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I have been in bed for the past 2 days. Addison stayed near me the whole time, despite me telling her I felt well enough to be alone. My wife is a very tenacious woman, and I love her for it. She has yet to mention Sienna though, and I know all too well how that is about to end.

"Hello my love" Comes in a smiling Addison

"What time is it?" I asked

"It should be noon" She says pushing a sandwich towards me "It has lots of meat and cheese" She smiled

"Why are you all smiles?" I asked "Did you poison this?" I asked as I was about to take a bite

"Oh no, I'm not like Ms. Rusty" She shrugs

"Ms. Rusty?" I questioned

"The one who drugged you" She answered

"Sienna? Why do you call her Ms. R-" I paused before I fell into a fit of laughter "You are so not nice for that" I continued to laugh as she joined in

"Uhm, we are expecting a visitor today, in less than an hour actually" She says in her lovely English accent

"Who is it?" I questioned taking a next bite "This sandwich is delicious by the way"

"Sir Thomas" She answered. I looked up at her in confusion "Before you get upset, he is bringing pearls. He and I talked about our interests, one of mine being pearls. I told him how I wished to find the melo melo pearl someday. It is the rarest pearl in the world, and I have yet to find a real one in my time that is affordable. In exchange for the pearl, I gathered plants and herbs for him while storing their purpose all in a journal, so now we are doing an exchange."

"So it's only about the pearls?" I ask making sure I'm hearing everything clearly

"Yes my love, only about the pearls" She answered "He saw you at the theater and knew we were back in town, so he wrote a letter yesterday saying he had found the melos" Says my wife

"Why am I just finding out merely minutes before his arrival?"

"Anthony" she frowned

"Don't do that, don't pout those lovely lips at me and bat those eyelashes... I'm still upset about it" I stated firmly "Give me a kiss" I said softening my tone a little and she did as told

"My lord, the stubble on your face is about to start something" She said pulling away from the kiss

"You mean the way you took advantage of my state last night?" I questioned with a smirk

"You very much consented" She said playfully pushing my chest "The doctor gave consent this morning while you were asleep that you are off of bed rest but he said that you should just take it easy for the rest of the week" She stated which I nodded in understanding

"I love you, thank you for everything" I said to her

"It's my duty as your wife, and as Viscountess I also kept a few books for you but I didn't open any letters" She said

"Just when I thought you couldn't be more perfect" I said pulling her on top of me

"Dear... you still have to take it slow" She said with a faint smile on her face

"My wife doesn't like slow" I said lifting up her skirts

"Is that so?" She asked just as a knock came to the door making both of us groan "Who is it?" She asked

"Lady Bridgerton, Sir Thomas has arrived" One of the ladies maids said

"I'll be down shortly" Answers Addison "Are you going to get cleaned up and come downstairs?" She asked turning to me

"Would you like me to do so?"

"I mean Benedict is going to be there, but I'd like my jealous husband to be there as well" She smirked

"Then I shall be there my love" I said finishing up my sandwich "I shall be down in half an hour" I said as she took the plate that contained crumbs away "And thank you for that delicious sandwich"

"You're welcome my love and take your time. Would you like me to send someone to help you?" She asked

"I shall manage" I said slowly standing on my feet

When she left, I went into the washroom to bathe myself. I know my wife would grow weary if she feels as though I'm taking too long and she would come to ensure I'm alright. So I hastily bathed and clothed myself. I went back into my bedroom to properly finish clothing myself and when I was pleased with the way I looked, I made my way down to the living area where they shall be.

When I got there, I could hear Addison explaining what some plant is used for. Walking in, I cleared my throat to alert the three of my presence.

"Lord Bridgerton" Stands Sir Thomas

"Sir Thomas" I greet him back, moving forward to shake his hand. "How are you? I haven't seen you since my wedding"

"Well I have been traveling abroad for the past few months. I actually arrived a week before you did and I learned that your wife and you are the new owners of Bakers Field" He says

"Yes sir, indeed" I smiled proudly

"Congratulations Lord Bridgerton" He says bowing his head

"No need" I shook my head "I see you're a collector of herbs" I said pointing to the book that my wife was writing notes in

"I'm practicing to be a healer" He said proudly

"Oh really?" I asked as he nodded

"That's really good for you" I said to him

"Well, Anthony is now here" Says Benedict "I'm anxious to see these pearls my dear Addison chalked my ears off about" Which resulted in us all laughing

"Here they are" Says Sir Thomas pulling out a small silk sack out of his coat pocket and handed it to Addison

We watched as she poured the contents into the palm of her hand and out fell three orange balls a big one about 2in. and the other two are about 1/2 in.

"I love these" She gasps in awe

"They are quite lovely" Says Benedict admiring whats in her hand

"Do you like them my Lord?" Asks Addison

I walked over to her and stared directly into her pupils "Once you like them, I like them as well" I said before kissing her forehead "Do you trust me though?" I asked her as she nodded

"Can I hold onto them for a while?" I asked her as she looked at me in a questioning way before putting them back into the little silk sack and placing it in my hand

"You know, the love you both have for each other seems a bit..." Benedict trailed off

"You're making it seem as if we're sadistic"

"No no" He chuckled "I can say though, you took your vows literal"

"Is it not what we are supposed to do?" Asks my wife chuckling a bit

"You're right" He says throwing his hands up in surrender

We all continued back in conversation for the next few hours until Sir Thomas left. My wife went to talk with Mother and Benedict said he's going out for more painting supplies. Remembering Addison told me about unopened letters on my desk, I went to my study to check them so I can busy myself for the time being.

A/N:Just a short chapter

The Viscount and The Traveler|| Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now