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1 Year Later...   

Today is November 28th, the date my grandfather died as well as the date I gave birth to twins. My heart is heavy for a variety of reasons, and I'm at a loss for words. I haven't seen Anthony since the twins' arrival, and as much as I'd like to see him at night, I'm often left with empty dreams. The best part about everything that happened though, is my sisters and I have an unchanging bond now. I moved in with Alana and her family since she insisted on me being closer for her to help with the twins. Mind you, she's a wife and mother of 4, but she ensured me she had plenty of room for me, along with her niece and nephew. I wish Anthony was here with us, but I'm grateful I had Alana and Aria. I cry almost every night remembering mama, grandma and grandpa, and most importantly Anthony. I instantly sat up hearing the cries of Eddy come through the baby monitor. 

I quickly got out of bed and headed to the nursery to tend to him before his cries awakes Audrey. When I opened the door, to my surprise Alana was in there already with Eddy in one hand while she made his bottle with the next. 

"Here let me help you" I said to her reaching for the bottle

"I got it" She chuckled "I've done this four times already, pretty sure I got this down pack" 

"Happy Birthday baby boy" I whispered to Eddy "Why are you up anyways" I asked her, sitting on the sofa

"Brian just left for work. I was seeing him off" She smiled 

"Hmm, sounds like the two of you had some morning fun" I say smirking 

"We're grown" She blushed checking the temperature of the bottle before giving it to Edmund 

"I know you're grown, bu-" I began to say but got cut off due to the ringing door bell "You're expecting someone?" I ask standing up 

"No, you?" She asked me as I stared at her dumbfounded 

"Who would I be expecting?" I rhetorically asked myself walking out of the room 

I headed downstairs with her behind me. As we got to the door I was about to open it before Alana stopped me. 

"We have a peephole, use it" She stated sternly 

I did as told and when I looked through the hole, I couldn't believe my eyes. I gasped and looked back to see Alana's focus was solely on Edmund. 

"Uh, that's Avery out there" I whisper to her as the bell began ringing yet again 

"Open the door" 

"Who is it?" I yelled 

"Addy, open up" Avery said calmly 

I did as told. He looked down at me as if he'd seen a ghost but I just glared back at him. 

"The two of you are gonna just stand there like so?" Alana asks 

"Addi-" He began but I cut him off 

"I'm going to check on my daughter" I said before quickly storming upstairs 

Just as I suspected, my noiseless princess is up and looking around the room. I smiled down at her as she reached up to me. "Happy Birthday mommy's princess" I mumbled to her as Aria came in the room without Edmund in her hands. 

"He wants to talk to you" Alana states 

"I'm dealing with Audrey" I shrugged grabbing her empty bottle 

"Go downstairs" She said taking both Audrey and her bottle out of my hand "I'm not asking you to protest either" She scolded lowly 

"I'm calling Aria" I said 

The Viscount and The Traveler|| Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now