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*Time Skip- 2 months*

Mr. Hargreaves and I leave here in 3 days. I've been procrastinating... telling my family and friends here in this timeline the truth, although a few of them already know my secret. If there was an easier way of doing this, or a backdoor I could take to exist in two worlds, I would definitely choose that option, but that's not how this works. I have to tell them because it's not like I can just disappear for months or years and just pop back up like hello family I have returned. 

Today we are having a family meeting and I am dreading every bit of it. I feel like I'm going to be caught in a lie. Lady Danbury and Katherine will be here, along with the Bassets and Bridgertion clan and thankful enough Mr. Hargreaves will be here to clear up anything else. 

I have yet to look at the clock because I'm dreading time, hiding away in my bedroom I faked sickness all morning. Just as I began to fall asleep again, Anthony walked into the room. He stood by the door gawking at me which made me blush. 

"What do you want my dear Anthony?"  I asked blushing

"You, obviously" He smirked 

"Not the time to be thinking that way" I said sitting up 

"How do you know which way I'm thinking?" he chuckled walking towards me 

"Touche, I don't" I shrugged as he sat next to me rubbing my stomach 

"I love you" He said after a while "With everything in me, my heart shall only belong to you my dear Addison" He says staring straight into my orbs "Please, I truly hope you resolve your matters in your time hastily and return to me. This here between us is special. Do you hear me?" He asked pulling my face towards him as I noticed tears streaming down his face

"I love you. You hear ME? I am inlove with you. My heart belongs to you Viscount, two worlds apart will never change the way I see you, see this; us. I want you to know that your child will know who you are. Anthony, you might not want to hear this, but if I never get to see you again-"

Don't do that, no, NO. You are not allowed to say that Addison, you promised" He pointed "You promised to return to me no matter what" He frowned throwing his head back

"I know Anthony, and I am going to keep that promise, but just hypothetically speaking what if" I sighed standing up

"I don't give a damn about what if Addison" He gritted just as the baby started moving around 

"No, don't fight me for your father" I groaned rubbing my stomach "Feels as though a million tiny feet are kicking all at once" I mumbled as Anthony stood behind me

"I'm sorry for upsetting you" He said in my ear "Now my boy, stop hurting your mum" He said as the kicking lightened up, he placed his hands around my stomach

"What if it's a girl... probably why she's still kicking" I joked 

"Princess, if you are daddy's princess please stop hurting your mother" Anthony said chuckling which shortly turned into a gasp as the kicking ceased fully "Wait now" He said facing me "I thought you were daddy's boy, you always respond when I-" He continued 

"Anthony" I giggled 

"Please, I am trying to determine the gender of my baby" He said shushing me 

"If you would just let me be" I chuckled "What time is everyone arriving?" I asked rubbing his head 

"Oh my, you've distracted me. They're all here and in the living area" He answered hysterically 

The Viscount and The Traveler|| Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now