Innocence of the Shadow(A D-G...

By AlwaysAnonymousSoul

33.1K 1.1K 112

Mimiteh has been trying to survive when the Akuma and the Exorcists were after her. As a child she was very c... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Authors note

Chapter 21

543 23 0
By AlwaysAnonymousSoul

Just as I thought, there were other akuma, these ones were level two. I stood by a tree and watched the battle commence.

"Ko'lae ten o'clock!" I yelled. She turned and dodged the chain that the akuma flung at her. I knew someone was watching me and saw two figures out of the corner of my eye. I ignored the figures and continued to watch the battle, helping Ko'lae and Kanda whenever I could.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tyki Mikk

I watched the girl and couldn't figure out why she looked so familiar to me. The last level one akuma exploded and a bird flew around looking for anything else. I smiled and watched as two level two akuma came. The bird came close but didn't get very close before the akuma attacked it. After a minute the akuma looked back at the girl and created a strong wind. She grabbed the tree and held her right hand up.

Her hat flew off and her hair flapped behind her. I looked at her wrist and found a golden bracelet on it. The bird came to her aid and became a fox in seconds. The fox attacked the akuma and ended up behind it. The akuma hit the ground next to the girl, the force from the hit threw her in my direction, and she hit the ground next to me. I watched her and the akuma laughed.

"I'm fine! You worry about the fight!" She yelled, standing up. She stood as tall as me and I was able to take a closer look at her bracelet. It was a gold chain with black stones set at equal intervals.

"It's Tsuki's bracelet, how did she get my wife's bracelet?!" I wondered. She held her arm and watched the fights. The fox disappeared and I looked for it, wondering where it went. I wasn't expecting it to land on the ground as a cat in front of the girl. I watched in amazement as the akuma froze and fell to the ground in a pile of ash. The other akuma exploded and the boy exorcist walked over. The girl met him and smiled, holding the cat in her arms.

"Come on, the sooner we find Daisya the sooner we can see if he's still alive." The girl said.

"What's your name?" I asked. She turned around and looked at me questioningly.

"Yes, you. What's your name girl?" I asked. She looked at me for a moment and rolled her eyes.

"And what would a noble want with my name?" She asked me.

"It's just a question." I replied.

"My name is Rose." She replied.

"Are you an exorcist?" I asked rhetorically.

"Yes, we are exorcists." The boy replied. I smiled and Road laughed beside me when an akuma came from the shadows behind them. The cat hissed and Rose spun around to face it. Before anything could transpire the akuma stabbed a needle into her neck and injected her with something. The boy drew his sword and the akuma placed his crab pincer around her neck. While the boy was distracted the akuma did the same to him. It didn't take any longer than a minute for the two of them to fall to the ground.

The cat that was with them hissed at me and Road. The akuma picked it up and stabbed it with the needle and injected it with the same thing it had used on the Rose and the boy. Rose was still barely conscious and I walked over to her. She looked like Tsuki, but it must have been my imagination. There was no way this girl could be Tsuki, she was safe at home. I watched Rose until she passed out then stood and sighed.  

Road's world materialized and Road laughed.

"That was fun." She giggled.

"Road, our job is to find out if they have the innocence or the heart. We can't do that while they are asleep" I replied. She took Rose's jacket off of her and put it on. I was shocked to see that there was a scar running the length of Rose's left shoulder and her right arm was bleeding slightly. I tied her wrists and ankles and saw the bracelet again. I touched it and the jewels glowed.

"Now we have to wait for them to wake up." Road sighed. I stood and looked at the card the Earl had given me.

"Is that the person you are supposed to kill Tyki?" Road asked me.

"Yes. An exorcist named Mimiteh." I replied.

"Must be important if the Earl asked you to kill her." Road laughed.

"This isn't the exorcists though." I said looking at her again. I carried her to the center of the room and laid her there while Road tied the boy to the wall and took his sword. It was going to be some time before they woke up and I sighed. There was something strange about Rose, I just didn't know what. She seemed to have power and I knew the akuma could feel it, I; on the other hand; had a feeling that she did and she looked a lot like Tsuki. I spent a few hours thinking about it when she started to stir.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  Tsuki Kuro

I was so worried. I knew Tyki was told to kill Rose. With the amount of power Tyki possessed I knew the only chance of my baby's survival was if he found out that she was his daughter. I paced my room and got lost in the memory of the last day I saw her.

"Be careful Rose." I laughed. She was playing with her small black kitten and was only five years old.

"I will mama." She laughed. I was sitting on the patio of my mother's house drinking lemonade with my dear friend Marcus and my mother. Marcus had been like a father to Rose and I was so thankful that he was there for her. I looked at my bracelet and remembered a day just weeks before. I had found a piece of innocence in the town and new that the order would send exorcists to come get it sooner or later so I took it home with me.

When I hugged Rose when I got home the innocence started glowing and I asked her to hold it, she did and it glowed even brighter. My daughter was an exorcist, it couldn't be though. Her kitten touched it and somehow I knew that the innocence had fused with the little thing. Rose was an accommodator and her kitten had become her anti-akuma weapon. That day was the day that she started showing signs of being a Noah too. I had used a spell I had learned to seal it away, but the seal was only temporary. It would grow weaker as she grew stronger and matured.

My daughter was very unique, she had a Noah as a father, an exorcist as a mother, and she was an exorcist and a Noah. She was the first person to ever exist to be part Noah and part exorcist. I heard her scream and ran in her direction to find a level three akuma after her. It looked like a clown that was chiseled from ice and was trying to kill her.


"I don't wanna go, mama." She replied to me, holding her small kitten in her arms. Marcus grabbed her and ran in the direction of the gate. More akuma appeared and chased them.

"Hey! I'm the one you want!" I yelled, trying to protect my five year old child. The ice clown picked me up and threw me. Out of panic and reflex I started to scream but stopped when I felt arms around me. I looked up and saw the smiling face of my beloved husband.

"Tyki." I sighed in relief.

"You should be more careful." He replied setting me on the ground.

"You always save me just in time." I smiled back. He smiled at me and I heard Rose scream.

"No! Leave her alone!" Marcus yelled.

"Oh no." I gasped.

"Tsuki?" Tyki asked me.

"My cousin and his daughter. The akuma are after them." I explained quickly, running in their direction. Tyki followed me and I activated my innocence just in time. The akuma turned to dust and I ran to Marcus and helped him up.

"She's freezing." I gasped, looking at Rose. She was coated in frost and her lips were turning blue. Marcus took off his coat, wrapped it around Rose and her kitten, held her close to his body, and ran. When he reached the gate he looked back at me and nodded before running again. I was left where I was, watching a friend run to safety with my young daughter. Tyki placed his hand on my shoulder and I looked at him.

"Your mother and home have been destroyed." He said. I cried into his chest at the loss. In one day I had lost my daughter and my mother. I only had my husband left, but my heart ached and felt empty.

"Come on, you need a home and I need to know that my wife stays safe." Tyki said rubbing my shoulder. I nodded and followed him, holding his hand and staying close to him. We arrived at a large manor and I looked at it in astonishment. "What about the other Noah?" I asked.

"Knowing us, we will find a way to keep your identity hidden from them." He replied leading me inside. I found a dress that resembled a maids uniform and changed into it.

"I can act as your personal servant." I smiled.

"You will be close to me and safe at all times, and no one will be the wiser." He replied. I nodded and threw my old clothes away, I had no need for them anymore. My hair was too short to do anything with so I left it down and waited for any other Noah or company to arrive before acting like a real maid. Luckily the only thing I did was pour tea for him and his older brother and stand at Tyki's side until given the next order.

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