Fate's Connection

By akspn_tales

1.1M 56K 3.3K

(#Book 1 of Fates Series) Sanskriti Chauhan, the princess of Udaipur, has been a rebellious royal kid ever si... More

Chapter 1: Sanskriti Chauhan
Chapter 2: Return
Chapter 3: Laado?
Chapter 4: Vedansh
Chapter 5: No body loves me?
Chapter 6: Staying Back
Chapter 7: The Lingering Scent
Chapter 8: Kriti and Aditya
Chapter 10: Fate
Chapter 11: Maasi?
Chapter 12: Regrets
Chapter 13: A Family?
Chapter 14: Words and Tears
Chapter 15: Dadi Sa In Action!
Chapter 16: Mumma
Chapter 17: The D-Day
Chapter 18: Awkward?
Chapter 19: Moment of Truth
Chapter 20: Fainted?
Chapter 21: I Never Stopped Loving You
Chapter 22: Ruining Meetings
Chapter 23: Insecurities
Chapter 24: The New Guy
Chapter 25: His Blood
Chapter 26: His Father
Chapter 27: Our Happy Family?
Chapter 28: You're Not My Father
Chapter 29: Missing
Chapter 30: Lost
Chapter 31: The End

Chapter 9: Thank You, Vedansh.

33.6K 1.8K 87
By akspn_tales

The day dawned crisp and clear. The rising sun casted a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene.

The new day had dawned, flooding Sanskriti's mind with new feelings- determination to show the Crown Prince what he had actually missed. She wanted nothing more than to pull his polite facade off his face and show the world what he really is. She wanted to prove she wasn't nothing any more. She was now the woman every man dreamt of, not the domestic, calm and housewife material but the confident, feminine and powerful woman.

She desperately wanted to see his face visibly pale on her arrival. She wanted the satisfaction of fury course through his vain and loose his calm he was well known for.

But also, in some corner of her heart, she wanted him to notice how much she struggled to reach what she was today. She wanted him to feel proud of what she had become. She wanted him to feel guilty about the loss of her pure love.

Shaking her thoughts, she turned towards her bed. Vedansh laid there in peace. Within a few hours she had bonded well with the little man. She felt like her soul was getting attached to his innocent heart. The fact that he was the result of immense love and pleasure her sister and her lover, didn't pain her anymore. Maybe she was happy getting the closure she earned for. Maybe it was what her soul needed to move on- a visit to the streets of her painful past.

Walking through the corridors Tamir followed her to the car. Her secretary and her assistant already had been in there. Driving to the Pink City Enterprises, she felt her heart thudding. Her palms became sweaty as her breathing became shallow. She wasn't having a panic attack but she was anxious. She didn't new if she could pull up the strong and cold facade in front of him.

Taking a deep breathe, she meditated for a bit. She gave herself a pep talk in her mind. Her assistant made her go through a few plans of actions and she tried gard to concentrate on them.

She wasn't sure if she wanted to reject the deal straight away. She had built the company with her blood, sweat and tears. If their proposal was good enough for her company's progress, she wouldn't let her personal issues tamper with her professional life. She knew better than to meddle her work life and personal grudges.

Getting out of the car, she strided towards the dedicated meeting room with one of the employees leading her in. She wasn't in a mood to meet and greet the employees, so she simply nodded at their pleasant greetings.

Entering into the room full of men, she assured herself. "This is nothing more than a patriarch business field. No matter if any particular Rathore was present her, I wouldn't treat the meeting any different for now." She assured herself.

"Good Morning Gentleman." She began on her powerful tone. She made sure she didn't let her eyes trail among the members.

"I am Sanskriti Chauhan, the owner and CEO of Chauhan Textiles and Handlooms. My company's main root has been in Java for quite a while and we are welcoming partnerships from India as well." She introduced.

The meeting rolled on and she felt the heated gaze of a particular pair of eyes. She royally ignored it.

Finishing with the meeting, she asked her assistant to get the contract ready after a heavy discussion. All the while him being absolutely quite. Even through she was thankful for not hearing his voice until now, she also somehow craved for him to call out her name.

Suddenly the vibrations of phone blaring echoed in the not-so-silent room.

"Excuse me, please." She heard his voice but still didn't dare to look at him. Oh how long was her list of savage dialogues she thought she would deliver to him on their reunion day! But Alas! Here she stood, not even having the courage to look into his eyes without bawling her eyes out.

It wasn't my fault. Why am I feeling ashamed? She thought.

"Vedansh? Is everything alright, champ?" She heard him ask oher the call.

Silence prevailed whenever Vedansh replied his father.

"How would I know about your Angel, sweetheart?" He asked. Sanskriti's heart thudded knowing they were unknowingly talking about her right in front of her.

"How about you go and ask Par dadi about her if she agreed to live in the Palace? Papa is having an important meeting right now, I'll talk to you after the meeting, does that sound good?"

Sanskriti was now jealous. She wanted a father-child relationship just like them. She wanted to be someone's first priority. She wanted people to love and care for her without monetary greed. That was a dream she wish could come true.

The discussions continued after he hung up. Now, she could hear his voice inputting his opinions over the terms and conditions. She wordlessly nodded whenever the audience expected her to give her cross-opinions on Arunaditya's statements.

Again the vibrations of phone blaring prevailed in the room. This time it was Sanskriti's. Looking at the caller ID, she saw 'Lady Don' displayed. A small smile grazed her lips. It didn't go unnoticed by Arunaditya who was watching her like a hawk. He just wanted to captivate the new Sanskriti in his mind. That might help him to survive for a few years maybe. Even though her royal ignorance irked him, he had no rights to question her about it.

"Excuse me, gentleman." She said and picked up the call knowing it must be Vedansh on the other side. Even though she didn't have the courage to face Arunaditya, she still can give him a little piece of heart attack. Can't she?

Picking up the call, she deliberately made sure her words were clear to the man sitting a few seats away from her.

"Yes Vedansh?" She spoke. As expected, his head suddenly snapped at her. His eyes widened and face pale.

Good. She thought.

"Where did you go Angel?" He asked. Clearly he just woke up and must be throwing tantrums at her absence. They spent the night having a sleepover in her room last night. Vedansh grew comfortable enough with her to openly display his emotions to her.

"Sweetheart, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Angel?" She rolled her eyes, flipping throught the pages with a small smile on her face. Arunaditya's eyes welled up a bit. It was overwhelming to see the love of his life to interact with his son like this.

"Where are you?" Vedansh whined again.

"I got some work, Ansh. I'll come back in a few hours. We can go for ice-cream then. Sounds good?" She asked putting the phone on speaker. She knew it wasn't really what a business woman should be doing in a meeting but who cares? There was no man who had balls to question her about her attitude right now. She felt quite confident now. She thanked Vedansh in her mind.

"Sounds awesome! Can we bring Papa too?" He asked excitedly. Sanskriti froze. So did Arunaditya.

"Baby I am in a meeting. Can we talk later?" She asked. Vedansh answered her with a 'sure' and hung up.

Arunaditya gulped and excused himself out of the meeting room. Sanskriti smirked internally.

Thank you, Vedansh.


So, wassup?

Don't forget to listen to the songs I attach, while reading the chapter.

Waiting for your in-line comments.

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