Jules' Curse (#2)

De Lolkayy69

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Can be read as a stand-alone. Jules never knew who she was. She never had time to figure out who she was. Af... Mais

characters aesthetic <3
Side characters. :)
The Darkness
Sweet as pie.
Peace offering.
Does anyone knock?
Valeria the therapist
Surprise... He's back.
It starts here.
The end???
Its the drugs.
Trying to move on
Aliana Delcare
Break-ups n spit-ups
Wicked witch.
Fake Date
Fake breaking up.
Malia n Kain
Manic episode??
She's gone.
Her pain.
Gang shit
Spy shit
Ugly truth
Tag bitch
His story.
Baby daddy
Happy birthday!!
First real date
Long head
Tapes? And pickles
Ace + Valentina
Road trip
Right person wrong time
Hoe hoe bitches
Old friends
Sleeping pills
Nightmare from the past
A girl???
Princess umbrella
Wicked red head.
Suffering Silently
Ansel to the rescue
Toxic?? Yep.
Bad habits
250 on Jovian
Dream home
The reveal
The Agreement
Momma monster
I got y'all
Oak drive
Broken Glass
Weird man
Trouble in paradise
The letter
The end
New start
Don't leave me.
The light

Just one minute

17 0 0
De Lolkayy69

Somehow Jovain convinced me to go on a double date night with Bailey,Enzo,and Franklin and Kira. I, on the other hand didn't see the point of going out if I couldn't at least have me a nice little drink.

"So what should I wear.?" I asked jovian as I tightened my robe.

"Whatever you feel the most comfortable in"

I had two options laid out. A white cropped white dress that just showed my whole bump. Not to fund of that. Or a nude off the shoulder rumper or a white tight fit dress that comes with a loose cropped blouse. It's a set I got on clearance real cute. Or a black long skirt and a cropped long sleeve shirt.

Then Valeria came stumbling into the room. The thing with the house is it's big that sometimes I loose her... and sometimes that's fine. . At this point it's hard to even pick her up anymore.

I really want spicy enchiladas. But Kira and Franklin chose the place we were meeting at tonight.

"Can we get enchiladas on the way home?" It'll be a nice mid night snack. Jovian head snapped up "Uh yeah sure." I could tell he wasn't paying that much.

"What's going on?"

He shrugged stuffing his phone in his pockets "I was checking our reservations."

Hm... checking a reservation he didn't make.

I picked out the black two piece, deciding to be bold. "are you lying?." This boy know he haven't made a reservation in his life.

He looked up a bit surprised at my confirmation "just trust me, look at the time I have to go get your prenatals ready." Like clock work every day he would bring me the pills to make sure I stayed healthy.

I trust this though a lot so I'm not worried.

We recently had a doctors appointment and everything was looking good. The baby has been giving me more pain and trouble lately. Making it harder to sleep or even get out of bed. Always kicking or something. Feels like six babies are up in here at this point.

When I finished getting dressed into my black two piece i was a bit conflicted on showing my bump like this... just advertising it. But at the same time it's kinda cute.

We're already running a little late so I need to hurry.

I threw on my black heels since according to jovian Franklin chose a classy, fancy place.

I put my hair up into a slicked ponytail. I didn't have time to fix up my edges as I did a little highlighter touching up my face.

Valeria's birthday was next week ans we were going to Valentines for her birthday. I can't believe she would be three...

"Hey Jules you almost done?" Jovian knocked on the door. I closed the draw that held my makeup and skin care.

I opend the bathroom door letting him in. "Damn you look beautiful." I tried to bite back my smile but I couldn't help it.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself." I turned to look in the mirror. He wrapped his arm around my waist resting his arm on my exposed stomach.

"We're going to be parents." He said as he looked at our reflection in the mirror.

"My boobs are huge" no seriously I've went up five cup sizes. "Do you think we're going to be good parents... together?"

"Yeah.. I think we're going to do good"

I looked down at my stomach. Jovian bent down and placed a longing kiss on my jaw line. "I love you"

I snickered "Do ya? Do you really? I haven't had coffee in five months." He smiled shaking his head.

"We're not having this conversation again jules" he left bathroom.

"Well love you too then" I mumbled lowly slightly disappointed. Jovian isn't known to be protective to a controlling extent but with this pregnancy, oh lord. But then I have to remeber the whole Izzy situation and he probably want to take precautions with me.


"It's been months! Damn Jules you've gotten bigger." Ansel said, I know he didn't mean it to be rude but damn. Jovian hit him upside his head. Ha.

"Hello to you too Ansel." I turned and saw Bailey practically running up to me.

"Jules!!" She engulfed me into a bone crushing hug. Literally I couldn't breathe.

"Heyy bailey." I patted her back stiffly.

She backed up "I'm sorry it's just been weeks."

"It's fine I've missed you too" when everyone got here and greeted each other we took a seat. Of course I was swarmed with questions about the pregancy. Kira was so excited there was a baby on the way.

"So Jules there's going to be a contribution next weekend... to all of our players." Franklin mentioned, putting emphasis on all. I felt jovian squeez my hand under the table.

"What would you all like to drink." The waitress came in and asked. They all gave their drinks and it was down to me and Shelby.

"I'm deciding between water or tequila.." I looked up from the menu and everyone was staring at me with horror and shook.

"She's joking. She'll have water." Jovian said, then the waiter got Shelby order before she scattered away.

"Anyways... Some of the staff wants to have a contribution to Kayden... I wanted to know how you felt on that before they tried to go through with it."

I shrugged "I mean sure. I'm not the only one who lost him, others should be able to mourn and whatever way they want to" hearing Kaydens name felt like a foriegn language.

"Okay.. I'll make the arrangements."

Bailey and Enzo fell into their own conversation. Bailey mentioned to me that he hasn't tried to kiss her, ask her out or anything. But their interaction is different.

When my food got here I picked around the rice bowl. It was pretty good. I got full halfway through it.

"So when's the gender reveal?" Kira started conversation with me.

"The what now?"

She chuckled "where you reveal the baby's gender, ya know?"

"Oh yeah... I don't think I'm having one of those.. I just find out the gender whenever." I shrugged.

She looked confused "That's one of the best parts of pregnancy"

I smiled storing my bowl "I'll just wait till it's- the baby's born." Shit why do I keep saying it?

I don't even feel a connection to this kid.

"I think a gender reveal is a amazing idea! There could be clowns, ballon-"

"Ansel shut the fuck up" I shut him down. He laughed shaking his head getting pleasure from pissing me off.

"Just saying! Plus gifts!"

I glanced at jovian and I noticed how he stopped talking to Franklin listening to this conversation. "Well what do you want?" I turned to jovian. D dammit I just put him on the spot...

"Whatever you want, no stress" he shrugged sipping his drink.

He wants one. I guess I'll tell Valentine and Sofia and they'll help plan it down here. I know they have previous experiences with planning things. It could a be a surpise for him! He's been so tolerate and caring during this whole procsss I want to do something for him.

The rest of the dinner went by smoothly, we ordered dessert. Me and jovian came to a mutual agreement that we'll just share a dessert.

"How's the book going?" Enzo asked Bailey. She took a sip of her margarita.

"It's going actually well." She smiled shooting me a wink.

The cheesecake we decided on was strawberry New York style. Very basic but everyone's favorite.

Jovian took the fork and cut a piece, before feeding it to me. Nice gesture weird timing.

When it hit my mouth I automatically gagged. Hell no. I could practically feel it coming up as I tried to keep everything down.

I got up aburplty rushing to the bathroom. Thankfully I got there in time. On the other hand Jovian sneakers are ruined. "I'm so sorry" I apologized for the fourth time I washed my hands.

"It's fine, I'll just get another pair" he changed into his slides he kept in the car.

I fell back into the seat feeling exhausted. Being pregnant sucks.

"Did I ruin tonight? I feel like I ruined tonight." We had to leave after the whole incident.

"No you didn't Jules. Everything alright. They understood we had to go. Don't stress about it."

I sat back quietly. As I was going through val baby pictures a message flashed a crossed my screen.

It was Franklin.

Franklin: I just found out Jovian declined a scrimmage between our rival team. I need ur help.

"What's that about?" He asked looking over at me.


"You just have this look on your face, you good?"

"Yeah... more important, are you good?"

He looked confused "Yeah everything alright."

"So when's the last time you touched a basketball?"

He got quiet, really quiet "it doesn't feel right with Ma gone to play. She's the one who encouraged me to get out there everyday to get better. And then when I hurt my leg... it just doesn't feel right anymore."

"Jovian... she would want you to keep doing what you love no matter what. You know she's proud of you and that she believes in you.." I paused "Matter of fact, tomorrow we're going to the park." I said as the idea popped up in my head.

"Drop it Jules"

"I can't just drop it. So where have you been going?"

He looked taken back "Excuse me?"

"All the times you've told me you're going to go play ball.. where have you been going?"

"Does it matter?"

"No... it doesn't , I guess lying to me doesn't matter." I sat back in my seat.

I shrugged with a slight smile on my face "I guess our kid will grow up with a father who tell lies" I shook my head placing a hand on my stomach.

"You're guessing a lot.. maybe you should just sit back look pretty."

I was going to do that anyways. "Are you really not going to tell me the truth?" I hate how calm he is.. sometimes I try to push his buttons and it just don't work..

"I was at Ma's house." I was a bit confused but then it dawned on me.. he was at his moms house. "And stop stressing it's not good for the baby-" 


"And you think lying to me is?"

"I'm not lying, I just told you-"

"I hope this baby comes out white just to piss you off... only other white guy I know is Liam" I commented just to piss him off. He stayed silent the rest of the time.

When we got home I walked into the living room to see Ellie laying on the couch. "Thank you for watching Val.. how much do you want?" I picked up my wallet.

She shook her head "Noo you don't have too. We're practically family."

I took out a couple twenty dolar bills, I never carried much cash "No seriously. I know she's an handful ans you deserve it ellie seriously." I don't want her to feel obligated or like she's a babysitter. Most of the time she offers.

"Thank you Jules. How was date night?" I placed my shoes down by the couch.

"It was alright, ill most likely be up late tonight if you want to hang out later?"

She squinted her eyes suspiciously at me "You two are fighting..."

"Actually not really I just need your help with something."

"I'm all ears."

As I explained to ellie my plan for jovian tomorrow she was excited to help me plan it. Something small and intimate between us. I asked ellie what are some of his favorite home cooked meals just to spice it up a bit. I'll trash talk him into playing basketball and everthing will turn out fine.

Because one thing jovian really values is spending time with family and the people he love.


Jovian pov.

It was midnight when Jules got in bed. I'm assuming her and El hung out.

"Are you awake?" She whispered poking my cheek.

I groaned sitting up "Now I am"

"The baby's kicking" she had a tone of discomfort, if I could see her face I know it'll be scrunched up. She took my hand placing it on her bare stomach. I could feel her stomach moving with each kick.

" you good ? This has to be painful.."  she laid back in bed attempting to get comfortable.

"Yeah it is.." she mumbled "Valeria wasn't this active.. she kicked every now and then but this baby just won't stop."

"Try applying a little pressure, I heard somewhere that helps" it wasn't till after that I heard faint snores. Damn she sleep already?

Jules slept kinda weird now. She slept in the middle of the bed in like a starfish position. Since she's usually a stomach sleeper this has been difficult for her. Just the other night she was complaining about how I didn't hold her tight enough when I was sleep... like dead ass sleep.

When I knew she was sound asleep I then allowed myself to fall back asleep

Later that night I woke up to jules tossing and turning. Well if she can't sleep I can already tell what kinda morning it's gonna be. Or at least I thought before she made a sharp wince.

I reached and turned on the lamp. Her eyes fluttered open. "Everything's fine go back to sleep"

"You sounded like you were in pain, do we need to go to the hospital?" I sat up on alert.

"Go back to sleep " she threw an arm over her face going back to sleep. I'll trust her judgement on this one..

In the morning I woke up to the sound of Jules throwing up. It was almost a  routine. I got up and got her towels and bath ready like usually then I went to check on her. This morning her sickness lasted ten minutes more than usual.

When she finished throwing up she was shaking and sweating... what the fuck?

"Jules, baby are you good

Valeria timing is horrible because at that moment she started crying. Jules looks like she snapped out of her trance. "Yeah I gotta go get her."

Jules POV

Something felt different this morning. I felt weaker. But I had moments like those with Val it's just I forgot how it felt.

I got val and brought her to my room, I didn't have the energy to do my regular routine. I laid in bed cuddling Val as we watched cartoons. Jovian was somewhere downstairs.

Shit shit I almost forgot I had a something planned for him. I got up abruptly stopping in my tracks as I saw black spots. I blinked them away as I got val and went down stairs.

"I have to get some things form the store." I rushed around gathering my keys.

Jovian turned around closing the frige "uh ok.. do you want me to go with you?"

"No actually ellie is coming with.. getting some girl things." Yeah because that isn't suspicious at all.

He shrugged "Ok have fun be careful" he kissed my cheek. "I'm going to the gym I'll be back around twelve." He told me.

I gave him a quick smile before I went upstairs and brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I threw on sweatpants and a hoodie with matching socks and slides.. after my shower I felt really light headed.

"I'm fine." I told myself as I took my prenatals.

I got Ellie up so we can leave.

She helped me get the ingredients I'll need for jovian dinner tonight. I'll be sure to watch many videos on before making.

I'm browsing some snacks because I'm hungry but I can't find anything that catches my eye or seem appealing. I felt yet another sharp pain in my stomach telling me it's time to get out of here.


Ellie told me how much he loved soul food. Now I don't even know how to make scrambled eggs let alone collard greens or fried chicken.

At least I had her help with measuring things, I practically failed highschool. So I won't even know how to help the kids with homework. Unless it's Spanish....

God bless my kids

"Here put this in the greens" she handed me two bottles of different seasonings. I added them into the pot.

We finished up by adding a whole bag of cheese on top of the Mac and cheese.

I wiped the ball of sweat off my forehead "that was too much work." I fell back on the kitchen chair.

"It smells great though. Desserts in the fridge and foods ready on the stove. You did an amazing job Jules!" Ellie gave me an high five.

I smiled "He'll be home in an hour, i better go get ready." I got up too quickly again.

Ellie grabbed my arm steadying me "Are you okay? Do you want me to call Jovian-"

"No no" I got myself together "I'm fine."

She gave me the same look jovian gives me "I swear I just got up to fast."

"Ok... Ansel will be here in a couple minutes to pick us up." She reminded me to pack Val baby bag. Ellie wanted to leave the house during the 'surprise' for jovian. So she called Ansel and asked if her and Val could go there for a couple hours.

Now I'm skeptical on Val going with Ansel because he's.. well irresponsible. Only reason I'm okaying it is because Ellie's responsible.

I went upstairs and changed into a red dress. I had my suspicions about the dress.. weather it was appropriate for the occasion or not. It makes me look hot. I haven't felt hot in a while being pregnant

When I finished getting ready I practically ran to Val room because she was waking up from her nap crying. I picked her up showering her with many kisses.

She giggled as she grabbed my cheeks.

"Are you ready to go to ansels?"

She shook her head slob coming out of her mouth. I quickly cleaned her up and changed her into some different clothes.

She's been slacking on potty training but she now lets us know when she gotta go so that's a step. But I read you can't rush it, all you can do is encourage it.

When Ansel came and got them he lingered around per usual before actually leaving.

My head has been killing me all day. I sat down on the couch rubbing my temples.  I just needed one minute to rest..

Just one minute.

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