By Loaenia

154K 7.1K 534

" Hyung is the only one i'll love" The young Jungkook used to say to himself and his friends. everyone knew... More

Chapter one ( How i met him )
Chapter two ( Meeting)
Chapter three ( It's you)
Chapter four ( job)
Chapter five ( I missed you)
Chapter six ( you were not there)
Chapter seven ( alone )
Chapter eight ( I hate you hyung)
Chapter nine ( i'm sorry)
Chapter ten ( I used to love him)
Chapter Eleven ( what is that feeling?)
Chapter twelve ( what was that??)
Chapter thirteen ( stay away from him)
Chapter fourteen ( I used to love you)
Chapter fifteen ( good bye love )
Chapter sixteen ( love?)
Chapter seventeen ( kiss )
chapter eighteen ( the next morning)
Chapter nineteen ( mistake )
Chaptet twenty ( help me.)
Chapter twenty one ( Explanation)
Chapter twenty two ( Loveydovey)
Chapter twenty three (newly father)
Chapter twenty four ( Jeonlous)
Chapter twenty five ( Hobi )
Chapter twenty six ( Confrontation )
Chapter twenty seven ( Bestfriends)
chapter twenty eight ( memories)
Chapter twenty nine ( Date)
Chapter thirty ( nightmare)
Chapter thirty-one ( She is fine..)
Chapter thirty-two ( smile )
Chapter thirty-three ( A great new)
Chapter thirty four ( Murder )
Chapter thirty five ( what do we do?)
Chapter thirty six ( Out of sight,out of mind )
Chapter thirty seven ( could be us)
Chapter thirty eight ( Back? )
Chapter thirty nine ( elevator )
Chapter forty ( Triangle )
Chapter forty-one ( Replaced me..)
Chaptet fourty-two ( Let's make love )
Chapter fourty-three ( Talk )
Chapter fourty-four ( I'm not giving up )
chapter fourty-five ( uneasy )
Chapter fourty-six ( fight)
Chapter fourty-seven ( Baby is coming )
Chapter fourty-eight ( proposal )
Chapter fifty ( Happy ending )

Chapter fourty-nine ( Wedding )

1.9K 81 2
By Loaenia


🖤 🖤

The next few months, everyone was busy with Taehyung  and Jungkook 's wedding. Tae couldn't do much because of his pregnancy but still he was helping the best he could. Even though  his mom told him to just stay still and wait for his wedding day.

JK: Mmmh. Yeri ah!  Can you come a minute sweetheart?

Yeri ran out of her room and went to Jungkook. The family was now living in a new appartment that both tae and Jungkook invested into. A new start for all of them.

Yeri: "Yeah? "

JK: I need your help. Which one do you like the most?  He asked refering to his wedding suit.

Yeri: " Isn't it better to go to a wedding shop? "

JK: I know but before, I have to make my mind about the kind of suit.

Yeri sucked on her lollipop and thought a moment before pointing at one.

JK: Yeah. I thought so too.

The little girl smiled.

JK: By the way, what is your mom doing?

Yeri raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes.

JK: Again?

Yeri: " He is really getting on everyone 's nerves lately. "

JK: Don't blame him. Having a baby inside him must be tiring right?

Yeri: " Yeah. I guess so. I can't wait for her to come out"

Jungkook caressed her hair and smiled. Yeah, that was gonna be a little sister for Yeri and she was more than glad about it.

JK: Whatever. Let's see him.

He stood up, streched his arms and went downstairs where Tae was walking back and forth looking for something.


JK: Honey. What's wrong? Mhm?

Tae: Someone took the remote again!!  Yeri?

YR: " You.. " Hah.

Jungkook held the pillow on the sofa and looked under it.

JK: I didn't touch it and I am sure Yeri didn't too.

Tae: So it's me?  Huh??  He asked as he held his tummy which was getting bigger everyday.

Tae: you.. I.. Hah!

JK: Taehyung. Calm down. We're gonna..

Then, he looked down at his hand.

JK: Babe. It's literally in your hand.

Tae: What? He asked confused as he looked at it.

Yeri bursted in laugh.

Tae: Oh. It was.. Hahahaha!  What an idiot I am.

Jungkook smiled and held his waist before kissing his temple.

JK: Hormones.

Tae: I am tired. That's fucking tiring. I completely forgot about it.

JK: Do you want your strawberries and yoghurt?

Tae: Yes please. He said with a little pout.

JK: Okay. Jungkook continued calmly.

Tae: Yeri can you do me a feet massage?

Yeri: " Come on Moooom. I was doing somethiiiig."

Tae: You little rascal come here and massage the mother who carried you for 8 months and three days and gave birth to you in PAIN. He said with a straight tone as he fixed his hair.

YR: Hah.

Yeri sat on the carpet and began to massage her mother's feet lazily.

Tae: Ugh.

Yeri: " Are you okay? "

Tae: Yeah. I 'm just very hungry. JUNGKOOK!!

Jungkook arrived with the boil of yoghurt with pieces of strawberries inside.

JK: This is cool. You will feel good.

Taehyung held the spoon and shoved a huge piece of the fruit inside his mouth.

Tae: Ahhh yeah. That feel good.

Jungkook chuckled as Yeri turned to the TV.

Suddenly, someone knocked at the door.

JK: That must be Eunho? get you bag done Yeri.

Yeri: Okay.

Yeri ran upstairs. Actually  she was kind of relieved to leave the house for a moment. Jungkook was going to live hell alone this way. Hahah.

She ran down the stairs after a while holding her bagpack.

Tae: Don't run in the stairs! I told you that million of times!

JK: So, you will take her back here Monday?

EH: Yes yes. Don't worry. Go say good bye to your mom first and we are off.

Yeri nodded and walked to Taehyung who teared up.

Yeri: " Mom?  Are you crying??"

Tae: I don't know.. I miss you already...

Yeri couldn't but giggle. She found Taehyung adorable with his hormones disorder.
She hugged him and kissed his forehead.

YR: " I am not gone forever and Appa is here. Don't be sad. Take good care of my little sister until I come back. "

Tae: Ahhhh!  Don't gooo!  He yelled as he held Yeri's waist tightly.

Yeri: " Mom"

She looked at her dads for help.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung 'hands as Eunho pulled Yeri.

EH: She will be back soon Taehyung. Don't.. Hah.

JK: Babe. It's fine. I am heeeere!  Hah!

Tae: *sniff*

Yeri was finally free and literaly ran outside. Eunho bidded to the couple good bye and left.

Jungkook sighed. He gave Taehyung a kerchief with what he wipped away his tears.

He calmed him down during half an hour. The boy was really struggling to control his own feelings.

Tae: Hun... Tae finally said a while after.

JK: Mhm?  Jungkook hummed caressing his hair gently. He was so patient that anyone could be amazed. Even Taehyung.

Tae: Can you carry me to the room?  I want to sleep. He said sniffing and pouting.
Jungkook nodded with his head and carried him in a bridal style.

Tae: You're so strong. Tae said as they got close to the door if the parental bedroom.

Jungkook opened it and was about to lie his fiance on the bed when the later suddenly grabbed his neck and gave him a weird look that he knew very well.

JK: No.

Tae: Mmmmmmm!

JK: No. I did it last night and you FELL ASLEEP.

Tae: Because that night I was too tired. I went to try on my wedding dress and all.

JK: no.

Tae: Hannnn. Kookiiiie. He said cutely as he caressed Jungkook 's huge biceps and licked his lips.

JK: Don't you do that.

Tae: Baaabe.. I am horny..

JK: Tae- Hah. I am so done with you. How can you have so much mood changes in just a few minutes ??

Taehyung giggled and pecked on Jungkook 's lips.

Tae: Hmm. I love you. You know that right ? If I was you, I would have ran away a long time ago.

JK: I love you more. And that's why I am still here even if you make me want to slap you sometimes. My love is way way more stronger.

Tae: Hahaha.

JK: So, are you still horny?

Tae: No. Now I just want yo cuddle and fall asleep in my big boy's arms. What about that?

JK: That's good. We will wait for Yebin to be born.

Taehyung chuckled and sat on the bed.

Tae: Yebin?

JK: mmm. " creative, shinning and artistic " plus, it goes well with Yeri.

Tae: You did researches?

JK: Actually no. I thought about that name since a long time. I find it meaningful and beautiful. Isn't it?

Tae: Yeah. That is a pretty name.

JK: So?  Are you okay with it?  Will we mame her Jeon Yebin?  He asked as he lied his head on Taehyung 's thighs and began to caress his tummy.

Tae: Alright. Go for Yebin.

JK: okiiii.

Tae: Mmm.

They smiled at each other and cuddled until they both fell asleep.


Some months after.

        ♡ WEDDING DAY ♡


" Are you sure this will still fit? " was heard in the bride's room.

Taehyung looked at Jimin with killing eyes and looked at the mirror.

Tae: Did I get that fat?

JM: I mean hun, you are pregnant so..

Mrs  Kim: Aish. Go try it on first. I am sure this is okay. This is for pregnant so it should fit. Right?  She turned to Saem to get assurance.

SM: ah?  Yeeaah. Of course.

Taehyung went to the fitting room with Jimin.

JM: there.. Oh?!  This fits Guys!!!

Taehyung 's mother sighed in relief and smiled.
Tae walked out of the fitting room with a soft smile. He was stunning. Mrs Kim even teared up. She was too much happy and proud.

Tae: That is very beautiful.

JM: You are the one who makes the dress beautiful. That's amazing.

SM: awww.

JM: Saem. Don't cry. We all will if you do!

SM: Sorry. She said as she sniffed and contained herself.

Taehyung stared at himself in the mirror and caressed his belly.

Tae: Okay!  What is left to do is the makeup right?

JM: And the hair too.

Tae: So do I have to remove it again?

JM: No. Wearing it again after will make us late. Just be careful Si-U.

- Yes oppa. So, shall we start the makeup?

Tae: Mmm. He hummed as he took seat.

On the other side,

In the huge hall, everything was ready. That was decorated beautifully.

That was spacious, very  bright with large chandeliers and white flowers everywhere. Guests were beginning to arrive and take their seats. Others went to see the bride who was getting dolled up in her room.

And When Taehyung was finally ready. Everyone took pictures at his side. Everyone found him charming.

Tae: By the way, where is my flower girl?

JM: oh. Yeah. Where is Yeri?  I think she is with  Jungkook's aunt. Wait.

Yeri had finished taking pictures and was now in the hall with Jungkook.

She was cute in her white dress and basket of flowers.

JK: You are gonna steal the spotlight. Hahaha.

Yeri: " I am pretty right? "

JK: Yeah. The prettiest. He said as he caressed her hair.

Yeri: " Don't mess my Bangs!!"

JK: Okay okayyyy. Sorry. Hahahaha. Go to mommy now. She must be looking for you.

Yeri nodded and ran to her Mom. Jungkook sighed and looked around.

Suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder. That was his dad.

JK: ah. Haha.

Mr Jeon: so?  Are you nervous?

JK: Actually no. I am more impatient.

Mr Kim: That's good. I already saw Tae. He is gorgeous. You won't be able to look at him too long. He is dazzling. Hahaha.

JK: I can imagine already. Hhahaha.

Mr Jeon: Your mom would have been very proud of you. I know that.

JK: Yeah.. She adored Taehyung. Hahah.

His dad hugged him and patted his back gently.

Mr Jeon: I am proud of all the things you accomplished. I am proud you went forward in your life no matter what happened. You are very strong and I respect you for that..

Jungkook smiled softly and broke the hug.

JK: I am also. You succed to move on and live your life dad.

Mrs Kim: You two are very strong. Hah.

They chuckled and went to the priest which was already waiting.

After some minutes, Mrs Kim arrived holding her Hanbok. She smiled at Jungkook and held Mr Jeon's arm. Taehyung was about to arrive with his dad.

Yeri arrived first with a soft music followed by Jimin and Saem with their respective boyfriends , Yoongi and Wung.

They walked slowly, happily.

Then, finally, Most awaited, the door opened and Taehyung arrived. Everyone stood up and the cameras clicked everywhere.

All their friends were on their phones capturing this moment.

HS: waaa.

Jin: He is indeed very pretty. Kookie was not lying. Haha.

NJ: Right? Haha.

Jungkook was mesmerized.

He felt his heart stop.. his breath was cut off. Taehyung was perfect.

It was the music that started that brought him back down to earth. Taehyung held his father's arm tightly. It was his second time to walk like that towards the altar.

But this time, he knew it was going to last for a lifetime and he was excited by this idea..

Walking to the rhythm of the music, He remembered his childhood with Jungkook, and all their beautiful memories. He was proud of their journey and felt his eyes water.

It was the emotion...

He reached his soon to be husband and chuckled.

Jungkook looked away and bite his bottom lip his hands in his back.

JK: Guys!  Help!  I 'm gonna faint. My bride is too beautiful for my eyes!!!!

Everyone laughed.

JK: Father. He turned to the priest.

- Yes son?

JK: I think I got blind. Isn't he too bright?

The Priest giggled.
He then, turned to Taehyung and pulled him in a kiss.

JK: I am the luckiest guy in this world. Damn.

Taehyung tapped his chest lightly.

- Well, you were not supposed to kiss now but. Okay.

The guests laughed loudly and gave them a round of applause.

JK: Let's get it.

Tae: Hell yeah!

- Mhm?

Tae: I mean... Yeah.. Haha.

To be continued...

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