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Dear Diary,

I'll start today off by saying Viscount Bridgerton is one of the most revulsion men I have ever met. I've had two encounters with him so far and both times he seemed to get me riled up. I miss Kyle so much, but through fate I found my Kyle in this century and his name is Benedict. A true male bestfriend figure. Someone who tries to figure you out even when you don't know what's going on with yourself. Enough about the Bridgertons for now, TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT! I get my second chance AT MEETING THE QUEEN... and become a debutante. I'm not worried though, I have a feeling the Diamond will be Eloise. 

"Knock Knock" I heard a soft voice say on the outside of my room as I quickly hid my diary

"Come in" I smiled opening the door

"We came to wish you well on your debut. I do apologize we have to leave early... a bit of a matter came up" Daphne said coming in with a sleepy Augie on her waist

" I understand and thank you, but I think Eloise will be this seasons Diamond, so I can just stay in the shadows" I chuckled 

"You know, I don't think my sister will grace this social season with her presence as much as my family would like her to and, as much as I think she should, my sister wants to go down her own path" Daphne confessed 

"At least she knows what she want" I said 

"What do you want?" She asked 

"Well for starters, I want to achieve something on my own. And I want children, but mostly I would like to go home" I confessed 

"Why not make London your home?" She asked 

I couldn't hold it back anymore, I broke down crying. I told Daphne about my family and friends back in the 21st century but made it seem like they were just in another country. She held me tightly and reassured me that everything will be okay. 

"If I am being honest, I understand that you miss your home and your family, but why not start a family of your own here in London?" She asked 

"It's hard, especially not having a mother to guide me" I told her 

"My mama did her best to guide me, but most things in my marriage I'm figuring out on my own if I'm being honest that is. She sent me off with riddles that I had to solve on my own. But one thing she ensured I did was marry for love." Daphne said holding my hands

"I don't even know where to begin" I frowned 

"Well I married my friend. Just between you and I... Simon and I had a little scandal of our own... we both thought it was highly unlikely to be smitten by each other, and I didn't even know when I fell in love. But I knew one thing when I realized it was him, I had to fight for who I wanted" She said to me

"Well, if that's the case I might as well fight for Benedict" I said cracking a smile 

"It would be an honor to have you as a sister in law, whether it's this season or next" She smiled giving me a wink

"Ladies I do apologize, but Daphne, we must be on our way" Simon said looking at his wife in the most fondest way ever. 

"Tonight will be a very memorable one for you Addison. I would've loved to see how beautiful you would be tonight wearing that gorgeous lavender dress of yours" Daphne smiled hugging me

"Thank you so much. Especially for the encouragement I needed." I said with a tear stained face hugging her

"I wish you well this social season. WRITE TO ME AS WELL ADDISON" She said hugging me tighter

"We'll ensure to stop and see you on our next visit, hopefully much sooner" Simon said "And I must admit, your pearls are truly outstanding as my brother in law stated Ms. Riverdale" 

"W-we- Thanks" I said nodding at him. 

After the Bassets had left, I spent the rest of my day preparing myself for the Queen's Ball tonight. I should just wear the pearl earrings I bought from the market, but honestly I want to wear my own. My mother got it made just for me when I was a teen. She had the jeweler make the base of the stud into the shape of a flower with sterling sliver, and the white pearl centering the flower and a tiny diamond placed in the middle of the pearl. The pearls are very distinctive, because she designed them herself. I sat on my bed contemplating which earrings I should wear. 

"Are you ready for your gown mistress?" Kathrine asked

"I am" 

As I was getting into my dress, the room fell awfully quiet until Lady Danbury walked in. "In all my days, I have never seen a young lady herself design her own gown to make her debut." She said admiring the dress. I told her that I didn't want her to see the drawing I gave to Madame Delacroix. 

"Madame Delacroix is the one who outdone herself" I said looking down at the dress

"While that might be true, I know it is you who had every fine detail done to this gown" She said raising that perfect brow of hers 

"Well, I am almost ready, I just don't know which earrings to choose" I said looking at both pairs that sat on my bed

"I think the one's your mother gifted you would suit you best" Lady D said and I couldn't be more relieved. "Come on now my darling, you have a long night ahead of you" She smiled walking out

"This season will do wonders to you Addison, I can't wait to see all your callers after this evening" Kathrine smiled "Enjoy your night" 

"Thank you. I would not have been as confident without you my dear Katherine" I told her and meant every word


At the Queens Residence 

"I will be back shortly, go and socialize" said Lady D

I did as told and began walking around the room. As I began to approach the circle where I saw a few of the mamas and their daughters gathered, I was approached by a handsome gentleman.  

"Good evening " He smiled down at me 

"Good evening" I smiled back at him

"Sir Stanley Thomas of Lionel Hall" He said introducing himself "And who might you be young miss?" he asked 

"Addison Riverdale, I'm relatively new to London" I said extending my hand out to him

"New? With a perfect English accent as such?" he questioned 

"I tend to 'adapt' to my surroundings" I chuckled making him do the same thing 

"Well as far as adapting, you're doing very well" he smiled "Would you do me the honor of being my dancing partner?" he asked and I nodded 

"I would love to" I smiled taking his hand as we headed for the dance floor. 

We danced two slow songs while making conversation and I must say, he's a very interesting young man. He's 'twenty and eight' or as we say in the 21st century 28 years old. I was about to ask about his family when I noticed a few familiar faces on the dance floor. 

"I really would hate to share you tonight, but this song requires the swapping of partners" Sir Thomas said grabbing my attention off of the Bridgerton men. 

"Well, we shall find our way back to each other I assume" I said to him 

"Trust me, I shall find you before the night ends" He smiled before I was spun into someone else's arm

I was having fun dancing although my dance partner now was a bit tense. By the time as the next switch I just kept my head down in hopes of getting back to Sir Thomas. 

"Hello Ms. Riverdale" I heard the familiar voice say making me roll my eyes


A/N: I feel like this book needs a new cover something ... suiting

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