~The broken otsutsuki~

By n_aruto_stories

24.6K 778 83

what will happen when isshiki otsutsuki or better know as "jigen" detects another otsutsuki? He confronts the... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 27

200 9 2
By n_aruto_stories

200 years ago. The great nations were all at war with each other. Fighting over land and power. People of all ages young and old perished. At the top stood three mightiest clans. Who rose from nothing. The uchiha clan, the senju clan, and the orianzaki clan. These three clans clashed with each other endlessly until the leaders of each clan were killed. There children taking on as the new clans leader.

The uchihas clan leader Madara uchiha known for his merciless sharigan. The senju clan leader hashirama senju known for his wood style jutsu. And the orianzaki clan leader kimitsu orianzaki. The daughter of the former clan leader kibi orianzaki. When the word got out one of the strongest clan leaders was now a woman every enemy nation including the uchiha and senju took it as a sign of vulnerability to attack the clan.

However, none of the clans would have ever thought a mere woman could posses such strength. The orianzaki clan was known for their sword techniques. They had ancient monks who forged their swords with sacred materials that could only be found near their clans village. None of the enemy clans knew what they made their swords from. It was their own clans sacred treasure.

The orianzakis swords weren't just regular weapons. They were one with natural forces. There attacks mimicked water and fire. Each member intensely trained in order to wield a sword and each member either used water or fire. However special cases such as kibi's bloodline were able to use both water and fire techniques.

Over the years the senju and uchiha battled each other. The orianzakis never got involved in a battle unless their home or people were threatened. When a pact was made between the uchiha and senju one was given to the orianzaki. Kimitsu was heastitant to form an alliance but decided she needed to think of the future. With that a new village was formed but the orianzaki made the condition they were to stay where there home is instead of moving into the new village.

Years after the alliance kimitsu was coming back from a battle that required all of her people. There wasn't a single casualty. As they were walking an unknown chakra of great strength appeared all around the members. It felt unbearably heavy on their shoulder. They took a defensive stance and tried to locate where the chakra was coming. Kimitsu pinned where the location was and looked to the sky to find someone floating. She used a fire technique and launched her sword at them. Flames surrounded her sword as it went for its target.

Kimitsu and her clansmen eyes widened as she saw them catch her sword. A purple light spawned from their hand and threw the sword back at them. The look of panic washed her face when she felt the evil and powerful chakra sent with her blade. "My men run!" She yelled and started to retreat with her clansmen but it was to late. When her sword hit the ground it cause a huge explosion pushing all the trees back.

Mintues later kimitsu opened her eyes. She sat up coughing then winced in pain. She grabbed her stomach to see blood spilling from it. She also noticed her clothes were torn revealing her stomach wound thighs and shoulders. She looked up to see smoke cloud her vision. Seconds soon her eyes filled with horror to find all of her clansmen dead.

"No.." she mumbled as tears welled in her eyes. Everything she had worked for. All of her family gone. "Hm your still alive?" A deep voice said behind her sending chills down her spine. She noticed a sword next to her and swiftly picked it up sliding away from the man. When she was able to see who it was more horror washed over her. She had never seen anyone like him before.

The man was pale. Really pale. He had horns and long white hair. She didn't know if he was human or not but at that point it didn't matter. He murdered her entire clan. With just one strike of a sword. No human has such power. Kimitsu instantly appeared in front of him and swung her sword to behead him. As it neared his neck he caught her blade with his bare hand.

Shock washed her face then determination. "I will behead you! For my clansmen!" She yelled as she forced the blade closer to his neck. The man smirked as tears fell from her eyes. He then snapped her sword into pieces. Kimitsu gasped and she stepped back. "You must be this clans leader. A woman huh?" he said eyeing her form "So. What will you do now?" The being taunted holding a smirk.

"Even if it costs me my life..I will kill you!" She said as chakra surrounded her hands. The chakra that's suppose to shine blue turned into flames. "That's quite interesting" he said looking at her hands. Kimitsu swung her fist at him which he dodged and that continued for a while. The being could see her chakra draining rather quickly and kicked her back hiting a tree.

Kimitsu sat up panting. She knew she was badly injured. Seeing the man walking towards her she mustered the strength to get up and run into the forest behind her. When the man noticed she was running he lowly laughed and followed her. Kimitsu was able to avoid him for an entire day but was loosing strength and would soon loose consciousness. Hours later she collapsed onto the ground.

It didn't take long for the being to catch up and find her unconscious. He activated his byakugan and saw she was on the brink of death. Her chakra would give out at any moment. He was about to kill her himself but hesitated. There was something about this woman that he was intrigued with. Not only was she beautiful but powerful too. As he stated at her face she looked as if she was still fighting.

Moments later he decided he'd spare her life and bring her back from the brink of death. The being picked her up and opened a portal. He brought her to a table and laid her there. He then gave her some of his chakra. Just enough to keep her alive. That little bit of chakra healed all of her wounds. He left her awaiting for her to regain consciousness.

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