Saving the Ink Demon (A Bendy...

By Narwhalwithaknife

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This takes place in a mesh of the game universes. In this AU after Cuphead and Mugman defeated the Devil all... More

Background information
Chapter 1: The Wolf
Chapter 2: The Plan
Chapter 3: An awkward night
Chapter 4: The Start of the Journey
Chapter 5: The New Island
Chapter 6: Pentagram
Chapter 7: Journey to Hell
Chapter 8: Finding the Demon
Chapter 9: What the Hell
Chapter 10: Rescue Mission
Chapter 11: Reunion
Chapter 12: Back to the Surface
Chapter 13: Tugboat
Chapter 14: Back to Inkwell
Chapter 15: Unfortunate Return
Chapter 16: A Quiet Chat
Chapter 17: Backstory
Chapter 18: A New Old Ally
Chapter 19: Heavenly Encounter
Chapter 20: The Escape
Chapter 21: Outside the Studio Walls
Chapter 22: The Talk
Chapter 24: The Wolf's Crush
Chapter 25: The Play
Chapter 26: Stageplay
Chapter 27: Talk with Alice
Chapter 28: Leaving
Chapter 29: Realization
Chapter 30: Guest Room
Chapter 31: Nightly Chats
Chapter 32: Breakfast
Chapter 33: Confession
Chapter 34: Ink Problems
Chapter 35: Sign Language
Chapter 36: More Troubles
Chapter 37: Ideas
Chapter 38: Him
Chapter 39: Interrogation
Chapter 40: The Battle
Chapter 41: Joey Drew
Chapter 42: Goodbye Monster
Chapter 43: Trauma
Chapter 44: Calm after the Storm
Chapter 45: A bit of Normal
Chapter 46: Outdoors
Chapter 47: Another Plan
Chapter 48: A Subtle Trick
Chapter 49: Flowers
Chapter 50: The Date
Chapter 51: Surprise
Chapter 52: Party
Not a chapter but I need your help!
Chapter 53: The End

Chapter 23: Half-Hearted Apology

641 28 7
By Narwhalwithaknife

Bendy and Boris nervously walked into the house staying behind Mugman. Once inside they all stood in silence for a few minutes. "Don't you have something to say?" Cuphead said coldly to Elder Kettle, surprising Bendy and Boris. "I suppose I do." Elder Kettle responded then turned to the ink demon, "I apologize for assuming you were evil just because you are a demon." Boris could tell that Elder Kettle's apology was forced and looked at Bendy. Bendy felt conflicted, he didn't want to forgive Elder Kettle, but he felt he had to for everybody else. He decided to not give him a direct answer and just nodded awkwardly which earned a pleasant hum from Elder Kettle.

Boris couldn't believe that Bendy forgave him so easily. He chose not to bring it up until they were alone again as to not start another argument. Cuphead and Mugman pulled Bendy and Boris out of the house. They didn't say anything until the door shut behind them. The ink brothers could see Elder Kettle looking at them through the window, seeming to make sure they didn't do anything. "How could you forgive him that easily?" Cuphead asked Bendy, "He was acting terribly, and you forgave him immediately." "I figured it would be easier..." Bendy admitted, "I didn't want to start unnecessary trouble. It would just cause more problems." 

"I guess you have a point." Boris said now understanding his brother's motivation and turned to the cup brothers, "But why is your grandfather so against demons?" he said looking towards the window. Mugman sighed, "The Devil has been tormenting the Isles for years. When we found out a lot of people had sold their souls. Me and Cup had to collect their soul contracts and defeat the Devil in order to save them. I guess that made Elder Kettle nervous around demons." "I never got to ask, why were you two the ones tasked with defeating the Devil in the first place? Why would they have kids fight him." Boris asked. 

Mugman sent a glare at Cuphead. "Oh...well about that..." Cuphead mumbled nervously. "Yeah Cuphead, why were we the ones who fought the Devil?" Mugman asked smugly. "Well, who's to say...the reason...?" Cuphead mumbled once again. Mugman glared at Cuphead then turned to Bendy and Boris, "Well Cuphead over here thought it would be a good idea to gamble both of our souls for some cash." "Don't tell me you're still mad at me for that!" Cuphead groaned. "Well, you never had to gamble my soul too!" Mugman retaliated. 

"I think you just started a fight." Bendy whispered over to his brother. "Yeah, I think I did..." Boris chuckled looking over at the two bickering brothers then over to the window. "We should probably stop them." he recommended. "Yeah, we should." Bendy said back to his brother. They both moved over to a brother. Boris rested his hand on Mugman's shoulder causing Mugman to jerk in surprise and look up at him. Bendy decided to lunge at Cuphead and hug him from behind causing them both to fall over which shocked the other two.

"Are you guys okay?" Mugman asked. Cuphead started laughing, causing Bendy's face to flush a light gray. "I'm good!" Cuphead said between laughs then turned to Bendy, "How 'bout you?" "I'm fine Toots." Bendy chucked while pushing Cuphead off making him land face first on the ground. "Woops, sorry Toots!" Bendy said while standing up, trying to hold in his laughter. "Here, let me help ya up." He said extending his hand. Cuphead took it but pulled Bendy back down instead of helping himself up, causing some laughter from Mugman and Boris.  

 "What was that for?" Bendy chuckled, knowing exactly why. "Revenge." Cuphead said with the most serious voice he could muster, which didn't really do anything considering everyone was giggling seeming to forget everything that had happened. Inside the house Elder Kettle looked on at the boys, once he saw the playful interactions that they were having he couldn't help himself from smiling. Cuphead and Mugman didn't have many friends their age and he could tell that the demon-Bendy-didn't mean any harm. And it was clear that Cuphead cared for him for some reason. Perhaps he could let one demon slide. 

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