8 Makes 1 Home.

By Ikonicatiny

11K 303 58

when KQ contacts the company InNa works for, she soon finds out that she'll be taking care of 8 loud but amaz... More

| First Day |
| K.I.S.S.I.N.G |
| Let's Wait A While |
| Jealousy |
| It's A Date. |
| BumJoong |
| Sunrise |
| Late Night Talks |
| Let Me Take Care of You |
| Merry Christmas! | part 1
| Merry Christmas | part 2
| Full-Time |
| Amicus Ad Aras |
| Celebratory Ice Cream |
| Happy New Years! |
| Boyfriend Switch |
| Cheating |
| Since The Beginning |
| Nicknames |
| Friendaversary Sickness |
| Their Favorite Child |
| Home Sweet Home |
| New Hair |
| Gonna Be a Long Flight |
| Valentines Day |
| My Precious Boy |
| Xikers |
| Morning After |
| Morning After pt 2 | Smile On Their Face|
| ATEEZ Headed To Thailand |
| Future |
| Happy Birthday YuYu! |
| Happy Birthday YuYu! Pt 2 | YuNa Is Real! |
| Incredibly Happy |
| Home |
| Cherry blossoms |
| Angel Baby |
| Yuna Is Out |
| Flashback |
| Size Kink. |
| Livestream |
| Dating Rumors |
| Lovesome Festival |
| Missing WooSan Hours |
| Aegyo Couple |
| Happy Birthday! |
| Bits and Pieces |
| Welcome To The GroupChat! |
A/N: important.
|Golden Hour|

| First Date |

346 8 2
By Ikonicatiny

"Oh no, you're not wearing that." Seonghwa said walking into mine and Mingi's shared room. "Why? What's wrong with it?" I asked looking at myself in the mirror. I had on a brown hoodie with a pair of blue skinny jeans. I for one thought that I looked really good, but maybe I was wrong. "Nah, we're going shopping. " He said taking my hand in his. "Hwa, my date is in a few hours!" I groaned but he didn't seem to care.

He pulled me into the living room and started putting on his jacket as I slipped on my shoes. "Woah, where are you two going?" San asked looking at us. "Apparently this outfit isn't good enough for a date, so Seonghwa is taking me shopping. " I replied putting on my coat. "Oh, I'll come. " He smiled. "Us too!" Wooyoung said gesturing to him, Yeosang and Jongho. "So you're all going?" I asked putting my hands on my hips.

"Well we can't, Mingi and I are going to practice while doing a livestream later." Yunho said smiling at me. "And luckily Hongjoong is still at the studio, so we should go now before he comes home." Seonghwa said smiling widely. "Okay, but I really don't think that you all need to go, I mean.. it's just a date." I said with a sigh and Wooyoung gasped. "Just a date? Inna, this is your first date, you need to look perfect!" He said looking at me as him and the others put on their shoes and jackets. "Do you guys honestly care?" I asked looking at them and they nodded smiling widely. "Right, let's go!" They said shoving me out the door.

Once we got to the mall they pulled me into several clothes stores. Walking into the fifth store that day, Wooyoung pulled me to wear the dresses were. "Woo, I'm not wearing a dress. " I said looking at him. "That's funny, you think that you have a choice. " He laughed while grabbing a few.

"Yeo, you go pick jewelry, San and Jongho you pick shoes. Seonghwa you pick out accessories, we'll meet at the dressing rooms. " Wooyoung said looking at them, suddenly taking charge. They all nodded and went separate ways, Wooyoung grabbed some more dresses and pulled me towards the dressing rooms. He placed the dresses in my arms before shoving me into the dressing room.

I took this moment alone to let out a much needed breath and looked at myself in the mirror. I love these boys, but I'm already very overestimulated, I don't know why they care so much, I mean, I really appreciate it, but honestly it's just a date, not a concert.

Once I was finally calmed down, I picked up one of the dresses looking at it. It was a mid-thigh length, white satin dress (A/N I know adding pictures is cringe, but I suck at explaining clothes)

I slowly put it down looking at the next dress, I am not trying that on. I thought looking at the satin dress while taking the next one off the hanger. It was a red, mid-thigh floral design with a flowy skirt.

I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror and smiled a bit. It was definitely better than the first one he picked, and wasn't too short. I took one last look before walking out of the dressing room to show Wooyoung. He smiled widely at me as he stood up from the chair. "Shit, Inna you're sexy in that." He said looking at me up and down. "HongJoong's jaw will drop if you wear that." He said looking at me and I blushed a bit.

"Don't get hooked just yet, go try on the others. " He said pushing me into the dressing room. After trying on a few more dresses, I finally found one that I thought was perfect. It was a light peach colored short sleeved v-neck, that went down to my knees. I was absolutely in love with it.

I walked out of the dressing room to see all the boys staring at me with their jaws dropped. I did a little spin while smiling widely and looked at them. "Well? What do you think?" I asked with a hopeful smile. They all nodded quickly. "That's the one." Seonghwa said smiling at me. "If Hongjoong wasn't in love yet, he definitely will be now." San said smiling. I chuckled smiling widely.  "You really think so?" I asked blushing a as I pictured the look on Hongjoong's face. San nodded smiling. "Here, put these on." Jongho said handing me a pair of black heels. I slipped my shoes off and put them on. "Perfect. " they all said in unison.

"I'll go pay, you're wearing that out." Seonghwa said before walking away. "Wait, what? But my clothes. " I said looking at Wooyoung. "We'll get a bag, don't worry. But people need to see you in that." He said smirking. I sighed and went to grab my clothes and followed the boys. Seonghwa finished paying and handed me a bag to put my stuff in and we headed home.

Once we got home, we noticed that Hongjoong wasn't home yet and Yeosang saw it as an opportunity to help me finish getting ready. He grabbed my pulling me to his room and made me sit at a desk that had a mirror before he started doing my hair. I watched him in the mirror as he started brushing my hair. He plugged in a curler, as he waited for it to get hot, he opened the drawers of the desk and started getting out makeup. I looked at him with a raised brow and a smirk and he shrugged.

"What? A guy can't have a hobby?" He asked looking at me and I shook my head. "No, I just didn't know that you knew how to do it. " I replied and he nodded. He started curling my hair as he hummed softly. "I've never done makeup on a girl, I always practice on myself or Seonghwa. " He said pinning some of my hair back. He turned my chair a bit and made me look at him.

He grabbed the foundation and put a bit on the back of his hand before using a makeup sponge and started applying it to my face. After that he finished the rest of my makeup doing a light makeup look and put my hair in a half up half down hairdo.

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled at myself. "Yeo, you're really good at this!" I said looking at him with a smile and he smiled pushing his hair back. "Oh I know. " He responded. After a few seconds there was a knock on the door. "Inna, your date is here." I heard San say through the door. I smiled opening it and he smirked looking at me. "Damn, yo if this thing doesn't work out, maybe you and I can-" "move." I interrupted him pushing past him and Yeosang laughed. I walked to the living room and was met with Hongjoong who was looking at his phone. "Hey, sorry if I'm late, I was..." He stopped mid sentence as he looked up at me. "Wow, you look... so pretty. " He said looking at me. I blushed looking away shyly.

"Well you two kids have fun-"  "don't stay out too late, don't have too much fun and whatever you do to her, I will do to you, Joong. " Wooyoung said interrupting Seonghwa and getting into Hongjoong's face. Hongjoong rolled his eyes and nodded pushing him away. "Jeez, I leave you all alone for one day and suddenly you're all protective of her. He said looking at them.

"Not true, you constantly leave us alone. " I said looking at him and he glared at me and turned my eyes away from him trying not to laugh. "Let's just go. " He said taking my hand in his. "Aye aye captain!" I said with a salute and he looked at me with an annoyed face and the boys laughed.  "Sorry. " I said putting my head down.

We left the dorm and walked hand in hand to the restaurant in a comfortable silence. "You look very handsome. " I complimented him and he smiled looking at me. "Well I wanted to look good for you. " He said looking at me. I put my head on his shoulder letting out a happy sigh. "You know, I was gonna wear a hoodie and jeans." I laughed. "Really? Well even if you did, I wouldn't mind." He said softly. "You look good in anything. " He smiled.

"Oh stop, that isn't true. " I said looking at him. "It is though, Inna, I've seen you in pajamas, messy hair and you don't ever wear makeup, and I fall in love with you everytime. " He said smiling at me. I blushed a bit looking at him. "You're in love with me?" I asked stopped in my tracks, making him stop and look at me.

He nodded smiling at me. "I wasn't gonna say it so soon, but it just felt right. You don't have to say it back if you aren't ready, I can wait." He said looking at me. I scoffed with a smile shaking my head. "Joong, why're you always waiting for me? Why don't you ever make me wait for you?" I asked looking into his eyes. "I don't know. " He shrugged. "I guess that I just like you so much that I'm willing to wait for you. " He said smiling at me.

I smiled more and hugged him "well stop waiting..I love you too. " I whispered to him. "Also, I would really appreciate it if you and the guys didn't talk about my virginity. " I said looking at him and he blushes avoiding my gaze. "You heard?" He asked nervously. "The walls are thin, babe." I chuckled and he nodded smiling. "Sorry." He mumbled and I smiled more before kissing his cheek softly. "Come on. " I said smiling and pulling him along.

When we got to the restaurant he opened the door for me and we walked inside. "Table for two, please. " Hongjoong says with a smile. The man smiled grabbing two menus. "Right this way." He said and we followed him. We got to our table and sat down across from each other. After a few minutes the waiter took our order and we both smiled at each other.

"So, did they guys give you a headache today?" He asked looking at me and I nodded with a chuckle. "Oh yeah, but it's all good, I love them." I smiled softly at him. Hongjoong pushed his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he raised an eyebrow at her. "You love them?" He questioned and she nodded.

"Are you going to be jealous everytime I say that?" I asked looking at him. "Not unless you love me more." He said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes with a smile. "Of course I love you more." I chuckled and he nodded.

"I have a question. " Hongjoong said looking at her and she nodded for him to continue. "Would have chosen me?" He asked looking at her. She tilted her head in confusion. "What do you mean?" She asked confused by what he meant.

HongJoong's POV.

"Like say..we never confessed to each other, I never came home that night and you never took care of me, making me sleep. Would you have fallen in love with me?" I asked looking at my hands. She reached across the table and put her hand in mine. "Joong, of course I would have. Who wouldn't, look at you! You're handsome, funny, caring. Don't even get me started on all the things I love about you, we'll be here for hours. "

I smiled leaning back in my seat. "Go on then, I'm listening. " I said half joking. She smiled propping her head on her hands as she looked at me. "Well, I love your eyes and nose, I'm definitely jealous of your lip shape. And your jawline is perfect. I also love your cheek bones, I love it when you smile and laugh. And the look in your eyes when you're performing is really hot." She said keeping eye contact with me and I felt my cheeks get hot as she continued.

"The way you move smoothly while dancing. I love how hardworking you are. I love your small hands, they're so cute and I love holding them in my small hands, they fit perfectly together. And your height is perfect, I don't have to strain my neck everytime I wanna kiss you. " She chuckled a bit and I nodded smiling.

"Honestly, I love it when you get jealous, now that's really hot." I watched as she bit her bottom lip and I shifted a little in seat. "The way your eyes immediately change. Sometimes I'm tempted to make you jealous on purpose, just to see it. " she said smirking at me. "Oh really?" I asked raising a brow at her with a smirk and she nodded.

"And the other day when you were..in the mood, I almost gave in." She admitted making me smile more.

(A/N I have no idea why the font changed but it won't change back, so just ignore it)

"Really? Why is that?" I asked propping my head on my hand on the table, leaning in. "Because, the look in your eyes was intoxicating. And your lips looked irresistible and when you leaned into to me, I felt my heart pounding. Your touch and your breath on my skin..." I watched as she closed her eyes and I felt my breathing get heavy as my pants got a bit tighter. "But then I heard God's voice in head yelling at me to stop." She said opening her eyes and looked at me.

I tried to push away the dirty thoughts, but it didn't help I found myself biting the inside of my cheek as my eyes landed on her chest a couple times, I tried to play it off by just looking around, but I'm sure she definitely noticed as I shifted in my seat a couple times. "Joong, are you alright?" She asked looking at me and I nodded quickly. "Uh yeah I just..need to use the bathroom. " I said getting up and she grabbed my hand, making me look at her. "Do you need help?" She asked in a whisper tone. I thought for few minutes about when she said that she wanted to wait, and I shook my head 'no'. "Are you sure? I don't mind. " she whispered with a small smirk and I grabbed her hand pulling her into the bathroom.

We walked into a stall and I locked the door before looking at her. "Okay, you're confusing me, you said that you wanted to wait, but then you want "help me". I don't don't know what to do anymore, you're driving me crazy, I have no problem waiting, and I can't take care of my problems alone. I don't want you to feel like you have to-" "Hongjoong! I know what I said, but obviously I can't wait! I've waited for a long time, yes I meant what I said, I don't believe in premarital sex, but I mainly said that and told myself that because...I didn't want to give myself to the wrong person... but I don't think you're the wrong person, I trust you and I feel safe with you. " She said smiling at me. "Now if we're done here, I'm gonna need you to sit on the closed toilet seat, while I get on my knees. " she said pushing me onto the seat.

(A/N SMUT WARNING!! if you don't like that, just skip until it says "SMUT OVER")

My breath hitched as I watched her undo my belt and unbutton my pants pulling them down along with my briefs. "I will have you know that I've never done this before, so I'll just do what I've seen and hope for the best, uh if I'm doing anything wrong, just tell me. " she said as she started pumping me and I nodded quickly with a slight moan. She licked from the base to the tip slowly making my head go back as I closed my eyes moaning softly. She swirled her tongue around the tip before taking me into her mouth and bobbed her head slowly. My hand went into her hair pulling it back slightly and I felt her moan around me making me moan her name.

She sinked her head down more making my cock hit the back of her throat and she gagged before pulling back and doing it again. "Breath through your nose baby." I said trying not to moan loudly and she hummed doing as I said. I bit my bottom lip hard as she went a little faster and used her other hand to fondle my balls and I felt myself ready to cum at any moment.

"G- God please don't stop, I'm gonna cum." I moaned and she hummed in response. I squeezed my eyes shut as felt myself cum down her throat. She swallowed it all before pulling off with a pop sound and looked at me as she wiped her red swollen lips. "How was that?" She asked breathing heavily. "Baby, that was amazing..are you sure that you've never done that before?" I asked catching my breath and she nodded before standing up.

InNa's POV.

I watched as he looked at me with lustful eyes and stood up. "Your turn. " He said with a seductive smirk and made me sit on the toilet seat. "You know, our food will be cold. " I said looking at him and he shrugged. "Who cares, I'm about to have dessert. " He said pulling his pants and underwear up before getting on his knees.

I blushed deeply as he never broke eye contact with me. He licked his lips as his hands slowly went up my legs before spreading them. "Is this ok?" He asked making sure I was alright with continuing, and I nodded quickly. He lifted my dress and started slowly kissing my inner thighs. I bit my bottom lip watching with anticipation. He locked eyes with me as he slowly licked over my panties. My head went back as I moaned loudly and quickly covered my mouth.

He chuckled looking at me as he pulled my panties off putting them in the back pocket of his pants. "Baby, I'm just getting started. " He said with a smirk. He placed a soft kiss on my clit making me jolt a bit. He held my legs down before licking between my pussy lips. My hand went to his hair pulling slightly, and I moaned his name as he went faster. I could feel him smiling against me. He slowly pushed a finger inside as he sucked my clit harshly and I arched my back and covered my mouth as I moaned his name loudly.

He swirled his tongue around my clit before pulling back and looked at me as he slipped another finger into me. I looked at him through hooded eyes as my mouth was open part-way moaning softly. "J..Joong, please f- fuck me." I begged in between moans and he nodded smiling.

He pulled his fingers out and licked them as he stood up. I got off the toilet and he sat down on it after pulling his pants and underwear down. I lifted my dress as he pulled out his wallet and grabbing a condom out of it. I chuckled smiling at him and he looked at me as he ripped it open with his teeth. "What? I have to be prepared at all times. " He chuckled before putting it on.

I got on his lap straddling him and he positioned himself at my entrance and I slowly sunk down on him. We both moaned looking at each other and he started kissing my jawline and neck as I started rolling my hips slowly. My hands went his hair as his hands gripped waist tightly digging his nails into my skin. "I- I think we should leave once we..finish." I said between moans and he hummed against my collarbone.

I bounced my hips faster and closed my eyes tightly as I felt his thumb rub my clit at a fast pace. He pulled away from my neck and pulled me into a passionate kiss, our tongues fought for dominance and I obviously let him win. His tongue swirled around my before pulling away biting my bottom lip hard. "Baby, I'm gonna cum." I moaned and he nodded. "Cum with me, baby." He moaned grabbing my hips pulling me down onto him roughly.

I arched my back moaning his name loudly, not caring if people could hear as I came. He thrusted his hips up a few more times before he came as well. He leaned into my chest breathing heavily and I ran my fingers through his hair as I smiled breathlessly. "I'm so in love with you. " He mumbled against me and I laughed cause it tickled. "I'm in love with you too." I said as he looked up at me and I kissed him softly before slowly getting off him. He pulled the condom off throwing it in the small trashcan beside the toilet before standing up to pull up his pants and underwear. He handed my panties to me and I quickly put them back on before we walked out of the stall.


I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair and chuckled, making him smile at me through the mirror. "So much for my makeup. " I said smiling at him. "Better pray that Yeosang doesn't kill us." I joked. I turned around to face him and he immediately pulled me into his arms and kissed my head. "Let's get out of here before someone yells at us." He said smiling at me and I nodded smiling at him.

We walked out of the bathroom and slowly walked to our table and grabbed our coats. He paid and we quickly left. We ended up getting corn dogs from a hotdog stand and went home. Once we got home I took a shower as seonghwa, Yeosang and Wooyoung stood in the bathroom asking me questions about the date. After telling them everything, I got out of the shower and got ready for bed and called it a night.

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