Love's Choice (UPGRADED)

By MarryMeProd

168K 1.7K 612

Use to be 'True Love Don't Come Easy' (UPDATED AND POLISHED OVER!) This is a love story between you and the b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 (cont.)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 - (cont.)
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22
Help Me?

Chapter 9

4.3K 55 14
By MarryMeProd

I feel these strong thick arms pulling me away. The fight is now over I guess, and let me tell you Linda is bleeding and mad. She's yelling and cussing a lot of things as other people struggle to keep her away from charging at me.

I stayed calm, satisfied with everything that just went down. No scratches on me or anything. Good.

I finally turn around and see that it's Roc who was holding me back. Obviously the commotion is over why is he still holding me. I shrug his arms off. "You can let go now, I'm done beating her- I mean them." Roc lets out a nervous chuckle and replies,

"I love how you're such a bad chick." Why is he acting as if nothing happened? He confuses me so much sometimes.

I thought if we came in contact at all tonight, it would awkward or something but no, he's here...being Roc.

"Yeah whatever" I walked away as fast as possible. I need to get Megan some water or something, she's drunk and alone.

As I head down the stairs, I can still hear Linda screaming her throat out. When females act crazy like that after a fight, you know they're embarrassed that they were defeated.

I reached in the living room. It was slow dancing time.

Ain't nobody got for that.

The same red sparkly dress catches my eye at one of the couches. Megan is sitting with our good friend Jadian. I'm surprised to see that nerd here, her glasses still on, and hair in a bun as always. I trust she's helping Megan. My shoulders slump in a sense of relief. And speaking of shoulders..

I felt someone tapping my shoulder, I looked around and it was Ray, grinning at me. "Wanna dance my sugar mama?"

Is he serious right now? Everything is all dandy and peachy between me and everyone now? What the hell?

So I said to him, "Well, Mr.Worldstardotcom.." Ray interrupts, a hefty sigh escaping his lips as he rolled his eyes.

"Aight look YN," He looks around briefly for a second. I know what's coming next. "..lemme talk to you privately." Exactly.

Might as well hear him out and put the past in the past because if we live in the past, I won't be happy in the future.

He lead me upstairs in Roc's bedroom, and sat on the bed. I'm kind of surprised the bed is perfectly made and all, and no horny drunk head has invaded by now. Guess that's what the other guest rooms are for.

End of P.O.V

Ray takes your hand into his palm. You pull it away and he grabs your hand back holding it into a tighter grip. You roll your eyes and looked away from him. "Just here me out please YN..." He pleaded.

"I. Am. Soooo sorry. Please, please look at me." Ray begged. You felt and heard the pain in his trembling voice. Tears were building up in his eyes when you finally turned your head and looked at him.

This lump in his throat, his eyes sting with tears.

Now Ray takes both hands and holds them. He looks deeply in your eyes, the moonlight from the window reflected in his watery eyes.

"YN, I don't know why I did what I did. I was just... so hurt, and mad, and jealous that I couldn't have you but Roc can.. and um," Ray took a deep breath and looked out the window, then back at you again.

He quickly averted his gaze from yours, staring down at his lap nervously. But he never let go off your hands. "Megan forced me."

That part, I'm sure about. Megan would force him but then I got confused.

"Wait, you couldn't have me? So you wanted me? What the fuck is this Jesus" you exclaimed, taking your hands from Ray and holding your head in your hands in frustration.

"I low-key thought you knew.." Ray trailed off looking at you with a surprised look.

"Don't you get by now how much I love you? I've felt that way ever since I met you...I was just scared as hell of your father. And not to mention you're all caught up on Prod and shit" Ray rambled on.

"I don't know what to say. You fellas are playing with my feelings.." You only sat there and thought about you and Roc's talk that night, the incident with kissing Prince, and now Ray.

"Just please don't laugh at me. I'm just so scared of Tyson."

He looks down in a bit of shame. You take your hands and start fondling with his braids. "You know I love you 2braidz" You said with a hurtful smile, "but you really helped ruin my life you know?"

Ray only continues to stare down, listening to every word you say closely.

"You were my best friend Ray, my best friend. I would tell you everything, we talked all the time, and defended each other, laughed at the corniest things, and stuff our faces with junk food together." You cried silently, tears rollings down your eyes as you speak, still having one of Ray's braids between your fingers.

"When I heard those words Ray, those ridiculous words.. world star hip hop whatever and I looked and saw you Ray, you of all people right there," you were full on sobbing right now, your hands covering your mouth to hush your cries.

Ray looks up quickly in a small panic. He reaches your hands and gently pulled them down to reveal your face. He used his thumbs and wipe your tears though it wasn't doing any good.

Out of nowhere, he crashed his lips into yours. Someone knocks on the door but Ray didn't care.

"I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry" he says into the kiss, tightly holding unto your waist going deeper and harder in the kiss. You could feel his wet cheeks from crying. "I fucking love you" Ray mumbles into your lips, taking your tongue into his mouth passionately. He holds your body and proceeds to lay you down with him hovering over you.

"Umm...sorry but can i use the bathroom?"

You and Ray looked at the door, and it's Prince.

"Yeah go ahead." Ray told him casually.

Prince looks at you sharply, and rolls his eyes. You know he's jealous, and upset. As he goes in the bathroom, shutting the door harder than necessary, you stand up and straighten your dress.

"I'm leaving okay." You say, wiping your face and fixing loose strands of your hair.

Ray stands up after you. "I understand, can I.. get a hug? Please?"

You just couldn't say no to that. You open your arms and Ray gladly goes into them, his long arms wrapping right around you, his face buried in your hair. "I'm sorry YN" He said in a whisper. You only pulled away and nodded, still not sure how to take everything in.

You head back downstairs and grab Megan with you.

You guys decide to go over to Prod's house, and sleep there instead of Granny's. You need to clean her up and all because Granny cannot see Megan the way she is.


Police and ambulance sirens surround every corner of Prod's house. Well, where there was a house. Firefighters washing out flames..

YN's P.O.V

I see that the house is burnt down. But I don't care about that, I need to know where Prod is. Where my Prod is.

I wipe away my tears that blurred my vision to see clearly. I flew out the car with Megan running behind me. I saw these police men.

"WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE'S PROD?!" I exclaimed. My heart is pounding out of control at this point, the ignorance is killing me.

"You mean the teenager? He's rushed to the emergency room Ma'am, the other family members are over there."the short cop, with a very thick Mexican accent pointed over to a second ambulance where I saw Prod's siblings.

His younger brother and even younger sister, both hugging each other and crying. His dad must've rushed in the ambulance Prod.

I froze in the spot taking everything in, not paying much attention to Megan shaking me, the firefighters putting out the flames, or the neighbors surrounding the area, but one thing did catch my ears.

"And I'm really sorry to say, but he's very critical condition." The same cop continued, putting a hand on my shoulder with a very sympathetic look in his eyes.

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