Endeavor's Bastard Son [Bakug...

By The_Huntress_17

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"How can you do that?" I question. "Do what?" Ren responds. "Smile like you didn't just get the shit beat out... More

1) The Same Yet Different
2) A Bizarre Request
3) It's Where My Demons Hide
4) Home Sweet Home
5) What's Up With You?
6) Shinso's Assistance
7) Let's Go Shopping!
8) Handle With Care
9) Keep Hanging On
10) Midoriya's Observations
11) Training Begins Now
12) Quirky Camp Dinner
13) Pushing The Limits
14) Bend Until It Breaks
15) Taming Dark Shadow
16) Failure Is Inevitable
17) Still Within Reach
18) What A Hero Is
19) All For One
20) One For All
21) Stuck On Replay
22) Mother Knows Best
BakuDeku Demon Slayer AU
23) Stay By My Side
24) Pros And Cons
26) Separate Paths
27) Some Friendly Advice
28) Bakugo's Decision
29) Who's Touya?
30) Reluctant Goodbyes
31) Disturbing Discovery
32) Tender Loving Care
33) The Little Things
34) Katsuki's Confession
35) Hand In Hand
36) What Do You Want?
37) Donor Dearest
38) An Ideal Future
39) Red Riot's Debut
40) Here For You
41) Face To Face
42) Eyes On Me

25) Into The Dorms

2.2K 44 0
By The_Huntress_17


"Oh my gosh!" I stare up at Heights Alliance with the same awe as everyone else. It looks amazing. Even better, it's only a five minute walk from the main campus. Frankly, I don't know why they didn't just implement this plan sooner, since it makes coming to school more convenient. A boisterous Kirishima grabs my shoulders, shaking me in his excitement.

I smile and nod as everyone compliments on the dorms. We settle down when Mr. Aizawa begins to address us. "Given everything that has happened, I'm glad we were able to bring Class A back together."

"It's good we all got the go ahead to move onto campus," Sero speaks up. Hagakure sighs and her uniform slumps forward as Jiro plays with her jack. "It took a lot of convincing for my parents."

"I was pretty concerned about mine."

"It makes sense," Ojiro explains. "You got the worse of the gas attack."

"We're glad the teachers got to come back too," Sui adds. I nod in agreement. "I was afraid they wouldn't be allowed, since the people at the press conference seemed pretty upset with you guys."

"Yeah," Uraraka agrees. "I was surprised as well," Aizawa replies. "But circumstances have changed." Our gloomy teacher scratches briefly at his head before dropping his hand back to his side. "Now, then I'll explain how your dorm assignments will work shortly."

He claps his hands together, then lowers them again. "But first, however, we haven't forgotten the Provisional Hero Licenses you were supposed to get during the training camp."

"Oh, yeah," Sato realizes. "That's what we were there for." Honestly, it slipped my mind too. Even though it wasn't long, camp feels like a life time ago. "So much has happened that it totally slipped my mind," Mina adds.

"This is important," Aizawa states, pulling our attention back to him. "Listen well. Kirishima." He looks at each student in turn as he calls their names. "Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida. You five were the ones who broke the rules and went to rescue Ren and Bakugo that night."

His eyes were serious, and I hear Tsu's nervous ribbit. He closes his eyes, and lowers his head, as if piecing something together. "Based on your reactions, the rest of you were at least, aware of the plan." Oh, geez, is he about to expel people? Our teacher seems to have an itchy trigger finger when it comes to expelling students.

The wind picks up, snagging strands of my hair, as well as stray leaves. "I'm going to set aside a number of issues and just say this..." He raises his head back up, and opens his eyes. "If it weren't for All Might's retirement from the hero scene, I would expel everyone here. Except Bakugo, Ren, Jiro, and Hagakure."

Unease settles over the entire class at Aizawa's words. "The five of you who went, of course, but also the remaining twelve who didn't stop them. You betrayed our trust even if it was to keep your friends from getting into trouble."

The law is hard, but it is the law. They acted like they were heroes with licenses, and not foolish students. They had two days to think about their actions logically and knew that what they were doing would have dire consequences. They have to accept responsibility for their reckless actions.

I'm glad they were able to save Bakugo, but you can't just break the law when it bends in your favor. How long before you start breaking the big ones? "In order to regain our confidence, you'll need to obey every rule to the letter, and live as model students. That's all."

He turns to face the dormitory. "Look alive. Enjoy your new home."

"Uh, we're supposed to be excited after that speech," everyone speaks at once. I rub the back of my neck, no longer feeling as energetic as before. I tried not to think about how serious our situation was back at the League's hideout. I mean, I almost bled to death. Then I was at the mercy of the villains after Bakugo was rescued.

It would have been very easy for them to just slit my throat and be done with me, but somehow I ended up at my brother's home. I have no idea what happened in between and it scares me. Not knowing what they might have done to me in my comatose state. Besides the obvious. I place my hand over my side where a large scar now resides from where Moonfish cut me open.

I have two more. One on my right shoulder and the second is just above my kneecap. That creepy bastard's teeth were huge, and sliced a pretty big hole in me. Recovery Girl's Quirk could only do so much. So, unfortunately, I'll always have these scars to remember him by.

I really did come close to dying that night. I've never been so terrified than in that moment. I take a calming breath, and just thank God I'm still alive. "Come here." I lift my head up and turn to see Bakugo drag Kaminari towards the brush bordering each side of the path leading to the dorms. "Huh? Uh, w-w-wait! What?"

I arch my brow as the two blondes disappear from view only to quickly shield my eyes against the flashing jolts of electricity Kaminari generates. The noise it makes sounds an awful lot like a taser being discharged along with Chargebolt's shouts. When he reappears, he begins spouting gibberish while throwing us thumbs up.

Jiro bursts out laughing loudly as the others chuckle. "Wha—?" My laughter cuts off my words as he shambles over to us, making weird noises. "What did Bakugo do to you?" Sero asks as Jiro spits, clutching her side thanks to how much she's laughing. She seems to find this side of him hilarious which makes me wonder if she might have a little crush on him.

Not that she'd take it seriously thanks to his womanizing. I'd actually think Kaminari was cute if he wasn't so perverted. "Yeah," Kami speaks with a stupid sounding voice, making me laugh harder as he basically jumps up and down. "Whoa, did you shake him down for cash!"

I straighten up and turn toward Kirishima's panicked voice, catching sight of the wad of cash Bakugo holds out to the crimson boy. "No! This is my money, you idiot! To replace what you spent."

"Huh?" I face forward again, and fiddle with my choker as my lips curl into a smile. "Kaminari, show 'em your dumb side," he calls. The blonde continues to mumble incoherently as Jiro dies from laughter. "Oh... what a moron, you're hopeless."

"Whaaaachaaa!" We all laugh at his antics, joy returning to the group. "Sorry everyone, I know this won't make up for it, but let's all go out to eat tonight on me!" Kirishima offers, causing cheers to erupt from the other students, Kaminari being the loudest.

We finally calm back down, and enter Class A's new home for the next three years. My eyes widen, and I can't help smiling in awe as I take in my surroundings. This place is freaking cool. "Each student dormitory holds one class. Girls are on the right, and boys are on the left."

"It's amazing," Midoriya chuckles and I share a glance with him, nodding in agreement. "The entire first floor is a common area. That's where you'll find your kitchens, baths, and laundry rooms." Aizawa lets us spread out and explore the first floor.

I hear Hagakure's noises of excitement. "They even have a courtyard," Sero points out. I move to stand beside him to admire it. I can't believe we get to live in a place like this for three whole years. "So spacious and new! Ahahaha!" I chuckle at Mina fangirling behind me.

"Hmm." I glance toward my brother when hearing his voice. "What?" A gentle smile graces his face as he just shrugs. "I've missed you, Ren." My body warms as joy fills me at his words. "Me too. I'm relieved to be back."

I don't even know how I made it back though. I came so close to dying many times, but yet somehow I was found outside Shoto's house. A hand on my shoulder breaks me from my downward spiral. I lift my eyes to meet his heterochromatic ones, forcing the smile back onto my face. I listen to the joy and laughter of my classmate, letting it chase the darkness hanging over me away.

I'm okay, so are my friends. That's all that matters to me. As long as I can keep their smiles from disappearing, then there's no need to dwell on such negative thoughts. "I'm happy to be home again. With you and our friends."

He nods, but the sliver of concern doesn't vanish from his gaze. "I'm living in a mansion."

"Uraraka!" Iida exclaims. I turn and chuckle as our class prez helps the overwhelmed brunette back onto her feet. I know exactly how you feel. "Living quarters start on the next floor," Aizawa announces.

We head up to explore the first floor. "A few boys and girls on each level. Everyone gets their own room. You should be comfortable. You've got your own AC, toilets, fridges, and closets."

"We get balconies? Wow," Midoriya states in clear disbelief. I smile, sharing his feelings of shock and awe. A still fried Kaminari moves spastically behind us. I think I'm going to like this arrangement. No more goodbyes made reluctantly when leaving school.

No more hours of silence, sitting at home with no one to talk to. I'm happy that I'll be able to be around my crazy yet loveable friends a lot more. My smile grows when Kirishima throws his arm around my neck, speaking excitedly about how cool these dorms are.

Out of all of my classmates, I find myself constantly wanting to be around this sharp toothed boy. He's always so upbeat, and I find his presence comforting. Maybe it's cause of that day, when he saved me. He's also the first person that didn't hesitant when I changed my attitude after the Sports Festival.

Aside from Midoriya, he's the only one that clearly felt at ease around me, and immediately accepted my change of heart. The others were, understandably, skeptical of me which took them longer to fully trust me. They didn't let that distrust stop them from helping me, though. Whenever I needed something they always tried to do what they could to help me.

Kirishima and Midoriya were the first ones I truly bonded with. I almost never had my guard up when around them. I knew that I was safe with the two boys, and didn't have to worry about their intentions, or possible alterior motives. I'm glad that I chose UA. I truly thought I'd never trust another person again after everything I went through growing up.

Everyone here has taught me so much about the world, and even about myself. I know that not everyone is rotten to their cores. Not all of them are good either, but I don't have to hide from the whole world. Thanks to my friends, I learned how to love myself again, and love others as well. I'm no longer the naive, boisterous child I used to be.

But I'm not the cold hearted monster I became in order to protect myself. I'm someone entirely new, and I don't know exactly who I am anymore, but I will live up to my family's expectations, and make my mother proud. That is my goal, and I won't let anything get in my way.

And no matter what lies ahead in the future, I will not let anything destroy the person I've become. I refuse to go back to being that horrible boy I once was. I like who I am now, and no matter what I will never lose sight of myself again. "Here are your dorm assignments."

He holds up a large slip of paper for us to peruse. It's a blueprint of the floors/dorms and each room on each floor is labeled respectively. Mineta, Midoriya, Aoyama, and Tokoyami are assigned to the second floor. I don't think it's a coincidence that Fumikage is on the same floor as a certain sparkle obsessed blonde. His Naval Laser makes him the perfect choice for subduing Dark Shadow, should the bird headed boy ever lose control again.

Mineta is kept away from the girls and since he's on the second he couldn't go to the other floors without explaining why he's there in the first place. Somehow I don't think that will stop him from trying though.

I scan the list of names. Koda, Kaminari, Iida, Ojiro, Jiro, and Hagakure are located on the third floor. On the next floor is Shoji, Kirishima, Bakugo, and... me. Huh?! I stare at the names and wonder how I ended up assigned to the room right next to the angry teen's.

Aizawa still doesn't allow Bakugo and I near each other during training, but he somehow thinks it's a good idea to have us living on the same floor. Not only that, but we're also neighbors basically. Maybe he thinks that since we both had that run in with the League we might want to talk to each other.

Since no one else would understand what we went through. I don't know! I think Aizawa just finally lost his mind. At least, I'll be with Kirishima too. Also, Ashido is on the same floor along with Uraraka. And lastly, Sato, Shoto, Sero, Asui, and Yaoyorozu are on the fifth floor. Another plus, I won't have to go too far if I wanted to visit my brother.

"The belongings you sent ahead have already been placed in your new rooms, so spend the day unpacking and getting settled. I'll tell you more about your next few lessons tomorrow. For now, get to work."

"Yes, Mr. Aizawa," we respond. We spilt up and go to our assigned floors. I'm walking with Kirishima and Shoji. Ashido and Uraraka are behind us, speaking in whispers. Must be a girl thing.

True to Bakugo's nature, he bolted the second our teacher let us go while the rest of us kind of took a minute to chat. Some cheering about who they are rooming next to. "Man, I'm so pumped up for this! It's gonna be so great living here with everyone."

"Yeah, definitely gonna take some getting used to for me. But I'm glad we're on the same floor at least." He grins flashing those teeth of his and nods. "Yeah, me too, Ren." The girls call goodbyes as they split off down the opposite hallway to their side of the floor while we go to ours.

"Oh, you got that appointment or something, right?" I nod as we stop near their doors. "I'm gonna change out of my uniform before I go, but I'll be back later."

"Man, it sucks that you'll have to do a lot of work so late." I shrug, but smile at his sympathy. "I don't really have much, so it won't take long. See you later, Kiri."

"Bye, Ren," he replies energetically and I chuckle. I wave to both of them before heading to my dorm. I immediately make a beeline for the box labeled: clothes on my bed and open it. I loosen and remove my tie, then deftly unbutton my shirt, shucking it off.

I glance down and trace the scar on my side, remembering moonfish's teeth piercing my body. My sand couldn't react fast enough to protect me thanks to how hard we'd been training. I move my hand up to the scar adorning my right shoulder. Something tells me these scars won't be the last. I drop my hand, and begin unbuckling my belt.

I wanted to wear some trunks, since it's so warm out. I slide my belt off and set it aside as I rifle through the box, pulling out a plain dark crew neck along with navy blue trunks. I sigh and mess with my helix piercing before a yawn leaves my mouth. I rub the small amount of tears from my eyes, then get dressed.

My damn phone got broken by that asshole's teeth, so I'm gonna probably need to get a part time job in order to pay for a new one. It's gonna make my life even crazier given that I'm gonna have to also keep up with my school work. I sigh again and look around my dorm room.

There's a desk with a chair and there's already a bed, so all I gotta do is put my clothes away, make my bed, and the rest can wait until tomorrow. I leave my dorm and glance at the door right beside mine. Almost everyone on this floor knows about my traumatic childhood, I realize.

I wanted to talk to Bakugo about what my mother told him. Not sure why. I could just pretend I don't know, and he'll probably never bring it. But I don't want to hide from it, or it'll always be at the back of my mind. I sigh and knock on his door with the back of my knuckle.

"What do ya want?" He questions as he opens the door. His eyebrows rise in slight surprise which tells me he was expecting someone else. He looks exhausted. "Hey, Bakugo," I greet with a friendly smile.

He didn't glare or even shout at me at all today. Though that could just mean he was too tired to be his usual prickly self, like when I first woke up. But It was nice nonetheless. "Yeah. What are you bugging me for?"

"I just wanted to ask if I could talk to you about something when I get back from my appointment tonight. Or maybe some other time, Midoriya mentioned something about how, even as a kid, you went to bed early." I chuckle as I imagine a little Bakugo lecturing about how he needs sleep.

"Tonight's fine," he affirms. "Really?"

"Your hearing busted or somethin'?" I shake my head as I gaze into his tired eyes. "No, I just thought you'd rather sleep, since you seem exhausted." He clicks his tongue and narrows his eyes. "Don't look down on me, shitty bastard. Talk or don't, couldn't give a shit either way."

He retreats back into his room, closing the door in my face. I sigh and rub the back of my neck. "That went well," I say sarcastically to myself.

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