The Viscount and The Traveler...

By PrincessChyna1

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Addison Hannah is a girl new to London, but not just London... the 18th century. 1814 to be exact. The strang... More



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By PrincessChyna1


We arrived in Bakers Field two days ago. Anthony was keeping the books, while I was exploring the house. I didn't get to go into the town as yet, due to me waiting on Anthony. Last night over dinner, he told me that we would get to interact with the townsfolk today at the annual Bakers Fair, and I must admit, I'm really excited to meet new people. 

"Are you ready, my lady?" Asks Anthony pulling me out of my thoughts

"I believe so" I smiled, looking down at my dress

"I must admit, you love having your shoulders exposed to the world" he said shaking his head in disapproval

"I thought you liked the way I wear my dresses" I shook my head

"I do, but I don't like the attention you draw from other men" says Anthony

"Well, I'll change" I said to him

"Is this the same woman I married merely days ago?" He questioned with a slight grin

"I don't want you uncomfortable, although I'll be with you, so I don't know why the sudden jealousy spike" I smiled teasingly 

"You don't have to change, if you promise to stay close" he said coming directly behind me

"I promise" I whispered

"Thank you so much" he said rubbing my semi hard stomach

"What for?" I asked

"Everything, you came into my life and just made it a whole lot better, no woman has ever made me feel the way you do Mrs. Bridgerton" he said kissing my neck

"More" I said lowly as he began sucking and pulling on my skin that was trapped between his lips which resulted in me turning to face him

We paused to admire each other for a short while, before I leaned in to kiss him and as he was about to do the same, I pulled back shaking my head no. He wrapped his fingers around my throat and pulled me in for yet another kiss. It didn't take me long to kiss him back which resulted in him picking me up. I began pecking his lips and shaking my head no.

"The bed is messy, darling" I said to him

"You already spilled the fake blood I take it?" He asked referring to the mixture Mr. Hargreaves instructed me to put on my bed sheets until next month

"What about the floor?" I asked

"If you we're not pregnant, I assure you I would have already taken you on the floor" he said looking me in the eyes

"Lord Bridgerton; Lady Bridgerton it's time to get going" Said the Jeeves

"We'll be out soon" called out Anthony "I'll make it up to you" he said pecking my lips

"I think you find it amusing leaving me flustered" I said looking up at him 

"You do look adorable when you're flustered" He chuckled as we headed out the door. 


We just arrived at the fair, and the first thing that caught my attention is the arts and crafts section. It seems to be set in age groups for the children, which excited me more. 

"Can we go over there first?" I asked Anthony 

"No problem at all my lady" He smiled leading the way 

When we got nearer, I saw 3 of the mamas gathered together pointing at us and whispering among themselves. I plastered a smile on my face and waved towards the ladies and when I did so, they all seemed flabbergasted. I walked ahead of my husband to approach the ladies. 

"Good afternoon ladies" I smiled "I'm-" I began to say before I got cut off 

"Lady Bridgerton" Says one of the ladies shaking my hand 

"That's me" I smiled 

"I thought you would have stayed inside that big castle instead of interacting with us town folk" Says another one 

"I would have come to meet the lot of you much sooner, but my husband there had some work to attend too" I said looking over at Anthony who was now engaged with a bearded man wearing a top hat

"It seems as if the Viscount is keeping his beautiful wife away from us" The short one says loudly which resulted in Anthony laughing as well

"He is indeed keeping me to himself" I smiled towards her as Anthony and the man walked over to us 

"Good day ladies, darling this here is townsman Harpee, Townsman my lovely wife" Smiled Anthony introducing us. 

"Lady Bridgerton" Says Townsman Harpee extending his hand toward me as I took his in mine 

"Townsman" I said back with glee. I must admit I'm ever so happy to see new faces 

"Whom might we have here?" He asked looking at the three ladies who stood before us

"Marthalee" Smiles the tall blonde;"Darhoda" Says the short one; "Abigail" Smiles the biracial lady

"Pleased to meet every one of you" Anthony said shaking their hands individually 

"You know, you asked for their names before I did" I chuckled "Ladies, I do apologize" 

"It's alright, we were all too eager in conversation" Says Marthalee "But we're about to head over to the pie stand if y'all want to join"  

"That would be lovely" I smiled 

The trio, and Townsman led the way while Anthony and I followed. As we were walking to the pie stand, I got excited looking at the other stalls that had strange yet delicious looking food.

Taking my right hand in his, Anthony brought it to his lips and kissed it repeatedly as we walked.

"I would have never peg you as the affectionate type of person" I said to him just so he could hear

"Only for you my love" He smiled down at me

"I would have it no other way." I said returning his smile "I must admit though, your seed is getting rather hungry"

"It is in fact about my boy's feeding time" he said looking at his pocket watch

"Well after the contest maybe we can find something to eat?" I asked as we haulted at the front of the stage where the pies were sitting on tables. While Townsman Harpee left and headed on the stage to start setting up the competitors.

"Of course darling, yet I'm surprised you reprimanded me not about saying it's a boy" He smirked over at me

"It's because I give up wi-" I began to say as I got cut off

"Mayor Bridgerton, would you please be so kind as to join us in the annual Bakers Pie Off" Says Townsman Harpee over the microphone as folks around us clapped and cheered

Anthony looked down at me as if he was waiting for approval. "Well go on then love" I said to him

"Can you keep an eye on her for me please?" He said turning to Abigail pointing at me

"I sure will" she chuckled as he left for the stage

I stood next to Abigail as Anthony went up to partake in the contest, she looked over at me as if she was trying to analyze me.

"He truly loves ya" She said with a faint smile on her face

"Is it that obvious?" I chuckled slightly

"Anybody with half e brain can see that" she smiled "Ye too are inlove" she concluded

"I don't think I am" I shook my head no "But I'm learning" I smiled

"Ye must be an arse to believe such things. The way yer skin is glowing and the rose tint to your cheeks says it all. Unless, yer carrying" she says shaking her head "But even if you are, it doesn't take away from me seeing how much you love that man up there" she concluded pointing at Anthony

"If I must answer you, can you at least answer me one question first?" I asked her

"Sher" she nodded

"Why is it that Bakers Field folks are not all the same type of people?" I asked her

"Well, in 1780, Lord Hargreaves turned this place into a refuge for outcasts and rejected people. The people who all followed him and his wife started bonding together" She said

"Is that so?"

"Indeed, take me as an example, my dad is Scottish and my mum is British. I even married a runaway Scott and now I canne be much happier. He's a good man" she smiled "So Bakers Field is a place for new beginnings for people who were different or rejected by their families or hometowns. We survive and make way for ourselves with the help of Lord Hargreaves"

"I would have never thought that about the lot of you, everyone here just seems so happy and loving towards eachother" I said honestly

"We are, although I must admit when Townsman Harpee told us that Lord Bridgerton is now the owner of Bakers Field we were a bit skeptical, but he reminded us that Viscount Edmund was a great man and it is he who brought some of us here" She told me "It was a bit strange he sold Bakers Field though. Many millionaires came and wanted to buy Bakers Field but he never sold it. He always told them 'Tis not just land good for planting or mining, but the people who make it a town. I know not why he changed his mind" she shrugged

"I think I know why, but I promise you... my husband and I are good people we wish to change none of your ways or traditions" I told her

"You two seem honest. It was enough for me to know that the way you talked to us as if you knew us long ago" she smiled

"Lllllllllaidies and gentlemen, please gather around, because the pie eating contest is about to begin. Can we give a round of applause for our New Mayor Lord Bridgerton" He yelled as the crowd cheered for Anthony "Alright, let's see if he has what it takes" Smiled Townsman

"On your mark. Get Set. Gooow" He yelled excitedly as everyone began cheering on their favorite competitors.

"Anthony, you had better win or you won't score tonight" I said very loudly as I got some "Ouuuus" and the lot of them started to laugh

"Lord Bridgerton you heard your wife, you had better win" Instigated Townsman making me chuckle as did Anthony.

I must admit he is keeping up though.

"DONE" Pops up a red headed man

"First" Yells Townsman

"First place again Mr. McIntosh, Tis why I love you" yelled Abigail

"That must be your husband" I smiled at her as she nodded with glee

"My husband always wins these" she smiled in approval

"Maybe I have to get Anthony ready for next year" I chuckled as yet Another person popped up out of their chair

"Done" he yelled looking as if he would collapse

"Second" Says Townsman Harpee

"VISCOUNT BRIDGERTON YOU HAD BETTER BE DONE" I Yelled as Anthony popped out of his seat

"I'm done darling" he smiled holding up his final pie plate

"Third" Again speaks Townsman "Ladies and gentlemen we have our winners" he says as we all cheer wildly

"Come on let's go greet our men" she smiled pulling me up the stage. As we got to the top, Anthony was shaking everyone's hands and introducing himself to them.

"Mr. McIntosh, this is Lady Bridgerton, Lady Bridgerton this is me husband" she smiled looking up at him

"It's a pleasure meeting you and congratulations on the win" I smiled extending my hands out to him

"Thank ya" he said shaking my hand "Abbie, where is wee Logan?" He asked

"Arts and crafts" she answered as he nodded

"Can I borrow me wife for a short while?" Asked Mr. McIntosh with a hint on playfulness in his tone

"OH, she's all yours" I smiled at the two "And Abigail, you know where I reside please don't be a stranger and call me Addison" I said hugging her

"Yer quite the affectionate one, but I'll stop by tomorrow" she smiled holding me tightly "Yer husband is here" she whispered as I turned to see Anthony extending his hand out to Mr. McIntosh

After we bid goodbyes to eachother, Anthony wrapped his hand around my waist and guided me off the stage.

"Let's get you something to eat my darling girl" he smiled ever so endearingly at me

We walked to different concessions and Anthony mostly tried things because I didn't want to bring anything up. He's so sweet. But it was until we stood before a lady who had spaghetti, I lit up like a Christmas tree then.

"How much is it?" I smiled asking the lady

"For you? Free of charge" she smiled

"No no, we can pay" I insisted

"You pay insult to me" she frowned

"Well no pay" I said to her

She began loading two plates with the pasta and she asked if we wanted red or white sauce. I chose white and Anthony chose red. When we got our plates, I greedily began stuffing my face. I made the right decision because this was some heavenly spaghetti. Anthony even seemed to be enjoying his.

I took some on my fork and placed it to Anthony's mouth, he seemed a bit surprised at the gesture but he still ate it. His face lit up with glee as people snickered and complemented us. He then returned the gesture with his own spaghetti and I must admit, the line for the spaghetti which was vacant when we first arrived is now so crowded I hope the lady has enough food.

Townsman came back to take Anthony to sign something and I decided to help Mrs. Ferris sell her spaghetti. By the time as Anthony had returned, the line was once again vacant because we had sold out.

"Thank you Lady Bridgerton" Says Mrs. Ferris sincerely

"It is no problem at all" I smiled "I actually love your food" I told her truthfully

"I shall send you a meal once a week" she smiled

"That would not be necessary" I said to the older lady

"I can tell when a woman is carrying, and in my favor, you're keeping my food down which means the growing child in you likes it" she shrugged

"I'll make arrangements for you to come over once you tell me which days is best for you" Says Anthony

"Well, I normally cook down by the docks and usually sell out to sailors, but they do nay dock on Saturday's nor Sundays" she said to him

"How does Saturday sound my darling?" He asked me

"It would be lovely, I can not wait to see you then" I smiled hugging her before we left.

We stayed until the fair was over, which was really fun, we met just about everyone there and the people seems to accept us. I must admit though my husband is surely a changed man, I never knew men could mature so hastily, but I've witnessed him do it with my own eyes.

"We're almost home" Anthony says kissing my lips

"You promised to finish what you started earlier" I reminded him

"As soon as I've gotten my boy fed my love, I shall feed this ravenous wife of mine" he said in a seducing tone.

"After all, you did make me proud by winning" I said kissing him once again


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