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Addison: Trigger Warning- Drug usage 

After dinner, I got tired so soon which is why I retired to bed early. My husband who now bathes with me because I fell asleep in the tub once or twice did so also... I'm early in my pregnancy and already over it. After our bath I could tell he was still upset about last night but him being the sweetheart he is, he laid down with me and we both fell asleep with him rubbing my stomach.

 Last night at the tavern, Anthony told me to stay in the bedroom... I was stubborn and did not listen, so after he went to the pub to get us food, I went looking for him. Before I could get to him though, a group of floozies came up to me to engage in conversation about my hair, I honestly had no idea who they were but me being friendly, I just decided to stay and allow them to touch my hair. A group of men came along shortly after, and just as I was about to excuse myself, this one guy comes up and says pregnancy suits me. He was not rude or degrading in any way, but Anthony happened to overhear our conversation at the wrong time.He jokingly said me being pregnant is causing him to think about being a father, even if the child hadn't came from him. I now understand how poor the joke was, but I'm most certain he was not referring to me. I did not explain anything to Anthony since the man congratulated both him and I before we left, so I thought it was over  but oh boy was I wrong. We ate silently last night with no arguments and went to bed immediately after. I must admit though, he held me in a way only for the baby to feel his touch and I was burning in my own skin until sunrise due to the lack of physical touch from my own husband. 

The thing is though, it's merely midnight now and Anthony is nowhere in bed with me. His night shirt is thrown over the nightstand on his side of the bed and his outside clothes are gone. I slowly got out of bed, and I went into the closet to fetch a trouser of his, when I pulled it up, my thighs were a bit tight in them. "He would be mad if I wore these" I chuckled to myself. I took it off, and pulled out one of the first dresses I got since I moved here. I smiled in victory as the dress fit with a good amount of room. 

"Who knew black was my color as well?" Shrugging in the mirror, I slipped on my flat shoes and sprayed myself in my lavender aroma. After I was content with how I'm dressed, I headed for Anthony's study. The hallway was dimly lit, and I knew everyone was in bed already. I pushed open the door to his study, 

"Anthony?" I whisper yelled... nothing 

"Anthony" I whispered yelled again... nothing 

"Anthony. Answer me this instant, you have no right to still be upset" I said poking my head in the study

"Addison?" I heard from behind me making me jump out of my skin 

"My apologies, but what is it that you're doing out of bed?" 

"Well if you must know, I'm looking for your brother"I said lowly

"I take it you two are playing mad with each other?" Asks Benedict which resulted in me nodding 

"He's upset about something that happened last night, do you know where he is?" I asked 

"He went to the theater... I was just headed there myself" Benedict says 

"He went alone?" 

"No, he took Collin along with him" He answered making me nod 

"Can I-" I began to ask 

"Sure you can, is it not me who encourages your rebellious behavior?" He chuckles "We both know Anthony is going to blame me anyway since I know you're gonna come regardless" 

"He knows his wife much better than that" I smiled

When we got to the foyer, Benedict got both of our cloaks and hats before we headed out. 

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