. Loki, sensing the tension in the room, gently squeezed your hand to ground you, offering a reassuring presence.

"Please ask your questions." Skadi said, breaking the silence.

This was a momentous occasion for you, one that had been a long time coming. You had been curious about your heritage for over a millennium, and tonight, you finally got to ask the first question. But where to start?

"Who am I?" You began with a shaky voice. "I've spent my entire life wondering where I'm from, who my parents are, do I have brothers and sisters?" Skadi could see the genuine longing in your eyes, a longing she could relate to all too well.

"My name is Skadi and you are my daughter, Synnove. You are the princess and heiress to Vanaheim's throne. Your father is Njord, King of Vanaheim. You have a brother and sister named Freyr and Freyja."

"So I'm part of a royal family..." Your voice trembled.

"You are." Skadi smiled.

You chuckled awkwardly, but your smile faded quickly.

"So... Was I unwanted?" you asked, your voice trembling.

Skadi's winced a little but her expression softened quickly, and she reached out to gently place a hand on your arm. Her touch was comforting, grounding you in the present moment.

"Oh, dear daughter," Skadi said, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "Your father and I have loved you from the very start. You were very wanted. You were a gift from the sun."

Her words soothed the doubts and fears that plagued you for so long. However, confusion lingered in your mind.

"I don't understand," you admitted, the words escaping in a whisper.

"Your father and I had been trying to conceive for centuries, but we were never successful. It was a source of profound sadness and longing for both of us. We had tried every possible method, sought the help of the most knowledgeable healers and shamans, but nothing worked. It felt as if we were destined to live out our lives without children.

"That must have been difficult." Thor spoke up, his words filled with empathy. Skadi, her eyes downcast, silently nodded in agreement.

"Until one day, during one of his hunts, your father saved a woman's life from a wolf that chased her. The woman was grateful and asked your father what she could do for him. It was a moment of jest, a lighthearted remark, when your father jokingly asked if she could help us get a child. To our astonishment, it turned out that the woman he saved was no ordinary woman. She revealed herself to be the goddess of the sun and fertility. She witnessed our struggles and felt compassion for our plight. In her immense kindness, she blessed us with her divine power, promising us that soon, we would welcome our firstborn child."

"That's such a coincidence!" A chuckle escaped your lips.

"Indeed. True to her words, not long after her blessing, we discovered we were expecting. The joy and excitement that filled our hearts was indescribable. As the months passed, we eagerly prepared for your arrival, imagining the happiness that would fill our home with your presence."

"So then what happened? Where did it all go wrong?"

She raised her palm, her eyes glowing with determination. With a flick of her wrist, a surge of power emanated from her fingertips. Before her, a shimmering orb of frost energy materialized. The room was filled with a soft blue, pulsating glow as the orb hovered in mid-air.

"I will show you," she declared, her voice filled with confidence and anticipation. The translucent depths of the orb came alive, revealing a scene from the past.




Within the orb's ethereal embrace, a memory began to unfold, playing out like a vivid cinematic vision. The scene shifted, and you found yourself transported to a chamber, filled with hushed whispers of anticipation. In the center of the room, Skadi lay on a bed, her face etched with determination and resilience.

You could see beads of sweat on Skadi's brow as she followed the midwife's instructions. Her body was filled with exhaustion and determination. The room was filled with a symphony of voices, each urging her on, encouraging her to push once more with all her might.

A stern man stood by her side, though his face was etched with a mix of awe and concern. You assumed him to be your father. His eyes remained fixed on Skadi, unwavering in his support. His hand reached out, gently squeezing hers, offering a silent source of strength.

Skadi pushed with all her might, her body trembling with exertion. The air was thick with anticipation as the healers guided her through the process, their words of encouragement intertwining with the rhythm of her labored breaths.

And then, the room erupted with joy and laughter. Skadi's cries of pain transformed into cries of pure happiness as she caught her first glimpse of her newborn daughter. Tears of joy and relief streamed down her face.

"Skadi, she is beautiful!" The man gasped. "I am so proud of you."

The orb's images skipped to the next memory, transporting you to a different time and place. You found yourself witnessing a tender moment between Skadi and your father, as they sat together on a bed holding their newborn baby. Skadi leaned in closer to your father and whispered, "Synnove. It means 'gift of the sun'."

A smile spread across your father's face, his eyes filled with love. He gently kissed her forehead and replied, "I adore it." It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about their affection for each other.

As quickly as the image appeared, it faded away, replaced by another scene. This time, you saw Skadi urgently shaking your father awake. Panic filled her voice as she exclaimed, "Njord, my love, wake up! The palace has been overrun by marauders! We must protect our people!"

Your heart raced as you watched Skadi and your father spring into action. They wasted no time, knowing that their subjects' safety depended on their swift response. Without hesitation, they rushed out of the room. You observed Skadi as she burst into the room next to hers.

"Hilda, take my daughter and run. Head through the hidden passage in the East Wing beside the library, then head to the cavern hidden behind the tree, and hide inside. Do not leave or return to the Palace until I can confirm the safety of our guests and staff. Now go, and be safe."

"Yes, my queen."

The scene in the orb shifted again, revealing the inside of a dark, eerie cavern. The flickering light of torches danced on the rough walls, casting long shadows across the damp floor. In the center of the cavern stood a cloaked figure, her face hidden beneath the hood.

"I assume you have heard of the prophecy by now?" The cloaked figure spoke, her voice dripping with confidence and malice.

"What prophecy?" Skadi asked as she furrowed her brow.

A wicked smile curled on the cloaked figure's lips.

"The one where your precious little child will be my undoing. None of the seers told you of her destiny? I won't tolerate it. I will kill her here and now, to prevent it from happening."

Skadi's eyes widened in horror and disgust.

"You would kill a baby? No! You won't get away with this! Listen to what you say! She is but a baby. How can you possibly believe that she could be your undoing?" Skadi hissed, her voice filled with righteous anger.

The cloaked figure smirked, her eyes glinting with amusement and superiority.

"Skadi, Skadi, Skadi ... So naive. You see, babies grow up, my dear. Your firstborn child is destined to kill me. Now, we know I cannot let that happen. I have things to do, havoc to wreak." The sorceress' voice dripped with condescension as she paced around the cavern, her movements filled with twisted grace.

"Now, if you hand me the child, I will allow you to keep your life."

Keeping the shield at arm's length, Skadi cautiously turned around, ensuring that the shield remained a barrier between the sorceress and herself, as well as her child.

"No! I won't allow you to hurt her!"

"Have it your way then."

Unfazed by Skadi's defiance, the cloaked figure muttered an incantation under her breath. This conjured a surge of dark magic directed at Skadi's shield. The impact of the blast sent Skadi stumbling backward, causing her to trip and fall over a large rock, striking her head forcefully.

As Skadi laid dazed and disoriented, the cries of the baby intensified, adding to the tension of the moment. The cloaked figure approached Skadi slowly, towering over her vulnerable form. With a swift and calculated motion, she forcefully tore open Skadi's cloak, snatching the wailing infant from her trembling arms.

Desperation filled the air as Skadi pleaded, her voice laced with anguish.

"No! Please!"

Despite her weakened state and unsteady legs, Skadi summoned every ounce of strength to stand upright.

Ignoring Skadi's pleas, the cloaked figure raised her hand and struck a harsh blow to Skadi's head, powerful enough to render her unconscious. Her body collapsed on the cold and unforgiving cavern ground. She stood over Skadi's motionless form, her expression unyielding and devoid of remorse.




With a gentle release of her magic, Skadi dissolved the sphere into thin air. The room was filled with awe as the sphere, once pulsating with energy, disappeared without a trace.

"Wait! What happened after that?" you asked, breaking the tension. "That wasn't Hilda, was it?"

Skadi's eyes met yours as she shook her head, her expression softening as she recounted the events that followed. "I was told that the sorceress took you," she started, her voice carrying a hint of sorrow. "She brought you to the waterfall just outside the cavern and dropped you into the lake below."

You felt a chill run down your spine as the image of falling freely through the air flashed through your mind. The impact of the revelation left you momentarily speechless, until you finally found your voice. "So, she dropped me into a waterfall?" you asked, seeking confirmation from Skadi.

Skadi nodded, her gaze unwavering. "Yes, she did." she affirmed. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on you as you tried to make sense of it all. "But then how am I here?" you inquired, bewildered by the apparent impossibility of your presence.

"Unfortunately, I do not know," Skadi replied, her tone empathetic. "I was hoping you could tell me." Her genuine curiosity was evident in her voice, as if seeking answers from you was her only lifeline.

Your mind raced, trying to recall any information that could shed light on the situation. "I... I don't know," you stammered, your voice filled with helplessness. "Hilda only told me about..."

"Hilda? She was there with you?" Skadi's eyes widened, her surprise evident.

"Yes," you confirmed, a flicker of warmth in your voice. "Hilda was always by my side. She played a significant role in my life, almost like a parent to me."

Skadi's eyebrows furrowed. "Yet she hadn't told you who you were?" she asked, her voice laced with disbelief. The revelation puzzled her, as if the absence of such crucial information was unfathomable.

"Hilda suffered from a head injury and amnesia. She couldn't remember anything except flashes of what I now believe were fragments of memories."

"Oh, the poor thing." Skadi said, shaking her head. "What did she tell you?"

"It's been so long that I barely remember any of it." You frowned. "I do remember her telling me that she would take care of me until my parents found me and that there was no way home because a sorceress might be looking for me."

"She spoke the truth." Skadi affirmed with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"She really did, didn't she?"

Skadi nodded and chuckled softly.

"How does she fare?"

"Hilda? She... uh... passed away several centuries ago." You revealed, your voice tinged with grief. Even after all these centuries, it still stung your heart. 

Skadi's face turned somber. Her brows furrowed as she absorbed the weight of your news.

"I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss," she said with genuine sincerity. "How did she pass?"

"She was murdered."


"Yes, by Vikings."

"What are Vikings?"

"Vikings are Midgardians," you began, your tone serious. "They were a seafaring people from the lands of Scandinavia. They believed in the gods and goddesses of Asgard and Vanaheim, considering them deities worthy of worship. Some among them would commit terrible acts, like murder, in the hope of gaining favor with the Allfather. They also believed that if they died in battle, they'd go to Valhalla."

Skadi's eyes widened in surprise, as she processed this new information. She was familiar with the gods and goddesses of her realm and how they each had their own unique gifts, but she had never encountered mortals who worshipped them or struck bargains like that.

"Midgardians are odd."

"That they are." You laughed.

"So, dear Hilda, she protected my daughter for as long as she could." She sighed. "She deserved so much more. Though, did you know she was the reason I couldn't find you?"

"What do you mean?"

"When the attack happened, she followed my instructions to take you down to the cavern and hide as you saw in my memory. However, at some moment she cloaked herself and you so the sorceress wouldn't be able to find you. But in turn..."

"You couldn't find me either."


"So, I wasn't forgotten about."

"My dear, we never gave up on you. But I knew you would survive. I felt it in my heart." Skadi reached across the arm rest, gently placing her hand on yours. "For centuries, we searched the realms. Midgard excluded."

"Excluded? Why not Midgard?"

"Sadly, we were forbidden to set foot on Midgard. Allfather's orders."

"My father prevented the search on Midgard? Why?" Thor asked as he couldn't fathom why his father would prevent the search for the lost princess on Midgard.

"Midgard was a realm devoid of magic. However, a prophecy, whispered among the ancient seers, foretold the arrival of a formidable evil god on Midgard that would bring destruction upon the realm. But it wouldn't be the evil god that posed the greatest threat. It would be the fear he left in his wake, a fear of the unknown that would drive the Midgardians to desperate measures. In an attempt to protect themselves, they would find the evil god's weapon and delve into forbidden knowledge, creating weaponry beyond their ken. Midgard was forbidden to us to prevent the prophecy from happening."

"That actually sounds fair." you admitted, though you couldn't help but notice a sudden shift in Loki's demeanor.

"Unfortunately, this prophecy has already come to pass." Skadi, with a heavy heart, directed her gaze towards Loki. His eyes widened in surprise as he processed the mention of the great evil.

"Loki's scepter." The weight of the revelation hit you like a tidal wave, making you gasp in shock.

"Hydra." Thor growled through his teeth.

Loki dropped his head in shame as the words rolled from your lips. The weight of his actions burdened him, and his remorse was palpable. He had made a grave mistake, and he was still facing the consequences.

Noticing his shame, you placed your hand on his cheek.

"It's imperative to remember that we all make mistakes. What matters now is how you choose to move forward and learn from this experience." You said. Loki's sad eyes met yours and he smiled ruefully.

"I understand," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I just... I never meant things to turn out this way. I wish I could turn back and change it all."

"I know." You nodded in understanding, recognizing the depth of his regret. But at that moment, your attention turned back to your mother.

"Loki has changed since then and has helped us take Hydra down. He is a kind man and he's definitely not the same person that he was during the New York attack." You held his hand lovingly and Loki squeezed gently with a soft, appreciative smile on his lips. "He taught me how to control my magic, how to focus it and how to use it to protect myself and others. He believed in me when I thought I was crazy for seeing a woman in my dreams and gave me Allspeak so I could talk to you. He has been by my side throughout this journey."

"She sings my praises harder than I deserve." Loki said, wearing a stiff expression. "I am far from perfect, but she makes me want to be a better man."

Skadi watched as you interlocked your fingers with Loki and ran your thumb across his hand. As your skin touched his, a wave of warmth and comfort washed over you.

"I can see that." Skadi's eyes softened.

A moment of silence fell in the room as you pondered the next question to ask. Thor, unable to sit still any longer, suddenly stood up.

"Perhaps my brother and I may explore the castle so that you may have some time alone with your daughter?" Thor suggested. Skadi nodded her head slightly, granting them permission to roam the castle freely.

"Don't go too far." You caught Loki's hand as you stood up. Loki turned back to face you and gently placed his fingers below your chin.

"We won't be far, darling. You know what to do if you need me." Loki winked before kissing your forehead.

Skadi observed you and Loki, and noticed the undeniable joy radiating from you. She saw how your eyes met with unmistakable affection, your smiles mirroring each other's happiness.

A smile slowly crept across her face. There was no doubt that you were happy, a fact she couldn't help but acknowledge.

As you lowered yourself back into your seat, your gaze naturally returned to your mother, who wore a warm smile that reached her eyes. Her words broke the silence. "You look happy."

"I am." You couldn't help but chuckle at her observation, knowing your joy was evident.

Curiosity sparked in her eyes as she asked, "How long have you two been together?"

"Oh, we're not... We haven't yet..."

"Do you love him?"

You hesitated for a moment, choosing your words carefully. "I... Haven't told him yet. But yes, I do," you confessed, a hint of vulnerability in your voice.

Her eyebrows raised in surprise, and she inquired, "And his past doesn't bother you?"

"People change." You shrugged, "And I believe him when he says he's changed." I can see that he is. He's done nothing to make me doubt that."

"He does seem like a changed man." Skadi admitted, "Though our family isn't very fond of the trickster god. But that is a story for your father to tell. Meanwhile, I have something to show you."

Skadi gets up from the couch and leads you down a long dark hallway, lit only by torches hanging from the wall.

"Here we are," Skadi said as she placed her hand against one of the bricks. She pressed hard, moving the brick further into the wall and allowing the wall to open up to a room full of treasures.

"Wow..." You shook your head as you entered the Treasury. "Some of these things must be ancient."

"They are." Skadi said as she headed for the table at the back of the room and opened a heavy metallic case. She carefully lifted the lid, revealing a stunning sight. Nestled inside was a breathtaking silver crown, imbedded with sapphires and adorned with ravens. With a gentle touch, she lifted the crown from its resting place.

She turned to you, her eyes filled with warmth and pride. Gently, she placed the crown upon your head, adjusting it to sit perfectly.

Skadi's voice carried a sense of reverence as she spoke. "This crown has been passed down through generations in our family. It holds the stories and memories of our ancestors, reminding us of our heritage and strength. It has witnessed countless celebrations and symbolizes the power and grace of those who came before us."

Skadi couldn't help but feel a swell of pride, knowing she was passing on a cherished heirloom to the next generation. The weight of history and tradition rested upon your shoulders, connecting you to the lineage before.

"Heavy is the head that wears the crown." You murmured under your breath as the reality began to sink in.

"Indeed it is, my dear daughter." Skadi placed a hand on your shoulder. "There is something I must show you."

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