Feel Me

By byzanthiumm

2.1K 305 141

"Exhibitionism is something I haven't tried." She whispered, loving the dark wash of jealousy and anger on hi... More

Creator's Note I.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine (Pt. I)
Chapter Nine (Pt. II)
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Creator's Note II
Upcoming Project:

Chapter Fourteen

50 8 9
By byzanthiumm

“You know I’ve always wanted you.” Savitri’s purred.

Lydia glanced at her with surprise written in her eyes. The same startled eyes travelled around the strange room painted in sand brown hues with white curtains covering the windows. “Y-you have?” Lydia stammered.

“Yeah.” She murmured, tilting Lydia’s face to meet hers. Her gaze focused on Lydia’s lips with a pout, “Why did you have to find her first, Giano?”

“You don’t know the shit I went through for her.” came Martin’s voice from behind.

Lydia swerved her face to his direction and gaped with astonishment – no – astounded. She was astounded. Why the hell is he half-naked?

Martin crawled up to her wearing nothing but black close-fitted jeans and a wicked hot stare.

She flinched a little at the feel of Savitri’s lips against her fully-clothed shoulder – thank God – whispering in a soft purr that made Lydia squirm. “I would have done a lot more, Gian.” Her fingers slid up to the band on Lydia’s hair which held her bun in place and tugged it off, watching as they fell around her shoulders in a puffy, dark cloud. “A lot more.”

Martin took Lydia’s face into his hands and delivered a hot scorching kiss that left her weak. She snaked a hand up to grope the silky locks, holding him close. She felt Savitri’s hand move to the knot at her waist and undid it slowly, letting the cloth fall open loosely.

Savitri pushed the cloth of Lydia’s shoulder and began kissing her there with languid ease. The strap of her bra slid down and the kisses moved from her shoulder to her chest. The bed dipped under their collective weights. Martin left Lydia’s mouth and moved to her neck. The rough silkiness of his whiskers scraped her neck, causing her to shiver.

Savitri tilted her face to meet hers, holding her gaze briefly before teasing Lydia’s lips open with small nudges, seeking entrance to her mouth. Lydia snaked one hand to grasp the silky, dark wavy locks as their kiss deepened; warmth shot to all points of heat in her body. Fire blazed down between her legs.

Martin’s hands moved to cup her breast while the other travelled down between her thighs which she parted for better access while Savitri feasted her mouth.

How the hell did I get here? In this situation? With these two? The vague question hovered her brain. A moan when a hand – she didn’t know whose – Martin’s? – grazed her hardened nipple and gave a slight, agonizing tug.

Lydia’s hand moved behind Savitri’s back and found the clasp of her delicate, lacy black bra, then unhooked it. Savitri pulled away to shrug it off, her lips still locked with Lydia’s.

Martin’s tongue rasped against Lydia’s nipple and raked his teeth on it, drawing a moan from her; her grasp around his skull tightened, holding him in place.

Their lips slipped apart and Lydia moved down on Savitri; down to her breast, dragging her lips against the puckered bud before taking it into her mouth, sucking deeply.

Savitri gasped loudly clutching Lydia’s hair tight, her eyes slid shut and her lips parted at the pleasure. “Take me hard. Harder. Lydia…yes…ohh…”

The hand between Lydia’s thighs delved into the hot, flowing walls of her cunt and began stroking slowly at first and then faster, deeper…harder. Her toes curled from the impact. Her hand moved down to Martin’s wrist between her legs, trying to move and also held onto Savitri. The air between them scorched and scalded her skin.

Suddenly, as if controlled by a switch or plug, they withdrew from her and knelt in front of her; leaving her body tingling, and strangely bereft of their touch.

What happened next, stunned her.

Martin seized Savitri roughly and smashed his lips against hers.

Savitri opened up to him without resistance, grabbing his hair in fistfuls. Their bodies strained together. Their moans intermingled as their tongues clashed like sensual swords.

“But you are related. You’re blood.” Lydia sputtered with dazed disbelief.

Savitri withdrew from Martin to pin her with a hot, seductive stare. “That has never stopped us before, cara.” She left Martin and crawled to her with enchanting eyes. “Not now, and definitely not ever.” She whispered claiming Lydia’s slacken lips once more.”

“Lydia? Lydia!?” a hand vigorously shook her shoulder, startling her out of her daydream. Lydia drew startled eyes to rest on Susannah. “What is it?”

Susannah’s brows furrowed. “Are you alright? You look lost.”

Lydia nodded slowly, trying to collect her tattered mind. “Yeah. I’m good. I was just…uh…thinking…about this dream I had.”

“Yeah? What’s it about?”

Lydia shook her head, her expression wearily. “A rotten imagination gone wrong.”

“You should have seen your face. You looked like you ate a couple of spoilt oysters on a dare.”

Lydia wrinkled her nose in disgust. “I can never put those repulsive, slimy creatures in my mouth. Never.”

Susannah snickered.

Taking another eventful drag of the strawberry flavored nicotine, she huffed tucking her feet under her and reached to stroke Susannah’s dark hair idly. “I’m meeting up with Martin.”

Susannah glanced at her with a mischievous smile. “No wonder you’re dressed. That black silk wrap-round dress is a killer. If only you’ll wear heels instead.”

Lydia snorted. “No be only. It’s just dinner with his little sister, Savitri. Their parents are on a trip, and the house is boring for her.” She said taking another drag.

A scowl darkened Susannah’s face. “Doesn’t she have friends? A life?”

“I asked the same thing.”

The doorbell rang interrupting their conversation. Susannah stood up to get it. The door opened and Susannah’s warm cheerful voice sounded from the foyer. “Hello, Martin.”

“Hi, Susannah. I’m here for Lydia.” Martin said moving into the house.

The door closed behind him and Susannah followed. “Yes. All dressed and ready.”

Martin surfaced in front of Lydia, his face breaking into a warm smile as he strode to her, placing a kiss on her lips. “You look lovely.”

“So do you.” She smiled warmly hugging him, giving Susannah a discreet “fuck you” plastered on Martin’s back.

He pulled away. “Ready?”


He watched her grab her purse and kiss Susannah on the cheek, chattering briefly.

“Have fun.” Susannah called after them.

“We will.” Martin called back as they walked to his car. He opened the door for Lydia who stopped him with a hand on his chest. He glanced at her with a questioning frown.

“Have you ever slept with Savitri?”

He wrinkled his face in disgust at the imagery. “Good God, Lydia. That is disgusting beyond levels. Not to mention unimaginable.”

But I imagined it.” She thought silently.

“Where did that thought come from?” He asked irritatedly.

“Nothing. Nowhere.” She entered the car. “Come on. We’ll be late.” She stated.

Martin stood there watching her with confusion.

She watched him shake his head at her a moment later, muttering under her breath. The drive to the Sagar’s home was painfully taut with tension. When they arrived, Lydia was the first to fly out from the car before Martin had the chance to park properly.

He took her hand into his; together they walked up to the door. Martin pressed the doorbell whilst casting the woman next to him a sideways stare. What had prompted such ridiculously bizarre question? Did she really think so little of him? Hasn’t he proven himself enough?

The door opened a few minutes later revealing Savitri, dressed in close fitting jeans and a sheer white long-sleeved shirt; her black bra visible beneath the thin material.

“Giano!” she exclaimed happily, pulling him for a hug.

Giano. That name set her at unease.

She watched Savitri and Martin exchange customary kisses on the cheek and hugs.

Savitri watched Lydia over Martin’s shoulder. Her liquid eyes accessing her seductively before she blinked them; her face slipped back into its hostess façade.

“Come in.” she invited “I made roast chicken and pasta drenched in tomato sauce to be paired with an excellent bottle of wine. Gelato for desert…if there’s any stomach space left.”

“Gelato?” Lydia asked.

“It’s ice-cream.”

Lydia brows furrowed in amusement. “A little weird, don’t you think?”

“No. I don’t.” he snapped quietly.
Lydia watched him. “Calm down. What is your problem?”

Martin sighed, thin with impatience, before opening his eyes to look at her. “Nothing.”

Lydia nodded. She didn’t buy what he said the very least. The question she’d asked still bothered him. Why would it when it isn’t true?

The smooth, heavenly aroma of food wafted and seduced them to the table of elegantly plated dishes – the roast chicken was browned to crisp perfection. Martin dished out the food according to their preferred portions, praising the food he was yet to taste.

Lydia took a couple of forkfuls and had to admit it was absolutely delicious. Just like Victtoria’s. She felt Savitri’s eyes on her. Daring a glance at the woman opposite her, Lydia found her suspicions to be in order. “This is delicious.”

Savitri gave a hearty laugh as she poured a glass of wine for herself. “Thank you.” A concerned frown stabbed her brows. “Why are you quiet, Vikram? What’s happened?”

Martin replied her in Indian. From the Savitri’s widened eyes and overall horrified expression, Lydia knew he’d spilled the beans.

“Lydia! That is absolutely disgusting…grotesque, even. I’m a lot of things – Martin also. But incest?!” she shook her head vehemently, her lovely face wrinkled like she smelled something putrid. “Whatever made you think such, Lydia? It’s repulsive.”

Lydia cast the man next to her a withering glare over her wine glass – partially wanting to hit him and do him serious damage, and also to hide her embarrassment. She returned her eyes to Savitri. “Thoughts from a dirty mind. I meant no harm.” Pointing to Martin, she said, “He just blew things out of proportion.”

Savitri paused with a slow smile stretching her lips. “And how dirty are we talking about?” her eyelashes swept over those eerily enigmatic eyes flirtatiously.

Lydia returned the smile with one of her own. “Uncleanly lewd enough.”

Savitri laughed; the laughter eased the tension between Lydia and Martin to a marginal level. The conversation turned lighter and hearty with every direction and the number of the bottles of wine depleted from one to three.

Martin’s phone rang suddenly, briefly interrupting them. It was only when he rose that she noticed that he wore black jeans. The same as the one in her daydream.

“So, Lydia,” Savitri began, drawing her attention from Martin to the woman. “You have a sister, yes?”

Lydia nodded. “Yes. She in college. It can be terribly lonely without her. Sometimes.”
“From what Vikram’s told me, you live with Susannah. So it can’t be that bad.”

“That’s why I said ‘sometimes’.” Lydia smiled. “Susannah is my number one. My love.”

“Have you two ever…slept together? No? Not once?” she asked, interest lit her face with an impish smile.

Lydia opened her mouth to reply, but stopped at the frown suddenly darkening Savitri’s face. She turned to see Martin’s dark scowl. “What’s happened?”

“There’s something that requires my attention.” He looked up from his phone to stare at her. “I need to go. I’ll drop you off on my way.”

“Oka –”

Savitri’s fingers wrapped around her wrist, imprisoning her; her attention on her brother. “Actually, I was wondering if she could stay at bit, Gian. I really didn’t get to talk to her when she visited. Salieri monopolized her time.”

He appeared thoughtful for a moment, then nodded quickly. Shifting his eyes from his sister to Lydia, his expression softened with a sheepish smile. Bending to her ear he whispered. “I’m sorry for overreacting earlier.” And kissed her ear softly.

“I’m sorry too. Forgive me?” she asked with a soft, enchanting smile.

“Anything and always.” He turned to his sister and kissed her cheek, a fond smile on his face. “Thank you. There’s nothing like you. I swear it.”

When he left, Lydia glanced stared down at the coated pasta and chicken on her plate. She shouldn’t have taken that second helping. Her hand inched for her fork “It’s a sin to waste food. Yet it is gluttony to eat even when stuffed.”

“You don’t have to finish that if you’re filled. We are yet to have desert, remember?”

Lydia looked up to the cool, aloof eyes that betrayed nothing of her thoughts. Where had all the warmth and flirtatious smiles gone? Savitri stood up, pushing her chair back. Lydia noticed the stark darkness of her bra against her deep olive skin through the see-through white blouse, and quickly averted her gaze.

Together, they cleared the dinner table and took care of the rest of dirty dishes, sealing the leftovers in clean Tupperware destined for the fridge. Once finished, Savitri took out two cups of ice-cream from the fridge, and gave one to Lydia with a dainty spoon. Mischief entered those tigerish-brown, gold flecked eyes. “As promised.”

“Thanks.” Lydia murmured with an awkward smile. The dairy bliss on her tongue was paradise on earth. One of exquisite bliss. She slid her eyes shut and began savoring it. Bite for bite. Spoon for spoon…until it finished. Much to her embarrassment.

Opening her eyes after the last of the orgasmic treat slid down her throat, her gaze snapped Savitri watching her with glowing feline-like eyes – all dark, with the golden lights extinguished. Invading her personal space. Close. Too close.

Savitri held her own cup in front of Lydia. “Here.” She whispered huskily. “Eat mine next.”

Lydia snapped surprised eyes to the younger woman whose enigmatic, entrapping eyes was trained on her lips, then stared at the strawberry flavored treat held out to her.

She took it into her warm, slightly sweaty, trembling hand and swallowed. She was inserting her spoon into it, when Savitri’s fingers feathered on her wrist trapping it in a light grip.

“No.” she muttered, holding her spoon to her lips, licking up the melting cream. “Use mine.”

The contact of their fingers together caused a frission of heat to sizzle up from her hand to spine and to her nerves. Suddenly her afternoon daydream sprang in her head like a released tightened coil, leaving her with a strange feeling. What the hell are you doing!?

“Watching you eat ice-cream is erotic.” Savitri spoke feather-soft. “A picture I want captured for my personal delight.”

“I’m sorry, w-what?” Lydia croaked lamely, watching the hand on her wrist guide her movements. The half melting sweet cream, glossed her lips, the disposable plastic spoon slid past her teeth, into her mouth then upturned, letting the thick cream slide down her throat.

The very fact that Savitri’s tongue had just caressed the spoon between lips, made it feel illicit. Wild.

Holding her gaze as she tasted the fast-warming ice-cream under the heat of her palm, Lydia let her tongue glance repeatedly around the plastic spoon; licking off the excess dribbling down the handle.

Savitri drew nearer. Her heated eyes brimming with unadulterated lust latched on Lydia’s tongue as she took the spoon from her mouth, placing it on the counter.

Dipping one long finger into the melted cream, she coated it thoroughly then slid it back into Lydia’s mouth with a wordless command.

Lydia’s tongue snaked out to meet the intruding finger, pulling at it with deep suctions, flickering her tongue against the sensitive tip.

Savitri hooked her finger in and tugged Lydia closer; her greedy, hungry eyes on the full lips – on the tongue coating her finger with slick juices. She withdrew her finger and wrapped it around Lydia’s graceful neck, then sealed her lips over the velvet ones in a kiss. She tasted the surprise and the hunger there, and reveled.

Lydia’s muffled whimpers was smudged between their lips – meaningless and inconsequential at the moment. The sensation of Savitri’s lips and tongue sliding against hers transcended their plane of existence and conscience. Martin was a distant memory. The only living, breathing – present being – was the woman in her arms.

What they were doing was an abomination to the laws of nature. And to everything she ever believed in. There was no room to question morals and religion.

Everything between she had with Martin depended on this moment. On what they did.
And yet all she could do was to feel, and soak up this moment. Regrets and shame will come later. She was human.

This was the human thing to do.

“You know I’ve always wanted you.” Savitri purred.

Lydia glanced at her in surprise and alarm at those words. A weird sense of déjà vu frissioned down her spine. “You have?” she glanced around the room, though the walls weren’t painted sand brown like the one in her daydream.

This one was painted in an off-white shade. The bed on the other hand, was exactly like she imagined – white sheets and puffy white pillows. She wanted – no – had this insane urge to ask if Martin was lurking somewhere. Hiding behind those thick curtains, perhaps.

“Yeah.” Savitri muttered tilting Lydia’s face to meet hers with a sardonic smile. “Does this have something to do with your…er…daydream?”

“Yes. Except Martin was here on your bed, behind me.”

“Huh.” Savitri hummed, giving Lydia a searching gaze. “Mind if I ask what happened exactly in this dream?” she said slowly unbuttoning her shirt, revealing the deep olive skin underneath.
Lydia shook her head with a wry smile. “No. it’s probably best if it stays in my rotten mind instead.”

“Okay.” Savitri chuckled watching Lydia. She seemed eager just like her previous lovers, at least not like Ellie who couldn’t just take the fucking hint that they had meant nothing to her. Instead she had to call the family phone, screaming her name as she fingered herself to orgasm.

And she wasn’t going to lie, it turned her on. On a good day. But the very fact she had the nerve to call her family phone, even after she pointedly ignored her calls irritated her to no end. Lydia didn’t seem like the clingy sorts; and yet, one can never be too certain.

Touching the spongy locks that fascinated her so much, she stared deep into Lydia’s eyes. “This happens once.”

Lydia nodded slowly with a slight frown. “Definitely. I never planned on anything otherwise.”

That stung more than she thought it would but was glad nonetheless. “Good.” She straddled Lydia’s thighs, digging her fingers into Lydia’s hair. “I’m glad we understand each other.” She whispered watching and memorizing the dark-skinned goddess under her.

Lydia’s breath hitched a bit as Savitri’s hand slid under her silk dress, sliding deeper to her wet panties and saw satisfaction sparkle in the feline eyes at the realization. Savitri moved a bit higher, her nipples hardened and erect brushed Lydia’s lips, poking through her lacy bra. She heard a soft cry above her and glanced up at the woman above her who settled fully on her lap, and felt two fingers slip inside her wet core. Savitri covered her lips with Lydia’s, kissing her slowly.

This time, Lydia didn’t budge and opened fully for her tongue, getting a taste of her mouth. Her soft moans entrapped between them as Savitri teased her clit, surprised that she found that out soon enough.

Lydia rocked against Savitri’s fingers just as Savitri against rocked her thighs. She had to brace herself on both hands to steady them both as the kisses erotically continued; their mouths slid open nipping, licking and biting each other.

She lost her balance and fell on the mattress. Savitri followed crowding her space, pausing to shrug out of her shirt. Her lips moved to the chocolate neck, hunting for that specific scent unique to her. A cry escaped her lips as pleasure shot though her.

Savitri withdrew her fingers from Lydia’s drenched core and trailed the slick juices on Lydia’s lips, smiling at the confusion on Lydia’s face. She doesn’t know what to do about it.

She rose to her knees, her hand moved to the knot of Lydia’s dress and gave a small tug, then released it; watching it part, exposing the dewy deep cinnamon skin to her gaze.

An appreciative murmur left her lips. Her fingers trailed reverently on the smooth expanse, learning every dip and curve; what made her itch and what made her utter the sweetest of moans. At that moment she hated her brother. Did he not know what treasure he possessed?

And in that moment, Savitri was determined to seduce Lydia even if it was for this night only. Her fingers cupped the soft mounds and gasped. Oh, she feels so right. “You are beautiful, devi .” The pads of her fingertips gazed the hardened nubs, and gripped, rolling them between her fingers,  watching Lydia writhe under her with a face stained with lust and desire. With a yank, she freed the firm globes from the constraints of the lacy bra.

Lydia’s hands sifted through the long strands and held the younger woman in place. Her hand moved to the clasps and unhooked it equally freeing Savitri. The way the thin straps slid past the olive shoulders to the artlessly exquisite arms as she peeled it off had Lydia pressing irresistible kisses on it.

Savitri tasted wicked and smelled decadent, in a way too appetizing to resist. Her lips slid against Martin’s younger sister’s lips in a soft kiss, tonguing the expressive mouth open, “What’s your Italian name?”

Savitri moaned as Lydia’s mouth left hers, trailing her neck down to the sensitive spot where the shoulder and the neck met to christian a bite there. “Celia.” She gasped, her hot breath scalding Lydia’s cheek.

Fervent hands unbuttoned Savitri’s trousers, peeling them off along with the flimsy panties, noticing the mild surprise painted on her face. “I want to taste you…if it’s okay.”

“Of course.” She assured, her breathing resumed to erratic pants as Lydia bent over her again, pushing her hair to taste her neck once more; letting them spill over her white pillows like a dark cloud. Her neck, ears, lips and breasts were a feast. A sacrifice genuinely offered.

The dark-skinned goddess ruthlessly accepted; feasting greedily on her cries for mercy until her body felt mangled, tender. Sore.

Two fingers snaked between her thighs and parted the drenched lips soaking wet and plunged ruthless inside. Her whimper was quickly swallowed by a kiss. She felt herself stretch and fire kindled her core – Lydia wrecked sensual havoc deep inside her.

Her walls clamped tightly on the fingers, drawing them deeper into the alluring scalding hot sheath. Her hips rocked against the rapidly thrusting fingers impaling her until the air in her lungs extinguished. Her hand grabbed onto the headboard and held on, her hips moving in fierce tandem to the fire that was Lydia.

Heat poured between their bodies pressed hotly against each other as they exchange kisses, obscenities and drank each other’s air, musky and dank with the stench of sex and sweat.

Savitri’s eyes snapped open and a wail torn free from her lips as Lydia lips covered and pulled her clit in deep suctions, flicking her tongue against it. She couldn’t stop the sporadic spams her body made, nor the thin screams and heavy cries that left her throat burning and raw.

Her body tightened as the white-hot heat bloomed from her womb and spread through every part of her body, screeching as her climax exploded and her world imploded in a bright white light that left her weak and dazed…completely drained of strength.

Lydia’s grinning face came into view and a weak smile tugged her lips.

“I take it you found it enjoyable.”
Her weak laugh echoed between them. “Fuck. It was more than enjoyable. Iconic more like.”

Lydia smiled, dropping next to Savitri; her eyes stared at the ceiling lost in thought. “This is the first time I’ve done something like this.” She felt Savitri stiffen next to her, but made no move to look at her.

Feline, tigerish brown eyes flecked with gold and black popped in front of her blocking the ceiling, widened surprisingly, searching for any hint of mockery on her face. “You’re joking.”

“Why would I?” Lydia asked with an amused frown.

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