Come Back

By courtnay_

21.3K 436 62

When Melody Paige thinks her whole life could die it rises back up. Niall Horan from the band One Direction c... More

Come Back. (Niall Horan Fan Fic)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
New Story
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Authors note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Final Chapter-Chapter 42

Chapter 23

399 9 2
By courtnay_

Melodys P.O.V

Today is the rainiest day in Florida I’ve seen. We were all just sitting in the living room watching t.v. and on twitter. We all followed some fans and did a twit cam. We had over 30,000 views and we did a bunch of dares.

“ Mel. Wanna go on a walk?” Niall asked.

“But it’s raining.” I whined. He just shrugged. I got up and we went to get a jacket. We slipped on our shoes and walked out into the pouring rain. We walked down the path to the side walk. We held hands and continued down the road. 

“Lets go to the café!” Niall said pulling me into the café.  We ordered a coffee and went and sat down.

“You know how much I missed you while you were gone?” He said.

“I missed you too,  but I feel bad  that I didn’t even let you talk though.” I frowned.

“Hey baby girl, you’re fine, its my fault. Keep your head up.” Niall smiled. I kissed him and finished my coffee. Me and Niall got up and walked back into the pouring rain.

“I’ll race you!” He smiled. I smirked and started running.

“Wait for me!” Niall yelled. Soon he fell down.

“Niall, are you ok?” I asked running back to him.

“No, I think I broke my wrist.” He frowned. He had little tears in his eyes, to let me know he wasn’t joking.

“Come on, lets go get changed and go to the hospital.” I said taking his ok wrist and gently helping him up. We walked the block back to our road and turned onto it.

Finally ,I mumbled.

“Help me get changed?” He asked. I nodded and got him some new clothes, I help him pull his shirt off and put the dry one on. I unbuttoned his pants and let him go change the rest. I slipped out of my clothes and got a pink Hollister t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. I got my rain boots and slipped them on. I walked over to Nialls closet getting one of his red hoodies. I slipped it on and got him some black shoes. I set them on the bed and went to my full length mirror and checked my hair. It was curly. Poo. I knocked on Niall doors and he opened it, only in his boxers. I went over and got my mousse. I put some in my hair and put my bangs into a little poof. I looked back over at Niall and saw him crying.

“Babe whats wrong?” I asked walking over to him.

“My pant, I cant get them up. My wrist really hurts Mel, really bad.” He cried into my shoulder. I rubbed his back calming him down.

“Here, I’ll help.” I said. It was a little awkward though. I pulled them up his tiny legs and buttoned them. I helped him put his shoes on and a jacket while being super careful.

“Lets go.” I said getting my purse and phone. He took my empty hand and we walked down the stairs.

“We’ll be back guys!” I yelled shutting the door. I went to the car and helped Niall in. I went over and got in the drivers seat and backed out of the drive way and to the hospital.

After waiting for ever, the doctor called us back to get Nialls cast on.

“What color Mr. Horan?” he asked.

“Um, Mel what color?” he asked.

“Green or red.” I smiled.

“Green please.” Niall said. The doctor nodded and got that.

After the doctor wrapped Nialls arm, he got Nialls pain meds and we walked back to the car.

“ Can we go shopping at the mall?” He asked.

“Why do you need to go to the mall?” I asked.

“I don’t know just I just want to, you can get some new clothes if you want. Them jeans make your butt look good” He winked. I giggled and blushed, but kept driving to the mall. Finally we got there and hopped out into the rain that was letting up.

“Where to first?” I asked.

“American Eagle, to get some more jeans.” He said tugging me to the store. I got a lot of shirts. I loved these shirts. Niall got 7 pairs of jeans, along with getting me 4 pairs of shorts. He paid for them with me protesting.

“Strawberry!” I yelled going in there. Niall laughed and followed. I picked out some yoga pants and some shirts that I really liked. I paid for these and we walked down the mall some more.

“Hmmm, Hollister?” He asked. I nodded and we walked in.

”Ohh! I like this bikini! I said holding up a pink flower print bikini. I picked it out and got a blue one too.

“I like these shorts!” I said picking up high rise denim blue shorts. I carried them around with me.

“What about this dress?” Niall asked holding up a white dress with some lace.

“I love that!” I said. I looked at the price and huffed.

“Illbuy it if you like it”Niall said getting size 0. I smiled and thanked him.

Ready to go to Victoria Secret?” I asked once we paid for everything.

“ You can go there, I’m getting some new shoes.” He said. I smiled and went into Victoria Secret.

I picked out matching bras and underwear and paid for them.

I went toBathand Body works and got some new perfume.

“Hey babe!” Niall said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck.

“Let me see your shoes I said turning around.” Niall smiled and pulled out some purple high tops.

“Purple?” I asked confused.

” I got them for you.” He smiled kissing my cheek.

“Niall you didn’t have to!” I said.

“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to.” He smiled.

“Thanks Niall, I love you.” I said as we walked to the car.

“Let me have all the bags.” I said taking them from his hand. I put them in the back and got in.

“ You hungry?” I asked.

“Yeah . But can you cook me something, you’re a good cook!” he smiled. I nodded and went to the store.

“Niall wanna go in with me or stay here?” I asked as I cut the ignition off.

“I think I’ll stay, my arm hurts.” He said smiling.

“Ok, I’ll be 10 minutes!” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek, grabbing my purse and phone going in.

I picked out some hamburger a bunch cause Niall eats a lot and theres 6 more people. I went back and got some brown gravy and potatoes. I went over to the balloons and grabbed a heart shaped one.

“ Excuse me, are you Melody, Niall Horans girlfriend?” someone said tapping me on the shoulder.

“Yeah, I am.” I smiled.

“I’m Nate. And just wanted to say that you two are the cutest together, and I really love Niall and the other guys. I’m a huge fan of One Direction.” He smiled.

“Aww thanks!” I smiled.

“Melody!  Hurry Im hungry!” Niall said as he came to me and Nate.

“Niall this is Nate, hes a huge fan!” I smiled.

“Hey mate.” Niall said shaking his hand.

“Hey, it’s a honor to meet you!” Nate said. “What happened?”

“Oh, just tripped and broke my wrist really bad.” Niall frowned.

“Oh, well I hope you have a speedy recovery. I better get going, nice meeting you!” He said.

“Wait, I’d love to meet up again. I think we’d be great friends.” Niall said.

“Ok!” Nate said excitedly. Niall handed him his phone and Nate gave him his black iPhone.

“Just make sure no one else gets it!” Niall smiled handing him his phone back.

”Never!” Nate said. “Nice meeting you!” he said shaking our hands and walking off.

“Well, you can go back to the car, Im gonna pay.”I smiled. Niall nodded kissing me and walking back out. I went and grabbed another balloon due to me accidentally letting the other go. I went and paid for everything and walked back out to the car to find a sleeping Niall.

I put everything in the back seats.

I got back in the car and drove home.

“Niall babe, wake up. We’re home.” I said. He nodded and got out. I got his medicine and walked in. I went back and got the bags carrying them back into the kitchen.

Niall took the bags from the mall to our room and went back to sleep. I cut the potatoes into thin chips washing them and cutting the grease on. I went over and mixed the gravy and cooked the hamburger chopping it up.

Finally the ships were done, I took them out and salted them. I got 9 plates and put some hamburger on each plate and got the chips. I laid them over the hamburger and poured a little gravy on each plate.

“Boys and girls! Its time to eat!” I yelled. I heard running and a big thump.

“My hairs fine!” Zayn said coming into the dining room.

“Im gonna go get Niall” I said going upstairs. I found him curled up on the bed with the begs at the little chair at the door.

“Niall lets eat.” I said sitting on the bed rubbing his back.

“Niall, come on!” I said shaking him a little.

“Im coming.” Niall said getting up and yawning.

“The guys are gonna eat yours if you don’t hurry.” I said.

“Im coming, Im coming.” He yelled running.

I laughed and followed him down. I sat in my spot eating.

“This is really good Mel!” the boys said. I smiled and continued eating.

“Im tired. Bed time.!” Niall yelled.

“Ok, Im gonna finish these and come up.” I said washing the plates. Niall kissed me and went upstairs. \

Finally  I finished the dishes and dried my hands. I walked upstairs and got changed into some of Nialls boxers and a t-shirt.

I slipped into the bed and got beside the sleeping Niall. I kissed Nialls cheek and rolled over. I fell asleep super fast and going into dream land.

“I cant believe this is our baby!” I said smiling at the baby boy in my arms. Niall smiled and kissed me.

“What we gonna name him?” Niall asked.

“Adam Drake Horan!” I smiled.

“I love it!” Niall said kissing Adams head.

 I shot up out of bed and ran to the bathroom puking.

“Ugh!” I said once I finished and brushed my teeth. I looked over and saw it was8:30. I hopped into the shower and bathed.

“Hey babe!” Niall said smiling. I went and got some yoga pants and a t-shirt. I got a bra and underwear. I went and got dressed and braided my hair to the side.

I put on some masquera and eyeliner and went back out.

“Im hungry, I want pickles and peanut butter!” I said. Nialls face was so funny when I said that.

“Whatever you need Ill get.” Niall smiled grabbing my hand and taking me downstairs. No one was awake yet so Niall got me pickles and peanut butter and I ate them.

“Yum!” I smiled.

“Glad you liked it.” He smiled kissing me. “You taste like that mixture you’ve eaten.” He said wiping his lips. I smirked and kissed him again. I walked over to the fridge and got him eggs. I went over and cooked them. I toasted some bread and made him a egg sandwhich.

“Thanks babe. It was delicious.” He said washing his plate with one hand.

“You’re welcome” I smiled. We walked into the living room and turned the tv on.

“Babe,me and you are going on a date tonight” Niall said kissing my neck.

“Ok. How should I dress?” I asked.

“Um fancy!” He winked. I smiled and watched t.v.

I was trying to choose what dress to wear when all the girls came in.

“We heard you’re going on a date!” Amber smiled.

“Yeah, just don’t know what dress.” I said frowning.

“Ohhh! What about this one!” Autumn yelled. She pulled the white lace dress out of the Hollister bag.

“I forgot about that! Its perfect.” I said smiling.

“You can wear your cow girl boots!” El said pulling my brown boots. I nodded and smiled.

“I’ll do your makeup!” Amber said.

“And I’ll do you’re hair!” Autumn smiled. I nodded and sat down on the chair. My hair has finally grown out of the layers. Autumn started curling my hair as Amber did my makeup.

“Wallah!” they both said. I turned around and was shocked. My long blonde hair falling perfectly in tiny ringlets. And my makeup with small wings and purple and black eye shadow. It was the perfect combination.

“Im gonna go change!” I yelled going into the bathroom. I slipped the dress on and it came a tiny bit above mid thigh. I got my boots and put them on.

I loved how I looked. Even if I had a tiny thing in my stomach.

I walked back out and the girls gasped.

“Oh my god. You look gorgeous!” they exclaimed.

“Melody, lets go!” Niall yelled. I walked down the hall and to the steps. Niall was standing there looking at me smiling and looking me up, and down and back up. He looked so handsome in those black jeans and red shirt. I walked down stairs with my purse and entwined me and Nialls hand.

“Where we going?” I asked as we got to the door.

“Surprise Mel! Surprise.” He said kissing my neck.

We walked out and saw a huge jeep limo.

”Oh my god a limo!” I yelled running to it. The guy opened my door and I got in. Niall climbed in and sat beside me pouring us some wine. He handed me mine and I sipped on it.

“Niall, I cant believe you got this beautiful limo!” I said hugging him.

“Yeah, but it doesn’t even start to compare to how beautiful you are tonight. Im glad I got you that dress.” He smiled kissing me.

Finally the limo stopped and the guy opened the door. When I got out there was a huge boat.

“woah!” I said with my mouth hanging open.

“Come on!” Niall smiled. We walked down the dock and stepped onto the boat.

We walked up the steps and on top. There was a beautiful candle lit table with rose peddles on the table.

“thank you babe” I smiled as Niall pulled my chair out for me.

“Anything for you gorgeous.” He smiled sitting down.

A person came and set our plates down.

”Ohh steak!” I smiled. I cut my steak and then make my baked potato. We ate in a comfortable silence and finished.

Desert came out. Ice cream with chocolate in the middle and whipped cream.

“Yummy!” I said eating some.

“I made them for you” Niall smiled taking a bite.

“Aww thank you, that’s why its so sweet” I winked.

He laughed and we finished our food.

“Lets go swimming!” Niall said.

“I don’t have my bikini.” I frowned.

“Why would I forget that.” He smiled walking into the little house thingy in the boat and coming out with my new bikini. I went and changed.

“Niall, I cant wear this. Im to fat!” I said opening the door.

“No, youll never be fat, youll always be gorgeous. And plus its just me and Im the reason your ‘fat’ “ He said pulling me to him. He had changed into yellow swimming trunks now. We went and jumped into the pool.

“Niall, can we just go in the hot tub? I don’t want my hair getting messed up.” I said getting out and going into the changing colored hot tub.

“Niall, this is the best date ever!” I said kissing him as I laid in bed with him on the boat that was softly rocking with the waves.

“I love you Mel. I’ll never stop, I promise.” He whispered before I fell asleep.

Ok, I think this is long enough. Thanks so much for 1,500++ reads. It means so much to me! 2,000 by Sunday and there will be a normal update! Patterso810 will have something posted by tomorrow. Please go read it, if it gets 100 reads by Saturday, I'll update 2 times with long chapters SUnday!Thanks for reading this story again!


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