Collision Course

By TashaAmy1803

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Safety has become a relative term since coming to Hogwarts. Every year there has been some kind of drama . Ho... More

Chapter One - Under Protection
Chapter Two - Creature Comforts or not
Chapter Three - Return to a kind of Normalcy
Chapter Four - Head in the sand
Chapter Five - Concern
Chapter Seven - Our Own Order
Chapter Eight - Rebels with a cause
Chapter Nine - Underneath the mistletoe
Chapter Ten - Familia
Chapter Eleven - We're screwed
Chapter Twelve - Hell no
Chapter Thirteen - Weasley Magic sours
Chapter Fourteen - Fight Back
Chapter Fifteen - Blood Traitor and proud
Chapter Sixteen- Gemini
Chapter Seventeen - Isolation
Chapter Eighteen - Diagon Alley or at least it was
Chapter Nineteen - Awkward
Chapter Twenty - Difficult decisions
Chapter Twenty One - Harry's Weird
Chapter Twenty two - Draco
Chapter Twenty Three - Uncomfertable conversations
Chapter Twenty Four - Hurt
Chapter Twenty Five - Not everything is easy
Chapter Twenty six - Correction Course
Chapter Twenty Seven - The Calm
Chapter Twenty Eight - Darkness

Chapter Six - Hell on Earth

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By TashaAmy1803

Umbridge made good on her threat, soon enough the first proclamations were put up. Umbridge was appointed as a high inquisitor. She walked around with powers that clearly went to her head, she questioned every teacher about their practice, sauntered around school doing things such as breaking up couples, smartening up students, giving detentions for the smallest thing that did not conform to school rules. She even broke up a show the twins were putting on of their latest product.

Life at Hogwarts became restricted more and more. Anything that made this a home was taken away. Heaven forbid you had to go to class with her. She had you copying chapters from text books, no talking, debating or practicing nothing practical. If she could humiliate you, she would. Case and point. After two months of her tyranny she had the audacity to fire Professor Trelawny. I mean she wasn't my favourite professor neither was divination my favourite class, but the woman didn't let her even finish the school year let alone the term. The school watched as filtch brought out her suitcases. Harry joined us that were already surrounding the courtyard.

"Six...sixteen year's I've lived and taught here. Hogwarts is my can't do this." poor woman was on the verge of tears if she wasn't crying already I couldn't tell from where I was.

"Actually I can." she held up a something in her hand. Professor McGonagall glided past us to comfort her fellow teacher. "Something you'd like to say dear?" she questioned professor M.

"Oh, there are several things I would like to say." the doors to the school opened and out came quickly was Professor Dumbledore.

"Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside." Dumbledore requested and she complied taking the professor past him for which she was extremely grateful.

"Dumbledore, may I remind you that under the terms of Educational Decree number 23 as enacted by the minister...." Dumbledore cut her off

"You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You however do not have the Authority to banish them from the grounds. That power remains with the headmaster." Dumbledore corrected the mean woman.

"For now." Professor Dumbledore turned around

"Don't you all have studying to do." He called and everyone dispersed. Harry ran off shouting after him, while I went to the common room.


Ron, Harry and I were sat on the sofa of the common room while Hermione was pacing back and forth annoyed and quite right so.

"That foul, evil, old gargoyle." Hermione vented

"I rather imagine her as a toad." I drawled wistfully, toying with my hair and listening to her vent her frustrations.

"We're not learning to defend ourselves . We're not learning how to pass our OWLs...." she trailed off as the radio played on i the background

Security has been and will remain the ministry's top priority Harry turned up the radio Furthermore we have convincing evidence that these disappearances are the work of notorious mass murderer Sirius Black. I get up and turn off the Radio.

"Harry! Vega!" we hear our names come from the fire and

"Sirius" we breath rushing over to their seeing his face in the flames

"What are you doing here?" Harry asks

"Answering Vega's letter, and yours of course, about Umbridge. What is she doing? Training you to kill half breeds?" I scoff at his bad attempt at a joke

"Sirius she's not letting us use magic at all." Harry told him

"Yes, my brain is hurt from all the reading and writing and you know that is saying something." I nudge Harry aside.

"Well, I'm not surprised. The latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you trained in combat." he informed us

"Combat?" Ron asked from behind us "What does he think, we're forming some sort of Wizard army?"

"That's exactly what he thinks. That Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the ministry." Sirius carried on

"Fudge does think highly of himself doesn't he? When will the man get the memo that there is is a bigger threat than his fear, paranoia and his own ego, he's worse than your brother." I aim the last part at Ron, for a moment thinking of Percy who now works at the ministry.

"She does make a point." Sirius smiled but them turned serious once more "The others wouldn't want me telling you this but things aren't going all that well with the Order. Fudge is blocking the truth at every turn and these disappearances are just how it started before. Voldemort is on the move." he warned us

"What can we do?" Harry asks just as we hear someone coming

"Someone's coming. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. But for now at least, it looks like you're on your own." he faded away and we all got up looking out the window

"He really is out there isn't he." Hermione stated "We've got to be able to defend ourselves. And if Umbridge refuses to teach us how, we need somebody who will." Hermione turned to him.

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