My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 30

119 5 3

A few hours earlier.

Hitohito just returned home after dropping off his White Day gift at Shouko's house, once there Hitomi asked him for help cleaning the house.

Hitomi: nii-chan what's for dinner?

Hitohito: I don't know, let me check on the fridge and see what we have.

Hitohito opened the fridge and to his surpirse it was completely empty.

Hitohito: strange I thought mom bought groceries this week.

Hitomi: what is it?

Hitohito: it seems we're out of everything, hmmm I guess I'll go to the store.

Hitomi: can we have hamburger steak?

Hitohito: sure, do you need anything else?

Hitomi: ice-cream!

Hitohito: -sighs- okay but just this once.

Hitohito once again prepared to go out again.

Hitohito: I should be back in a few minutes in the mean time can you heat up the stove?

Hitomi: yes sir.

Hitohito quickly arrived to the store and quickly got out with all the stuff he needed, but something caught his attention in one of the TVs that was displayed when he passed the electronics store.

It was a news report of an attack that was happening right now on the far side of the city.

Hitohito took out his phone to tell Hitomi to lock the doors and stay safe, a few seconds later he looked for a place to change but the streets were full.

Hitohito: come on just one alleyway with no people.

His search came to a stop when he saw an empty phone booth with no people around.

Hitohito: well it's better than nothing.

He got inside the phone booth to quickly change into his Guardian suit.

Guardian: okay this wasn't so bad, I wonder if anyone did this before.

Meanwhile in another dimension.

Superman: -sneezes-

Batman: did you catch a cold Clark?

Superman: probably.

Back with Guardian.

Guardian looked around the city, his main priority was the people's safety so one by one he helped them.

Mike in the meantime was buying time distracting Isshin while Guardian arrived, it didn't help that he threatened to kill him, but all he cared about was Nakanaka's safety.

Isshin: so..... how do you plan to kill me?

Mike: I can think of many ways, one is setting you on fire.

Isshin: -smirking- oh really? Then I better keep my distance, not like you could do anything anyways hahahaha.

He laughed while pointing at Mike's wounded leg who was still bleeding from the metal shard that was incristed in his leg.

Isshin: before I kill you, answer me this.

Mike: hm?

Isshin: why walk away from the Red Legion? Why walk away from this power?

Mike: .....

Isshin: you don't wanna answer well fine by-

Mike: not everyone in the Red Legion joins voluntarily, in most cases they take you in right after they destroy your home and kill your family.

Isshin: ho.... now I know your hatred towards them.

Mike: yeah, and I swore to myself that I'll take down this whole organization.

Isshin lifted more metal scrap.


Isshi launched a big attack on Mike, in which he couldn't do much but doge it.

Isshin: what's the matter? Aren't you going to kill me?

Mike: dammit my leg is still bleeding.

He tried his best to stay alive, just to hold on until his friend arrived, he knew Hitohito wouldn't abandon him.

Isshin: I am bored, let's end this now, and then I'll go after that girl!

Isshin raised as many sharp metal object as he could find.

Isshin: die traitor.

Isshin launched them all at the same time, Mike could only cover himself with his arms, bracing himself for the attack that would end his life, with his eyes closed he accepted his fate.

When opened them back he saw a pair of arms embracing him. He saw the familiar figure protecting him from the attack.

The individual received the attack like it was nothing while protecting his friend, and a few seconds later the attack stopped.

Guardian: you okay friend?

Mike: -nods-.

Guardian: good, sorry I got here late.

Mike: ah don't worry about it, but you have something more important -points at Isshin-.

Isshin: Guardian it's great to see you.

Guardian: hm if I remember correctly you were at the docks on that arms deal, I don't how you managed to escape.

Isshin: I have my ways, but now you saved me the trouble of searching for you.

Guardian: oh you got my attention.

Isshin lifted two cars and launched at Guardian who in response he used the heat vision to melt them.

In the heat of the moment, Mike slipped out of the conflict and called his brother.

Keith: hello Mike?

Mike: Keith, I'm in an alleyway near Franky's, Guardian is fighting a Red Legion soldier, and there are lots of injured people hurry!

Keith: I'm on it.

Keith hung up the call.

Mike: how the hell did they find out I'm alive?

Back with Guardian.

Isshin was using all sorts of attacks, the city streets had no shortage of metal which he could use almost infinitely.

Guardian either doge them or melted them with his heat vision.

Isshin: you can't avoid combat Guardian, eventually you'll use your fist against me.

Guardian: you could not handle my punches.

Isshin: TRY ME!

Guardian jumped at Isshin but he was intercepted by another hand on his way and an explosion followed after it.

Pining Guardian to the ground he could recognize the other individual.

Boomhead: missed me Guardian?

Guardian: Boomhead!

Isshin: you didn't think I came alone did you?

Boomhead: go find the traitor I'll handle him.

Isshin: suit yourself.

Isshin fled the scene.

Guardian: how did you escape prison?

Boomheaf: the Red Legion has contacts, plus you and I have a score to settle.

Guardian: I don't have time for this.

Guardian charged with his arms forward but Boomhead stopped him with his might.

Boomhead: also I've gotten stronger.

Guardian: so am I.

Mike was trying to find Nakanaka, he wanted to know if she was safe. No he needed to know if she was safe. After the attack, he received news that the authorities are evacuating the area.

Luckily they managed to contain the situation before it escalated. Most residents were already in their homes, while others seek shelter in police stations or hospitals.

Mike: Nakanaka...... I hope you're safe.

Isshin: you should worry about yourself first.

Mike: oh shit you again.

Isshin: missed me?

Mike: tch.

Isshin: looks like that leg is pretty bad, if you don't treat it soon the infection will spread..... but that's the least of your concerns-

The sounds of a motorcycle interrupted the conversation, Isshin saw in the distance how the vehicle got closer and closer to where he was standing.

Isshin: huh?

Mike: took him long enough.

Isshin: I'll deal with him first.

Isshin raised a hand to launch an attack, but the driver easily dodged it and kept driving until it was a few centimeters away.

A/N: I'm using the metric system screw it.

Keith: Lerooooooooy Jenkins!

The driver was revealed to be Keith who crashed the motorcycle at Isshin, who he stopped it mid-air an threw it on the site.

Mike: you got another motorcycle?

Keith: no, that was Wayne's.

Mike: he's gonna kill you.

Isshin: not if I kill you two first.

Keith: so who's he?

Mike: he's the new recruit of the Red Legion, he knows about us.

Keith: you mean he-

Mike: yes.

Keith: dammit the Red Legion found out we're alive after all!

Isshin: yeah they told me about you, the Red Legion gave me this amazing power and I am not going to fail!

Guardian vs Boomhead.

Last time Guardian saw Boomhead was after the missiles launch on Christmas eve, he knocked him out and was taken into custody hoping he would stay locked behind chains for a good time. It seems that did not last, how did he manage to escape?

Right now he was only focusing on counter attacking his punches.

Boomhead: still holding back eh?

Guardian: I told you I will not turn into the man you expect me to be.

Boomhead: oh we'll see about that.

Boomhead went for a kick to the head but Guardian caught it and quickly slammed him to the ground.

Guardian: what relation has the Red Legion with Nakamura?

Boomhead only answered with a fist to the face causing an explosion.

Boomhead: I don't have to tell you anything Guardian, but I suggest you stay out of Nakamura's business.

Guardian: or what?

Boomhead: or he'll make you regret even coming to this planet.

Guardian: his threats don't scare me.

Boomhead: then you are a bigger fool than I thought.

Guardian picked up Boomhead to the air and take him away from the city, looking for an empty spot where people don't go frequently.

Back with Keith and Mike.

Keith: so who's he?

Mike: a new recruit for the Red Legion.

Keith: okay and what does he want?

Isshin: easy, both of your heads.

Keith: yikes that's not gonna happen.

Mike: Keith.... be careful, he has magnetic powers.

Keith: then it's a good thing I brought this.

Keith took out a wooden baseball bat.

Keith: I played in the major leagues sucker.

Satoshi had everything planned out to spend White Day with his wife. He planned a nice dinner following a movie and end the night with her favorite coffee place.

Where did things go sideways? They hasn't even arrived at the restaurant when a traffic jam got in their way.

Satoshi: come on.

Jeanne: Satoshi be patient we'll get there when we get there.

Satoshi: I had that reservation for weeks, I am not losing it.

Jeanne: which restaurant are we going to?

Satoshi: well I don't want to spoil the surprise but, it's the place where I proposed to you.

Jeanne: ..... -gasp- that place?

Satoshi: I know you love it there, and we haven't gone back for a while.

Jeanne: yeah, I remember that place.

Satoshi: we never went back to that place after, and I know how much you loved it.

Jeanne: dear that was very thoughtful of you but, are you sure we can afford it?

Satoshi: don't worry, I've saved up enough to go out tonight.

Jeanne: oh my thank you Satoshi.

Satoshi: yeah, if only all these cars moved.

Satoshi honked at the cars in front of him, the cars in front also did the same causing a chain reaction in the traffic jam.

Satoshi: -sighs- guess we're not going anywhere.

Jeanne took her husband's hand to try to comfort him.

Satoshi: hm?

Jeanne: it's okay dear, you don't have to take me to some fancy restaurant on a White Day.

Satoshi: but you deserve this, we haven't spent enough time just the two of us-

Jeanne: as long as you're here with me, then I'm happy where we are.

Satoshi: even in a traffic jam?

Jeanne: even in a traffic jam.

Satoshi: I love you Jeanne.

Jeanne: I love you too Satoshi.


The lovely moment of the couple got interrupted by an explosion that was heard not too far from their location before they even noticed most of the drivers and passengers left tbeir cars and ran far away from the chaos.

Jeanne: what's going on?

Satoshi: nothing good, Jeanne let's get out of here.

Jeanne: yes.

Satoshi and Jeanne quickly got out of the car running far from the chaos as well, following the crowd.

In the result of that explosion the dust and smoke cleared to show two individuals clashing with their fists.

Boomhead: tired already Guardian?

Guardian was trying to catch his breath, whatever time Boomhead made in a max security prison it only made him stronger.

Boomhead: we're just getting started buddy.

Guardian picked himself up to confront him, it didn't matter how tired he was, he needed to stop him befroe more innocents died.

Boomhead charged at him with an explosion to the chest nearly ripping of part of the suit, Guardian grabbed his hand and pulled him closer to punch him in the face.

Boomhead: you should've killed me when you had the chance, now look what you caused. All the lives that were lost because of your cowardice.

Guardian: no, that was you Boomhead, you killed those people.

Boomhead: and I killed them because you let me live.

Guardian: shut up!

Boomhead: face it Guardian, you only bring trouble to everyone around you.

Guardian: stop it!

Boomhead: sooner or later the people you loved the most will die.... and it's going to be all your fault.

Guardian: I SAID STOP!!

Guardian clapped both of his hands making sending a lound sound wave that broke a few windows and launched Boomhead back to a building.

Boomhead: not bad Guardian.

Guardian: (I almost lost it, I can't get this guy get through me.)

Mike and Keith vs Isshin.

Mike: Keith on your right!

Keith dodged another car launched by Isshin, even though Keith only got a few hits, he looked exhausted.

Isshin: what's wrong buddy weren't you supposed to defetat me?

Mike fired a gun but Isshin raised his hand and stopped the bullet.

Isshin: it's useless, you could never caught me off guard.

Mike: I wasn't trying to.

Keith took advantage of the distraction and took another swing with the baseball bat at Isshin's face, breaking his nose.

Keith: man my bat is almost broken, where do they get these guys?

Mike: I don't know but we can't keep up like this.

Isshin: you bastards, now I'm pissed!!

Keith: Mike get out of here, I'll deal with him.

Mike: but-

Keith: I said go!

Mike: -nods- don't you die on me, brother.

Keith: you should be more concerned about your leg.

Mike just remembered that his leg was still bleeding, he was still able to walk, but not for long, if he doesn't get treated soon he'll bleed out.

Isshin: you still think you can win? It's over I will kill you both.

Keith: good thing I have a secret weapon with.

Keith took out a syringe with the same serum that Isshin took.

Isshin: is that-

Keith: just a temporary booster that's all.

Keith injected himself with the mysterious serum.


The effect on Keith's body increased his muscles and showed green veins.

Isshin: am I supposed to be impressed by tha-

Keith quickly grabbed his face and slammed him to the ground.

Keith: not so cocky now are you?

-10 minutes later-

The effects of the serum passed, Keith was laying on the ground next to the body of Isshin, or what's left of it.

Exhausted by the battle he could barely move, the only thing that he could do was wait until he was found.

Keith: man..... that felt awful.

???: told you it would have side effects.

Keith: who's that?

Wayne: relax mate, it's me Wayne.

Keith: oh thank goodness, it's good to see a friendly face..... figuratively because I can't move and I don't see you.

Wayne: looks like you messed him up really good.

Keith: I had too, he hurt my brother.

Wayne: well I can't blame ya, I would've done the same.

Keith: just don't tell Tadano, you know how he is with the whole killing bad guys stuff.

Wayne: don't worry Tadano doesn't have to know everything.

Keith: there's also another thing, the Red Legion knows we're alive.

Wayne: well..... that just complicates things.

Keith: does that mean we have to relocate?

Wayne: nah, just keep a low profile you and Mike.

Keith: oh crap Mike-

Wayne: Mike is alright, he's been treated as we speak.

Keith: and Tadano?

Wayne: Tadano just captured Boomhead and is aiding the injured civilians.

Keith: good, if you don't mind me I'm just going to take a nap.

Wayne: I won't stop you.

Nakamura's penthouse.

Naoki: well this plan was a total failure, I thought you had it under control.

A disappointed Naoki was talking to a hologram of a masked person.

???: do not dare to blame us for this.

Naoki: and who do I blame?! The recruit you guys sent, he's dead.

???: I admit we did not make the right decision by sending him, but he paid for his failure with his life.

Naoki: he was tasked to get the weapons from the station.

???: we had another mission for him instead of retrieving the weapons crate, we sent him to eliminate some traitors.

Naoki: why wasn't I informed?

???: because that is none of your business, the matters of the Red Legion don't concern you.

Naoki: it concerns me when your people destroy my city!

???: be mindful of your tone Nakamura! Your wealth will not protect you from death, so choose your words carefully.

Naoki: are you threatening me?

???: I am warning you, we will first deal with the traitors, then the weapons.

Naoki: fine.

The call ended and the hologram disappeared. Nakamura threw his drink to the ground.

Naoki: who does he think he is threatening me like that! I sent him those weapons to get rid of Guardian, and now he changes my plans without my knowledge.

Naoki walked to a hidden compartment where the Brakonite was stored behind a paint.

Naoki: guess I'll do it myself.

A/N: so this was this week's chapter, I made it a little longer to make it up for missing last week's chapter, I hope it was to your liking. I never was good at writing fights so hopefully I did a good job, thank you all for reading and see you next week.

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