Voltron Legendary Defender A...

Oleh DragonHeart416

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Growing up in the Galra Empire, I have no clue about my past nor how I ended in such a life of pain and tortu... Lebih Banyak

Life in Prison
Pain or Death?
The Strange of Change
Nothing Makes Sense!
Earth and Humans
The Rise of Voltron
Some Assembly Required
Return of the Gladiator
The Fall of the Castle of Lions
Tears Of The Balmera
Taking Flight
Return To The Balmera
Crystal Venom
Collection and Extraction
The Black Paladin
Across the Universe


149 3 0
Oleh DragonHeart416

By this point, it's been over seven phoebs since I was brought to the main fleet. Ever since I had Sendak's challenge, things have turned to be a little more rough. By that, I mean like more training, more tests, even a few more days in the lab, and I have fewer moments of rest.

I'm 29 deca-phoebs old by now and nothing much has really changed.

...Well, except for meeting Shiro.

Things aren't going very well for him, either. He doesn't want to talk about it, but I can tell that the experiments that they've been doing to him are getting worse. There have been times where he's taken before me, then I return from my training and he's still gone. He does come back eventually, but not without a few scratches.

I don't know what the Galra are trying to do to get to me, but I really don't like whatever they're doing to hurt Shiro, too.

I've always liked spending my time in the cell, since nothing bad ever happens here. But now, I like it much better when I have Shiro with me. Whenever he's not here, I find myself feeling cold, like something's missing inside of me. And when he's around, I feel a lot better, the cold emptiness suddenly vanishes.

Since we've become friends, I'm starting to feel a little different than I used to. Being with Shiro just really makes me... happy.

I just got shoved back into my cage from training again. And not in a few doboshes later, Shiro is thrown in as well.

"They pushed you again, didn't they?" he groans.

"I bet you had as much fun as I did." I comment sarcastically. I lay down as he laughs at my remark before he groans again, he sits right next to me and leans back on me. He doesn't really mind moving up and down as I'm breathing.

The two of us silently lay on the floor, trying to ignore the aching pain running through our bodies and relax. I let my mind go blank and start to doze off, when Shiro then talks to me.

"Hey, Kayleigha?"

"Hmm?" I mumble.

"What do you know about Voltron?"

My ears perk up, "Voltron?"

"I mean, I've been hearing the aliens mentioning it a lot lately. I just don't understand what it is or why it's so important. Do you?"

I glance up to see him looking back at me. I do remember the Galra bringing up the word 'Voltron' very much since I was young, but I never really bothered about it too much after everything I was going through.

"I'm not really sure what Voltron is exactly, although I have heard it a lot throughout my time here. It might be like a power source or even a weapon of some kind. Whatever it is, I do know for a fact that Zarkon has been looking for it for a really long time, longer than I've been here."

"What do you think would happen if they found it, whatever Voltron is?"

"I don't know. Nobody's ever said any details about it. But, what I do know is that the Galra are really powerful, nothing has ever stopped them from conquering and destroying worlds. The emperor himself is so strong, no one has even tried to take him down. All he ever wants is power and he'll do anything to get it. And if he really wants to find this Voltron when he's already with so much power... I'm not sure what to think, but it most likely wouldn't turn out well, especially for us."

Shiro looks down in thought, we both remain quiet for a few doboshes.

"What if someone else were to find Voltron? What if they could use it to stop Zarkon?" He suddenly asks, I lift my head in surprise.

"What?!" I quickly stand up, causing Shiro to fall back to the floor, "Are you crazy? Did you not hear what I just said? No one can ever stand up against Zarkon, let alone stop him."

"I know what you said." he sits up, "But I just don't see why you'd want to give up and let all the bad stuff happen. I mean, aren't you tired of everything they've been doing to you?"

"Of course, I am. But, this is how it's been my whole life. The Galra control everything, and nothing's ever happened to change that."

"Well, have you ever tried to stand up to them?" he asks.

"Only for it to end in retribution. I already told what happened when I tried to escape, there are even moments where I end up getting more scars from trying to talk back than I do in the gladiator arena."

"So, it's just like how you're not allowed to breathe fire, you'll do whatever they ask so you don't get hurt?"

"Yes! And better yet, to not be killed." I'm starting to get annoyed with how he's ignoring my point.

"But what if you wanted to do something more than that? Haven't you ever thought that maybe you could be part of something bigger, outside the ship?"

Before I can make another argument, I stop to replay his words in my head. I feel stunned. What Shiro just said is exactly what has been going through my mind since I was a dragonet. I can't believe I almost forgot how important that one thought is to me.

"I... I have thought about that. Quite a lot." I sigh deeply, "Okay, maybe I do want something to change about the Galra. I really would like it if I didn't end up being their prisoner and didn't have to go through all the terrible things they've done to me. And if I knew for sure what I could do to make it happen, I would escape this place the first chance I can get. But, I can't help but feel like it's just impossible, that I just can't."

Shiro stands up in front of me, "Why? What's holding you back?"

I huff, "As much as I don't want to admit it, the reason I don't like to take my chances is because... I'm afraid."


"Yeah. And I rather not show it, otherwise someone might end up using my fear against me. That's why I'd rather follow any instructions that they give me. It's simpler that way." I sit down as I lower my head down in grief.

"You know," Shiro begins, "it is okay for you to be afraid."

I look back up, "What?"

"Not that you should be afraid all the time. I'm only saying that sometimes fear is a good thing to have. Fear helps protect us. It makes us more alert to any kind of danger and prepares us to deal with it. Like the trials you've had, if you weren't afraid of what was going on, you could've just stood there and let them kill you."

I feel surprised by that, I've never actually thought about that before. And now that I am thinking about it, maybe I'm using my fear the wrong way, like letting the Galra get the better of me.

"Well, you're actually right about that. But I still don't understand why that has to do with standing up to the Galra. If they saw something wrong, who knows what they might do to us." I say.

"I'm not saying that you should do anything crazy, that wouldn't turn out well." he chuckles before he starts petting my snout, "All I'm trying to say is, sometimes, you have to know when to fight back. You can't just give up on yourself, especially when it's not just you alone."

I still don't really understand what he's thinking, but I don't say anything. We both just leave it at that and get back to resting. I think about the conversation we just had for a little bit, until my eyes become heavy and I fall asleep.


I wake up to the doors creaking open. I'm not sure how long I've been asleep, but I do wish it went on a little longer. The sentries enter as Shiro, who is also awake, and I stare at them.

"Starblaze, you are needed for your next training test."

Making a huff in exasperation, I follow them out, but not before sharing a nervous glance with Shiro. Before I know it, the drones take me to the training deck, again. I've been here the last few times, fighting sentry robots or monsters, just the same stuff as what I'm used to. Although I've done this set of training already, it still bothers me that I have to keep doing it, I'm just tired of it, literally.

I stare at the front, waiting for whoever I'm supposed to be fighting to be brought in. The doors at the other side of the arena open. I get into my battle stance and prepare for whatever I'm about to face.

When I see who I'm fighting walk in the room, my determined expression turns to surprise. Instead of a large creature or even a robot, it is a single prisoner that is shoved in. The alien stares at me in shock with a sword in his hand.

I turn my gaze from the inmate to the sentries behind me. "What is this supposed to be?"

"You have always been trained on defending in combat. For your test, you'll unleash all your strength on the prisoner and finish the fight."

I am stunned when they say that. This is actually something different for me. True, I've been in fights a lot of times and I usually win. But, to actually fight another prisoner and kill them, I'm not really sure about this.

Not having any other option to avoid it, I resume my stance and start growling directly towards the inmate. He looks at me as he steps back in fear.

Without wasting another tick, I charge forward. The prisoner starts running out of my direct path. I turn sideways and grip my claws to the floor to prevent myself from slipping. The prisoner screams as I chase after him, the two of us running around in the arena.

I roar as I flap my wings, launching myself over his head, and land in front of him. Before he can turn around, I twist my body around and smack him with my tail. As he falls to the floor, I'm already standing over him as he looks up.

I lift my right talon over my head, preparing to strike, when the inmate suddenly grips his sword and swipes it in front of me. The blade cuts across my chest, making me cry out in pain as I move back.

The prisoner takes his chance and stands up to strike me again, but I already see his attack coming and dodge him. I growl in anger and again, this time ramming my head square into his chest, knocking the wind out of him.

I run towards him as he staggers to get up. The inmate holds his sword up at me, I halt right in front of him and swipe my talons to throw it out of his hand.

The prisoner whimpers as I stare down at him with a snarl. I lunge forward and snap my jaws, he ducks his head before moving to my side. He starts to run away to retrieve his weapon, but I think fast and smack him with my wing.

When he hits the floor, I begin to move towards him again. The prisoner looks up and tries to back away in fear. Moving quickly, I leap on him and push him to where his back is up against the wall.

The prisoner breathes heavily as I glare at him with a threatening growl. The smaller alien starts struggling to break free from my grip, until I suddenly roar in his face.

"There's no point in fighting back now." I hiss. I think it's time I put an end to this.

I rise with my upper body and stand on my hind legs, holding my talons up for the killing strike. The alien looks away as I'm about to bring my claws down on him.

And then...

I freeze.

I'm not sure why, but something doesn't feel right. I just can't stop staring at the alien, his body vibrating with fear. He seems so scared, I don't see what good it will do to actually kill him.

True, he did hurt me, but if I really think about it, it was only in self-defense.

The both of us didn't expect to be in this fight, just as I'm sure neither of us wanted to be prisoners of the Galra.

It's just like what Shiro said to me before... we're the same.

I lower my talons slowly, moving back to standing on all fours. Realizing that no attack is coming, the prisoner gradually stops shaking and looks up.

We both make eye contact, he stares at me in fear, but also slight confusion. I only look at him with sympathy.

I look around us. We are still being watched by drones. I realize then that they're not going to let us leave until I complete my task. But how am I going to do that if I really don't want to?

Then I remember that my orders are to 'finish the fight.'

I figure out an idea, although it's not the best one, that will help get us both out of this.

I look back down at the prisoner.

"I'm sorry." I whisper to him, "I don't want to hurt you, but it's better to end it this way than killing you."

Before I can wait for another excuse to appear in my head, I lift my arm in front of me and hit the prisoner with the back of my talons. My paw makes contact with his head with a loud SMACK!

It pains me as I watch him get knocked to the side, unconscious. Thankfully, I can see him still breathing. And now the Galra can call the fight over.


After the fight, the same thing happens like every other time I'm out of one. They take my blood samples, mend my wounds, then return me to the brig.

When I get back, I tell Shiro about what happened, including the ending.

"Why didn't you kill him?" he asks.

"He just looked so afraid and I couldn't bring myself to finish him off. I knew neither of us wanted any of this to happen, just like what you've been telling me. We're all prisoners here and we never asked for that." I answer.

"That's good to hear." Shiro says, rubbing his hand on my snout, "I'm glad that you knew and did the right thing."

"But what if I didn't?" I ask, moving my head away, "What if I just disappointed the Galra? They would've wanted me to kill him, but instead, I knocked him unconscious. It's not normal for me to do something like that."

"You mean, it's not normal for them to see you do something like that." He counters.

"Either way, I didn't do exactly what they wanted me to. Now I'm most likely in a lot of trouble." I look down in shame. Then, unexpectedly, Shiro reaches under my chin and lifts my head until I'm facing him.

"Hey, I told you before, didn't I? It doesn't matter what they want. You get to choose who you want to be."

I move out of his touch as I stare confused, "But, I thought that only applies to you humans."

"No, it can apply to you as well. You are able to make your own choices, like what you did today when you chose to not kill someone."

I look down in thought. I think about how I was regretting my actions not too long ago. With what Shiro just told me, I realize that if I'm capable of my own choices, then maybe I shouldn't be so afraid of them.

"You know, sometimes I wonder how you understand whatever conflicts I have." I comment while smirking at him.

He laughs, "Well, that feeling's neutral. Except, for me, it's that I'm giving advice to a dragon that's three times my size."

I can't help but laugh at his remark, even more so as he joins in. Eventually, we grow silent.

It is strange hearing these new things from someone who's not Galra, but I've grown attached to whatever Shiro tells me. It gives me comfort... and hope.

"Tell me more about your planet." I say, pleadingly, "I want to hear about what life is like outside the cruiser."

Shiro smiles and starts talking about everything he can think of. He talks about the things he did when he wasn't training at the Garrison, like going on rides on a hoverbike just for fun. He told me about other humans that he cared about and that he would spend his time with, like a younger human named Keith.

Shiro says that I remind him of Keith, since Keith also didn't have anyone to look out for him and was alone. Shiro tells me about how he knew that Keith needed a friend, just like how he did for me.

As I continue to listen, the more he tells me about what his life was like on Earth, the more I wish to see the planet myself. To actually learn how my life could be without fear or pain, anything to do with the Galra keeping me in order. To have a chance to do what I want, to be who I want. To find out what that feels like, a feeling that Shiro described to me as... being free.

After a few vargas have gone by, Shiro and I are laughing after he said something funny. But our lively moment is cut short when we hear the door opening, startling and silencing us both.

Looking towards the opening, a Galra soldier, who is flanked by two sentries, is standing there, staring back at us. He steps into the cell, coming towards us.

He stops in front of us and slightly turns his head towards me. I can't tell because of his helmet, but he seems to be expecting me to do something. Then I realize what it is and quickly bow my head, settling my mistake.

The soldier hums in satisfaction before turning to face Shiro.

"What do you want?" Shiro glares at him.

"You're needed for another experiment." The Galra smirks as the sentries behind him approach Shiro. "The druids must have greater plans for you."

I glance at Shiro nervously as his eyes widen.

"No! I'm not going back there!" he yells.

I flinch at his outburst, not just from surprise, but also from fear of what he's gonna get for talking back.

Just as soon as he speaks, one of the drones suddenly punches him. I can't help but wince as he cries out in pain.

"You do not talk back. You belong to the Galra!" the Galra shouts directly at Shiro.

I stare at Shiro as he looks back up, noticing blood now bleeding from his lip. He breathes heavily as he glares at the guard.

"No, I don't." he talks back again.

I swear, it's like he wants them to punish him before they can even start on torturing him again.

He receives another punch, this time at his stomach. Shiro groans as he coughs for air. I feel awful just watching him get beaten up, I even worried about how this might get harder for him.

As I see Shiro hunched over in pain, a quick image flashes in my mind. I see myself when I was much younger, when I hardly had shown any respect to the Galra than I do now. I remember how much they didn't leave me alone, they didn't stop hitting me, beating me until I dropped to the floor in pain. I hated it so much.

I snap back into reality just as fast as the flashback came. I remember the feeling of pain I had back then. But when I look at Shiro in the same conflict I was in, that feeling is back even more. And not only is it pain that I feel, but it is also anger.

And it's boiling all over me!

The guard grabs Shiro by the collar of his clothes and holds him up to his height.

"You insolent human! You belong to the Galra Empire! And you will show respect!" he shouts.

He raises his fist to deliver another punch. Shiro recoils to brace himself for the hit. The Galra brings his fist down...

But nothing is hit.

After a moment of not feeling anything, Shiro slowly looks to see what happened. He then becomes shocked, as well as the Galra soldier, when he sees the Galra fist being held back... by me!

I grip my talons over the Galra's hand as I glare at him, he looks back at me confused. Before I can let him do anything else, I grab Shiro and quickly push the soldier away from us as he releases him. I let go and move to stand in front of him in a protective manner, growling at the Galra.

I honestly am not really sure what I'm doing right now. Part of me wants to stand down and not anger the Galra. But all I can think of right now is how angry I am and I do not want them to hurt my friend.

"StarBlaze, what do you think you're doing?" the guard demands. I respond with a snarl, crouching into a battle stance.

"StarBlaze, stand down now!"

I ignore his command and bare my teeth, growling threateningly. The soldier backs away in fear. He turns to the sentries.

"Restrain the beast!"

The robots move towards us, one aims its blaster at us while the other moves to the side. The second drone reaches for Shiro. I quickly react and swing my tail to knock the sentry away. It crashes into the other sentry, knocking them both over.

I take the chance to attack while they recover. Before they're able to defend, I swipe at them with my talons and knock one of them backwards. The other drone manages to evade me, moves behind me, and wraps its arms around my neck.

I roar in fury as I feel the sentry's tight grip. I reel back on my hind legs while I reach behind me at the drone. It isn't that hard for me as I manage to grab hold of it. I pull the sentry right off my back and fling it directly at the other one, hitting it with such a strong force to severely damage them both as they hit the wall.

With the sentries out of the way, I look towards the doorway at the Galra soldier standing outside the cell. He is completely baffled by my actions. But I'm not finished.

Upon noticing my gaze on him, the guard turns to run but doesn't get far as I charge after him. I leap at him and knock him down, pinning him to the floor.

Even with his helmet on, I can see that he is terrified. And he should be.

Snarling, I open my mouth, baring my sharp teeth at the Galra. Then I lunge my head forward to bite him, but he intercepts with his left arm. Instead of pulling back, I bite down harder, the armor being not too thick that I can bite right in it. The Galra cries out as he tries to pull himself from my grip.

Just overpowering one of the freaks who tortured me for a long time brings me a lot of pleasure.

"Kayleigha, look out!" I suddenly hear Shiro yell.

Before I can even comprehend his warning, a shocking pain suddenly surges into my whole body. I shriek in agony as the pain goes on for a minute.

When it finally stops, my body feels completely numb. Everything turns fuzzy as I drop onto the floor with a muffled thud. In my blurred vision, I see the soldier stand up and notice a glowing device in his right hand. I'm not sure where it came from, but now I know that he most likely used that thing to electrocute me.

"Kayleigha!" I hear Shiro's faint voice. I can see his figure as he tries to run over to me but is being held back by more sentries. I groan in pain. I want to get up and help him, but I can't even bring my body to sit up.

I stare helplessly at Shiro while he's being restrained, but then my view is blocked by the soldier, who is staring down at me as I look up.

"You've lost your last fight, StarBlaze."

The last thing I see is the soldier lifting his leg, before immediately bringing it down on me. I grunt as my whole world goes black.


Hey, guys!

Sorry to keep you all waiting, it took me a while to write this chapter, but hard work always pays off!

Hope you're enjoying this! Please stay tuned! Vote, comment, and follow.

Thank You!

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