Favorite Slipup

By Itgworl_

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Her pain comes with a price! More



866 44 4
By Itgworl_

" do you really like her?" I asked Kaleb.

he came over to my house to talk about this girlfriend that he has had for a couple of months. I don't know why I feel like I am losing him. he is definitely a relationship type of guy, and he throws himself into his relationships, and he gives 100%. That's the same thing that happened when he went to college. I can't expect him to wait for me forever and I know that. He is a lover boy.

" it's been three months and yes, I do love her."

" oh shit." I covered my mouth. "You love her?" He nodded slowly.

"Yes, you have to meet her, she is the nicest and sweetest girl in the world. She is so beautiful and smart." I nodded.

A part of me wanted him to stop talking and the other part of me knew that I needed to support him.

"That is great." I smiled and he stared at me. "What?"

" You're doing it again."

"Doing what?" I shrugged. "I am not doing any- please stop staring at me like that." I let out a shaky breath and sucked up my emotions. " Listen I am really happy for you."

It felt like I was gonna break down crying any second.

" thank you." He watched me.

" why are you doing that? Why are you trying to make me cry?" I covered my face and he sighed. "We are not doing this?" I pulled myself together. " I refuse to make you feel bad for finding happiness. I am fine." I shook it off.

"I am sorry." I shook my head.

" no, do not be sorry. Tell me more about her." He nodded.

" She motivates me, she teaches me. She is funny, and she reminds me so much of you." I nodded. " She is also a nurse, and she's in school for her doctorate." I smiled.

"So she is really smart." I smiled and he laughed. " maybe she can convince you to go back to school and finish."

" we had a talk about that." I nodded. " Maybe it won't work out, and then we can get married at 30."

" But maybe it will, our plans weren't definite. If you find some girl that you love, then you can be with that person. You don't have to marry me at 30 that was just some thing that we said." He nodded. " do not feel bad for me, stop doing that. Just live your life. I'll support you just how you support me. I still want to be your best man and your wedding." He laughed.

"I love you so much man."

"I love you too but you know that  you cannot talk to me like that anymore." We laughed. " Don't talk to me like you wanna make love to me." He laughed.


" i'm OK with giving her a quarter of your attention." I joked and he chuckled. " no but honestly I'm so fucking happy for you. I really hope you guys last, you have been so occupied lately and I'm like what the fuck is he doing?" We laughed. " you were just out there boo loving like the slut that you are."

"Me? out of the both of us you are saying, I am the slut." I gasped and laughed deeply.

"You asshole!" I playful punched him. " you are so fucking stupid, but yes, youre a slut bag. I'm not a slut, I'm a whore there's a difference. you got more bodies than a morgue." He gasped. "Them college sluts add up boo." He laughed.

" I was wiling out in that bitch though. I remember you popped up on my ass." We laughed.

" yes and you were fucking a bitch and I had to beat your ass. You had me fucked up, most of the time I can keep myself compose, but you really had me fucked up. I told you I was coming, I literally came four hours earlier because I got put on a different flight. And you were fucking a bitch four hours before you were supposed to see me. And you know I was coming for you to fuck the shit out of me. You had me fucked up. You thought you were gonna fuck both of us in the same day. And you ended up with a blackeye and blue balls."

"You funny as fuck!" He laughed loudly.

" I am not fucking around, you can laugh all you want but I beat your ass that day and I will beat your ass today. Because it's still get me mad because what if I didn't walk in. Then Todd was acting fucking stupid, like he don't speak to me every fucking day. He looked scared as fuck."

Todd was his dorm mate in college, he was so fucking funny. They both played basketball and football, Todd was more of a football guy and he use the big Kaleb to take football seriously.

" I heard him yelling, but I couldn't figure out what the fuck he was saying. He was trying to make it known that you were there."

" that's exactly why his ass got his eye dotted too. he really was not trying to let me in the fucking room, I'm surprised you didn't hear me yelling at him. You were so deep in that fucking pussy and I should smack the shit outta of you right now." He laughed and slouched down in the couch. " It's not funny because I'm really getting mad all over again." Somebody knocked my door.

I got up and pulled down my shorts and opened the door.

"David." I smiled. "What are you doing here?" He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me into a kissed and the kissed became nasty real quick and I pulled back. " I have company." He frowned up his face.

"Who?" I pulled him in and I closed and locked my door.

I chewed at my lip to relieve the tingling feeling. 

We made our way into my living room, and Kaleb was on his phone.

"Yeah babe, I will be there soon, I'm just hanging out with Amil." He looked up and Dave grabbed my waist in pulled me back.

"What are you doing?" I pushed him back.

It felt like he was trying to do it just to show Kaleb that I belong to him, which isn't true.

" Well I'll probably be home soon, yeah, she got company." He looked at me and I smiled and made my way back over to him and I sat down.

Dave walked into my room and left the door open.

Kaleb finish talking on the phone.

" well, let me get home to my girl, I'm gonna get out your hair. I love you." He stood up and I stood up. "She cook me some food, so I'm bout to go home eat a big plate and then eat some ass." I laughed.

"Sound like a plan." He laughed and hugged me.

"Thank you so much." He rubbed my back and I squeezed him.

"I love you so much." I kissed his chest.

"I love you more." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I walked into the door and we said our goodbyes for the last time and he left.

" are you sure that's not your boyfriend?" I jumped at the sound of David's voice.

" Yes, I am sure, you just heard him on the phone with his girlfriend." I laughed. " he is my best friend."

"Y'all fuck?" He leaned on the door frame of my room and walked up to him.


" do y'all fuck, like do y'all have sex?"


"Have y'all?"

" Listen, come on with all the stupid ass questions. None of that concerns you." I shook my head.

Fuck is he in my business for?

" None of the shit that I told you was your business to. You don't hear me being fucking rude about it."

" I wasn't trying to be rude, but stop talking to me like you fucking crazy." I snapped.

He killed my fucking vibe. I have been having a good day all day. Now he's coming to dump all his problems on me like always. Being his safe space was funner when we weren't having sex.

" How many every time I come around, you in that nigga face laughing, and then you want to say that y'all not together. All I am saying is, don't fucking lie to me because I don't lie to you about shit. You ask me questions all the time and I answer."

" you came around me twice and he was here, you have been around me hundreds of times since then. You are just talking a bunch of bullshit because you feel like arguing." I waved him off. " it's so funny how you leave your baby mom because you don't wanna argue but you come here and argue with me in hopes that we fuck."

" Did y'all fuck before?" I looked at him.

" Yes, what does that do for you?" He laughed.

" OK so, when I ask you questions, you make me feel crazy."

" when you ask me questions I don't answer them because I don't have to. I don't lie to you, I don't make you feel crazy, I just make the conversation about you. I don't like to tell my business, I don't like letting people know my business. It is what it is, I have always been conservative about my sex life." I shrugged. " I know you may not be used to that because you fuck whores all the time, but my sex life is my sex life and it is a secret."

" we are fucking each other now, there's no such thing as secrets. I gotta protect myself, the same way that you have to protect yourself."

" oh my fuck- oh my gosh David, is this why you came here? You are ruining a great night that stemmed from a great day."

" I actually came here to show you some fucking loving, cause I miss you and I come here and you half ass naked prancing around with this nigga." He snapped and I just stared at him.

" I am comfortable around him, I can wear whatever I want to wear around him. He's not gonna do nothing to me that I don't want done."

" What the fuck did you just say?" He laughed. "You have to be fucking with me, you are fucking with me right?"

" no you are a fucking with yourself, what the fuck is wrong with you? We are not together and you're questioning me like we are. What the fuck?" I pushed passed him and he grabbed my arm.

" Don't fucking bump me, you crazy? You need to chill the fuck out. I'm not one of your little fucking butt buddies that you have been running back-and-forth." I snatched away from him.

" Get the fuck off of me, do you want me to get mad? Do you wanna argue, let's do it. And stop disrespecting him, he's not worried about you. You're so fucking pressed, don't you have a fucking girlfriend. Oh, let me correct myself... A baby mom that sleeps in the same bed with you every night, but you're not together, but somehow she still super pressed about you. It doesn't take a fucking rocket scientist to know that you're still fucking the lady. Guess what I don't care though, because we are not together, and I expect the same respect from you."

" how do you wanna say you don't care but then bring it the fuck up. Nobody was talking about her, you brought it up, so obviously you care about it. You've been thinking about it."

" boy you are so fucking delusional!" I put my hand in his face.

" how did we get from your so-called guy Best friend to my baby mom." He frowned up his face.

" I was trying to let you know that I don't give a fuck about your baby mom, so you shouldn't give a fuck about who I have around me."

" you fucking on all of these niggas and you expect-"

" fucking on all of who? Who are you talking about? I'm not fucking nobody but you, so who are you talking about? You're just trying to be disrespectful because you're mad as shit and you're jealous as fuck. Fuck out my crib for real before I beat you the fuck up because now you're talking too much."   I pushed him. " bye! Get out of my house. You should never even came here if you had a fucking attitude already. Every time your baby mom makes you mad you're not gonna come here and fuck up my day then fuck me. Come fuck me because you miss me some fucking times. I'm not asking you to take me out on a dates, I'm not asking you to give me money or any of that. But every time she make you mad don't come take that shit out on me. Come be around me because you want to be around me not because you think I'm going to relieve all your fucking stress. This isn't the first time you did that shit and you are getting all my fucking nerves. The first time it seem cute but now it's just too much. Because you come here with a attitude and you expect me to fix all your problems. Fuck you and your problems get out my house. Talking about I'm fucking on all of these niggas... boy... get the fuck out of my house."I had to bite my tongue because I will hurt this niggas feelings.

" stop fucking touching me."

" Please David I do not wanna put my hands on you, I'm already pissed the fuck off because you're disrespectful as fuck and I'm going to knock you the fuck out." I warned him. "So let's go." I grabbed his arm and he snatched away from me and i pounced on his ass.

"Calm your short ass down bro." he led me on the couch in restrained my hands and that made me wanna break his fucking face.

"You are so fucking stupid!" He put all his body weight on top of me. "Get off of me, you are really too much. I am over this, I don't wanna do it anymore. Since you think I'm such a fucking whore and that I'm having niggas running in and out of my house. How about you be one less of them?"

" I'm not calling you a whore." I tried to pull my arms from under him, and he held me tighter. "Relax." He sighed.

" just get off of me, get out of my house, go fuck on Gia tonight because I don't have time for you." He let me go and slowly got. "Bye. Fuck you." I sat up.

" fuck your ass too, fuck is you talking about." He snapped and I shrugged and he left out.

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