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Noon is almost here and I'm just about finished with my dancing lessons. I am eager to see a familiar face besides Kathrine and Lady Danbury. As I was dancing, my mind was so wrapped up about last night I was dancing on autopilot. The ironic thing about it is my dancing instructor told me "You are very much relaxed today" which could not be much further from the truth. We were so busy talking that I didn't even hear the door. 

"Mistress" I heard Kathrine say as I turned around seeing both she and the Duchess standing there with smiles 

"Duchess of Hastings or should I say Lady Basset" I beamed walking towards her 

"Oh, Addison behaved, it's Daphne to you" She said flagging me off

"It's lovely to see you" I smiled 

"Trust me, it's lovely to see a fresh but rather familiar face as well" She smiled back

"And who might you be?" I smiled looking at the cute baby boy in Kathrine's arms 

"This here is Augie" She chuckled handing him to me "Thanks K" I smiled as she nodded 

"Hello handsome, Hi buba" I said using a baby voice which in return got giggles out of him

"I must say, he's taken a liking to you" I heard a man say which caused me to look up 

"Addison, this is my husband" Daphne said looking up at him 

"I'm Simon" He said sticking his hand out as I did the same

"Addison" I answered 

"Nice to meet you, Lady Danbury and my wife here told me a little about you" he chuckled 

"Only good things I hope" I chuckled back

"Mostly, I heard this season is graced with a female as 'nonchalant' as I am" he chuckled 

"Is that so?" I asked looking at Daphne as she held her hands up in surrender 

"It hadn't come from me, I assure you that" She chuckled

"Yes. Very hard headed as well" Lady D came out of nowhere saying causing us all to chuckle 

"Well Addison, I'm going to visit my family. Would you like to come along? I'm sure Eloise misses you, she told me how you both write back and forth quite often" Daphne said making me nod eagerly 

"Go on then dearest, go get changed" Lady D said to me

After I handed Augie to Daphne, Kathrine and I were on our way to getting myself cleaned up and changed. 

"Good luck" She smiled 

"With what? I'm only going to see my friend" I said to her

"Maybe her brother as well" She  said back almost innocently 

"You mean her little brother?" I asked skeptically 

"You'll see" She chuckled pushing me out of my room. (I think by now everyone realizes Katherine is very much comfortable with me. I bring her along with me most places for her company but I try not to put as much of a strain on her)


When we arrived at the Bridgerton's residence, Daphne instructed me to wait in the carriage as I would make a double surprise for Eloise. I nodded my head okay...I waited in the carriage for about 10 minutes before I heard Eloise saying 

"Daphne what is it that you forgot in here?" When she opened the door and saw me she yelled out in excitement "ADDISON" she said pulling me out of the carriage before tackling me with a hug as I did the same. 

The Viscount and The Traveler|| Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now