Strawberry Blond

By N00dlesInACup

31K 1.4K 1.6K

Are you happy, Asano? - - - "How intriguing it is to be your soulmate." It was amusing. It was hilarious how... More

✨The Prologue✨
✨Act 1, Scene 1✨
✨Act 1, Scene 2✨
✨Act 1, Scene 3✨
✨Act 1, Scene 4✨
✨Act 1, Scene 5✨
✨Act 1, Scene 6✨
✨Act 1, Scene 7✨
✨Act 1, Scene 8✨
✨Act 1, Scene 9✨
✨Act 1, Scene 10✨
✨[INTERMISSION I: The Role of (Y/N) (L/N) (Part 1)]✨
✨[INTERMISSION I: (Y/N) (L/N), the Side Character (Part 2)]✨
✨[INTERMISSION I: (Y/N) (L/N), the Lead Role (Part 3)]✨
✨[Act 2, Scene 1]✨
✨[Act 2, Scene 2]✨
✨[Act 2, Scene 3]✨
✨[Act 2, Scene 4]✨
✨[Act 2, Scene 5]✨
✨[Act 2, Scene 6]✨
✨[Act 2, Scene 7]✨
✨[INTERMISSION II: Karma Akabane, the Supporting Role]✨
✨[Act 3, Scene 1]✨
✨[Act 3, Scene 2]✨
✨[Act 3, Scene 3]✨
✨[Act 3, Scene 4]✨
✨[Act 3, Scene 5]✨

✨[Act 2, Scene 8]✨

742 36 71
By N00dlesInACup




Those were words that could describe Tsubaki Yeong. Well, at least (Y/N) could describe her that way.

The (h/c) haired girl entered science lab four. The first setting where she was initially dragged into the whole situation.

I didn't start this. But I am sure as hell going to finish it.

"I see you're here," Tsubaki shut her laptop and weaved her fingers together in front of her, "I'm glad to see you've made a sound decision."

(Y/N) took steps towards her, "Of course I did."

"Honestly, I thought Asano was going to get in the way there," She continued, "He has an odd attachment to you all of a sudden. Then again, a snake rattles its tail when it's afraid and threatened. Asano is aware that he will lose if we join forces, which is why—"

"Stop talking," (Y/N) interrupted, "Why do you know what you know about me? You didn't go to 'central' Kunugigaoka until high school."

Tsubaki flashed her a mildly displeased look, but speaks with a sigh, "I was on West Kunugigaoka's debate team in junior high. I remember you from both the regional conference and the national one during our first year. You were an opponent like no other.

"I wanted to approach you back then, but I didn't get the chance to. The way you spoke inspired me to become president of my own junior high, actually. I stayed on the debate team until the end of junior high, as a second extracurricular. In the regional conference the following year, I questioned where you were. The boys spoke just loud enough for me to hear, laughing in their stories and revealing the truth."

"How surprising..." (Y/N) hummed sarcastically while scratching her folder with her nail, "I'm honored that you thought so highly of me."

"Why of course," Tsubaki smiled, "When I saw you again in high school, I could tell you had only improved. You have a brighter, passionate look in your eyes. No offense, but it was dull in junior high."

Well, (Y/N) thought, I was dull back then. Both metaphorically and literally. I could only see grey back then.

I wonder who's responsible for that...

"Why do you think just because you can, you should take control of the school?" (Y/N) questioned, genuinely curious, "And even if you can, why make it devastating for Asano?"

"You're asking a lot of questions," Tsubaki stated, "For personal reasons, I don't want to answer that first one."

(Y/N) nodded, "Fair. I won't pry then."

"As for the second one, I already told you people like Asano need to be humbled."

(Y/N) took a deep breath, reaching into her pocket. She felt around for the green and white armband, grasping it tightly. She frowned.

"It seems you've had your fair share of struggles," She said and began to trail off, "You keep saying 'people like him'... I can't imagine how you feel, being underestimated all the time."

Tsubaki's smile twitched, "Let's not get into that."

"...But it doesn't make it right."

(Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows, "We all go through our fair share of trials. You don't get to be deceitful or manipulative to everyone you meet just because of it."

(Y/N) pulled out the armband and tossed it onto the desk in front of her.

"I knew my answer the moment you asked me. I didn't need until Friday. I only came here to return this," She told her, "Initially. I was gonna let you down easy. But you just had to keep on talking, boasting about how you were 'an angel' and whatnot. I only said you were smart for how you utilize your height and gender because you are smart for that, but smart doesn't necessarily mean good. And worst of all..."

(Y/N)'s free hand clenched into a fist.

"For you to completely dismiss Asano's hard work really fucking pisses me off!"

Tsubaki was taken aback by her outburst.

"Just thinking about what you said about him makes my blood boil. His followers trust and admire him because he's worked hard. He spent his entire junior high career establishing himself among his peers, and you're going to tell me he won by default?! That's complete and utter bullshit!

"I would know... I willingly voted for him last year, knowing that he was fully capable.

"Don't even get me started on the hypocrisy you spout. Why don't you look at yourself in the mirror and question if you even like who you are?! Sure, Asano's not a great person, but what makes you think you're so much better than him? In any case, you're worse than him because at least Asano's honorable."

(Y/N) voice softened, "He's not perfect, but I know he's trying to be. With Asano, I know that he's aware that his actions shine a light on who he is as a leader."

Tsubaki's eyes darkened with her scowl, "Don't compare me to him."

"With you, I can't tell whether or not you truly want to help the student body, or if you just want to be above everyone else," She added.

"You don't know Asano as well as you think you do," Tsubaki seethed.

"And you do?" (Y/N) questioned, "I may not know everything about him, but I've probably learned more about him within the last month than you have within the last year.

"When you declared the debate, you talked like you went to our junior high, like you were in E Class yourself. But no, you weren't. And that really irritated me. You say you hate the nosy gossipers, but you believe their rumors to fuel your hate for people with the same nature as Asano. You weren't in the same battles we fought. Asano's grown as an opponent because of E Class. Now, all he has to do is show that he's grown as a person."

Honestly, you both need to learn that being a leader doesn't mean standing above the people you lead. It means standing beside them.

"You may have good intentions, but that's too hard for me to see. I've never thought I'd say this, but in this fight, Asano has my trust and my support. Really speaks volumes for the kind of person you are," (Y/N) finished her angry monologue.

Tsubaki was quiet for a few seconds. (Y/N)'s frustrated expression was directed toward her.

"Is this your final answer, (Y/N)?" Tsubaki's voice was deeper than usual. (Y/N) swore she could see red in those dark coffee eyes of hers.

But somehow, at the same time, they looked glossy as if she was about to cry from anger.

Nonetheless, (Y/N) nodded and began to walk in the other direction, "Yes, it is. Now stop calling me by my first name."

Once she was at the door frame, she paused and looked back.

"And for the record," (Y/N) added, "You're sorely mistaken if you think I give shit about my place within the pools of gossip. Sure, it's a reputation, but I know who I am, and the people I care about know who I am. Gossipers be dammed if they say anything to my face."

Tsubaki looked shocked. (Y/N) dismissed the water pooling in Tsubaki's eyes, not feeling any guilt or remorse.

"Word of advice. People who believe in petty rumors about you without even meeting you... They were already against you from the beginning."


There were several people who were grappling with the idea of (Y/N) becoming Gakushu's speech advisor. Evidently, one of them was Tsubaki Yeong for very obvious reasons. One of the other ones was Seo Tomoya because he just... straight up did not like her.

The third one actually had difficulty in admitting to himself that he was a bit irritated with it. Especially since she had been working on Gakushu's speeches right in front of him.

But was Karma Akabane going to do anything about it? No, because it was not his place to make that decision for her. He assumed that if he tried to influence her opinion on the whole "speech advisor" thing, it would only irritate (Y/N) in return.

Always be mindful of what you say around snakes and dogs.

"How about..." Karma began to suggest, "...You just decide not to write the speeches? You can just stay out of it and mess around with me."

Despite his joking tone, his suggestion was serious. He was secretly displeased when (Y/N) gave him a sarcastic response.

"How tempting... After all, you know what they say. The devil that you know is better than the devil that you don't."

"Exactly. I like the way you think, (Y/N)."

She shook her head and then sighed, "As much as I'd like to, Asano's not gonna get anywhere against Yeong if I don't step in. I'm telling you! The stuff she said was high key messed up and spiteful."

"Yes, yes, I know," Karma huffed, "You're one to talk about spiteful.... You've expressed your irritation with what she said about Asano Jr. plenty enough."

"I firmly believe that we're the only ones allowed to shit talk Asano," She grinned.

"Who's we? He's your soulmate..." Karma teasingly hummed, earning an annoyed look from (Y/N).

"You've been bringing that up a lot," She grumbled.

"You're the one who's been bringing up Asano a lot~" He snickered.

"That doesn't warrant bringing up that mess," She said, as a matter of fact-ly.

(Y/N)'s always been a character. And whether she'd like to admit it or not, she's always cared for the school president. She always did look out for him, even when she didn't need to.

I don't get it.


[Enter] Karma Akabane.

Two years ago. New Years Day.

A popular yet cozy local cafe and bookstore with two floors. It was connected by stairs and a small elevator that was solely for getting dishes from the first floor to the second and vice versa.

A book wrapped in brown parchment paper and twine with an unsigned note that Karma could not read from the distance he was at.

He secretly watched (Y/N) ask the person at the counter to give the wrapped book to a certain strawberry blond who happened to be at the same cafe as they were. He heard her give them quiet instructions to make sure that Gakushu didn't find out that it was her who bought the gift for him.

Even in the present time, Karma didn't even suspect that the reason why she bought Gakushu that anonymous gift was because they were soulmates. Even if they weren't, Karma was sure she still would have done it.

And if his and Gakushu's roles were reversed...

He trusted that she would have done the same for him.

How do you fight the soulmate bond of your unrequited lover?


He'd have to settle for his own intermission.

He exits.


Gakushu sat at his desk in the student council room, filling out forms and signing papers. The pads of his fingers pressed against his forehead with his free hand. The other was busy scratching ink onto a paper with a pen.

Once he finished the sheet, he placed it into a separate pile and leaned back in his cushioned rolling chair.

"Be patient."

He took a sharp inhale and closed his eye when he remembered what (Y/N) had whispered to him. He almost didn't hear what she said due to the loud beating of his own heart. He should have been happy, considering that her answer implied he still had a chance.

But no. He was more concerned than anything else.

Tachychardia. It's the proper term for a heart beating fast. But he couldn't pinpoint the reason. Was he sick?

He could have sworn the doctors said he inherited his father's good heart instead of his mother's poor one.

The only other reason was something absolutely impossible. It was the very subject he spent years thinking terribly of.

Whatever game Fate was trying to play with him, it was not funny.

Either way, if she was the cause of his rapid beating heart, then perhaps it was a bad idea to have her be his speech advisor....

His eyes suddenly opened when he heard something fall onto his desk. A (f/c) folder was tossed in front of him by a (e/c) eyed girl. She had a very firm expression as she began to speak.

"Take a look in that folder. I've already drafted paragraphs that I think would do you some good. I also have a list of ideas that you can do to heighten the effect of your campaign."

Gakushu's eyes were wide as he looked through the contents of the folder. It revealed exactly what she described.

"I knew I wanted to be your speech advisor the moment Yeong asked me," She said, "If you didn't ask me, then I was going to demand to be your speech advisor and not take no for an answer."

"Why?" Gakushu questioned, "I'm thankful and honored, but I thought you'd sympathize with Yeong more than me."

"Well to be honest, you two are very similar," (Y/N) began to explain, "But I'd rather stick with what I know. And I know you work for everyone's best interest. Even if it's only because it works to your advantage if everyone thinks highly of you, it still benefits the rest of us."

The devil that you know is better than the devil that you don't, She thought.

"'After all, the status of a kingdom is a direct reflection of the ruler,' correct?" Gakushu questioned with a small smile.

"Who told you that?" (Y/N) asked him, genuinely curious.

She must have forgotten... Gakushu shook his head, "Someone I respect."

"They're right though, (Y/N) hummed, still not realizing that she was the one who said that to him, "Anyways, out of all people, I know a thing or two about declaring a war against the Gakushu Asano. If anyone can predict what she's thinking, it'll be me.

"It's also kind of too late to go back now... Because I may or may not have gotten angry and called her a hypocrite to her face... So yeah," She added, shuffling around.

"Angry?" Gakushu asked with a frown, "Did she say something to you? Or did she hold something against you? I had a feeling she was blackmailing you the other day, but I did not want to ask."

"Blackmail?" (Y/N) repeated confusedly and then shook her head with a smile, "No, it wasn't that. She doesn't know enough about me to do that hehe...

"She just said stuff about you that made me mad so... I had to say something..."

So... she became angry for my sake and decided to defend me... Gakushu concluded. He felt his face heat up, but he smiled.

"Really?" He teased, "What did she say? And what did you say in response?"

"That's... not important!" She shook her head adamantly. He chuckled. He could only imagine what was said between the two of them. He wondered why she would ever get mad on his behalf, but he was grateful nonetheless.

"A-Anyways!" She coughed, and then gave him a determined expression with a smirk, "I'm your speech advisor and yours alone. No one else's."

Mine alone...

He felt proud. Proud to have her on the team. He truly couldn't have thought of anyone else more suited for him. With (Y/N), his win was basically confirmed.

"In exchange, I only need you to promise that you're going to win," (Y/N) stated.

Gakushu raised an eyebrow, watching her step forward, "Of course I will win."

"No, Asano..." She began to lean over the desk. Suddenly, she reached to the knot of his tie. She grasped it in her hand, tugging on it toward her.

(Y/N) was demanding that Gakushu face her and look her in the eyes. Gakushu leaned towards her, angling his head to face her fully. His eyes were wide. No one had ever been so bold to pull a maneuver such as that.

And yet, he couldn't utter any words to defy her.

"I need you to promise me that you're going to listen to every word I say," She whispered with eyebrows furrowed.

There was always something about her eyes that took Gakushu's breath away.

I always find myself drawn to her eyes.

"You know what it's like to be busy 24/7. So obviously, I can't afford to waste my time," She said, "Not only that, but do you know how humiliating it would be for me? I trust you, Asano, which is why I went to her before I came here. I said stuff I can't just casually take back. To top it all off, my main concern is risking my friendship with Seiji and Kyo. They trust Yeong, allowing her to use them against me. And I don't have the heart to break that to them.

"You have to win, not just for yourself, but for me and the rest of your student council. You have a lot more on the line than you think. You have to promise-- No, swear that you will win this."

Gakushu's eyebrows furrowed just as much as hers did. He was fully aware that he absolutely needed to win. There was so much on the line.

But why else would he have trusted her with his campaign?

He placed his hands on her arm, holding her wrist between his palms. Never once did he break eye contact with her. He spoke in a tone as hard as steel, unyielding. As he spoke, a red string began to reveal itself inch by inch, trailing around their hands.

"I promise I will win. I swear on our soulmate bond that we will win."

With every word, the glimmer of the crimson string increased.

(Y/N)'s breath hitched, watching the illumination of the previously invisible string, Why on our soulmate bond...?

...But then she nodded.

"Fine. On our soulmate bond."

And so, the glimmering Red String of Fate tightened around their hands with an almost burning sensation. But it didn't hurt, it just felt warm and created a faint indent on their skin. The glow of the string faded.

Gakushu let go of (Y/N)'s wrist. They both observed their own hands. The widest indent was on their pinkies where the string tied off. Soon, the mark on their hands left as if there wasn't anything there in the first place.

The two shared a glance.

"An interesting choice for sure," A familiar voice, Fate, spoke to both of them, "I wonder if it's the right one though."

"Let's hope neither of you regret it."

Fate exits. Gakushu and (Y/N) remain on stage.

[Curtains Close]

[Act 2]


a/n: another act and chapter done! This chapter is a little bit shorter because I just think it would match better if it was shorter. Also, if anyone is wondering, each act will have a varying number of scenes bc tbh, I don't plan how many scenes there are in each act lmao. I do however plan on having about 40-50 chapters in total, depending on the progression of the story.

Ready for another intermission? Hope you caught who it's gonna be about ;)

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