My Hero


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Years ago when the married Tadano couple were on their way back home they caught a glimpse of a meteor fallin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hitohito's birthday chapter.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The Holiday Special
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35: Crossover #1
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52

Chapter 29

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A/N: this chapter is now back to the present right after chapter 28.

March 14 White Day.

Yesterday Hitohito delivered the white day presents to most of his friends, but soon after he got out from work he realized that he still had Shouko's gift.

So today on Saturday he made up his mind after arguing with himself about whether it was proper or not to go to her house.

Putting his shoes and now at the doorstep where Hitomi was behind him.

Hitomi: -smirking- don't stay out too late, remember mom and dad went out today so I'll need help with dinner.

Hitohito: -nods- see you later then.

Satoshi made some plans with Jeanne today to take her out to dinner, so they'll be coming home late.

During the walk, Hitohito was still nervous while trying to excuse his reason to go to Shouko's house.

That nervous feeling only grew once he was in front of the gates.

Hitohito: ( I have fought aliens, terrorists, a sea monster, and I fought a crazy robot last week..... so why..... why am I nervous about this?!)

At Mike's apartment.

Mike: ......

Shinobino: ....

Chiarai: ....

Sonoda: ....

Mike: why the hell are you guys here?!

Shinobino/Chiarai/Sonoda: please teach us sensei!!

Mike: huh?! Teach you what?

Sonoda: well you see yesterday at school...

Chiarai: you and Nakanaka were...

Shinobino: kind of flirty...

Mike: -blushing- no we were not! I just gave her a white day's gift.

Chiarai: you can't fool us you two have been getting pretty close lately.

Sonoda: we don't know how you do it but could you please teach us?

Shinobino: please we want to flirt with pretty girls too.

The three guys bowed on the floor, Mike could only watch them in disgust.

Mike: you guys are pathetic, get the hell out my apartment.

After a few cries and begs from the trio Mike gave up and agreed to help them, only one problem.....

Mike: I don't know anything about girls either.

Sonoda: but you get along well with Nakanaka.

Mike: I get along with everyone in the class..... well with exception of Yamai because she's a- wait I'm getting side tracked! The point is I don't know how to help you.

In that moment luck favored the trio in the form of Mike's brother Keith.

Keith: yo Mike! You won't believe how much this bottle of whiskey cost me.

Mike: Keith great timing. (I can get these guys off my back).

Keith: what do you need brother- oh you didn't tell me we have guests, I presume you're friends of Mike.

Mike: please don't associate me with these three, but now that you're here you think you can help them?

Keith: with what?

Mike: girls.

Keith made a smug face and all of a sudden he changed into a tuxedo.

Keith: so you guys were looking for some advice about girls.

Sonoda/Chiarai/Shinobino: yes sensei!!

Keith: well you came to the right place!

Mike: I can't watch this.

Mike walked out of the apartment and went to have a walk around the block.

Mike: this is a pain.

The phone began to ring, and Mike annoyingly answer it.

Mike: what?!

Nakanaka: Mike?

Mike: Nakanaka-san?! Sorry for that.

Nakanaka: everything okay?

Mike: yeah sorry, something happened and now I'm stressed out.

Nakanaka: sounds like you could use a distraction.

Mike: that I do, so I went for a walk.

Nakanaka: sounds fun, but....

Mike: but?

Nakanaka: I was wondering if we could meet.

Mike: right now?

Nakanaka: yes.

Mike: oh I did not expect that.

Nakanaka: yeah sorry it was a bad idea, nevermind you don't have to-

Mike: no no no no I didn't mean it like that, of course I would love to meet.

Nakanaka: really?!

Mike: how about we meet at Franky's in an hour? I heard they serve great burgers, my treat.

Nakanaka: I'll see you there.

She hung up.

Mike: my day just got better.

Back with Hitohito who was now in Shouko's room waiting for her, Shuuko told him that she went on an errand and told him to wait inside.

Hitohito wanted to deny it at first but when Shuuko placed her hand on his shoulder he felt a chill down his spine and now he is waiting in her room, while Shuuko went to get him some tea.

Hitohito: (what do I do now?)

A few second later the door opened.

Hitohito: ah Shuu- (KOMI'S FATHER!?)

Masayoshi enter the room with a dangerous aura around him holding a plate with a glass of tea.

Hitohito: (I had near-death experiences before, nothing like this.)

An over-exaggeration considering the fact that Masayoshi is the least of his concerns.

Hitohito: (this is akward... I should say something.) Um nice to meet you my name is Tadano Hitohito, a friend of your daughter.

Masayoshi: hm?

Hitohito: I like studying a lot, and... and... I also work part-time at the Tokyo Herald... (now I'm the one who needs saving, but who can save someone like me??)

Shouko has entered the room.

Hitohito: (Shouko you came to save me!)

Shouko immediately pushed her father out of the room, she noticed the mess in her room and quickly cleaned it up.

Hitohito: umm i-it's not that messy Komi-san.

After catching her breath she sat down on the table, too shy to start a conversation after all that happened.

Hitohito: before I forget, here.

Hitohito handed her the gift back, Shouko grabbed her and looked at him trying to ask if she could open it.

Hitohito: -nods- you can open it.

Shouko took out the gift from the bag, it contained a cream for the hands.

Hitohito: when I bought it smelled great, and I thought you would've love it.

Shouko: -nods.-

Hitohito: (she seems happy.)

Shouko also noticed a candy next to the cream.

Hitohito: oh that... that's just a candy haha.

Shouko looked at him, then at the candy, then back at him. Hitohito got up from the table.

Hitohito: w-well I should probably go, it's getting late, see you at school

Shouko: -nods.-

Meanwhile in front of Frank's.

Mike: (did I arrive too early?)

Mike was waiting on Nakanaka outside of the restaurant after he told Keith he was going out. He made it clear to his brother that it was not a date so that he doesn't get the wrong idea.

Minutes flew by and there were still no signs of Nakanaka.

Mike: haha I guess I just made myself some illusions.

Nakanaka: sorry for the wait!

Mike: Nakanaka-san.

Nakanaka: -catching her breathing- sorry..... I missed...... the train..... so I had to..... wait for the next one.....

Mike: relax, you're here now.

Nakanaka: let's go then.

Mike and Nakanaka were now waiting at a booth after ordering their dinner.

Mike: you're gonna like these burgers, Keith took me here once.

Nakanaka: can't wait to try them..... so are you adjusting well here in Japan?

Mike: I am, this place is amazing.

Nakanaka: that's good, when you first introduced yourself I kinda got worried you might have a difficult time adapting.

Mike: oh? You were worried about me?

Nakanaka: -blushing- d-don't take this the wrong way I was just looking out for my classmates.

Mike: haha regardless, I appreciate your concern thank you.

Nakanaka: y-you're welcome.

Waiter: alright here's your burgers, enjoy!

Nakanaka took the first bite out of the burger and she was.... speechless, her eyes were gleaming because of how good it was.

Nakanaka: this is delicious!

Mike: told you, their secret is in their sauce, it makes the burger taste 10 times better.

Nakanaka: well I am definitely going to be a regular here.

Mike: good to know.

Nakanaka: so Mike.... is something troubling you?

Mike: hm? Why do you ask?

Nakanaka: well when we spoke on the phone you sounded stressed so I figured something might happen.

Mike: -sighs- it's just those three idiots of Shinobino, Chiarai, and Sonoda who came to my apartment for some advice, luckily Keith got back on time.

Nakanaka: really? What did they want?

Mike: just some advice to flirt with girls, honestly I don't know why they came to me.

Nakanaka: oh, so that explains it, I mean yeah they are quite the trio but they're good people.

Mike: yeah like the three stooges.

Nakanaka: hahahahaha that's a good one.

Mike: (whoa, did Nakanaka always have that beautiful laugh?)

Nakanaka: Mike.... y-you're staring at me too much.

Mike: ah sorry I didn't mean to.

Nakanaka: it's okay, I didn't say it bothered me.

Mike: oh...

They both blushed, trying to avoid eye contact, but Nakanaka wanted to break the ice.

Nakanaka: Mike?

Mike: yes?

Nakanaka: is there someone you like?

Mike: -blushing- eh?

Nakanaka: nevermind forget I said anything!

Nakanaka got up from the booth leaving money for the burger and proceeded to walk away.

Mike: wait!

Mike stopped her by grabbing her by the wrist and made her turn to him.

Nakanaka: Mike?

Mike: there is someone I'm interested in..... I don't know how to put it but.... I feel great when I'm next to that person.

Nakanaka: oh really? Who's that person?


The duo along with the rest of the customers and the staff heard the loud explosion, along with the glass breaking inside the restaurant.

Mike was quick enough to protect Nakanaka so none of the glass shards hit her, however some of the shards hit Mike's arm.

Mike: Nakanaka are you okay?!

Nakanaka was still in shock, she could see across the street the destruction caused by the explosion, cars destroyed, and damaged buildings, but what hit her the most was a couple of bodies laying on the ground.

Mike grabbed Nakanaka's face to match it with his.

Mike: Nakanaka look at me, nothing bad is going to happen to you I promise.

Nakanaka was crying but she didn't notice it yet, Mike too was scared but he had to keep his cool, for her sake.

The sounds of the police arriving gave Nakanaka some comfort.



Mike could see who the police were pointing at, it seems that it was a few streets back from the restaurant.

The officers opened fire at the individual multiple but their surprised and scared faces already gave Mike the answer.

Mike: (dammit a Red Legion terrorist.)

The bullets that the officers fired not only did not hit the target but they came back to target the officers.

The result was a massacre.

???: it's useless, I can control any metal to my will.

Mike: (magnetism powers? I have to get help.)

Mike took out his phone and dialed Wayne to notify them of the situation.

Mike: ARGH!

He failed to realize until now that his arm was wounded from the glass shards and was bleeding out.

Nakanaka: Mike!

Mike: I'm fine, Nakanaka you need to run as far as you can go.

Nakanaka: you mean we?

Mike: I'm afraid not, my arm is wounded I would only slow you down.

Nakanaka: I'm not leaving without you!

Mike: (dammit she's not gonna listen.) Alright let's go to the other side of the street maybe-

???: well well well what do we have here.

Mike and Nakanaka turned to see a tall man, it was the same Yakuza who was in charge of the deal.

Isshin: more victims I see.

Mike: Nakanaka get behind me.

Isshin: it's useless you'll both be dead, and then I'm going after Guardian.

Mike: ha you'll kill Guardian? That's a good one.

Isshin didn't say anything, instead, he lifted a sharp metal bar and impale it on Mike's leg.

Mike: ARGH!!

Nakanaka: MIKE!

Isshin took out a folded piece of paper, he was looking at a picture of someone.

Isshin: hmm you're definitely him.

Mike widened his eyes in surprise, he didn't know the person in front of him, but said person sounded like he knew who Mike was.

Mike: who are you?

Isshin: your doom.

Isshin used his powers to lift one of the police cars.

Isshin: I was sent to eliminate the traitors of the Red Legion, and you Michael Krell are one of them.

Nakanaka: Mike what is he talking about?

Mike: .....

Isshin: you're not gonna say your last words?

Mike: .... let her go.

Isshin: hm?

Mike tried his best to stand up but the wound on his leg didn't help much

Mike: you found me, do what you want with me but please..... don't hurt her.

Nakanaka: Mike-

Isshin: hahahahahaha! Oh how pathetic of you to beg like that! I will kill you both regardless.

Mike: then you force me to do this.

Mike took out his cell phone but in a blink of an eye it turned into some sort of hand canon to shoot a beam at Isshi making him drop the car behind him.

Isshin: ARGH!

Mike: Nakanaka run!!

Nakanaka didn't think twice, she ran as fast as she could away from the battle, not before turning back to see Mike standing up to the attacker, she needed to ask for help.

Nakanaka: hang in there Mike I'll get help.

With Mike and Isshin.

Isshin: you're only delaying the inevitable, I will find her and kill her too.

Mike: then I'll have to kill you in order to save her.

Isshin: hahahahaha show me what you got then!

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