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3 Months Later...


Anthony and I have overstayed our time here in Baker's Field. The thing is while there is plenty of work here for us to do, we fell in love with the Townsfolk as did they with us. For the past 2 months, we held weekly events for the people, just to show them that they are not outcasts. Of course it was my idea. Anthony has been a big help to me especially since I'm 4 months pregnant. I showed pretty quickly because for some reason I lost a little weight. I went down a dress size, my breast went up a cup size, and my stomach is now smaller than it was before I got pregnant, but it's much rounder; even so, not a morning or night goes by when Anthony doesn't take his time to talk to his 'son'. However, I'm really going to miss this place, while it is starting to feel like home, I'm not allowing myself to get too attached. I took one final look at the beautiful view outside of my bedroom balcony and I turned to exit the room. 

I went downstairs to find Anthony talking to Townsman Harpee. When they noticed I was there, they both greeted me. 

"Darling, I was just telling Townsman Harpee here that we wouldn't be back for a good while" Says Anthony to me 

"You both will be missed greatly" Mr. Harpee says 

"Are you crying, love?" Asks Anthony as I shook my head no

"It's just the hormones" I lied wiping my tears 

"It's alright Lady Bridgerton, you have every right to cry because we are all now family" Says Mr. Harpee. He walked over and embraced me in a huge bear hug and I felt warm. That made me cry some more as I hugged him back. "I must be on my way" He said pulling away turning to Anthony

"We shall be leaving now as well" Says Anthony shaking Mr. Harpee's hand 

We got our final goodbyes out of the way, and I took one final look in the home we occupied for the past few months. I followed Anthony outside to our carriage and prepared for our long journey back to Mayfair or as I call it 'Upper East Side of London'. I packed plenty of food and snacks for the journey because the baby loves to eat and Anthony loves feeding it. 

"Time to go back to our family" Says Anthony rubbing my stomach once we started to take off

"It's time" I smiled nodding "Where are we going to stay?" I asked curiously 

"The Bridgerton residence" He replied as if it was a no-brainer 

I nodded and laid back on my large pillow that I brought with me knowing this journey is a long one. Anthony chuckled as he pulled me closer to his side knowing it wouldn't be long before I'm asleep. I hummed lowly trying to distract myself from thinking about the long travel ahead of us but it did me no justice because Anthony was still rubbing my stomach. I popped my eyes open and reached out to touch the stubble that was freshly grown out on his face, which resulted in him looking down at me.

"My darling girl, I think you should stop... we both know how small things turn rather quickly and I don't think we have enough room in here to play" Anthony says seductively

"Lord Bridgerton whatever is it are you talking about?" I smirked

"I love how you play so innocent my love" He shook his head smiling "But you tend to get very loud, and while I would love to rut you at this moment and make every man within 10 miles know you're mine, I'll decide against it" he shrugged

"Anthony I'm done messing around with you" I chuckled 

"Done with me? You have me for a lifetime or in our case two" He smirked 

"Our?" I smiled resting my head back on him as he nodded

The Viscount and The Traveler|| Anthony BridgertonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin