Jules' Curse (#2)

By Lolkayy69

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Can be read as a stand-alone. Jules never knew who she was. She never had time to figure out who she was. Af... More

characters aesthetic <3
Side characters. :)
The Darkness
Sweet as pie.
Peace offering.
Does anyone knock?
Valeria the therapist
Surprise... He's back.
It starts here.
The end???
Its the drugs.
Trying to move on
Aliana Delcare
Break-ups n spit-ups
Wicked witch.
Fake Date
Fake breaking up.
Malia n Kain
Manic episode??
She's gone.
Her pain.
Gang shit
Spy shit
Ugly truth
Tag bitch
His story.
Baby daddy
Happy birthday!!
First real date
Long head
Tapes? And pickles
Ace + Valentina
Road trip
Right person wrong time
Hoe hoe bitches
Old friends
Sleeping pills
Nightmare from the past
A girl???
Princess umbrella
Wicked red head.
Suffering Silently
Ansel to the rescue
Toxic?? Yep.
Bad habits
250 on Jovian
Dream home
Just one minute
The reveal
The Agreement
Momma monster
I got y'all
Oak drive
Broken Glass
Weird man
Trouble in paradise
The letter
The end
New start
Don't leave me.
The light


17 0 0
By Lolkayy69

"Please let me go. I've been kidnapped too many time and each time I survived. I don't think I'll be so lucky this time." I said truthly. All the other times I've had something to loose. This time is different because I can loose my babies ellie included and Jovian.

Angelo rolled his eyes "You're being dramatic, I just want to talk." He pulled a chair in front of me he tooo a seat in it staring at me.

"Can I get my glasses? I'm seeing four other figures."

One of the guys made a noise "Ahh she's like you papa!" The boy joked only to get smacked upside his head by Angelo. Angelo handed me my glasses. The frames a bit cracked but hey..

"Can we just call each other? I have a family I just can't go up and missing."  I frowned.

"Long story short. We're without a leader. Ace, your father was the gang's leader. We've been trying to look for our heir.. and it led us to you." The guy in the back stepped in. "My name is Gio. I'm your cousin" a guy who almost looks identical to the pictures of Ace extends his hand to me.

"I don't have any cousins." I looked at his hand.

"Second cousin, aka the best looking cousin." He smiled showing off his pearly whites.

My head hurts. This is to much.

"Why am I here? I'm not taking over some mafia. I'm a mother not a gangster." That seemed to make them laugh.

"Look... I'm dying." Angelo said and I just stared at him, does he expect tears or something? "So there's no awww my uncle is dying." He asked sarcastically.

"Ace didn't have a brother.. Valentina didn't mention." Then his face morphed before it went back to an nonchalant.

"Valentina?." He made a hmm sound "Boys exsit." He made a demand and they left the room with a view protests.

He leaned foward placing his elbows on his knees cupping his hands. "Hm... to save time don't believe anything that comes out of Valentina mouth. " a pained expression crosses his face "check her safe. Code is your birthday."

"What is this a puzzle? Some random man come and try to change everything in my life." I leaned back. "Fuck you. Let me go. I said no and recruits one of the cousins cause I'm sure as hell not doing it."

He stood up abruptly pushing his chair back. He grabbed my chin forcefully making me look at him. "It's either you or one of your kids."

I glared at him. Make me fucking sick. I don't want this life for my kids or me. I've done everything to make sure I don't put them in danger but deliberately putting them in danger is something I'll never do. I'd rather take over than them.

I pushed out a few tears so he'll feel bad. 

"Or have another kid. Give them over to the gang, we'll train them and when we're-"

"I can't-" I stuttered out as the tears started coming for real. Why does everything bad have to happened to me. "I was just trying to buy my baby girl a necklace and clothes! Which I wasted my money on-" he walked around before throwing the bags in my direction. Landing at my feet.

"Just let me go home." I was sick of this. I'm not that desperate for a family, to join the mafia. "Look I was desperate for a family five years ago. But now that I have my own kids, my own family. You have to respect that I just don't want to do it. I can't do it." I've yearned for a real family since I was fifthteen.

I never got that.  Now I've come to peace with that and I have my own family I won't do anything to jeopardize that.

He stepped away. "I still want to build a relationship with my niece." I can't tell if he was being for real.. or if he was joking.

"Well take me home. Kidnapping me isn't the way to do it." I squirmed around when he untied my hands. I stood up putting distance between us.

"Please amore let me make up for lost time." He practically beg. His Italian accent thick.

"Let me go home."

"Alright." He let out a defeated sigh. He led me through this huge ass mansion. As he opened the final door I heard like a hurricane of people come down the stairs. Hell I saw one guy rolled down the stairs like he was thrown.

All five of them straightened out as they stood coordinate. They all looked serious and dressed in suits. Although they kinda act like kids.

"I'm gio!" One shouted at me, the tallest one with silver looking eyes.  He smiled

"I'm Leo" One said as if he was a robot. He look like the more serious one.

"Xavier." The one who got up off the floor said. Before he nudged the mean looking one. "Oh erm Luke." He said awkwardly. He's probably the youngest.

"And last, but not least! The badest bitch of the all!!" A guy pushed through the rest of them "Cameron!!" He announced with a deep smile. The fuck? He came out with a button up and a dress jacket and then he waaa wearing... boxers?

That's a lot "This has been lovely not really but I have to go." They all ran up to me. Please don't hug me. I hugged myself ready for the many hands to touch me. I clenched the shopping bags for my life.

"Stop!" Angelo roared stopping the chaos. "Lei non vuole essere qui. lasciala andare e Cameron si metterà dei fottuti pantaloni.!" He shouted before practically throwing me out the door. We walked around the house in silence. He opened the garage and a rainbow of cars many different models.

He chose the Range Rover and I got in willigy. "My house is-"

"I know." He cut me off.

I sat back silently. Ace had a brother? Valentina lied? Hell, I have cousins? And an uncle?  My head was pounding.

When he pulled up to my house after running many red lights. I unbuckled  my seatbelt.  "I'm sorry I couldn't help." I felt a little guilty. He just gave me a nod as I got out of the car. I walked inside the house and was automatically embraced in jovian arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I let out a sob I've been holding in.

He placed his chin in my hair as he tried to calm me down. "Fuck I was so worried, what happened?"

"I just- I had a panick attack in a stores bathroom." I lied as I clutched on tighter to him. He held me tighter.

"Are you hungry?" He ask after he kissed my forehead. I shook my head.

"Where the babies? Are they okay-"

He nodded "Their fed and asleep." He took my hand and led me upstairs. I took a shower automatically. I changed into sweats and one of jovian shirts. As I stepped out I noticed him looking at a piece of jewlery.

"Jules, what the fuck is this?" He asked too calm. I raised an eyebrow and I went to see it. It was a silver diamond necklace with Jules on it. The fuck. I opened the note that he was holding too and read it.

I couldn't leave without doing this. sei una famiglia. sarai sempre mafia di famiglia o no.. - la tua famiglia

In Spanish I'm impressed.

"I need to take a seat " I told him as I sat on the bed. He took a seat beside me. I started to explain everything to him.  He was angry and tensed the whole Time.

"Jules don't you ever see them again, promise me." He shook my arm with urgency.

"I can't promise that..." isn't he supposed to help me sort my feelings not dictate them?

"Promise me!" He got mader. The fuck?

"Ok... I promise." I said before he got up.

"What're you doing?" I asked him.

"Booking  us a flight to Puerto Rico. You need answers right?" I nodded.

"What about the babies?"

"My grandma got them. I promise" he pecked my lips before telling me to rest.

Answers? Well I can't fucking wait.


"Are you sure jovian?" I asked as I packed the babies clothes and essentials. He was on folding duty while I picked out the clothes.

"Yes Jules. Trust me, I trust my grandma. And Ellie will be there." I sighed as I then moved to packing Valeria bag.

"But they're too young to be away from us. Plus if you haven't noticed I'm leaking like crazy." I pointed to the pump that's obviously showing.

"They'll be okay all they need is milk and cuddles." That's true. Mavis needs a little more pampering when it comes to putting her to sleep.

"I've never met your grandmother though." I said as I notice the pump was full. I made my way to the kitchen and he followed.

"She's just like any other grandma, just a little more feisty." I frowned. As I took the pump out and started measuring and putting in bottles. I found this to work easier for us, everyone.

I put lids on the bottles as I placed them in the fridge for later. "Look I want to get answers but I'm not ready to leave the babies." When we say babies that includes Valeria always.

"Momma!" She came running into the kitchen. "Can Ri come?" I just enrolled this girl in Pre-school and she already making friends. Her first day is tomorrow but she went to orientation yesterday.

"You'll see her tomorrow baby." I gave her a smile trying to reason with her. She shrugged then ran on.

"Let's wait it out. You've been through a lot recently and all this just needs to be processed" he said and I agreed, a lot.

"Yeah." I smiled at him from his understanding. I want to go but I'm hesitant.

"On the other hand, we can't waste all of that packing. We should go see my grandma, all of us." I shrugged



"Make it stop." I mumbled as I turned over clinging to jovian.

"We have to get up." He groaned. Well shit I'm tired too. We both stayed up doing shifts with the babies. Not even babies it's just Mavis. She just can't sleep. So if she can't sleep neither can we.

I have the one am shift to five. I mostly stayed up watching tv with her. Then jovian had five to nine. Now we have to get valeria ready.

I slumped out of bed. I threw some water on my face before I went down to valeria room. I woke her up and she cried. She literally cried when she got at least eight to nine hours of sleep.

"Come on Val it's time to wake up." I tugged on her arm trying to get her up as she ignored me closing her eyes.

"No" she muttered.

I picked her up and she cried even harder. I took her to the bathroom and set her on the counter. "Brush your teeth." I gave her, her tooth brush. She stared at it before taking it.

She brushed her teeth very slowly. While she did that I went and picked out her uniform? What kinda sicko gives pre-k uniforms. But it's a simple blue  plaid skirt with a white polo. Cute.

I picked out the Jordan's jovian got her or sandals. I went back to the bathroom to see her dozing off. I let out a yawn waking her up. "Which one?" I held up the pairs and she pointed to the Jordan's. Figured.

When she finished brushing her teeth, I got her dressed and this girl was kicking and crying. I get we are not morning people but damn girl.

I wet her curls and they fell down her back. I moisturized them with oils and conditioner. I put some gel and a little water on her hair as I brushed it back into a cute little pigtail. I clipped on a blue bow and admired my work. I set her down and she ran off. I walked into the kitchen to see jovian making breakfast.

"Her lunch is already made and I'm almost done with breakfast." What would I do without him? I sure as hell can't cook. When everything was ready I loaded Valeria up and Jovian and the babies without waking them.

Jovian was going to stay here but he couldn't miss her first day of pre-k.

We drove all the way out to the pre-k. It was pretty prestigious for a school for little messy kids.

"Jo" Valeria called as she smiled swinging her feet. He looked back at her since I was driving. He was hesitant on letting me drive but hey... I'm a fucking amazing driver.

"Yes Valeria?"

"I love you." She smiled before she started gigiling. I saw as Jovian smiled widely as he stared at her with admiration. 

"I love you too." He smiled at her "Your necklace looks really pretty." The princess looking necklace I got her.  He loves her like his own. That'll always mean something to me.

"Thank youuuu, my mommy got it for me-" then some motherfucker cut me off making me slam on my breaks. "¡Maldita perra! Míralo." I scream out the window.  Just then the babies started crying.

"Jesus Jules, calm down." Jovian said as I almost ran a red light.

"People don't know how to drive." My thick accent revealed itself.

Jovian reached back and tried to calm the babies.

"Can it stop." Valeria said blankly as she pointed to Maven who was still going.  It??? She's been hanging around Ansel for too long.

"We're here!" I said finally ready to get out of this car. As I stepped out I got Valeria out and held her hand as I helped jovian get the babies out. We both held Valeria hand as we each held a baby. We walked valeria to the playground and was greeted by a teacher.

"Hey Valerie." Yall it's valeria. UH. Just UH. Not RE. UH.

"Valeria." Valeria said correcting her. I clutched onto her hand.

"Well valeria, you can go play with the other kids until everyone gets here." She smiled before walking away. I crouched down to Valeria level as I had tears in my eyes. She's growing up too fast.

"I'll be back in a couple hours." I told her as I hugged her. She remained confused.

"Bye momma! Bye jojo!" She waved before she ran off to the other kids.

"Bye kid." Jovian said back. Just yesterday I was seeing her for the first time. Not she's... all grown up.

Jovian placed a hand on my shoulder "you can cry in the car little one." I frowned at the pet name but got in the car.

Car ride back was pretty silent. I let out a yawn as I leaned my head back.

"Ellie's graduation is next week." Jovian told me. Mental note.

"I'm excited to see her. When are we leaving?" I asked as I looked over at him.

"When valeria gets done with school." He sighed. "Oh and by the way... more family might be there."

my jaw was left slacked "What?!" I whispered shouted careful not to wake the babies. "you said just your grandma-"

"Well I didn't realize it was family reunion night." He said sarcastically.


Just then I get a text on my phone.

Unknown: Heyy dude! Wanna hang?

Me: who's this?"

Unknown: the handsome one Gio! Dad told us to leave you be but... you have De'capi blood so we're family! 😝

Me: don't text me again 🙃

Unknown: come on Cuzzo Luke is across the world. My favorite sibling . We're having a dinner party Saturday night. Please come. Bring that basketball dude too. I need him to sign my shoudler for a tattoo.

I chuckled at his stupidity.

Me: I don't know. How do I know y'all's aren't out to to get me?

Unknown: listen here you stubborn idiot, if we wanted to get you for some reason we would already have you. We've accepted the fact that you want nothing to do with the mafia so have something to do with us. - Leo 🤭.

I didn't respond as I sat back with a deep sigh.



*nervous chuckle*

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