Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √

By themiko2

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After Mon-El is sent away and Barry is trapped in the Speed Force, Iris and Kara only have had each other for... More

girl of steel
it's just another night, and i'm staring at the moon
i saw a shooting star and thought of you
i sang a lullaby by the waterside and knew
if you were here, i'd sing to you
far from the tree
you're on the other side
as the skyline splits in two
the faithful
miles away from seeing you
but i can see the stars from america
wake up
i wonder, do you see them too?
the flash reborn
so open your eyes and see
the way our horizons meet
mixed signals
and all of the lights will lead
into the night with me
luck to be a lady
and i know these scars will bleed
but both of our hearts believe
elongated journey into night
all the stars will guide us home
i can hear your heart
girls night out
boys night out
on the radio beat
when harry met harry
they're playing 'chasing cars'
and i thought of us
therefore i am
back to the time
crisis on earth-x : PART ONE
you were lying next to me
i looked across and fell in love
crisis on earth-x: PART TWO
evil doppelgängers
heroes vs nazis
crisis on earth-x: PART THREE
so i took your hand
back through lamp-lit streets
crisis on earth-x : PART FOUR
the calm after the firestorm
the danvers-allen union
and knew everything led back to you
can you see the stars over amsterdam?
legion of superheroes
hear the song my heart is beating to?
so open your eyes and see
don't run
the way our horizons meet
and all of the lights will lead
the trail of the flash
into the night with me
and I know these scars will bleed
fort rozz
but both of our hearts believe
all of these stars will guide us home
the elongated knight rises
i can see the stars from america
all of the stars
for good
when your legs don't work
like they used to before
both sides now
and I can't sweep you off of your feet
will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?
honey, I shrunk team superflash
will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?
and, darling, I will be loving you 'til we're 70
true colors
and, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23
and I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
subject 9
maybe just the touch of a hand
I fall in love with you every single day
enter flashtime
and I just wanna tell you I am
so, honey, now
run, kara, run
take me into your loving arms
kiss me under the light of a thousand stars
null and annoyed
place your head on my beating heart
i'm thinking out loud
schott through the heart
maybe we found love
right where we are
in search of lost time
when my hair's all gone
and my memory fades
of two minds
and the crowds don't remember my name
when my hands don't play the strings the same way
I know you will still
love me the same
lose yourself
cause, honey, your soul could never
grow old, it's evergreen
fury rogue
baby, your smile's forever in my mind
in memory
therefore she is
I'm thinking 'bout how
people fall in love in mysterious ways
harry and the harrisons
maybe it's all part of a plan
I'll just keep on making the same mistakes
shelter from the storm
hoping that you'll understand
take me into your loving arms
think fast
kiss me under the light
of a thousand stars
we are superflash
place your head
on my beating heart
the fanatical
maybe we found love
right where we are
dark side of the moon
take me into your loving arms
not kansas
kiss me under the light
of a thousand stars
make it reign
place your head
on my beating heart
battles lost and won
I'm thinking outloud
maybe we found love right where we are
the start of a new beginning
𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔

Iris and Mon-El quotes

283 6 0
By themiko2

"I'm Iris West, by the way..."

"I'm Mon-El..."

"I know what it's like being a stranger in a new surrounding. I mean, look at me. I dropped everything in Central City except for my Dad and Barry, to move to a new city. Everyone here gives me stares. So...when you wake up...I'll — if you let me — I'll help you. So you never know what it like to be alone...that may be cheesy or something...I don't kno—"

"I'm just letting letting my people know I'm alive..."

"Why are you here...?"

"I didn't come here to hurt anyone..."

"Hi ~ "

"Why did you do that...?"

"Do what? ~ "

"I'm sorry you got stranded here..."

"It's not your fault..."

"I know, but you're stranded on a planet you don't know, with people you also don't know — like me..."

"Well, you're the only one whose been nice to me so far, so it's not that bad..."

"I do have a boyfriend though...I don't think you should be flirting with me..."

"So, wait — Kara is Supergirl, obviously, but she told you not to tell Barry, right?'re telling me that Barry is the, that blur thingy, is Barry and he also told you not to tell Kara? Damn..."

"I know! And I couldn't just keep this damn secret on my own! It's too hard! They are always around each other as Kara and Barry or as Supergirl and Barry. And I might slip up one day and then they'll hate me..."

"Hey — You're not on your own anymore — You have me..."

"What...What's going on here...?"

"You didn't tell him?! They let Iris go on a mission for tech backup and she got captured by the hellgrammite..."



"No! Get out of here, it's a trap! — No! Don't hurt him!"

"Are you okay?"

"I will be, Once we get out of here — Mon-El!"


"And you like Mon-El..."

"Um, first off, he prefers Mon...Second off, we're just friends..."

"You looked at Mon-El like he was a French fry..."

"Clark? Clark Kent is Superman...?"

"Who is Clark Kent...?"

"Clark- Clark Kent is Superman..."


"Oh...My, God. just saved my life. I owe you big time..."

"Well, you could, um, repay your debt right now and uh, dance with me...?"

"Fine, but we should definitely talk about you and Mon..."

"There's nothing to talk about..."


"Why do you look so lopey...?"

"Well, Iris went back the boyfriend..."


"Hey, Mon..."

"Do you know how boring it is without you here...?"

"What's the L word...?"

"Love. He said I love you..."

"Mike. Please. We need to know who we are working for. And if he's a bad guy, we're all in danger by working with him. Like Iris..."

"That was cold. You know I like Iris..."

"Office game night? Iria, really? Don't you think you've made enough of a fool of yourself over that Mike fellow for one day? You have a boyfriend back in your hometown. Practically throwing yourself on Mike while having a boyfriend says a lot about you..."

"No! Look, look, I'm so deep in the friend zone with Iris that I might as well start living there. But you. You could be with Barry. And you know it. All you have to do is say the word. Why don't you...?"

"Iris! — Iris, Iris, Hey, it's me..."


"We can't let you do that..."


"So, what's with you and Mike...?"

"I have a boyfriend. We're just friends..."

"Iris. Come on, Iris. You are stronger than this. Come back. Come back to me. There was a time that I was so afraid you wouldn't see me and now I just wish you'd smile..."

"Iris, stop...!"

"Which is more than the four of you have ever done..."

"No, no, no, no, no, no! Iris...!"

"Where is Mon? Where?!"


"I'm sorry. I am just better at this than you..."

"I'm the one who showed you how to even play this game..."

"I guess you just need to up your game then..."

"My dad's been mad at me ever since I told him about me and Eddie..."

"Pretty sure he's mad at you because you didn't tell him..."

"You know, Iris seems very nice. And really pretty. Like, super pretty. Congratulations..."

"Oh. Iris isn't my girlfriend. She's just a friend who actually has a boyfriend..."

"Why are you doing this..?"

"Doing what..?"

"The trivia night with you and Eddie, forcing this whole double date thing..."

"Because that girl is great, and she happens to come from you very rare species of adorable nerds..."

"I'm a nerd? Me?"

"Yes. A very dorky, cute nerd..."

"Felicity is smart, nice, and pretty. And most importantly, she is the first girl I have seen you with that really understands and appreciates you for the amazing person that I am always telling you that you are. She's perfect for you, so what are you waiting for, Mike?"

"You remember when you told me you knew what it was like having feelings for someone but they didn't feel the same? That was Iris, wasn't it?"

"How did you know?"

"Little thing. The way your eyes long for her when she isn't looking. Your fake smile to play the part. Dreams you keep to yourself..."

"Like you and Oliver? Takes one to know one — I'm scared it will change everything..."

"It will, but maybe that's not really a bad thing — what's wrong with us? We are perfect for each other..."

"And we're sitting here, pinning for people who we can't have. I guess, it's what they say it's true. Opposites do attract..."

"Man, you really want to tell her..."

"I tell her everything. I love her..."

"Aw. I tell Iris everything, too, but that's not relevant because we're not in love..."

"Mm...not everything..."

"What? —— Is it that obvious?"

"Not to her..."

"But how long have you known for?"

"I have known you have been in love with Iris ever since I saw you and her together for the first time — And I've been waiting ever since for you to tell her. But you haven't..."

"And your eyes lit up when you see her, so that's how I put two and two together..."

"And you're not mad? I'm saying I'm in love with your daughter..."

"No, I'm not mad. I'm happier because you are way better than Eddie, no offense to him — Why haven't you told her?"

"Guess I wasn't fast enough — When I met her, she was already with someone else, but yet...she was the only one who showed me kindness, and we just somehow connected but I guess it wasn't meant to be..."

"When the universe wants to make something happen, whether it be giving a young man lightning speed or putting two people together, it has a way of figuring those things out..."

"Okay, not gonna lie. This is gonna be quick but extremely painful..."

"Oh speaking of pain — Eddie, hey..."

"I can see why Iris is friends with you. Honestly, I was a little threatened by you, Mike..."

"You were threatened by me?"

"Sure, I mean, I've seen how close you two are, but you seem like a good guy, and Iris, I just want her to be happy. From my experience, good relationships are hard to find..."

"He had been stalking Kara and Iris, just to get to Kara. I had to go after him..."

"He what now? He stalked Iri- Gonna beat his ass—"

"Tony took Iris. I need you to do whatever you can to help me find her. Alright? Satellites, security cameras. Hack 'em all..."

Even after after that big punch, Tony was starting to get up, and out of nowhere, someone punched him, knocking him straight out. Barry looked up to see it was Mon-El, "Thanks..."

"Uh-huh. Bastard deserved it..."


He turned back to her before pulling her into a hug, "Are you okay?"

"Aw, Mon, you loved that mug..."

"Dude, I know..."

"What do you mean that he lost his speed?"

"I mean...what I just told you..."

While everyone was distracted, William Tockman messed with his cuffs and was able to uncuff himself. Then he grabbed a gun off from an officer, and shot him in the back, which caused Joe to point his gun at him, standing in front of Mon, who stood in front of Iris, grabbing onto her, knowing that she was close to protect her.

"Would you prefer I sent them out alive or dead? Please be more specific. One helicopter, one vegetarian takeout meal, one laptop with eight gigabytes of RAM will be delivered on this roof at exactly 53 minutes and 27 seconds from now, or I shoot a hostage," Tockman ordered but in the background, was Eddie, hiding down, with his gun in hand. Mon saw him and slowly shook his head no to Eddie.

Mon turned to Iris' ear, so he was exactly at her ear, so Tockman couldn't hear him, "I could easily break these cuffs and knock him out..."

"No. You are allergic to lead. You will end up just like those officers if he shoots you..."

Eddie got close enough. Then he shot him in the back but Tockman turned around and shot Eddie twice.

"Eddie!" Mon yelled.

"Eddie. Say something. Please don't be dead," Mon whispered to himself as he held Iris in comfort.

Tockman walked over to Iris and grabbed her arm before he forcefully pulled her up as Joe and Mon began to worry that he would kill her, "No, don't do this, not her! No, take me, please!" Mon yelled.

"Something tells me you will not be a docile passenger. She will..."

"Mike- Mike, I— !"

"Wait, wait! Let her say goodbye! — This is her boyfriend lying here dying, and I think we all know that he probably won't make it. It's wrong that you didn't get to say goodbye to your sister. Give them what you deserved..."

Once Iris and Tockman were far enough away, Mon immediately broke his cuffs and went to Joe to try and uncuff him, "No. No. Don't help me. Help Eddie..."

"Eddie- Eddie- I'll help you-"

"Go...find...Iris..." he mumbled and Mon immediately got up and ran towards the stairs to go find Iris.

Mon was walking down the halls, trying to find Iris when he heard a gunshot go off. "Iris!"

"Crazy pants central, walking over, now..."


"Uh, nothing, I'm gonna get a coffee..."

"One non-fat latte, extra sugar for Felicity, and one coffee, black, for Oliver. She uh, she brewed you a fresh pot, so—"

"Thank you..."

"Yeah, Mike, um, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Oh, yeah — What? — Ow, What are you doing?"

"You did not tell me that you and Barry know Oliver Queen..."

"I know Oliver Queen..."

"Oh, my God, he's even more handsome in person. And his arms are, like twice the size of yours..."

"Technically they're not twice the size—"

"He's on my three list?"

"What's a three list?"

"My list of three guys I'm allowed to cheat on Eddie with. You usually don't meet people on your list, but now here he is, and I just cannot stop staring at him..."

Once Iris and Mon were alone, Iris turned off the TV, "What's happening?" Mon asked before Iris pulled him to the ground, "Hey—" she then grabbed her present to him, and the present he got for her, "Oh, come on, we're doing this already? Christmas isn't for a few days..."

"I couldn't wait any longer," she opened her present to reveal a small box. She opened it and inside was a golden wedding ring on a golden necklace, "My mother's wedding band?"

"A replica, yeah. You told me you were devastated when you lost the real one..."

"My fifth-grade field trip to the zoo. I cried for weeks..."

"Here," he took it and she turned around before he clipped the necklace around her.

"You remembered — I don't know what to say. My gift so sucks in comparison..."

"No, I doubt it," and his present was a globe of the world.

"You're still new to Earth but I just hope you can visit everything..."

"Maybe I'll bring you with me..."

"Mike seemed a little odd today. I'm pretty sure he wasn't psyched when i came by. You ever think...he might like you?"

"What? No..."

"Friends don't give friends wedding bands..."

"He was...he wasn't proposing to me, silly. He and I are just friends. We met during a difficult time and we just connected from it. But that's all. Just friends..."

"Hey, Caitlin. Can I ask you something, girl-to-girl?"


"Mon has been acting differently around me lately, like he's keeping some sort of secret from me. Is there anything you know about that I should know about?"

"Not that I can think of. However, if you feel like Mom-El is keeping something from you, you should probably just ask him yourself..."

"Eddie asked me to move in with him — I said yes..."

"Wow. You guys are moving pretty fast, huh?"

"Well, I mean, it's been over a year. Eddie actually thought you might feel weird about it..."

"Wha...I don't...why would he say that?"

"He thinks that me romantically — I mean, honestly, it sounds even silly suggesting it..."

"Um...I mean, Eddie's wrong. I...and if I've seemed weird before, it's just that this year has gone by really fast, and I guess I didn't realize how far along in your relationship you guys were..."

"Kara, I can feel your eyes on me..."

" only drink this when something is wrong..."

"I screwed up..."

"With what?"

"On Daxam. I screwed up. I wasn't a good person. I didn't realize until I awful I was..."

"Mon-El, you're not an awful person—"

"Yes, I was. There are...some things you don't know about me. About who I was on Daxam. And since I crashed here, I've been keep my days with good deed, but I keep having dreams about my last day there. My guilt just reminding me...that I should've been a better person..."

"Mon-El — Its not your fault. We all know what you've been through. Especially me. I know what it's like to have your whole world ripped away from you. Every decision you've made since you've crashed has been because of what happened to your world. How you helped us, how you've turned out, even with Iris—"


"I can see the love in your eyes when you look at her and the hurt when she talks about Eddie. You don't think I know you love her? But you haven't pursued her because you're scared to loose her like you lost your world. But, Mon-El, listen to me. The destruction of our has taken enough from us. Don't let it take more of it..."

"Hey, just in time. I am almost done. Are there awards for free trimming? Because this is award-worthy — Are you okay, Mon?"

"I love you, Iris..."

"Aw, I love you, too..."

"That's...not what I mean — When I first crashed here, no one liked me. Everyone treated me like the bad guy. Except you. You were the only one who showed me kindness when no one else did, and I knew...that I loved you. My whole world was gone and you were the only one who made me feel at home again — Look, I...there were so many times that I wanted to tell you...when I started working at CatCo. When the human's heads were about to go pop last year. After Kara saved Earth. Nights that we stayed up talking. Your birthday. Thanksgiving. But I...I never did. I just...I kept it in. After I lost my world, I was afraid that if you didn't feel the same way, I would lose you, too. But you were already lost to me because you were already with Eddie when we met, and I know that, and I know my timing couldn't be any worse, but I just...I couldn't lie to you anymore— I'm sorry..."

"Hey. Eddie, you know where Joe is?"

"Uh...I think he's upstairs in your lab..."

"Okay, thanks," Barry said before he and Mon walked away and towards the stairs as Iris watched Mon go.

"Okay. You mind telling me what's going on with you and Iris?"


"Hmm. That's funny, because I have these two things called eyes, and it doesn't look like you two are fine..."

"I told Iris..."

"Told Iris what?"

"I told her how I felt about her..."

"Oh, Rao — What did she say?"

"Well, I mean, she's still moving in with Eddie, isn't she? I just want to pretend like it never even happened. I mean, that's what we're both doing..."

"Not saying how you feel is what got you in this mess in the first place..."

"You doing okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. No, I just...I told Iris how I felt about her..."

"Bold choice..."

"I knew where we stood before. We were best friends. And...I don't know. Now I just don't know what's normal for us anymore..."

Iris smiled but then glanced over to Mon-El, who was already staring at her. So they were just stuck staring at each other, "Well, look, I know things have been really weird between us recently..."

"Yeah, they have..."

"Well, did you know that I can see into the future?"


"Oh, yeah. Did I forget to tell you that?"

"You did not mention it, no — so, what do you see?"

"I see you and Eddie being really happy together and things aren't weird between us anymore. It took a little time, but everything's back to normal, and we're still friends..."

"The future doesn't sound so bad..."

"This is your dad?"

"Henry Allen..."

"Mike Matthews..."

"Ohh. So you're the one in love with Iris..."

"That is a big story. Which neither I or Kara are apart of. Snapper wants Kara to write about The Flash, and only The Flash, and me? I'm on fashion and makeup..."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I don't know. I would just like to be thought of as more than the pretty girl. Or Kara Danvers' best friend. In all honesty, I don't know that much about makeup or fashion. I mean, if I don't write something soon, I think I might lose my job..."

"Hey, no. We will find you a great story to write about. Together. Okay? You know I'm always here for you..."

"I keep making the same mistake. Everytime Iris falls, I race to pick her up thinking that one of these times things are gonna change, but I...things are never gonna change. I am just destined to be just the friend..."

"Okay...I don't know what any of that means. Look, I'm an alien and it is just a second date..."

"A second date? — With who?"

"Uh, with Linda Park, the sports reporter..."

"That's great. Linda seems great, and you're great. So...great..."

"So, um, you guys and Mike are like best friends, right?"

"The best of best friends..."

"Has he ever actually dated anyone before? Because he's simultaneously surprisingly good at it and really, really bad at it..."

"Yes...he has...he's just...Mike..."

"What was his last girlfriend like?"

"A stone-cold bitch — what?"

"His last girlfriend kinda...well..."

"She went psycho. She didn't like me and tried to kill me...then The Flash...and Supergirl — what?"

"Maybe...if he's acting's probably because he isn't ready..."

"What do you mean?"

"You know, I mean, he was into someone, an unrequited love thing. You know, he had feelings for someone, and they weren't really reciprocated, so...yeah. Maybe just give him time..."

"W...Wait, can we talk about this? What do you mean?"

"Look, I know how hard and weird it is trying to date someone new when you're still not over someone..."

"What are you talking about?"

"You and Iris..."

"Me and Iris? We're not...who told you that I was hung up on Iris?"

"Hey, what's up?"

"Uh, why would you tell Linda that I had feelings for you?"

"I did not say that. Wait, did I?"

"Okay, Iris...this isn't funny. I mean, I like this girl..."

"I know, and I'm happy for you..."

"Really? Because I don't...I mean, right now it sort of feels like you don't want to be with me and you don't want anyone else to be with me either..."

"I have wanted nothing more than for you to meet someone who is amazing..."

"And I did! And you went out of your way to convince her that I was unavailable..."

"Look, I'm really sorry. Do you want me to talk to her— ?"

"No, no, no. Absolutely not. Don't talk to her. I'll figure this out on my own. I just need you to know that I don't have those feelings for you anymore..."

"Hey. Ever since last night, you've barely said a peep. What is going on?"

"I didn't like the way I felt watching you and Mike last night..."

"Eddie, Mike, he's just—"

"Like family. I know, and I know you two have been through a lot, but Iris, we live together. You're my girlfriend, and someday, hopefully, you'll be more. I don't like feeling like the odd man out every time you and Mike are together. And I shouldn't have to..."

"Eddie, Mike is always gonna be a part of my life..."

"I get that, but something's changed between you two. Whatever that is, I'm not okay with it..."

"Sure. Actually, you know, I could use some advice..."

"About what?"

"Oh, you mean, like, that girl, Linda?"

"No, actually, with Iris. Things between us have gotten a little complicated...again..."

"You're asking your best friend's adopted father for advice about being in love with his daughter, who just so happens to be dating his partner?"

"Things have gone way past complicated..."

"Sometimes, me and Iris have these moments, and when I'm looking into her eyes, it's hard not to think that she's feeling the same way I do..."

"Look, you already told Iris how you feel, so unless she comes out and says she feels the same way, all you can do is hold onto those moments..."

"You told her?!"

"Yes, but all she did was cry..."

"Well, damn. You're way in the friend-zone..."

"Look, I just wanted to apologize..."


"Well, for interrupting your date with Mike. I shouldn't have done that...and I'm sorry..."

"You know, Iris, when you told me that Mike had feelings for you, I thought it was just the typical weird crap that women do to each other, but last night, I realized what you didn't tell me, and what's kind of irritating, is that you have feelings for him too..."

"N...No, Linda, I mean, it's not like that..."

"One thing you learn about people when you work here, Iris, it's usually what isn't said that's the real story..."

"What does that mean?"

" work today, Linda accused Iris of having feelings for Mon..."

"Well...she does..."

"Yeah, we know that. But, Iris doesn't want to admit it..."

"So, how are things going with Linda?"

"Why do you say it like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like how you used to always say Becky Cooper..."

"Or how you say Siobhan Smythe..."

"Oh, come on. Becky Cooper was a nightmare of a high school girlfriend, and you should have never dated her — and Siobhan Smythe is psychotic..."

"Okay, so you're saying that Linda is Siobhan-Becky material?"

"I mean, I wouldn't go that far. She' and nice and smart and she is really good at her job. I just...I don't think she's the right one for you..."

"Then who is?"

"Mike, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Come on, we have to go—"

"No, Linda, I'm sorry, I really can't right now..."

"Of course not..."

"Look, it's not like that. It's an emergency. I have to go right now..."

"He'll find us..."

"Oh, my God..."

"Iris, you need to get out of here, okay? You need to get as far away from here as possible..."

"I am not leaving you. I don't care that you're an alien..."

"Iris, please!"

"Listen to me, ever since the night that you told me how you felt, I have not been able to stop thinking about you. At first...I was really mad, and then I realized that the reason that I couldn't stop thinking about you was that I didn't want to. Because...I've been thinking about you ever since I met you.." Mon smiled as he stared into her eyes.

"I've never stopped thinking about you," he cupped her cheeks and kissed her. She kissed back as they deepened it and it felt like fireworks were going off. Meant to be fireworks.

Once they slowly broke the kiss, they gazed into each other's eyes with smiles, "Please don't leave..."

"I won't," they looked back at the tsunami as they held each other.

"I've just been dealing with a lot of things lately. I like you, Linda. And we really get along..."

"Relationships should be more than just getting along. Your heart should ache for me. Does it?"

His head dropped to the ground before looking back at her. She smiled before cupping his face, "You're not upset with me?"

"No one did anything wrong..."

"I really do feel a lot for you, Linda. It's just—"

"Just not as much as you feel for someone else. Go get her..."

"Iris, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Uh, yeah, sure — Is everything okay with you and Linda?"

"Uh, no, that's done..."

"Oh, I...I am so sorry..."

"No, no, no, it's okay. We're gonna be friends. Um, yeah, no, it's gonna be awesome. Uh...anyway, are you...are you free tomorrow? Do you want to get some coffee and we can just talk and just tell each other stuff...I don't know, stuff we got rolling around in there, you know? I don't know..."

"O-Okay, yeah, sure. It sounds great..."

"So how was your day?"

"Great. But...Linda and I did break up..."

"That's the first time I ever heard anyone use the word great to describe a break-up..."

"I have a feeling that I'm about to move forward with someone really special..."



"One incredibly heavy cronut and one Americano with an extra shot..."

"Just the way you like it."
"Just the way I like it."

They stopped and smiled at eachother for a moment that felt like forever, "Yeah, I know. I know you, Iris..."

"So...what is going on with you? You're acting like Christmas came early..."

"Uh...Yeah, no, I guess it did, kind of..." He took her hand and she looked down at their hands, then back to him, "Look, Iris, um...I still think about you all the time and I know you've been thinking about me too, so let's just stop thinking and start doing..."


"I know. I know that we both have awful timing, but we were meant to be—"

"Mon-El, what are you talking about?"

"You and me. We like each other..."

"Mon, we've been over this. Okay? Nothing has changed for me..."

"No, but it has..."

"How do you know that?"

"I just...I just know some stuff somehow. I don't, maybe it's like ESP or something, but—"

"Mon-El, I love Eddie, okay? I'm sorry, but nothing has changed for me since Christmas. And you can't keep springing this on me. Okay? It's not fair that you keep making me the bad guy who keeps telling you no..."

"What? No leap-in?"

"I needed the walk..."

"What happened?"

"Nothing, uh...Linda...Iris...I don't want to talk about it, actually..."


"Yeah, Eddie, I—" He turned towards Eddie, but saw a punch coming towards him, so he quickly caught Eddie's fist, "I wouldn't..."

"Stay away from Iris..."

"In the previous version of today, Winn is seriously injured, Alex is in danger, Kara found out about me—"

"And Iris said she had feelings for me..."

"And now Cisco's life is on the line, Kara is still clueless, and Iris has no idea she confessed those feelings..."

"But she still has them, right?"

"The unconscious mind, Mon-El,'s a powerful thing. It sounds like it took this apparent disaster to jar those feelings loose and without a disaster, those feelings remain deeper down. Unaccessed..."

Mon-El's phone rang and he answered it because it was Iris, "Hey, what's up?" But she wasn't talking. All he could hear were voices in the background. He crinkled his eyebrows concerned, "Iris?"

"That's him, that's Jesse..."

"Can you ping her phone?"

"Trimethylmercury-32 is a relatively fast-acting poison..."

"Is there a cure?"

"Yes. We can synthesize the antidote..."

"Cisco, where is she?"

"Everyone at CatCo is saying that Eddie shot two cops. How is that even possible?"

"We're not sure yet..."

"You don't think he did this, so you?"

"No, of course not..."

"I need to see him..."

"You can' can't see him, alright? They're not gonna let you. Look, I'm gonna do everything I can to help him. Okay? Okay, I'm so sorry," Iris shoved her face into Mon's chest, crying, while he held her tight, "It's gonna be okay. Okay, I promise..."

Flash Missing: Vanishes In Crisis
April 25, 2024
By Kara Danvers-Allen & Iris West-El

"That would mean Dr. Wells, or whoever he is, is also...from the future. I have to say, I'm really digging the brighter red suit. And the white on the symbol? That's dope. Wait a second. Suppose we now change the color on your suit. Will it be because we got the idea from this picture? That would mean we're living in a causal nexus. This is so trippy. Like, Marty and the Polaroid trippy..."

"Not as trippy as the name on the byline..."

"Kara Danvers-Allen?"

"And Iris West-El?" Mon asked, realizing that in the future, he and Iris get married.

"Yeah, since Rob and I have been planning the, you know, wedding, between the florist and the hundreds of kinds of cake filling and who can sit next to who...never get married, Matthews..."

"Right," Mon then turned around but bumped into Iris, "Oh. Iris..."

"Mon-El. Hey. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. No. Yes. That was...that was just really weird. Captain Singh was nice to me..."

"Oh, well, he's in a good mood. He's about to get married," but Mon just smiled at her, looking into her eyes, thinking about what he learned the night before.

Iris West-El

Iris West-El

Iris West-El

"Barry, Kara, Mon-El, Can I grab you for a second?"


"What's up?" Eddie made sure Iris wasn't looking before pulling out a small blue box, opening it to reveal a diamond ring. Everyone stared at the man taken back while Mon-El gazed at the ring in a painful stare before looking back at Eddie.

"I'm flattered. But I'm into girls..."

"W-What did she say? Or, wait, you still have it, so, duh, you haven't asked her yet. Or you did ask her, and she said—"

"I was gonna propose tonight. But I went to Joe to ask for his blessing. He said no..."

"He did?"


"Uh, weird..."

"I need you guys to talk to him, find out why..."

"No. Can't do that..."

"Me either..."

"Why not?"

"But Mon-El can..."

"I hate you..."

"I know me asking you like this, it's a little awkward. But you know how heartbroken she's gonna be if she finds out that Joe's not on board..."

"Yeah, all right. Yeah, I'll talk to him..."

"Oh, thanks. I appreciate it so much. And so will the future Mrs. Thawne. Iris Thawne. Sounds pretty good, huh?"

"I have a feeling she's gonna want to hyphenate..."

"I'll always keep Iris safe, Joe," Eddie then walked away. Joe looked at him confused looking at Mon-El, who was annoyed.


"Come here," the two walked out of the bunker, "So, um, Eddie told me what happened, that you kiboshed his proposal..."

"That was supposed be better him and me..."

"I so agree with that. And I...and I know that we have a lot going on right now, and I should definitely be the last person pleading Eddie's case, but I don't get it, Joe. Why did you say no?"

"Because if Eddie proposes to Iris, she's gonna get caught up in the moment and the romance, and she's gonna say yes..."

"What's wrong with that? Again, I don't know why I'm saying this..."

"Because one day she's gonna wake up and realize she married the wrong guy — But she'll stay anyway because she made a promise. I don't want that kind of life for her. Or him — She's got feelings for you, Mon-El. She may not know how to deal with those feelings right now, but I know her. They're there. Always have been..."

"You barely know me, how do you know I'm right for her?"

"Because when we got taken hostage, you made sure Iris got to say goodbye to Eddie, even though you loved her. You protected her, even when you could've easily taken him out, but you didn't because you didn't want to chance getting hurt — I realized then that you truly loved her and she loved you. And it had probably been that way since you met. You two are meant for each other..."

"Iris, stop..."

"Why? I need to help Kara..."

"Barry needs to help her. They need to talk..."

"He's been lying to her for so long that I don't think that she wants to talk..."

"Yeah, he's not the only one..."

"What? — Who else has been lying?"

"You — You haven't been entirely honest either..."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"At Christmas, when I told you how I felt, you said that you didn't feel the same way. But I just feel like...I don't know, maybe things aren't that simple — Am I wrong?"

"You can't do this...Eddie is out there with the man who killed Barry's mom- You can't just say that — I'm gonna go back..."

"And what exactly makes me such a failure?"

"Tough question, Eddie. Where to start? Oh, how about your career as a police detective? It's spectacularly uneventful..."

"Yeah. Well, we'll see..."

"No, we have seen. I have seen. I am from the future. And you are the only Thawne to be all but forgotten by history. Waste of a life, waste of a man. And...Oh, no — You don't even get the girl..."

"What are you talking about?" Wells turned to him with a hologram in his hands. He pressed a button and a article popped up.

Flash Missing: Vanishes In Crisis
April 25, 2024
By Kara Danvers-Allen & Iris West-El

"Observe, if you will, the byline. Mon-El marries Iris and not you — We're just gonna have to give this ring back to Grandma Agnes. You, Eddie, won't be needing it..."

"What are you doing here?"

"Looking for you. I figured you'd be here..."

"Well, it is a very special place. It's where I met a very sassy Daxamite..."

"You technically met that very handsome Daxamite in the med bay, where he tried to kill you..."

"He just didn't know where he was — I've thought about what you said, and maybe you were right. I have been thinking about you, about us. But I can't do that anymore. Eddie is the man that I live with, the man that I love, and he's still missing..."

"I know. I'm gonna bring him back. And after that?"

"I don't know — I don't know..."


"We found him under that hatch in the pipeline..."

"I'm so sorry. I thought I looked everywhere for you..."

"Hey, it's not your fault. Sometimes you just can't see the clues. Even if they're right in front of you..."

"Eddie. Hey. Where have you been?"

"Here. Work..."

"You were kidnapped for nearly two weeks and your first thought is to go back to work?"

"I just needed something constant in my life..."

"I thought that was us — Eddie, I miss you. I love you," Eddie continued to ignore her until she forcefully grabbed his hand and made him face her. But she was holding out the blue engagement ring box, "Hey. I saw this when we found you. This was for me, wasn't it? When you took me to the waterfront and Dr. Wells abducted you, you were going to propose..."

"I was..."

"But now you're not? What did he do to you?"

"He didn't do anything to me, Iris. It's what he showed me..."

"What could he possibly have shown you that would make you change your mind about us?"

"The future. He showed me the future, Iris. We don't get married. You and Mon-El do..."

"Iris, there really isn't anything else to say..."

"Are you kidding me? You're going to end this relationship because some lunatic from the future told you that I am destined to marry Mon-El? Well, I don't believe that, okay? I believe that we choose our own destiny. I decide who I love, and I love you. Whatever future Wells showed you, it is not my future. It's not our future. Please let me prove it..."

"This isn't about the future, Iris. It's about here. Now. Today. Ever since the very beginning, ever since Mon-El came into your life, there's been three people in this relationship. You, me, and Him..."

"That is not true..."

"You can deny it all you want. But Mon-El knows it. Joe knows it. Kara and Barry know it too. And if I'm gonna be completely honest with myself, I knew. I always knew. I guess I just...thought I could love you enough to change things. I'm sorry. But if you really do love me, you'll let this end..."

"Iris..." Just by one look, he could see in Iris's eyes that she knew that they wouldn't remember each other. She walked up to him and took his hands with a smile.

"You don't have to say anything. I already know. I hope whatever life you get, it's enough for you. That it makes you happy..."

"You too," she kissed his forehead before they tightly hugged each other.

"Eddie! What did you do?! What did you do?! What did you do?!"

"No such thing as a coincidence..."

"Eddie's his ancestor. If Eddie dies, he'll never be born, and...He's being erased from existence..."

"No! No! Eddie! — Eddie, no, no. Stay with me, okay? Stay..."

"He was wrong, it turns out. I'm a hero after all..."

"You are, Eddie. You are my hero..."

"That's all I ever wanted to be. Your hero..."

"Iris, we have to go..."

"I'm not leaving him," Mon sighed painfully before he grabbed her and pulled her off of Eddie.

"We have to go now, Iris. I'm sorry," she tried to get out of Mon's grip, but couldn't.

Iris found herself staring at the 'Missed, but Not Forgotten' board, right at Eddie's picture. She frowned in sadness and Mon-El noticed. He placed a hand on her shoulder in support and she smiled at his warmth before leaning her head against his hand.

"Nothing is getting through here without us knowing. So people can't just waltz in and out of here..."

"Exactly," but then a shadow walked into the cortex. Iris gasped as Mon-El grabbed her, placing her behind him.

"Hey, Iris. What's up?"

"Mon-El, I need your help, now!"

Mon-El stopped walking, and crinkled his eyebrows confused but then his eyes widened when he heard gunshots, "Were those gunshots?"

"Yeah. I'm at Baldwin Tower! I can't find a way out..."

"Window-- is there window?"

"Over here! Um, yeah, up ahead. Okay, I'm by the window. Why?"

"Okay, great, you're gonna need to jump..."

"What? Are you crazy? Mon-El, no way..."

"Iris! Do you trust me?"

"Yes. I trust you..."

"Okay, then jump..."

She jumped out of the window and screamed. Suddenly Mon leaped out, catching Iris, before landing on the ground below, gracefully placing Iris to her feet, "You okay?"


"Iris's mom is alive?"

"Yeah, I lied to Iris, Barry — everyone..."

"You gotta trust that and tell her the truth..."

"Yeah, how do I do that without hurting her?"

"She's not a little girl anymore. You should have seen her in action the other day, putting her neck on the line for a story. She can handle anything that comes her way..."

"I just lied to her for so long, I'm scared she's not gonna understand or forgive me. I could lose her..."

"No, she's gonna forgive you. You just gotta give her a chance..."

"You're incredibly wise for an alien who crashed here only three years ago..."

"Well, I had a good teacher..."



Iris was looking at a photo album of her and her mom, while Mon-El sat next to her on the couch, also looking at the pictures, "You were so cute," he whispered and she smiled.

Mon-El looked at her, who was still looking at the pictures, "Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine..."

"Okay," he whispered before he kissed her cheek.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm alive, thanks to Iris. Turns out she's a badass with a gun as she is with a pen..."

"Yeah...she is..."

"I don't know why this is so hard. I barely even know her," Mon combed her hair while she continued to cry.

"I know. It's okay..."

"Where's Clark?"

"That's him," he tried to walk after him with his fist tightened, but Iris held him back.

"You're just going to make things worse..."

A piece of glass was heading straight for Iris. Barry was running towards it, to catch it, but he wasn't fast enough and the glass pierced right into Iris's shoulder, "Iris!" Mon-El caught her in his arms, staring down at her in concern, "Iris, stay awake — get her to the hospital!"

When Iris woke up, she weakly looked around to find Mon-El directly next to her, a chair scooted up, "You alright?"

"I stole your speed. I gave it to Zoom..."

"Excuse me?" Mon-El and Joe walked into the cortex at the same time.

"No, no, no, this isn''re working with Zoom?"

"No, not at first..."

"We trusted you. I trusted you!" Mon-El zoomed over to Harry and punched him.

"Mon-El, stop!"

"Why did you put him in there?"

"Because if I didn't, I would've killed him. Let's go find this tar freak..."

"Well, look, somebody better send his ass back to where he came from or I'm gonna let Joe shoot him..."

"You're nervous..."

"Why would you say that?"

"Because you always mess with that necklace I got you when you're nervous..."

"Pft — I do not..."

"You do it all the time — I know you're worried. Not just for me, but for Barry too..."

"I'm actually more worried about you than you might think — Just, please come home in one piece..."

"I will..."

"Don't do anything Mon-El would do..."

"But I am Mon-El..."

"That's what I'm nervous about..."

She was different. She was also a detective. This sudden appearance caught Mon-El's eyes, causing him to stare at her in a trance, "Uh...I...Iris. You're Detective West..."

"The one, the only..."

Once they turned the corner, Iris pinned Mon-El against a wall and kissed him, which caused Mon-El's eyes to widen, "Um...what are you doing?"

"What? I think a little office PDA between husband and wife is okay..."

"Husband and wife?"

"Uh- I- Iris- you look- uh-"

"Glad to know that after all these years, I'm still able to make the Director of the DEO stammer..."

"Jesse still has time, okay? Iris needs me now. I have to get back to her!"

"She is not Iris!"

"She is Iris! Okay, she is to me! No matter what universe I'm in, she is my family! I would think by now you should get how important family is. I'm going, Wells. I have to..."

"I don't know what's going on with your Iris, but I've seen the way you look at my Iris. You love her. You should probably tell your Iris that. Trust me, you'll waste a lot of time the more you don't..."

"Mon-El! It's Zoom! Get back!" But then Zoom grabbed Mon's arm and pulled him into the breach.



"What's up, Bar? I can't help Iris with her grief, because she won't let me, thinking staying in her bed will help her, so at least let me try and help you..."

"You actually blamed Mon for Iris becoming a cop, said that she only became one so that she could help people, just like her selfish husband..."

"Wait. Mon-El and I were married?"

"Okay, it wasn't like that. He's a really nice guy. He's sweet and smart and, um..."


"It all makes me think about Mon-El. I think about him every day, guys. I never even told him how I felt, and just feels wrong..."

"I know for a fact that Mon-El would want you to find love, even if it wasn't with him. Because that's all he cared about. Was for you to be happy and loved..."

"That's two months from now..."

"Yeah, no, I know. You're right. I, I want to make a video montage for her, just everybody in her life and how her being in your life has made it better. Just, um... just speak from the heart. Talk as as if it was the last thing you could ever say to her..."

"Iris — I found something that I think might help. I was putting together this little video montage for your birthday last year with everybody, but then...everything happened. Um, but, uh, take a look." She then gave the phone to Iris, who took it.

Iris nervously played the video of Mon-El, "What does Iris mean to me? Wow. You know, a lot of times I have a hard time figuring out what to say to people, but when it comes to you, Iris, I don't. Because with you, everything that used to feel tough just doesn't anymore. It's one of the things I love about you. You don't need me. You can handle anything on your own because you're fearless and independent...loving, kind. You are without question the best thing that ever happened to me, you made me feel welcomed when I didn't. And I don't think I've thanked you enough for being there, and helping me, because every day with you is a gift I never thought I needed. You deserve everything life gives you, being loved, being happy, for the rest of your life, and no one wants that more for you than I do. Happy birthday, Iris. I love you..."

Iris quietly cried as the video ended and she just continued to stare at Mon's smile at the very end. "I love you, too," she put the phone down and wrapped her arms around her legs, and started crying again.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't know what I am. Last night, I was supposed to go on a date. My first real date since Eddie died, but at the last second, I just...I couldn't do it..."

"Is it because of Eddie or because of Mon-El? — I've noticed the way you've been acting since he died. You've been more devastated than me, and you're just really good at putting on a good face..."


"'s okay..."

"I'm sorry..."

"Look I'm not mad. You and Mon had feelings for each other when he died. It happens..."

"Was it that obvious?"

"It's been obvious for the past three years..."

"Everything seems to be telling me that Mon-El and I are meant to be together. I mean, on Earth-2 we're married. In the future, we're supposedly married. Or at least, we were suppose to be. Now that I'm ready to move on, I wonder if that should be with him, but I can't even tell him. It's too late now..."

"It's okay. He's still with you, in your heart..."

"Cisco, what did you see?"

"Why do you mean both?" But then Zoom speed in, holding Wally by the shirt in one hand, while in the other, was Mon-El, dirty, bruised and bloody. They all looked at Mon, in utter disbelief, confusion, shock. He was alive this whole time? Iris held her hands up to her mouth, trying not to cry, because she thought he was dead this whole time, and just to see him the way he was, broke her heart. "Mon-El?"

"Let him go. Let them both go. We had a deal. My speed for their life. Hand them over, and it's yours," then Zoom pushed Wally and Mon to the ground, which caused Iris to immediately fall next to Mon's side.

Mon-El was looking at the ground before Iris softly placed her hands in his cheeks, cupping them, as her hands shook. Mon-El slowly looked up to see Iris's tear eyed face, then she golfed him in a hug, which he did back, no hesitation. He then stood up, still holding her onto dear life.

As Mon-El started to walk sternly down the hall, he heard footsteps behind him. So he turned to see Iris, striding towards him with purpose. "Mon — Where are you going?"

"I'm going back to CCPD..."

"What?! You can't! Zoom will kill you in split second. Without thinking! He hates Barry, he wants to destroy Barry, and killing his best friend will do it perfectly!"

Mon-El quickly shushed her, "What? So you just want me to sit here and do nothing?"


"Iris, I can't do that. I'm the only one here with powers. That means I'm Kara's only chance. Don't you want to see your best friend again? Don't you want Barry and Kara both to be happy again?"

"Of course I do! But I can't loose you, Mon! Not again!"

Mon-El intensely stared at her, "What does that mean?"

"It means...I...I care about you..."

Mon-El scoffed, "Cut the bullshit, Iris — You cannot pretend there is nothing here, between us both. You know how I've felt for you, for years! Years! And you still pushed me away, and your feelings away, because you are scared..."

"Well- you- You can't be giving me a hard time when you went out with Caitlin before Zoom took you-"

"Because you clearly weren't into me and she was there for me, and I was for her, and it just happened. I was trying to get over you!"

"That's not true Mon..."

"So what? You were into me or you weren't? Because I cannot tell with you anymore — I'm not dealing with this. I'm gonna go save your best friend..."

He then started to walk towards the elevators but Iris followed him, "Mon. Please don't do this. I don't-" She took his hand, "I need you..."

He looked at her with a stern expression, "I wanted to apologize. Back there for being a jerk for wanting to save Kara..."


"I said I wanted to. And then I realized, I'm not sorry..."

"So you would rather die, slaughtered by Zoom, to save Kara, than stay here, safe, and you expect me to be okay with this?"

"I never said you were going to be okay with it. All I said was that I'm not sorry. But you know what I actually am? Selfish. Because I just want you all to myself, and it makes me do dumb decisions that hurt you. Yes, I'm going to go to CCPD, to save Kara, possibly die, possibly not die. But I'd rather die right now than spend a handful of years watching you and Barry, broken and shattered because I did nothing to try and save her, when I knew I could. I'd rather die right now if it could make you have endless joy and happiness, knowing in the end how happy you were, because that's who I am, Iris, and I'm not gonna change. And there's so apology in the whole universe that could make up for it. And maybe...maybe this just proves that we are not good. That I'm bad for you, because all I do is risk my life, so yours is happy without me..." He pulled his hand from Iris's grip as she stared at him, tear eyed.

Then after a long moment, Iris deeply sighed. "Okay, then I'm not sorry either..." Mon-El looked at her sternly, "I'm not sorry that we met. I'm not sorry that knowing you has made everything in my life questionable. I'm not sorry that you are probably the best thing that ever has ever happened to me. You've made me see another side of things, things I never even thought of. I've treated you horrible, because you're right, I'm scared. I'm scared that if I let go, you'll just die, like everyone else. But out of all the things I'm scared to say, this will probably be the scariest, but I'm not sorry that I'm in love with you!" Iris and Mon-El both eyed each other, surprised that those words just spilled out of Iris's mouth, "I love you, Mon-El. I love you-"

"Just shut up..." Mon-El pulled her close and kissed her passionately, Iris doing the same.

After their heated moment, they tore apart and leaned their foreheads against each other, with big smiles. Mon-El cupped her face as she looked deep into his eyes, "Just come back to me..."

"I will. I promise..."

"Are there any records of that treatment? We might find clues how to help Jesse..."

"Uh, yeah, they'd be downstairs in the storage room, in the morgue..."

"Ew, you guys have a morgue?"

"Well, it's not like a morgue morgue. It's's like a poor man's morgue, really. Morgue-ish..."

"Would one of you go get them, please?"

"Okay, well, I'm not going alone," Iris sighed annoyed before they began to walk out to get to the morgue, "Thank you..."

"Fake Wells might've done a few dissections for study purposes..."

"And this didn't tip any of you off that he might be secretly evil?"

"It was a crazy time, okay? We had a lot going on. I'll tell you what...It's a good thing Thawne was so organized..." but then they heard something fall over.

"Would you stop knocking stuff over?"

"You stop. I didn't touch anything — Okay, this is it. This is Barry's ex-file," but then a steel door from behind them crashed open. The two quickly looked to see that the risen from the death Tony Woodward was the one who crashed the door open, "A zombie? For real?"


Mon walked over to her quickly, "Nope, not Tony...Not anymore. Get behind me..."

"You get behind me," She pushed him behind her, "Tony!"

But all Tony did was scream and slammed his face on a glass mirror. "Ooh! Oh. Didn't see that one coming. No. Zombie Girder," he chuckled to himself, "This...We should go..." Iris quickly nodded before the two ran out of the morgue.

"No, I don't think that Tony had a girlfriend. I mean, not the way that he was hitting on me when he..." but then Mon-El quickly stood up, jealousy filling him.


"He came into Jitters. He's after me again..."

"So, when he was after you the first time, where'd you see him next, after Jitters?"


"He came to your house when he took you..."

"Wally's there now..."

"No, no, Mon, this is good. We know where he is, and we know what he wants. That means we know how to beat him..."

"How do you propose we do that?"

"We use me as bait to lure him back to S.T.A.R. Labs, where Cisco and Wells can kill him...again..."

Mon-El stared at her for a while. He then started to laugh but Iris just stared at him, "Yeah, no..."

Iris stared at Mon-El as he leaned against the couch, pouting, "This is a dumb idea," He whined.

"No it's not," Iris said in a baby voice and Mon-El glared at her.

Then they saw Tony on the road, "He's coming..."

Iris started to walk towards the door but Mon-El grabbed her hand, "You sure about this?"

"You know what? Two minutes ago, I would've said yes, absolutely. But now...what the hell?"

"Be careful..."

"I will," she said before she kissed him, then walked out the door.

But when Mon-El looked at Joe and Kara, he saw surprised expressions, "When- What- How did that happen?"

"Well, uh-"

"Did you just kiss my daughter?"

Mon-El fell off the couch in freight, "Maybe..."

When Kara, Iris, and Barry ran in, Mon ran up to Iris and hugged her as Barry eyed them, "Since when was that something?"

"Apparently it's been something..."

"Well, since we're talking identities, my name is Mon-El and I'm an alien..."


"You're a what?"

Iris slapped Mon's arm, "Ow!"

"Stop telling people that!"


"I love you too. And I always will," Kara smiled, before she got up and walked into the house. Barry stood up and stared at his friends inside the house. Kara sat by Wally, as he, Joe, and everyone else were laughing. And Iris and Mon were in each other's arms, cuddling. "That's why I'm so sorry. But I have to do this." Barry then ran off.

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