Persona 5 Royal: Makoto X Mal...

By AKAustinTTV

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This story begins right after the Phantom Thieves first victory against Kamoshida and his change of heart. In... More

Introductions and Back Story
Born in Shadow (Chapter 1)
Burning Desire (Chapter 2)
Enchanted Graces (Chapter 3)
Distorted Desires (Chapter 4)
Hateful Soul (Chapter 5)
My Shadow (Chapter 6)
The Deal (Chapter 7)
Certain Risks (Chapter 8)
Check Up (Chapter 10)
Getting on Track (Chapter 11)
Recovery (Chapter 12)
Reset (Chapter 13)
Sorrow in the Rain (Chapter 14)
Stunning Resolve (Chapter 15)
Strained Feelings (Chapter 16)
Exam Due (Chapter 17)
A Lasting Memory (Chapter 18)
Premium Art Form (Chapter 19)
Mission Start (Chapter 20)
Relentless Potential (Chapter 21)
Despairing News (Chapter 22)
Solutions and Problems (Chapter 23)
Moving Forward (Chapter 24)
Aftermath (Chapter 25)
Fractured Mind (Chapter 26)
Sickening Corruption (Chapter 27)
Frozen Empathy (Chapter 28)
Trip Around the Heart Part 1(Chapter 29)
Trip Around the Heart Part 2 (Chapter 30)
Decaying Pulse (Chapter 31)
Plan of Attack (Chapter 32)
New Horizon (Chapter 33)
Blooming Villain (Chapter 34)
Concerning Revelation (Chapter 35)
Redemption (Chapter 36)
Darkness Within the Eyes (Chapter 37)
Exploring Options (Chapter 38)
Decisive Outcome (Chapter 39)
Unbound, Unleashed (Chapter 40)
Broken, Shattered (Chapter 41)
Cognitive Memory (Chapter 42)
Plea of Virtue (Chapter 43)
Frozen Dawn (Chapter 44)
Two Sides, One Lie (Chapter 45)
Troubled Spirit (Chapter 46)
Inner Demons, the Faith of Innocence (Chapter 47)
Bounded Promise (Chapter 48)
Flames of Rebellion (Chapter 49)
The Desire to Change (Chapter 50)
The Chains of Desire Pt.1 (Chapter 51)
The Chains of Desire Pt.2 (Chapter 52)
Butterfly Groove (Chapter 53)
Calculated Progress (Chapter 54)
Another Lesson on Life (Chapter 55)
New Imaginings (Chapter 56)
Within Cognitive Reason (Chapter 57)
Power to Choose (Chapter 58)
Extra Credit Pt.1 (Chapter 59)
Extra Credit Pt.2 (Chapter 60)
Broken Ground (Chapter 61)
Vanished Template (Chapter 62)
Uncanny Reunion (Chapter 63)
Trading in Cards (Chapter 64)
Scarlet Blossoms (Chapter 65)
Everlasting Memento (Chapter 66)
Makoto's Decision (Chapter 67)
Formal Justice (Chapter 68)
Prepping the Mind (Chapter 69)
Rusted Cage (Chapter 70)
Dangerous Compound (Chapter 71)
Unprepared Assault (Chapter 72)
My True Nature (Chapter 73)
Tainted Bonds (Chapter 74)
Impossible Choices (Chapter 75)
Lingering Despair (Chapter 76)
Battle Plan (Chapter 77)
Time to Shine (Chapter 78)
Fading Away from Me (Chapter 79)
Persona Part 1 (Chapter 80)
Persona Part 2 (Chapter 81)
Persona Part 3 (Chapter 82)
Persona Final Part (Chapter 83)
Humanity Personafied (Chapter 84)
A New Dawn (Chapter 85)
Relocation (Chapter 86)
Step Back (Chapter 87)
Forward Thinking (Chapter 88)
Futaba's Memories Part 1 (Chapter 89)
Futaba's Memories Part 2 (Chapter 90)
Futaba's Memories Part 3 (Chapter 91)
Futaba's Memories Part 4 (Chapter 92)
Futaba's Memories Part 5 (Chapter 93)
Futaba's Memories Finale (Chapter 94)
Futaba's Retaliation (Chapter 95)
Distortion and Misdirections (Chapter 96)
Ungreiving Friends (Chapter 97)
Clouds of Dispair (Chapter 98)
Token of Luck (Chapter 99)
Curses and Cures (Chapter 100)
Journey to the Abyss (Chapter 101)
Ren's Memories Part 1 (Chapter 102)
Ren's Memories Part 2 (Chapter 103)
Ren's Memories Part 3 (Chapter 104)
Ren's Memories Part 4 (Chapter 105)
Ren's Memories Finale (Chapter 106)
Morgana's Memories Part 1 (Chapter 107)
Morgana's Memories Part 2 (Chapter 108)
Morgana's Memories Final Part (Chapter 109)
Ryuji's Memories Part 1 (Chapter 110)
Ryuji's Memories Finale (Chapter 111)
Another Morning (Chapter 112)
Grasping Between the Lines (Chapter 113)
A Broken Sight (Chapter 114)
Ann & Yusuke's Memories Part 1 (Chapter 115)
Ann & Yusuke's Memories Part 2 (Chapter 116)
Ann and Yusuke's Memories Finale (Chapter 117)
Makoto's Memories Part 1 (Chapter 118)
Makoto's Memories Part 2 (Chapter 119)
Makoto's Memories Part 3 (Chapter 120)
Makoto's Memories Part 4 (Chapter 121)
Makoto's Memories Finale (Chapter 122)
Persona's Requiem Part 1 (Chapter 123)
Persona's Requiem Part 2 (Chapter 124)
Persona's Requiem Final Part (Chapter 125)
Another Day to Breathe (Chapter 126)
Lost in Your Eyes (Chapter 127)
Letting the Small Things Win (Chapter 128)
Vastly Broken (Chapter 129)
Knowledge Eternal (Chapter 130)
Morning in the East (Chapter 131)
Feeling Light (Chapter 132)
Forward Attention (Chapter 133)
Makoto, My Love (Chapter 134)
Sirens That Call (Chapter 135)
Assignment and Case (Chapter 136)
Focal Lens (Chapter 137)
Another Anomaly (Chapter 138)
Fatal Flaw (Chapter 139)
Tearful Skies (Chapter 140)
Not The Same (Chapter 141)
A Day of Sun (Chapter 142)
Bonding With Me (Chapter 143)
Sand in My Eyes (Chapter 144)
Life Stealer (Chapter 145- End of Part 1)

Unwieldy Expectations (Chapter 9)

2.1K 51 36
By AKAustinTTV

*May 5 Early Morning*

You slowly wake up from your nights rest, your body feeling sore from yesterday's events. Upon realizing the slow burning pain in your chest you reach for your bag and pull out the blue bottle of pills.

You: She said take one, two at most if it gets too much but no more..

You take out a pill and swallow it without hesitation. After a few moments the pain within your chest slowly dies down, it doesn't fully disappear but it becomes manageable. You start to get ready to go to school, making a quick breakfast for yourself, you have been living alone for a little while now and you have been getting better at your cooking. When you started out you burnt nearly everything you cooked or it just wasn't very tasty. Refusing to always order out with the money your Father supplies you, you have been working very hard and learning cooking techniques to make some very good dishes. And this breakfast was no exception, making some scrambled eggs with perfectly browned toast was easy but you added a little special flair in the cooking. It came out perfectly and you enjoyed the meal you had prepared.

You: Maybe I should look into more ingredients, I should start fixing new dishes, maybe I could get the guys to try it sometime.

You begin to write a list to your handler, who was hired by your Father, the one who brought you food every week. So you wrote a letter and put it into the request box just outside your small house so that he can receive it. Checking the time, you notice that school was gonna start soon and you should get going there. So you got your stuff and headed outside towards the train station. Taking the train to Central street you began looking at your phone for dishes online that you could try to make. Ever since being hospitalized and home alone, cooking has become your main hobby other than normal stuff that you figured a guy your age would be into. Now all you needed was a girlfriend to share the experience. The thought of a girlfriend made you chuckle but also brought up some unpleasant memories, girls asking you out just for your money, or to just get closer to your Father's business. Some even did it to get the title of dating the smartest kid in the school who had everything... You shake your head as that life of yours is something you don't want to relive. People using you because you had money or the child of a successful man, not just because you were someone they were attracted to or wanted to know.

In your moment of distraction and looking at your phone, you suddenly bump into someone, you trip and fall to the side but catch yourself with your hand and knee, you quickly feel the burn on both. You hear the yelp of someone and the scattering of papers..

You: Oh shoot, I'm sorry!

Unknown Girl: Ahh.. No it's okay..

You turn to look at the voice and you see a Shujin student sitting on the floor holding her head and trying to grasp the papers that flew out of her hands. You instinctively begin to help her gather the papers since you were the one distracted.

You: I am sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going.

Shujin Girl: Oh no! Don't worry about it. Thank you for helping.

You: It's only right. Here, this should be all of them.

You grasp the stack of papers and hand it to her. It was at this moment that you finally got a good look at her. You stood there frozen with the papers in hand as you stared at her. She had short brown hair with a braid that ran across the top, with deep piercing red eyes, unlike you have seen before. You blink your eyes speechless and stunned at such a pretty girl. I mean you felt the same way about Ann when you first met her, but something about this girl and her rose red eyes gathers your attention.

Shujin Girl: T..Thank you, can I have those?

You snap out of your daze and with a flustered face you give her the papers. She seems to check them for damage and or missing pieces before neatly putting them back into the folder she had. She turns towards you.

Shujin Girl: You're a Shujin Student too? I am not sure we have met before.

You: Oh I am a recent transfer, I just started at the beginning of the week.

Shujin Girl: Oh then you must be Y/N L/N.

You: You know my name?

Shujin Girl: Of course! I kinda have to know about these sorta things.

You: You do?

Shujin Girl: Yep, I am the Student Council President, nice to meet you, my name is Makoto Niijima.

You: T..The Student Council President?? U..Umm it's very nice to meet you S..Senpai!

You bow awkwardly. Makoto begins to laugh slightly.

Makoto: Sorry, you don't have to be so uptight, I usually don't laugh like that but you are very amusing. And you can just call me Makoto, If I remember correctly you are older than me even if you are a grade lower, so please it would feel weird if you called me Senpai, Makoto will do just fine.

You: If that is okay with you, Makoto.

Makoto: Perfect, now, shall we head for school? This little distraction did cost us some time.

You: S..Shoot! You're right lets get going!

Makoto: After you.

You proceeded to walk along with Makoto, making small talk here and there. You learned that she lives with her sister who is a prosecutor so she sometimes is alone at home.

Makoto: So yeah, I can take care of myself pretty well without my sis. What about you?

You: Oh I live alone. Since I had to come here for my treatment and attend Shujin, I get financial support from my Father to live alone. Weirdly, I feel alright being alone right now. And I got some friends along the way so it isn't too much trouble for me.

Makoto: I am...glad to hear you are adjusting well to Japan and living on your own. It must be nice to not need to work.

You: It's not that simple, I mean I still have to do bi-weekly checkups with my Doctor which I need to sit and do testing for to make sure my treatment stays on course.

Makoto: That must be scary, no?

You: It's a bit jarring, but I can handle it. I plan on working hard to catch up and graduate soon. I did lose 2 years.

Makoto: It must be awful, I don't think how I would recover and go back to school from being in a comatose state that long.

You: My recovery actually went really well. My physical rehab only took a few weeks before I was able to walk and move normally. Not only that but I seemed to grow a bit.

Makoto: That's..odd?

You: Very, however I guess I got lucky. Rehab went well, I got taken care of by the best, and now I get to finish what I started in school. Granted the change of location was scary, I think I have done pretty well.

Makoto: I see. I read your school record when you were in the states. You had an impressive academic track record.

You: Y..You read my record?

Makoto: Mhm, it kinda is my job as Student Council President to know if you have any troubles to help you fix them. But seeing your record, I have nothing to worry about. Straight A's in all of your classes, top of every exam, perfect attendance and spotless record, until the incident that you were hospitalized. But your achievements far exceeded my expectations! I can't help but feel a little jealous.

You: I see... So you know my record...

She notices your unpleasant expression.

Makoto: Is something the matter?

You: N..Nothing. It's nothing. Just I like working hard in my studies.

Makoto: It's impressive. It's good to do your best.

You: Th..Thanks.

Makoto: You're welcome. And don't look so down.

You: H..Hmm?

Makoto: I can figure by your expression earlier that you didn't have a lot of people who enjoyed your success, am I right?

You: It didn't trouble me..

Makoto: No, but I can tell there is some history with that.

You: So?

Makoto: What I am trying to say is that people will always be jealous. Just always be honest with your work. It doesn't matter if someone treats you differently because you are good in school, you have the merit to back it up.

You: I..guess that is one way to look at it. I'm pretty sure you are popular with others though, if you are the President then you must be very good yourself. Everyone must treat you with a lot of respect.

Makoto: You would be surprised..not all things are sunshine and rainbows for someone like me..

You: What..?

Makoto: Nothing. Never mind. We are almost at Shujin, we should try to get in before we are in trouble.

Makoto then picks up speed and leaves you behind. You are left a little confused by her remark and scratch your head a little. Sighing, you walk towards the school and head for class...

Thank you guys for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it and please let me know your thoughts on it! I will See you guys in the Next one!

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