๐Ÿ‚The Night We Met. // VeeMar...

By jkbabii00

16.6K 1.2K 359

Mark just lost the love of his life. His days are grey and he can't seem to find happiness again. Vee works i... More

I am not the only traveler.
Who has not repaid his debt.
Take me back to the night we met.
And then I can tell myself.
What the hell I'm supposed to do.
And then I can tell myself.
Not to ride along with you.
I had all and then
most of you.
and now none of you..
Take me back..
to.. โš ๏ธNueaMark smutโš ๏ธ
the night we met.
I donโ€ฒt know
what I'm supposed to do..
Haunted by..
the ghost of you.
Oh, take me back..
to the night we met.
When the night
was full of terror.
And your eyes
were filled with tears
When you had
not touched me yet.
Take me back to the night we met
I had all and then
most of you.
โš ๏ธSmutโš ๏ธ
Some and now..
none of you.
Take me back to
the night we met
I don't know ..
what Iโ€ฒm supposed to do
Haunted by
the ghost of you
Take me back toโš ๏ธSMUT !โš ๏ธ
to the night we met

Iโ€ฒve been searching for a trail to follow again.

528 34 6
By jkbabii00

"Thank god it's the weekend now. I am so exhausted." Yihwa said stretching her arms up in the air.

The first week of being back to school was over and Mark did pretty well.

He managed to leave the class on time whenever he felt a breakdown or panic attack creeping up and he actually was able to catch up on everything.

They were on their way back to their condos, luckily they were all on the same path, so the group didn't have to split up at school.

Yihwa's condo was right in the middle, which made it safer for her on days they had late classes.

The friends protected each other.

It was always like that and will always be like that.

"Guys!" Fuse said as he stepped out into the hallway.

"I talked to misses Hao right now and guess what.."

"Fuse, tell us !" Kamphan said annoyed.

He was in a bad mood because he was hungry.

"Pff..I've got a B in my presentation! I've reached 85%! I won't fail my class !"

"Fuse ! I'm happy for you!" Yihwa said and the others joined in.

"Let's go celebrate after school. I'm in the mood for some drinks after my good grade."

"Yes! Let's go to our old bar! Mark,  you're coming too, right?" Kamphan asked and everyone looked at the brown haired boy.

"Oh.." He answered hesitantly.

Should he really go with them ?

Last time he went there, was with Nuea. It would just open freshly healed wounds again.

No no..

Nothing was healed.

He missed his boyfriend deeply and he was sure he would just spoil the mood.

"Come on Mark, it won't be the same without you."

Mark looked into the eyes of his friends.

He knew it would hurt him, but thinking of all the beautiful memories...

Every birthday the friends celebrated there.

Their anniversary they spend there together.

Every night they tried to comfort James after he got rejected again.

>Maybe these memories will bring me a bit closer to Nuea.<

"Okay.." Mark said, secretly hoping he would see Nuea again.

It was his favorite bar.

They shared so many stories and memories, Mark was sure he would see him there !

"Yay !" Yihwa cheered but James was worried.

"Is this really a good idea ?" He whispered to Fuse who just shrugged it off.

"Okay guys, we meet each other in front of the bar at 7pm, alright?"

"7pm ?!"

"I need to get ready first! What if someone flirts with me ?!" The beautiful girl said, making her male friends laugh.


"You're not better." Fuse said to Kamphan.

"Oi, don't be so mean.."

Mark was deep in thoughts.

He didn't really listen to his friends bickering each other.

>I'll see Nuea again tonight.<

He thought with a sad smile.


"Hey James."

"Mark, hey.."


"Are you alright?" The friend asked worried.

"Yeah, sure I am." Mark said with a shaky voice.

"Guys ! Over here !" Kamphan called.

"Where's Yihwa ?"

"She went to the restroom."

"Ah well.. Shall we go inside?" Mark asked, trying to fool everyone into thinking that he's just fine.

"Sure. I'll write Yihwa where we sit."

As they stepped inside, James watched Marks every step.

He seemed to be the only one who was worried about him and he didn't really knew why none of the others were.

"Guys our usual table is free ! Let's sit there !"

Marks heart stopped for a second, hearing Fuse say those words.

He instantly started thinking a bit too much about it.

>Pull yourself together Mark. You want to see Nuea.<

They sat down and soon Yihwa joined them.

"Are you ready for the first round ?"

"Hell yes. I'm so stressed from university, I really need some fun time." Kamphan said and the others agreed.

Everyone, but Mark.

He looked around the room, trying to find the familiar face he missed so much.

Half an hour passed.

They were three drinks in and Yihwa, known to be a lightweight, slowly began to become a little more friendlier towards boys that walked past them.

Two hours passed and they were now 6 drinks in, Yihwa was dancing with Fuse taking care of her and the others still sat at their table.

Mark tried his best not to spoil the mood but with every minute that passed and every minute he didn't saw Nuea, he became more and more depressed.

The young boy drank 6 glasses of whiskey and even tho Mark tolerated alcohol well, he was slowly starting to feel it too.

>Maybe I should just leave.<

"I think I'll have to puke.." Kamphan suddenly said and jumped up, startling James and Mark.

"Go after him, I'm fine." Mark said and James hesitantly got up to go after his friend.

"I'm such a fool.." Mark whispered to himself.

>I need some fresh air..<

The brown haired boy got up and left the bar with his 7th drink of the night in his hand.

Telling his friends that he's going outside didn't cross his mind for a second and so James broke out in pure panic.

"What's wrong ?" Yihwa asked as she stumbled back to the table.

"Mark is gone."

The second those words left his mouth, the friends sobbered up instantly.

"What do you mean ? He's probably just on the toilet."

"He's not ! We just came back from there !" Kamphan said, nearly breaking down in tears as the alcohol always made him a little drama queen.

"Okay, stop. We need to go find him !" Fuse said and was about to turn around and run outside but James stopped him.

"Guys stop ! You are drunk. I can't let you go out and run around Bangkok all alone. You stay with me. I'll call a Taxi, Yihwa, try to call him."

The girl did what James told her but when the friends heard Marks phone ring, they froze.

"He left his phone ?!" Fuse nearly yelled.

"Fuck, what do we do ?!" Kamphan finally began to cry.

"Guys, calm down. The taxi will be here in a few minutes. We'll go look at his condo first ! I'm sure he's fine !"

Mark didn't knew what he had just started.

His friends were worried about him and he stood outside, close to tears, wanting nothing more than to see his Nuea again.

He drank his drink down in one gulp and without noticing that his friends had left the bar, he went back inside.

When he found the empty table, he didn't think anything bad, but when the first hour passed with his 8th glass of whiskey, he finally noticed that not only his friends but also his phone had disappeared.

"Fuck ? Where did I-"

He turned and bumped into someone.

With alcohol all over his shirt and tears in his eyes, he thought the evening couldn't get any worse.

"I'm sorry, are you alright?"

"Yes I-.."

Mark froze when his eyes met the other's.

The boy smiled at him but Mark couldn't do anything but look at him in shock.

"Nuea.." he whispered.

"Nu-.. I'm Vee. I don't know if you know me, but I know you. I work here."


"Nuea.." Mark whispered in his sleep.

Vee sat next to him, watching the young boy in his bed whimper and whisper this name over and over again.

He did this the whole night.

"Nuea !" Mark screamed and sat up in shock.

"Morning." The black haired boy said startling Mark, who just woke up from a nightmare.

"Where am I ? Who are you ?"

"I am Vee. And you're at my condo."

"Okay Vee. How did I end up here ? Did we..?"

"Hm ?"

"Did we have sex ?" Mark asked in panic, feeling like he just cheated on his Nuea.

"Fuck no. I don't have sex with drunk people. You were wasted last night and bumped into me. I saw that you were alone for like three hours. I remembered you from before and so I asked were your friends were, since we were about to close, but you didn't answer, you just called me Nuea over and over again."

Marks heart dropped.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine."


Mark didn't dare to look up and Vee just softly smiled.


"Something like that."

"I understand. I got cheated on like six months ago. Hurts pretty bad."

"Vee could you.. lend me your phone ? I need to write my friends."

"Oh no worries I did last night."


"Like I said, I remembered you from before and I know that one of my colleagues hooked up with your friend weeks ago so I asked him for her number and called her."

The young boy had tears in his eyes.

Something about Vee's behaviour made him sentimental.

It reminded him of Nuea.

Helping steangers and always finding a solution.

"Thank you."

"It's fine. They were really worried about you. One of your friends said they've been looking for you for hours. You just disappeared."

"I don't really remember." Mark lied.

"Hey, where is my shirt ?"

"In the washing machine. You've puked all over yourself so I cleaned you. Sorry if I crossed a line by undressing you."

"No, I'm.. Thank you."

"Are you ashamed?" The boy asked the other boy who still didn't look up once.

"Yes, kind of."

"No need to be."

"Well we're strangers, yet you did so much for me."

"You know my name and I know yours. Makes us less of strangers." Vee smiled and Mark finally looked into his eyes.

"I repay you ! I'll take you out for dinner. As a thank you!"

"You don't need to."

"I insist!"

Vee smiled softly.

"Okay but not today. I have to work."

"Hm Okay."

"I mean.. we can exchange numbers and I call you when I'm free ?"

"Sounds good." Mark nodded.

"Oh my, you can smile !"

"Oh shut it or I won't pick up your call." Mark laughed.

"Oh is that how you talk to older people ?"

"How do you know if you're older?"

"You wore a uniform so I guess you're in university?"

"Well, yes."

"So I'm your P'. I've graduated from university three years ago."

"Okay okay." answered Mark with his hands raised, making Vee laugh.

"P'Vee ?"

"Yes ?" The other boy said while pulling his shirt over his head.

"Could you.. tell me how I get to my condo from here ?"

The older boy looked down at his watch.

"Where's your condo ?"

"Near the Chulalongkorn university."

"I have like fifty minutes left until I need to be at work. I'll drive you."

"Oh no, you did so much for me already. I can't accept that."

"Mark, don't ruin my plan on getting another meal with you." He joked.

"Fine." The young boy said, laughing himself.


Mark opened his door, revealing his friends who instantly turned to look at him.

"Mark !" Yihwa jumped up and hugged him.

"We were so worried about you !" Kamphan said.

"I'm sorry guys. I was waiting for you, but none of you returned and-"

"We were looking for you ! After we came back from the toilet, you were gone. You only left your phone."

"My phone! Do you have it !"

"Of course. James ?"

Mark looked over to his friend who seemed really angry.

"James.." He whispered.

"Do you have any idea how worried we were ? You can't just wander off and not tell anyone, you didn't even take your fucking cell phone with you ?! I thought something bad happened to you. You were so drunk I thought you did something to yourself. I-" James stopped as he saw the sad look in his friends eyes.

None of the others said anything.

James just stared at Mark and finally pulled him in his arms.

"Don't you dare doing something like that again !" He warned the other boy.

"I'm really sorry."

"I'm sorry for leaving." Fuse said from behind him.

"We were so worried that we didn't even check outside properly." He added.

"That's right James. We didn't. You can't put the blame on Mark."

James looked at them and mouthed a 'shut up' and the friends just laughed, while James finally let go of Mark.

"Don't cry." He said as he wiped away Marks tears.

"I'm sorry for yelling. I was just really worried. Thankfully Yihwa fucked this bar dude weeks ago or else we would've looked for you the whole night."

"Excuse me ? Fuck you." Yihwa said acting mad.

"So.. Tell us who this mysterious dude was that took you home last night."

"His name is Vee and we're going out for dinner soon."


Hello guys !!

I'm back from england with a new chapter:)

Vee's first appearance in my story.

I'm excited!

I hope y'all like this chapter:)


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