gallavich oneshots !!

By remuslupinluv

87.6K 891 299

our favorites, mickey and ian <33 More

I'm sorry.
sick days.
make up under the mistletoe?
christmas cuddles.
santa baby.
sleepy face
the only one.
rainy day.
lazy sunday.
scar kisser.
needing you.
break time.
through thick and thin.
through thick and thin (2).
rumors (2)
normal for one day.
updates !! pls read.
early morning lovin'
bestfriends brother.
beautiful boy.
all thanks to you.
through thick and thin (3)
don't worry.
christmas grief.

victim of a hatecrime.

1.8K 25 35
By remuslupinluv

plot :
mickeys world flips upside down when he finds out ian was put in the hospital and for a not so good reason.
tw : its in the title but talks of being hatecrimed, violence, blood.

it was an extremely hot night in chicago.

they had just experienced their first day of summer, it was a very hot and humid one. the temperatures had reached 104° and by the time the sun set it had only dropped to 80°.

despite this however, kids would run the street day and night, making hospitals fill up because they'd end up with heat exhaustion or heat strokes. summer was the busiest season for all hospitals and EMT's, minus the drunks they'd pick up every night no matter the weather.

one of these EMT's were ian gallagher. living on the southside with his thug boyfriend, mickey milkovich.

ian always worked the day shift so he had seen the worst of the worst. from picking up the dead bodies of homeless alcoholics, giving kids as young as two cpr, treating kids who had gotten so badly sunburnt that their skin started to bubble up into blisters. you name it . . he probably seen it.

he always got off at around 7 pm, just when nightshift started. after every shift, his colleagues would go out for drinks, they'd invite him but he always said no because he hated being away from mickey for so long. this particular evening however, he decided to say yes.

mickey was out with lip and brad and he wouldn't be home until after ian so the red head decided to stay out.

they stopped by the alibi, where they always went, ian walked in behind the rest of the crew and greeted kev, v, and svetlana.

"hey ian. its good to see you here." veronica smiled, walking out from behind the bar to give him a hug.
"figured i'd join them." he pointed to his coworkers, "micks out with lip and brad."

kevin handed him a glass of coke, "yeah man, kick back for once, feel like you're always at work." he commented and made ian chuckle, shrugging, "gotta pay the bills somehow."

veronica nodded with a smile while kev went over to assist the booth full of crew members, "you and mickey doing good?" veronica sat down on a stool and ian nodded, sitting next to her, "yeah . . we're slowly figuring stuff out."

she smiled, "thats good. terry and his goons finally leave you guys alone?"

"he went to prison again so we won't have to worry about him." ian stated, feeling relief as he spoke those words outloud, it felt good to reassure himself.

veronica hummed and stood up again, "i gotta get back behind the bar but stay as long as you like. kev and i can take you home after just incase."

the ginger shook his head, "i should be fine. thanks v." he smiled and went over to the booth to join the rest of them.

ian and the crew stayed there for a couple hours, conversating and joking around with eachother, complaining about their worst calls that day. genuinely just enjoying themselves and having a good time before it was time to go home and repeat the day all over again.


the time came when they all finally decided it was time to head out, dispersing one by one. it was close to 2am and the alibi was only open for one more hour so v gave ian the choice to stay and be driven home, but he refused.

ian reassured her that he'd be okay and his house wasn't far from there, plus he'd had ran from terry and his goons so many times that he knew escape routes.  but terry was in prison of course so why should he worry?

"are you really sure ian? we wouldn't mind taking you home just as a precaution." veronicas eyes had a state of worry inside of them but ian was adamant on going home himself. he was tired and aching, he hadn't seen mickey all day and he was dying to go home.

ian nodded, "i'm sure v. i'll be okay." he promised and finally veronica nodded as well, "if anything happens, call one of us or make your way back to the alibi. if you're not back by 3:30, we'll close down."

the gallagher chuckled softly, turning to walk out the door, "will do v." he said as he pushed it open and exited. ian started his way down the side walk, lighting a cigarette before digging his hands into his pockets.

he really wasn't that worried. terry hadn't tried anything with him or mickey since that one attack when they were seventeen. ian knew it was a little more riskier now since the milkoviches made the house next door to them, their new home but overall it had been calm.

besides the name calling and occasional threats here and there.

ian hummed to himself, speeding up his pace a little as he got closer to his house, checking over his shoulder once in awhile. the streets seemed pretty empty and quiet . . except for the homeless men rummaging through trash cans for food.

the sky was clear that night and the moonlight lit everything up just perfectly.

then the silence was broken by what sounded like a metal object of some sort was being drug on the pavement, causing ian to turn around to check the noise out. to his horror it was one of mickeys cousins, dragging a baseball bat beside him as he walked towards the red head.

ians heart started pounding and he started walking backwards, his heels turning him around swiftly so he could run . . but he was stopped.

he ran right into terry milkovich.

there was somebody on each side of him, both carrying a weapon of some sort, terry had metal rings on his fingers.

with somebody behind him the ginger was cornered. he had no where to run, he'd screw himself over if he tried.

the gallagher barely had time to think before his vision went black and he felt himself falling to the ground, a sharp pain suddenly arising in his face. it wasn't long before somebody had kicked him in his ribs extremely hard, a bat taken to his side.

ian actually had no idea how long it lasted before he heard a familiar female voice scream at the four men and suddenly the scrambling footsteps taking off and getting quieter in the distance.

he was in all sorts of pain. agonizing pain.

the ginger tried opening his eyes but his vision was blurry, the blood seeping down his face made it impossible to see anything.

"ian its sandy. i'm calling you an ambulance, i don't know how you're still concious." she breathed out, pulling out her phone as she knelt down beside him, "please just stay awake." she begged.

he groaned out and weakly held his side but all he could think about was his boyfriend, "mickey?" was all he heard himself say before sandy witnessed him lose consciousness.

"shit!" she whisper screamed, looking over her should in the direction of where the sirens were coming from, "they're almost here ian please stay awake." she pleaded and carefully shook him but she had no success.


it was an hour later.

sandy paced back and fourth in the waiting room, phoning every single one of the gallaghers and her cousin mickey.

the once very silent night in chicago turned into a very noisy and chaotic chain of events.

she had rang and rang everyone she could think of, texting the group chat multiple times but nobody was responding at the time.

sandy gave up on trying to reach his family but she knew she had to wake up mickey and tell him, he'd kill her if he went hours without knowing his boyfriend almost died.

"god dammit mickey!" she groaned and tossed her phone onto one of the chairs, running her hands down her face in frustration. sandy sat on the floor against the chairs, pulling her knees up to her chest, impaitently waiting for a doctor to give her an update and somebody to call her the fuck back.

the last thing she wanted was for ian to wake up to an empty room and for everyone else to find out hours later after the incident.

the milkovich sat there, zoning out while the noises of the hospital surrounded her. the buzzing against her shoe caught her attention, finally mickeys notification popping up on her screen.

"get the fuck down to the hospital, now." she paused and took a breath, "please." it was shaky and her emotions started to get the best of her. the man on the other end of the phone could be heard getting up out of bed, mumbling out a tired, "why? who'd ya kill?" while searching for a pair of pants.

sandy chewed her bottom lip, there was no easy way to break the news, especially to mickey.
"its uh . . ian." she answered, looking down at the tile floor.

"ian? the fucks wrong with him?"

"yeah he uh, he got jumped mickey. nearly killed. found him on the sidewalk just a few feet away from your guys house, four men surrounding him."

she refused to give up the information of those four men, knowing that she'd also be making a trip down to the police station if she did that.

"just uh, get here soon. he fell unconscious while we were waiting for the ambulance and i haven't gotten an update since."

the once very tired and slow mickey could be heard running down the stairs on the other end of the phone, letting out a string of curse words before hanging up the phone without saying more.

now all sandy could do was wait. wait paitently for mickey and an update, a good update. the last thing she wanted to see was the toll ians death would have on her cousin and his family.


mickey came running through the doors and down the long hallway that reached the waiting room, his eyes frantically searching for sandy, breathing heavily.

his hands were balled into fists, not seeing his cousin anywhere. he stood there staring until a doctor approached him, placing his hands onto mickeys shoulders which made him flinch away.

"sir? sir are you alright?"

he nodded and his eyes still searched the waiting room, "ian gallagher?" he breathed out, the doctor nodded.

"he just woke up a few minutes ago, his room is straight down that hallway and to the left." he smiled and pointed in the direction, watching as mickey sprinted like his life depended on it.

he ran into the room, seeing a very bloodied and bruised ian, bandages everywhere on his body. his blood soaked clothes sat in a bag on a chair next to the bed, along with his shattered phone.

the boy took a sharp deep breath, chewing on his lip as he slowly walked up to the bed. the love of his life was laying injured, so injured he could've died and he wasn't there to protect him.

the dried blood in his orange hair, the black and blue bruises covering his half naked body. a busted lip and broken nose, the blood on his hands from his clothing.

"ian.." he muttered as he lightly grazed his fingers across the top of his hand, catching the gallaghers attention.

even with a smile you could tell ian was in agonizing pain and terrified.

"i should've stayed up. made sure you made it safely." he spoke, feeling himself start to tear up just at the sight of his boyfriend.

ian gently shook his head, "no mick. don't start blaming yourself please." he spoke very lowly, "at least i'm here." ian reassured and mickey choked back a sob.
"at least you're here." he repeated back to ian, his lips forming a small smile.

he turned to sandy who sat in the chair behind him, taking his place next to her but scooting his chair closer to ians bed.
"so whats the update doc?" he grinned and sandy sighed at his sarcasm, clearing her throat before she spoke.

"broken ribs, nose. they dislocated his knee cap and shoulder, almost caused internal bleeding, and fucked up his back pretty good.

mickeys eyes flickered over to ian who was currently writhing in pain because he ran out of morphine, they only started him off with a small amount.

"oh and they managed to break some of his knuckles too. they said it might be from when he put his hand in the area they were kicking him to soften the blow but . . they just ended up kicking his hand extremely hard."

sandy finished speaking and stood up, "i'm gonna go find a nurse." she exited the room, leaving just mickey and ian.

mickey was struggling to hold back tears, watching his boyfriend struggle to breathe because it hurt and wincing everytime he moved his body just ever so slightly. he was so angry at himself for not being there, for letting ian get hurt.

"who did this?" he suddenly asked, catching the younger males attention but it looked as if it made him flinch a little bit, "i already told the doctors, they're taking care of it." ian avoided telling mickey the truth and for good reason.

mickey knew better though, shaking his head, "ian, who did this?" he asked once more, the red heads eyes avoiding mickeys, "if i tell you i'll also have to deal with you going to prison for murder." he stated and the milkovich scoffed.

he could feel the anger pulsing through his veins, mickey just wanted to know who had hurt and almost killed his boyfriend.

"it was terry."

the room fell silent, mickeys heart suddenly dropping. he was in shock, he was angry . . mickey knew his dad was fucked and he attacked them once before but he never thought terry would strike again.

ian started crying . . he didn't know if it was the pain or having to admit he let terry jump him again.
"it was terry and a few of your cousins." he choked out, still refusing to look at mickey who stood there, angry and upset.

as mickey opened his mouth to say something, sandy came walking back into the room with a nurse following behind her with an IV bag of morphine.
"sorry that took so long Mr. Gallagher, we have a lot of paitents to look after." she smiled at the ginger but that only pissed mickey off more.

"but hes in fucking pain. he nearly fucking died and every part of his body is either bruised, cut, or broken. i guess your paitents throwing up after eating raw chicken are more important."

"mickey—" sandy started but the older male wasn't done.

"took you a whole twenty minutes to grab a bag of fucking morphine thats taken you two seconds to set up. hes fucking crying because you god damn idiots left him laying here in agonizing pain, taking your good old fucking time getting here."

his voice slowly got louder and louder, leaving the nurse in the room stunned, standing and staring at the boy as he continued to yell at her.

sandy tried grabbing his attention multiple times but it wasn't working and ian just laid there, watching the whole interaction go down as he waited for the pain meds to kick in.

"please why don't you go do us all a favor and continue to take care of the ones with minor symptoms. probably just the fuckin flu." he grumbled and set eyes on ian who was basically pleading for him to stop at that point.

the nurse walked out in complete silence and sandy was left shaking her head, "you're gonna get your dumbass kicked out." she spoke and mickey scoffed, rubbing his forehead with his hand.
"yeah well ian shouldn't have to sit here in fucking pain while some mother comes in here and freaks out because her kid's experiencing his first god damn headache."

to sandy, mickey seemed unreasonably angry and agitated but ian knew that it was just worry. the milkovich tended to mask his worry with anger a lot and ian caught onto this after a year or two of knowing the boy.

mickeys leg bounced rapidly while he rested his chin on his fist, his sight rarely ever leaving ian.
"they say when he can go home?"

"still waiting for the scan of his head to make sure he doesn't have a brain bleed." sandy shrugged, looking down at her phone while frantically messaging the group chat, trying to get somebody's attention.

ian was falling in and out of sleep, trying to stay awake for the sake of not worrying his boyfriend but the morphine was making it incredibly hard. it was also about five in the morning and ian had worked for several hours the day before so naturally, he was exhausted to begin with.

"did you try kev and v?" ian mumbled out, his voice a bit slurred, "i promised i'd call if anything happened."

sandy shook her head and mickey reached for his own phone, "i'll try them E. get some sleep." his tone changed a lot when he spoke to ian, it made sandy chuckle a bit.

mickey shot her a glare and then put the phone up to his ear, listening to it ring before kevin picked up the phone, groaning, a sign he had just been woken up.

"hey kev uh just wanted to let you and veronica know that ians in the hospital . ." he looked down at the floor, "he uh . . got jumped on the way home."

"hold on, did you just say ian got jumped?" veronicas voice came from the background, meaning kevin must've been on speaker phone.

mickey nodded before he answered her, "yeah, its- its pretty bad." he scratched his chin, still looking at the floor as he heard both kev and v get out of bed.

"have you called fiona and them?"

"sandys been trying since he got here but none of them are picking up." mickey explained, hearing veronica sigh in response and mumble something incoherent to kevin.
"listen mickey, we'll be there in a few." kevins could be heard from a distance in the room, "whats his room number?"

mickey took a breath, "its uh 116."

"alright we'll be there soon." veronica responded and hung up the phone, the room going completely silent again.

the milkovich looked up again and saw that ian had fallen asleep, the way he finally looked comfortable and peaceful made mickey smile just slightly. he stood up and leaned over to carefully press a kiss to the gingers forehead, "i'm gonna go get something to eat from the cafeteria, you want something?"

sandy looked up at mickey and nodded, "yeah get me yogurt if they have it."

"and if they don't?"

"i don't know, something you know i like?"

mickey rolled his eyes, "and i barely fucking know you or your tastes." he retorted and left the room, sandy flipped him off behind his back.


twenty minutes later and mickey came back to the room with sandys yogurt, and a breakfast sandwhich for him and ian.

the ginger was still fast asleep but he knew he'd be hungry when he woke up, plus he hadn't eaten in hours so mickey wanted him to have something.

mickey handed sandy her yogurt and sat back down in his chair, "you know we have to pay for this shit?" he spoke, pointing to the food in disbelief. sandy chuckled in response, "come on, you really didn't expect a hospital in the southside to give this shit out for free?"

mickey shrugged, "would've been nice." he took a bite but immediately brought his eyes back over to ian, he was so worried about his boyfriend.

"oh yeah, v said they might not make it because apparently the milkoviches are being extremely threatening to both them and the gallaghers." sandy licked the yogurt off of the spoon, not looking up at mickey who had just scoffed.

"whats new?" he remarked, "dads lucky the last thing i want is to be in prison for murder . . otherwise i'd be over there shooting them all."

his cousin just laughed some more, a smug smirk on her face, "yeah well with how many people terrys fucked, you might have to kill the whole world just for safety precautions."

mickey just nodded, his attention being diverted to ian when he heard him start stirring awake.
"these fucking beds are uncomfortable." he groaned out, still extremely exhausted.

"are they uncomfortable or does your back just hurt way too much?" sandy stood up to throw away her empty yogurt container, ian made a defeated noise, looking miserable.

mickey gave him an apologetic look, wishing he could do something about it but feeling totally helpless. almost feeling guilty that ian had to deal with this instead of the other way around.

after a few minutes of nobody saying anything and sandy just pacing the room, she finally waved and started heading for the door, "alright fuckers . . seeing as it's getting earlier in the morning i'm heading home. i'll be back over later to help you mick."

mickey gave her a small wave and nod, ian was too focused on the ache going on in his body to respond or even notice that she had left.

"just wanna go home." ian croaked out and mickeys walls came crashing down, he let ian see the worry and sadness on his face instead of masking it.

he placed a hand on ians to try and comfort him the best he could, "i know you do baby." his tone was sympathetic and he could see the pain finally getting to ian.

he hissed in pain, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment, "should've just taken V's offer to drive me home." ian scooted himself up on the pillow some more, wincing, "wouldn't fucking be here right now if i did."

"all i had to do was sit in the alibi for one more fucking hour and i would've been home safe and okay. instead i decided to be a hardass and almost fucking die."

the red head was rambling on and on, angry at himself for getting into this situation. this was a habit he picked up on when he was younger, a quirk that mickey hated so much, mainly because he'd just keep bringing up the negatives.

mickey could understand his anger and his pain but it wasn't his fault, it wasn't kev or v's fault, the only people at fault were terry and his goons.

"i knew terry wasn't going to just stop after that one time but for some reason i thought i'd get home scott free. should've fucking stabbed them with a broken beer—"

his rambling was cut short when the doctor came walking in with his discharge papers and instructions on how to care for his wounds properly.
"alright mr. gallagher. your scans were all clear and you've been pretty stable for the past two hours, so you're all good to go home." he smiled, handing the papers to mickey.

he also handed mickey an orange pill bottle, "this is his pain medicine. he takes one as needed and only for three days at the most, no more than ten."

the milkovich nodded and stuck them in his pocket before folding up the few papers he had, looking up at the doctor as he lifted himself up out of the chair.

nurses came in shortly after to unhook ian from everything, kev and v arrived behind them shortly after that.
"just in time. they're discharging him." mickey stayed by the side of the bed, refusing to move anywhere else.

veronica frowned at the sight of ian, going over to kiss his forehead, "you alright?" she asked with a sympathetic tone. the ginger nodded and reached out for mickeys hand, "lot of fucking pain." he commented and v made a disapproving sound.

"we could've driven—"

"kev." mickey growled between gritted teeth, looking up at him, "hes already blaming himself he doesn't need any fucking help." he was agitated and ready to get ian out of there, as much as he loved kev he knew the man had the tendency to make things worse unintentionally.

one of the nurses rolled in a wheelchair and parked it next to ians bed, putting the railing down as she got ready to help him move.
"this will hurt but i'm gonna try to be easy." she warned and ian took a breath, "lets get it over with." he groaned.

slowly and carefully she grabbed onto the gallagher and pulled him up out of bed, giving him moments to breathe so she wouldn't put hin through too much at one time.

the wincing and quiet yelping made mickey flinch,  he really hated to see ian in this much pain.
"be careful man you're fucking hurting him!" mickeys voice was raised and he was near tears, it was very unusual for a milkovich to cry, so seeing his glossy eyes and hearing the break in his voice really shocked kev and v.

they both knew that mickey always put up a guard, making him out to be the scariest and toughest person in the southside. whenever ian was around though, it seemed to change just a little bit . . his tone was softer and he seemed to be way more relaxed.

so they knew mickey wasn't really all that angry at the nurse, he was just worried and seeing ian get hurt like that really bothered him.

"shes trying mick." ian spoke and finally got settled in the wheelchair, watching how his boyfriends eyes quickly made eye contact with his own.
"pains kind of inevitable here."

mickeys breathing seemed to quicken a little, "i know but she could be a little more gentle." the nurse gave mickey a dirty look but the man didn't seem to notice it, he was more focused on his boyfriend.

ian watched his boyfriend and pursed his lips, moving his hand to signal him over, softly speaking at the same time, "come here."

it took mickey a minute but he eventually moved over towards ian, bending down at ians request.
"you're working yourself up, its not her fault okay? i'm okay but i need you to slow your breathing down for me." his voice was very gentle and soothing in which mickey replied with a nod, pressing a kiss to ians lips.

the ginger returned it and pulled away with a smile, "now get me the fuck out of here."


after getting some much needed sleep, mickey woke up, turning his head to see ian in the most comfortable position he could get him in.

the milkovich had actually managed to clean up some of the dried blood in places the hospital missed once they got home, but they were both so tired that they didn't even get half of it off.

mickey just laid there for a little while, in the silence, wondering how ian got so incredibly lucky that he didn't die. he was glad he was taking care of him, rather than planning his funeral and burying him in the ground.

suddenly loud banging erupted from their front door downstairs, multiple fists banging on the door at once. mickey groaned and rolled out of bed, lazily making his way down the steps and opening the door, being rushed by ians entire family.

they were loud and asking a bunch of questions, all at once. mickey knew ian was a very light sleeper and the last thing he wanted was for his family to wake him up.

"is ian okay?"

"where is he?"

the milkovich put his hands up infront of their faces, "shut the fuck up!" he said loudly so they could hear him over their chattering. the boy watched as they all fell silent and stared at him, "we didn't get home till late, hes sleeping. please for the love of god do not wake him up."

he slowly put his hands down, turning to walk in the kitchen wanting them to follow, "come in here, calm down a little, drink some coffee and i'll explain everything." mickey spoke and heard their footsteps approach.

they all took a place in a chair at the dining table while mickey made the coffee, leaning against the counter as he got ian his pills out for that day.
"listen, my dad and cousins jumped him on the way home from the alibi. hes got broken ribs, a broken nose, they fucked up his back pretty badly, his shoulder and knee cap are both sore from being dislocated.

"they fucked up his knuckles too, shattered his phone and ruined his emt uniform. i didn't get a chance to clean him up so hes still got dried blood in some places, hes got bandages and bruises everywhere.

"when sandy found him i guess he fell unconscious. hes alright though . . in a hell of a lot of pain but hes alright."

mickey took a deep breath and read each one of their facial expressions, seeing the way debbie and fiona teared up, carl and lip grimaced and looked down at the floor.

when nobody else started speaking mickey sighed, "we tried calling you guys last night when it happened but none of you fucktards answered." his tone was everything but nice after that, he was agitated and frustrated.

"it was late mickey—"

"no lip! all four of you declined sandys calls and for what? all because she fucking broke debbies heart? ian could've fucking died last night and not a single one of you were there."

he tried to be quiet but all of the anger and frustration started to come out slowly, he was disappointed in ians family.

"he has done everything for you. i don't know how many times you have woken him up in the middle of the night and called him over because you and carl were arguing." he was staring hard at lip with a disapproving look, watching how lip avoided his eye contact.

"the least you could've done was get over your petty bullshit for one fucking night and answered your god damn phones. i don't know why i'm shocked thought." the boy scoffed and looked away from all of them, "none of you were fucking there when he got diagnosed with bipolar, the only time you came around is to put him in the fucking hospital.

"even after he came out of that mental place you were all gone again. you were gone until he got arrested by the MP's and they asked you to come in for questioning and then all of you shit on him.

"you guys made him feel like shit for something he can't fucking control and yet you're shocked as to why he ran off with monica or always stayed with me."

by the end of it mickey was basically screaming, all of his feelings spilling out at once, every single emotion that hes ever bottled up breaking down that wall.

all of his siblings sat silent because they knew mickey was right.

"when he was in that club guess who you called to get him out?" he walked slowly to the table, eyes switching back and fourth between lip and fiona, "you called me."

"when he ran off with yev, the only person actually worried about finding him was me. then all of you looked at him like he was some damn freak because you let your trauma with monica get in the fucking way!"

then he turned his attention fully towards fiona, raising a finger to point it at her, "and then you tried to say i would ruin his life when in reality i was the only one fucking helping him!"

he backed away from the table and took a deep breath, scratching just above his eyebrow, "so this whole thing that happened last night is just another fucking example."

mickey looked back up at all of them who had nothing to say, looking shameful and guilty, awkwardly sitting there like sitting ducks.

"so please, get the fuck out of my house and come back when you gather yourselves." mickey pointed to the door and without hesitation they all got up, exiting one by one.

while the boy knew that they all loved ian and accepted him for who he was, there were moments they treated him like shit. maybe ian didn't notice it or maybe he just brushed it off but mickey sure didn't.

he saw how they treated him every single time.


it was a little later in the day and ian finally woke up, hobbling down the stairs with mickeys help, groaning quietly at the pain. mickey sat him down on the couch, placing a heating pad behind him so it would take the pain from his back a little bit.

he brought out his pills and a bottle of gatorade, handing each of them to him when ian stretched his hand out, sighing softly.
"never realized how much you take." the milkovich commented, making ian laugh a little with a nod, "yeah but they keep me stable."

mickey chuckled softly and set the gatorade onto the table, "what do you want for food?"

ian gently shook his head, "i'm not hungry for anything."

"you need to eat. pb and j sandwich it is." the older male said as he stood up and walked into the kitchen.

the ginger sat there for a moment and thought to himself, wondering how he got so lucky to have an incredible boyfriend.
"you know . . if this happened when we first met, you would've told me to go fuck myself and fend for myself."

mickey smiled a little and brought the sandwich out to him, "yeah well thats old mickey. new mickey wants to take care of you because he cares about you."

ian laughed and took the food, "you also just want my dick."

the milkovich shrugged, "no shame in that." he smiled and leaned in to kiss ian, running a hand through his freshly washed hair.
"i love you."

ian pecked his lips a second time, "love you too mick." he took a bite of his sandwich and sat in silence for a moment before opening his mouth to say something else.
"also thank you."

mickey squeezed his thigh, "don't have to thank me. this is what boyfriends do. they take care of eachother and love one another." ian smiled and nodded, "still . . you could've just let somebody else do all of this."

"if i can't protect you all the time, i'm gonna be there to help and make sure you're okay." mickeys tone was soft and it made ian smile, leaning in for another kiss, this one long and passionate.

neither boy could ever deny their love for the other. they loved and cared for eachother dearly, they help eachother, and they make sure that the other stays alive.

mickey and ian have come a long way since the ages of fifteen and sixteen. no matter how much arguments they got into or how many times they've gotten into physical fights . . they still loved eachother so much.

a/n : this ones hella long and i'm not sure if i like it. i tried not to rush this so much but i'm pretty sure this is one of my longest fics. i hope you guys enjoyed reading it and i really hope its not shitty.

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Angst and fluff one shots 🤍
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Mickey has a goal: getting his sister away from their abusive Dad - but he needs money While selling himself to older men he ends up in the house of...
47.1K 510 133
Just some random Gallavich one shots I had in mind in the middle of the night or in the middle of day. Contains: it's Gallavich so what you expect w...