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Dear Diary,

Today is my wedding day!!!! To say I'm excited, will be an understatement of how I feel right now. The QUEEN is an honorable guest, might I add, she said there is something different about me which is why she's hosting my wedding at her residence. Everyone was talking about my wedding dress. They are all excited about seeing it since my dresses for the social balls I attended were my own style of choice. Some of the elders thought of my dresses to be rather SCANDALOUS, but Lady Danbury assured me that I wore them elegantly.Mr. Hargreaves will be walking me down the aisle and I cannot even say how grateful I am for him. My dress is very modern but the accent is rather vintage. I detailed it in representation of both my lives. Today I'm finally beginning to understand why I was sent to this time. The Viscount saved me as much as I'm saving him.

After putting away my diary, I went to my bag I brought to this time, and pulled out my small emergency makeup bag. I don't really use it here but today is in fact a special occasion. After applying my makeup as nature as possible for my brown skin, I finished the look off with lip gloss.

Slipping on my robe, I walked downstairs to which I heard Lady Danbury's loud mouth.

"Is she not done up there alone already?" She asks Katherine

"I'm done My Lady" I said bowing before her

"Your face, Addison you look rather stunning" She said in awe "Reminds me of the first day you arrived here"

"My Lady is truly beautiful" Nods Katherine

"Are you all ready to see the dress?" I asked as they all nodded eagerly. Turning on me heels to head back up the stairs, Lady Danbury spoke up.

"Lady Delacroix said she had never made such a wedding dress before, and was honored to be tasked with your dress"

"My dress ideas never cease to amaze her" I chuckle

When we got to my room, I went into my closet, and got out my garment bag. Looking at the size of the bag, both Kathrine and Lady D's eyes lit up. If you were wondering why nobody else is here with the three of us, is because I told Lady Danbury and Kathrine I'm pregnant. The reason I did, was because the two of them got suspicious about my eating habits. The women in thus Era can smell pregnancy before it's fully cooked.

"Let us help you" Says Lady Danbury taking the bag out my hands. They zipped open the bag, and low and behold my dress.

*Please imagine Addison in this dress, the model in the picture is not I repeat NOT Addison*

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*Please imagine Addison in this dress, the model in the picture is not I repeat NOT Addison*

"Oh my-" Says Katherine

"This dress is truly stunning" Comments Lady D

"Well, for a plus sized woman, I wanted to bring a different look" I smiled

"I promise you darling, you always do" Smiles Lady D

After getting in my dress, I went to my closet and pulled out one of my dresses I got when I first arrived here. I gave the dress to Katherine. 

"Is there something wrong with the dress, my Lady?" She asks

"No, it is for you to put on. We have only a few minutes before we leave" I smiled at her 


"Come on, you don't think I can get married without my big sister being there can I?" I retorted 

"It is totally fine" Lady D assured her

She quickly changed her clothes and I fixed her hair. After which I gave her some accessories. 

"It's Time Ladies" Says Lady D


Last night I laid in bed awake the whole night. Pondering if this is the right decision I'm making, allowing her to leave that is. I would love to be wedded to her no matter what, I just pray to God that she finds it in her heart to return to me. I don't know what I am getting myself in though, if she doesn't love me then she just might not return to me. I do not regret loving her, but I regret allowing myself to open up the way I did. After my father died, I forced myself to not open up. When it was Ms. Rosso, I was merely infatuated with her, thrill seeking even. But with Addison, she has my seed inside of her and I wanted it there. I want her to be the mother of all of my children-

"Anthony" I heard Benedict call out pulling me out of my thoughts 

"Yes brother?" I asked looking at the door

"It's time" was all he said

I walked out of the room the Queen allowed me to get ready in, and walked down the long halls to get to the backyard to see both sides already seated. When I got the cue, I strode down the aisle with pride, and stood before the Priest. The wedding was carried on slowly after and in no time, Mr. Hargreaves stood outside of the double doors. Two guards opened the door to reveal my beautiful bride. I watched them walk down the stairs with tears in my eyes. Sighing, I left my position and approached them. Shocking gasps and mouths were gaped.

"Anthony what are you doing?" Asks Addison

"Something I never thought I'd be doing" I said before pulling her into a passionate kiss in front of everyone. "You are so fucking beautiful" He groaned so only Mr. Hargreaves and I could hear

"Not the time Lord Bridgerton" Says Mr. Hargreaves "You two have an eternity to get there" He chuckled 

"I love you so much Addison" I said to her 


It was at this moment I knew, I would have to come back to this man. He is not just telling me how much he needs me but is also showing it to me. If this is what love feels like I definitely love him back. I'm not ready to say it to him yet, but I indeed love him. 

"Can we proceed with our ceremony? If you don't mind I'm waiting to become Viscountess" I chucked with tears streaming down my face 

"I'm sorry everyone, just had to let my almost wife here know how much I love her" Anthony says apologizing loudly 

After he assumed his position, we carried on with our wedding. We both repeated our vows and FINALLY, we are WEDDED. 

"Do you Lord Anthony Bridgerton take Ms. Addison Riverdale to be your lovely wedded wife for better or worse? Rich or poor? Through sickness and health" Asks The Priest 

"I do" Answers Anthony 

"Do you Ms. Riverdale-"

"I do" I smiled eagerly causing the crowd to chuckle 

"You do take Lord Bridgerton for better or worse? Rich or poor? Sickness and health?"

"Again I do" I smiled as Anthony wipes a fallen tear of mine 

"Heaven sent you to me, beloved" Whispered Anthony 

"And I shall return to you my lord" I said pulling him in for yet another kiss

A/N: Addison loves Anthony back? Will it be enough to get her back in his time? But come on Addison is normally the one who breaks the rules, but this VISCOUNT KISSING HER IN THE FRONT OF EVERYONE before the I do's??? I guess it can be okay since it was their wedding 

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