Must Hate The Bad Boy

By jjtheunicorn

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∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽∽ hate hāt/ verb 1. feel intense or passionate dislike for someone. "that girl hates hi... More

Chp. 1- Must Hate The Ex
Chp. 2- Must Hate The Partner
Chp.3- Must Hate The Punches
Chp. 4- Must Hate The Grief
Chp.5 - Must Hate The Suspicion
Chp.6- Must Hate The Hangover
Chp.7- Must Hate The Truth
Chp.8- Must Hate The Embarrassment
Chp.9- Must Hate The Anger
Chp.10- Must Hate The Regret
Chp. 12- Must Hate The News
Chp.13- Must Hate The Nervousness
Chp.14- Must Hate The Dirty Blouse
Chp.15- Must Hate The Assignment
Chp.16- Must Hate The Sadness
Chp.17- Must Hate The Pain (PART I)
Chp.18- Must Hate The Pain (PART II)
Chp.19- Must Hate The Surprisingly Easy Project
Chp.20- Must Hate The Curiousity
Chp.21- Must Hate The Fist Fight
Chp.22- Must Hate The Rumors
Must Hate The Spiral Staircase
Chp.24- Must Hate The Argument
Chp.25- Must Hate The Shyness
Chp.26- Must Hate The Bowling Bowl (PART I)
Chp. 27- Must Hate The Bowling Ball (PART II)
Chp.28- Must Hate The Feelings
Chp.29- Must Hate The Disillusionment
Chp.30- Must Hate The Return
Chp.31- Must Hate The Text
Chp.32- Must Hate The Broken Rib

Chp. 11- Must Hate The Kidnapper

203 9 0
By jjtheunicorn

** picture of kelsey above ** (Spencer Locke) hey guys// hope you enjoy this chapter. PS i really have no idea what to write for this one.. so i'll just try my best. thanks for listening !

don't forget to COMMENT VOTE , & SHARE!

BYE! P.S., in this chapter there's something called Biology Tech. I totally made that up and I have no idea if it actually exists or not. ENJOY.


Natalia leaned down on her knees and kissed her father on the forehead. "I love you dad. I'll be back later, okay? Rest." After another kiss from Natalia, she stood up and grabbed her keys.

Once she stepped outside, she felt the cool breeze brush past her face. She looked over at the driveway and saw Jeremiah whistling to a tune while leaning on the seat of his bike. Once he noticed her, his face lit up. He pushed his body off of the bike and made his way over to Natalia, engulfing her cold body into a warm hug.

"Hey baby," He greeted. He then suddenly pulled out an envelope from behind his back and cheesed like a five year old child getting a new toy for Christmas. "I stopped by your apartment to pick you up, but you weren't there so I figured that you'd be here." His cheeks turned to a light shade of pink.

"Guess you know me well, then." She smiled admirably and pulled her leather jacket tighter against her freezing body.

".. I couldn't help but smile when I saw this." He handed it over to her and she smiled suspiciously. She hugged the envelope tightly with her cold fingers and looked up at him then smiled again.

"I'll read it when we get back. Are you ready to go?" She asked him happily. He nodded his head and then she hopped onto his bike. Once he sat down, he put on his helmet and handed his extra helmet to Natalia. She wrapped her long arms around his fitted torso and pushed her cheek against his back, then closed her eyes.

The wind whizzed past her face as her heart continued to beat in a steady manner. She was curious as to why Jeremiah even went into her mailbox in the first place. Was he looking for something? Breaking out of her thoughts, she inwardly debated with her self whether or not she should ask him why he was looking through her mailbox.

"Jeremy?" She asked sweetly. He straightened up his back at the sound of her voice. "Hmm?" He replied calmly.

"Why did you go through my mailbox?" She asked, curiosity evident in her tone.

"I didn't," Jeremiah cleared his throat. "It was stuck between the door and it just fell out... I didn't want the wind to blow it away or anyone to steal it-"

"It's an envelope, don't be silly. What type of person steals envelopes?" Natalia asked, interrupting his speech.

He took a sharp turn and stopped when the red light came into view. "You never know what could be in there, Tally." Natalia suspected that he was grinning from ear to ear, making her smile as well.

"Well," She finally opened her eyes and saw that they were already pulling into their university. "Like I said, I'll open it when I get home." She stepped off the bike when it came to a complete stop and hung the helmet on the sides of the bike. Jeremiah raised one of his eyebrows, indicating that he was either confused or thought that his girlfriend is insane. How did people do that? It's so aggravating! "Oh, and since when did you call me Tally?" Jeremiah rolled his eyes, ignoring her question.

"Natalia, have you even read the front of the envelope yet?" He seemed desperate for her to open it. What was so special about the gosh darn envelope? Natalia heaved a sigh and pulled the envelope out of her purse. Without hesitating, she immediately looked at the front of the envelope, just as Jeremiah told her to do so. She gasped when she saw it. It read,

Dear Natalia Jean Baptise,

It has been wonderful to see your work. We have looked into your studies and they are phenomenally amazing. We've never seen such a great biologist like you are. We would like to inform you that Mr. Charles Rezinea has set up a meeting for you two meet in person.

When we looked into all of your lovely reports, we thought that it would be an amazing opportunity for you to work with us. We would be very pleased if you joined us. Please think about our offer and call the number below for further information... Please get back to us as soon as possible.


Thank you! Sincerely,

Aimee from Biology Tech.

By the time Natalia finished reading the letter, she was speechless.

"Well, what did it say?" Jeremiah asked excitedly, while throwing his arms up in the air. Natalia thrashed the well written paper towards Jeremiah, and he took it carefully.

"Read it!" She squealed, super speechless at the letter she received. Biology Tech. was one of the biggest and successful business in the whole state of New York! They wanted her out of all the other successful biologists out there who wanted to work there too.

After one full minute of reading the paper, he rushed towards Natalia and picked her up.

"I'm so happy for you! I can't even imagine how happy you must be right now!" Jeremiah frowned when he noticed the scowl on her face."What's wrong? Aren't you super excited?" He asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Of course," She smiled sadly. "I just.... What about Adam? I love those kids to death.. There's nowhere in hell that I could just leave everyone like that. Those kids love me, Jeremy." She sighed in defeat as they began to walk towards the steps of their school.

"You could work two jobs?" He suggested quietly. Natalia chuckled and hit her boyfriend playfully against his shoulder.

"Dummy, do you how hard it is to just work one job?" She asked him and he rubbed the spot that she hit. 'Such a baby'. She thought to herself.

"Well... You'll at least think about what I just said, right?" He asked her, hoping that she would say yes.

"Uh," Natalia licked her lips and closed her eyes. "Yeah, maybe. I will." Jeremiah's frown turned upside down and he rushed to Natalia once more, engulfing her in another warm hug.

They bid their goodbyes and began to walking towards their first class. The door cracked open and there was no one in there except for Ms. Snappywhether. She was sitting in her seat, snoring loudly with her flabby arms covering her face. Was she early or late? Natalia cleared her throat loudly, but she didn't budge.

She walked over to her desk and sat down, taking her laptop out of her bag. She tried to make as much noise as possible to wake Ms. Snappywhether up, so she could figure out what was going on. Just then, she heard the door creak open, and a group of students started to file in loudly. Ms.Snappywhether snapped her head up at the chatter. Really?

After she realized that she was just early, she began to take out the rest of her items from her bag.

"Alright class," Just then, a skinny boy with red hair started bursting out laughing. One of his friends asked him what was so funny, then out of nowhere he began to laugh too. Next thing she knew, more and more students began to laugh. Seriously, what was so funny? A girl that sat in front of Natalia turned around and snickered.

"You seriously don't see what's so funny? Wow. You're slow." She turned around and Natalia just ignored her comment, obviously rowled up at what the girl in front of her just said to her. She tried her best to keep her face from colliding with the girls face, so she just sat on top of her hands.

"What the hell is so funny, King?" Ms.Snappywhether snapped, glaring at the kid who started the whole riot.

"Nothing," He laughed harder, trying to suppress his laughter as best as he could. "It's just that..." More laughter. "You're on your period." He burst out laughing again and Ms.Snappywhether raised her eyes and looked down at her white pencil skirt which was most definitely covered in red stains.

"What! No, that's- that's not blood! It's um... My coffee turned red." Her face lit up with extreme embarrassment. Natalia surely did feel bad for the poor teacher. I mean yeah, Natalia's been embarrassed before, but not like this. This was extreme. Ms.Snappywhether excused herself and scurried off to the restrooms.

"That was really hilarious. Wasn't it, kitten?" Natalia tore the grin off of her face just as she heard the familiar deep and voice. She turned around to see Caden leaning back in his seat with a wicked grin plastered onto his lips.

"Sure." She replied bluntly. She turned back around to face the front of the classroom and glanced at the board, which had a writing assignment written on it. She opened up her laptop, wondering why she was getting all these looks from the students around. The girl that was sitting in front of Natalia turned around once again and shook her head, amusement in her eyes.

"Can I help you, Rat Face?" Natalia asked through gritted teeth. She tired of this anonymous girl always being rude towards her.

Her amused smile got swept off of her face at Natalia's remark. She stood up and placed her hands on her hips.

"Excuse me?" She cocked her head to the side and stared at Natalia with a cold, icy glare.

"I'm tired of you looking and talking to me like I'm a disappointment to society. Is there something about me that you don't like? Because, if so, go ahead. But make sure not to say too much, wouldn't want that pretty little voice of yours to go hoarse." Natalia said confidentially towards her.

"First of all, whore, my name is Kelsey, sweetie," Before Kelsey could even finish her sentence, she felt a sting of pain across her cheeks. "You b*tch!" She gasped in pain and slapped Natalia back forcefully, just as hard. By now, the whole class went chaotic. People were standing on desks yelling "WORLDSTAR!" Others were staring with amusement in their eyes, and the rest were chanting "Fight! Fight!"

Natalia pushed Kelsey and she stumbled back, doubling over and landing on the hard tile floor with a hard thud. Natalia hovered over Kelsey, breathing heavily. It took one swing for the poor girl to start bleeding. Before Natalia could throw another punch, a boy with large arms grabbed Natalia, saving Kelsey from getting beaten to a pulp.

Kelsey sat up, grasping for air, while grabbing her nose and touching her cheeks which were now stained with blood. Natalia turned around to face the boy who had pulled her back. It was the same red headed boy who began laughing in the beginning of class.

"Why did you pull me back! I was about to kick her ass!" Natalia yelled at the boy, who was obviously taken aback at the fury in her voice. "You dummy!" She reached forward and pushed him on the chest, but of course he didn't buldge. His body was really built.

"Natalia, calm down for Ms.Snappywhether comes back and finds out what happened... Liam, take Kelsey to the nurse. Tell her that, I don't know.. Make up a story. Make it good."


"Make it good!" Caden yelled at the boy. Ooh, so the red head was named Liam. Caden turned back to Natalia who was breathing heavily, her chest rising rapidly up and down. "I think you need to go home." He shook his head and grabbed Natalia by the arm but she slapped his hand away.

"No! School just started!" She yelled furiously. He grabbed her arm again, this time firmly. She definitely wouldn't be able to come out of his grip this time. Natalia sighed in defeat as Caden began packing up her stuff. He carefully grabbed her laptop and placed it into her bag, along with the other stuff that was on her desk.

After he finished, he grabbed Natalia's arm again and led her out of the classroom. What was taking Ms. Snappywhether so long? She probably went home to change out of her blood-stained clothes.

When they reached Caden's car, Natalia stepped into the car and sat in the passenger seat. "Wait, my purse! I need my purse... It's still in the classroom!" Natalia panicked.

"Go get it." He sighed unhappily and glanced at Natalia, who already got out of the car. Caden watched her as she was walking back towards the school. Next thing he saw, there was a boy walking towards her. He blocked her way as she tried to open the door. She tried once again, but of course, he blocked her. She pulled her hand back, feeling ready to punch him in his jaw, but he quickly grabbed her wrists before she got the chance to. It looked like she was going to scream but he already covered her mouth and yanked her body down the stairs, practically dragging her down the sidewalk.

Caden furiously stepped out of the car, walking towards the boy who was trying to take Natalia away.

"HEY!" Caden yelled at the figure who was dressed in all black. The boy turned around and glared at Caden, then turned back around and tried to stuff Natalia's small body into his vehicle. Before he got the chance to, Caden already yanked his head back and punched him square in the jaw. The boy quickly bounced off the floor and punched Caden right back. One punch. Two punches. Three. The boy kept punching him, hard. In all places.

"CADEN!!" Natalia yelled, tears pouring out of her eyes. Caden stole a quick glance at Natalia and suddenly felt a course of anger go through his body. He grabbed the boy by his shirt and turned him around, body slamming him against the concrete.

He punched him hard. Punch after punch, the guy began bleeding out of his nose. Caden got up and kicked him in the stomach three times, bent down, punched him again until blood was literally pouring down his face.

"Caden, stop!" He heard Natalia yell. He ignored her and kept punching the guy with all the might that he had inside of him. "CADEN! STOP! YOU'RE HURTING HIM!" She yelled again. Caden wiped the blood off of his face as he stood up. He spit on the boy who was now laying on the floor, a pool of blood surrounding his body.

"YOU DON'T EVER TOUCH A GIRL LIKE THAT, YOU IDIOT!" Caden kicked him again in his stomach. "Never," Another kick to the boys' stomach again. "Again!"

"CADEN!" Natalia cried out. He turned around and saw Natalia sitting on the floor, her arms wrapped around her knees. She was trembling and tears were pouring down her face. He began to walk towards her but she quickly got up and backed up.

"I'm sorry," He took one step forward and she took a step back. "Natalia, I just saved your life! He could have taken major advantage of you!" Caden said to Natalia calmly.

"But, he could die! He's not even moving!" She yelled at Caden. Caden sighed and bent down to the boy and felt his chest, which was still moving. He bent his head down to the boys face and heard him breathing.

"He's alive." He replied bluntly.

"Caden! That's not the point! He could still die later!" She cried out, obviously heart broken.

"Look," He sighed in defeat. "How about we both go and get your purse so that no other stupid idiot," He paused and looked at the boy who was laying on the floor. "Can take advantage of you again. Come on, please?" He reached for Natalia again, except this time she didn't flinch or move back.

"Okay," She sniffed, wiping the tears away from her eyes. "Okay." She looked up at Caden, linked her small arm to his large one, and smiled at him.

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