Point Zero MHA OC AU

By WeirdButK

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The Beginners Guide To Being A Hero A quirkless kid wants to be a hero and prove quirkless people have a use... More

Its Final
The Cafe on the Corner
Point Zero
Round 2
Behind Closed Doors
A Vigilante's Friend
The Quiet Cafe
Spare Parts For The Poor
The Beginners Guide To Being A Hero
A Call For Concern
The Tilted Appartment
Sugar Crystal
Loud and Clear
The Big School
The Exams
The Results
First Impressions Matter
Waiting Outside
A Trio Forms
U.S.J (Rewrite)
U.S.J. (Mega Chapter)
The Aftermath
The Sports Festival Is Comming
Stirring The Pot Of Bears With A Stick
Almost Done!
The Sports Festival (Mega Chapter P1)
The Sports Festival (Mega Chapter P2)
(Filler Chapter)
The Sports Festival 3 (Mega Chapter P3)
Sports Festival 3.5 (Mega Chapter P4)
Happy New Years!!!!
Late Into The Night
The End of the Cafe
Cleaning Up What Should Be Clean
Suspicion Rise
Steps On Track
Challenge Accepted?
Friends And Foes
Well Be Right Back!
That was a minor lie

Desicions Made

110 2 1
By WeirdButK

Hey, Webek here

So, I've got some prizes for getting past about 40k words! I did some drawings of the characters and so, here ya go!

Some characters you haven't met yet, but will soon be characters quite common in the story again.

The middle is Andy
The giant furry is Dalby Spooks
And Will Cooper is the one in between them. Hell be important soon. :3
Rusty-Roo is in the top right corner of the image. She's from the filler chapter and mentioned in this one.

Everyone here will eventually get their own book, but for now its just Will and Andy

Also, I have a pfp now! Now, when you see my name it has a lil Andy on it! No more awkward rock.

As a bonus, here's an extra thing since I'm getting more comfortable here. Any question you have for me, (story related or personal) you're free to ask! Ofc nothing too personal like my name or location.

Also, I may be starting up an instagram or tumblr so you people can see what i'm up to. It'll be easier than posting on here updates and such and also more art from The Beginners Guide AU.

Eraserhead and Mic waited outside, watching for the duo to walk out. It was cool outside, and the sun's light was just starting to hit the horizon. Students poured out of the building with their casual clothes on for once. It was nice to see the styles of some of their students really show in what they wear, even if it was only for an hour or two in them.

Purple, pink, and blue hair poured out of one of the doors, immediately catching the eye of the teachers.

"Hitoshi, Andy!" Mic called out to the two. They both looked around trying to find the teacher. Shinso wandered ahead, straying towards the sound. Andy wandered behind, making sure he didn't lose his friend.

It was pretty easy to see the walking glitter ball strolling towards them. Although, it was pretty obvious he had already changed his clothes into his casual wear. It wasn't even his style, but more Eraserhead's. In fact, it wasn't his own clothes, but the spares Eraserhead had learned to pack because of Dalby's tricks.

"Hey, Little listeners!" Mic called out again, meeting them halfway, "You two should ride with us."

"Why?" Andy asked while hiding his eyes by rubbing his face. At this point, it was more than obvious that he had been crying for quite some time. Two boxes were held in each hand, one with wings and a sweatshirt poking out the top and another rustling around with giant bags of candy. Shinso also carried a box with candy in it, although it was a lot lighter since he handed his candy away to Andy. He couldn't eat it all anyways.

"Aizawa wants to speak to you two" He said while walking away so they would follow.

Shinso turned to Andy in confusion, but he only received a shrug instead. They followed behind, confused on why they even were in the first place.

They started pacing down a path to the side of the main one. It was mostly concrete like the main path, but was more covered by bushes and trees. In the fall it would look quite pretty when all the leaves are all bright orange and yellows.

"What do you mean, ride with you?" Shinso asked his friend for some sort of confirmation of what was going on. Instead, he stayed quiet and kept walking forward, focusing on Mr.Aizawa and Mr. Yamada carefully for some sort of hiccup.

"Were driving you home. The media is going to focus a lot on you two now" Mr. Aizawa commented and Andy fake coughed while Shinso slapped his arm. "It's best if you take a ride home so the media doesn't stop you as much."

"You sure? You have to go to three different places to get home" Andy asked so they didnt feel obligated to take him. If anything he knows paths to get to his house without having people see him. Had to use them the one time he ran when All Might was nearby.

"I wouldn't say anything if I wasn't serious about it. You two present political statements either way, so I doubt they'll let you free that easily." He replied while tucking his good arm into the sweatshirt. "Either way we pass your house, so it's easier if we just drive you."

He dug in his pockets for a moment and shuffled past the phone and headphones in his pockets. A jingly pair of keys were pulled out from his pocket and tossed to his friend.

"I'm driving?" He asked, catching the keys in his hand.

"You want me to drive?" He replied and motioned to his right arm. Mr. Yamada only muttered a small oh before pressing a button on the keys. The lights of a small car ahead lit up and a distinct click of the doors unlocking.

"I don't know about you, but im having major déjà vu." Shinso commented, staring at the car. It was similar in shape and color to the last time he remembered getting into a random car.

"From the time we were chased down 5th and 12th?" Andy asked, also remembering the last time they had to take a ride.

"What happened that you two were chased and had to get into a car." Mr.Yamada grew concerned as he opened the door for Shinso.

"We nearly got mugged by a villain, but Rusty-Roo stopped her before we had to fight." Andy opened up the car door himself since Mr.Aizawa's arm was still damaged. He slid in carefully and strapped the seatbelt down while carefully folding his legs to the side so he fit in better.

"Andy was so ready to fight with a broken arm" He teased and copied his actions.

"You ran into Rusty!?" Mic spun around in his seat cheerfully and started up the car. The hum of the car started up and slowly died down to a normal pace. He quickly turned to his friend, "She was one of his students! Rusty made a ruckus in the school with her crazy pranks. One year she made the school speakers play one of my songs on loop until Nezu fixed it!"

"That damn problem child was hell to have in my class. I'd rather have that damn mongoose than her again." Mr.Aizawa groaned and tucked his head into his hand, "not like my class is any better."

"What happened after my match? All i remember was a giant shake from the whole school." Andy asked as he tucked his goggles and hair clip antennas into his pockets. The green sticks stuck to his hair too much and pulled off a small chunk of purple and pink hair.

"Todoroki and Midoriya had their match. Ended up causing a huge explosion." The black haired man explained calmly.

"Yeah! Broke Dalby's violin and crushed her arm under the rubble. They accidentally defeated her!" The blonde loudly announced as he cautiously pulled out of the parking lot.

"You're still in announcer mode. Turn it down a notch or two."

Shinso quietly stared out the window, staring at the other cars in the parking lot. He spotted one he was distinctly in only a week ago and tapped Andy's shoulder. Andy's head swiveled to spot the car as well and his mouth opened into an odd smile.

"That's the damn car too. Literally the same exact license plate and all." Shinso commented, and Andy twisted his head to the side.

"You remember the plate after all this time!?" Andy asked in shock.

"I still remember the password to your computer after all this time." He calmly replied.

"That was weeks ago! How do you still remember that!?" He whisper-shouted back at him.

"I have no idea. I just have good memory when it comes to numbers." Shinso shrugged, not having a clue why he remembers stuff like that. "I'm pretty sure it's how I even got to general."

"Actually yeah. Your math grades were really good along with your other grades." Mr. Aizawa searched the glove box in front of them. He turned to Mr.Yamada with angry eyes and quietly scolded "You were supposed to put water here for later. Did you seriously forget the water for yourself?"

He stayed quiet for a moment, thinking of something to say, "well... I was busy taking care of the pets"

"You were playing with them. I saw you playing with the cats ten minutes before we left."

"They're so cute though! How can i not?"

"You get up, and you walk away from them."

Mr. Yamada only sighed in silence as he ran out of excuses. He chewed his cheek silently in disappointment and rolled down the street.

"Sorry about that. To continue what I was saying," He searched through the glovebox more with one hand while attempting to hold back other papers. "You two have been trying to get into the hero course, and your priority course is stated as heroics. If you students sign this and hand it into the main office, it will allow me to officially train you and allow you to change courses."

He shuffled some more before pulling out a file held together by a paperclip. He flung off the paperclip and opened the file, pulling out two papers already half labeled. A printed, black and white version of their school id was in the top left corner and the left was filled with details on how they look.

"Of course, you don't have to accept this and you have until September 1st" he went on, waving his hand around in a relaxed circle. "It's already signed down at the bottom, and pre printed, and thanks to U.A. policies you aren't required to have a parent's permission. It was already signed when you did the entrance exam."

"So... you had these pre-made for us even though you had no idea how the festival may go?" Shinso questioned as he looked over the papers carefully.

"Honestly, I would have settled for you doing good in just the second game. I already expected Andy to do well since I already knew him, and by glancing over your quirk I figured you would have similar results" he elaborated while shrugging with only one shoulder.

"You already knew we were going to do good?" Andy asked, staring in shock at his paper.

"You act like you weren't going to do good! First round you outran the zero pointer! And Hitoshi was sitting on a throne of people carrying him to the finish line!"

"Again, announcer mode. You're going to make me go deaf" He rubbed his ear. "There was a few other students i was ready to train, but they never really do anything to impressed me"

"This day wasn't a total fail. I may have a giant bruise but now we finally get to be heroes" Shinso raised up a fist to Andy.

"Yeah... heroes..." Andy bumped fists with him, but a smile never grew on his face. His friend noticed, but didn't bother to call it out. It was a rough day, and they were both pretty tired from running around.

"Hitoshi, is this where you live?" He slowed down on the block, waiting for him to call out which apartment he lives in.

"Yeah, the brick one on the right."

"You live close to U.A. You get to save on train money." Mr. Yamada commented as he pulled over to the side of the narrow street.

"Get to sleep in more as well." Shinso unbuckled himself and opened the car door, "thank you for the ride" he stared at the paper "and the hero course papers!"

The door closed behind him as Mr.Yamada waved goodbye from out the car with a giant smile. He waved back before heading up the front stairs to his apartment.

As they pulled away, Andy could feel the tension build in the car. The topic was about taking a nose dive right into a ball of 'are you alright after today?'s.

He shoved his knees into his chest more as he prepared for the barratement of questions to ensue.

"So" Mr.Aizawa started up, "What changes are you making to your costume this time?"


"You always change your costume slightly every time you have a big fight." He elaborated.

"I'm not sure this time. Maybe more room for canisters in my belt? Some sort of use for my goggles?" He shrugged and silently sighed in relief.

Although it was a simple answer, it was all the black haired man needed to tell what was going to happen. Although he wasn't good at reading people, he understood Andy's habits pretty well. Even if he doesn't know it himself.

"Oh my god! I know what's missing now!" Mic shouts out and launches the middle part of the seat open without looking. He dug through the clanking sounds before a small 'hah' blurted from his mouth.

"What's missing?" Andy asked, trying to peer above.

"No, put that back." Mr. Aizawa said sternly.

"I'm used to it now! You expect to not keep it up now?" He rips out quickly from the middle part a ribbon and hides it in his hand firmly.

"Put it back." He warned again, as he tried snatching it out of his hand.

"Awww come on, you know the car feels weird now without it!" He stopped at a red light and quickly hung it up on the mirror.

"Dam" he mutters to himself.

Andy stares at it for a second before widening his eyes. A piece of off-white, thick fabric with "my inspiration" written on big letters and a small metal keychain that said "Sugar Crystal" attached to the bottom.

"Is that piece of my canister? And the piece of scarf I cut one time?" Andy asked, tilting his head sideways.

"Yeah, it is," he sighed, leaning back in an odd embarrassment.

Andy sniffled and wiped his nose with his sleeve, "thats my first piece of merch then." He commented quietly.

"Wait, that's where you got this piece of your scarf!? You refused to explain when i asked you why you cut it off instead of cleaning it!" Mic gleefully smiled at the scene.

"I cut it off the first time we met."

"It was the first time someone has actually managed to cut my scarf, so I hung it up. What was that jankey knife even made from? It looked like stained glass or something."

"I used obsidian. It was a gift from a friend across seas." He explains, patting his holder that's been empty for days, "It was an expensive gift. Too bad it was lost during USJ."

"I think the detectives took it in for evidence or something." Mr. Yamada answered simply, "They arrested a lot of villains that day. Might have been mistaken for a villain's."

"I'm more concerned how someone got a 25,000 yen knife into Japan without someone detecting it." Mr.Aizawa practically raised a brow to the situation.

($183 or €173)

"I..." Andy froze, "He's sort of..." he hesitated "not... amazing of a person."

"A villain?" Mr.Yamada questioned, raising an actual brow to him.

"Sort of?" Andy sunk into the seat, expecting an assault of words, "It's not like he wants to be! Hes just one of those villains in America; the cadavers is what they call him."

"You know a cadaver? I was expecting just some random villain." Mr Aizawa calmly said while shuffling around in his pocket for something, "Now I know you talk to villains on a regular basis now."

He waved the pen in the air for Andy to see clearly. The exact pen Dalby had given him before the last game.

Andy fell silent, holding his breath as a tightness held his chest together. "It's not just villains though."

"Yeah, I know. Do you know who else has these?" He asked, "And also how to use this properly. I got the gist of it, but I'm not sure how to completely use it."

"It's a niche group of heroes that would have it. But generally any hero who doesn't fit the mold. In fact, i believe Rusty-roo has one of her own, and Miruko was close to the 6th wonder, so she has one too. Many vigilantes such as Mau and Sku have one, along with Whippit, Iron Fist, and now Stain too recently, but he shouldn't have one as far as I'm aware. Many villains don't have one, but a few thieves have a couple." Andy shuffled through his sweatshirt in the box for a moment.

"So you're not even sure who has them in Japan?"

"No, I'm just not naming names that aren't on your side. Kind of a unspoken rule for having these pens."

"Wait, hold on. What are these pens?" Mic asked, his brows now falling down.

"Whisperings are how you communicate through Gef the Mongoose's system. It's how you get word around to people on the opposite side. It helps with asking for information and such of people you can't legally meet face to face." He pulled out his own pen from a fake finished seam. "Don't worry about protecting these things. They're well made and can take any kind of abuse. Im sure they would stop a bullet if they had to."

"You see, i knew you had one based on how you stared at the box" he watched as Andy pulled out a golden crystal from his pen.

"I was one of his fastest messenger boys. Now it's the duo vigilantes because I'm going to school again." He placed the golden crystal into a slot in Mr.Aizawa's pen. "Ok, now click the pen and it'll give you a piece of paper."

He followed the directions, clicking the pen as the pen nib came out. A small slit in the side opened up as a piece of paper shot out. He pulled it out carefully to reveal a handwritten message that said the simple words "hello".

"Do I make a piece of paper that size and it'll just make a crystal like that?" He asked, holding the piece of paper in his hand.

"Mhm- Just reverse it and it'll turn any note into a whisper." He explained quickly.

"You seem to be quite knowledgeable about this Andy. Are you one of her workers or something?" He asked calmly, "Is that why she's so interested in you?"

"Hm? Not one of her workers, but I was kind of like express mail. My boots made it easy to get messages across Japan in record time while using The Warrens"

"The Warrens?" Mr Aizawa asked, "I thought those were fake."

Andy quickly shut his mouth, "I thought you knew. I cant say anything about that."

"Its fine, I won't beg for information I don't need. I'm just thankful at least someone knew how to use the damn thing." He leaned back, holding the pen closely to himself. "Should I be concerned with notes getting to the wrong person?"

"Nope" He confidently said "Privileges will be revoked if she finds out. It'll be dealt with by herself."

Mr.Yamada shrunk into his seat a little, "I don't want to know what she does to people who disobey her.

"Pft- she's lenient from what i've heard. I wouldn't worry about making her angry. He shrugged it off.

"So now you can talk to villains! How awesome is that? Now you can talk to Rusty without even seeing her!" His face grew into a large smile, "And now Dalby too!"

"God, I don't want to talk to either of them. I'd rather Maijima dig me a grave hundreds of meters down and bury me alive" He shoved the pen back into his pocket.

"Well, it was good to talk, but I believe we're at your house." Mr.Yamada slowed down and quickly double parked in front of his house.

"Thank you for driving me home." Andy said calmly while jumping out of the car before they asked the dreaded question. Both boxes were held tightly to his chest as his feet collided with the concrete.

"No problem. Just ask anytime you need it." He replied cheerily before Andy closed the door.

He started to run off before he heard a window roll down. His name was called out by the way to familiar voice of Mr.Aizawa and he could only pray didn't say it.

"Are you ok after today?" He asked, narrowing his eyes to study his reaction.

"Yeah, I am! Today was nothing compared to what I've heard before." He said with a smile on his face "I might take the day off tomorrow though. I'm tired beyond belief"

"That's alright. I'm sure many students will be out anyway. I'll see you on Monday." He waved calmly with his good hand before raising the window.

"See ya" Andy replied in the same tone and disappeared behind his front door.

The duo once again began to drive off down the block, Mr.Aizawa leaning into his chair and sighing.

"What's wrong?" Mr.Yamada asked.

"That problem child isnt ok." He tucked his head into his hand and pressed against his forehead.

"He's strong. I'm sure the little listener will bounce right back."Mr.Yamada said confidently as he shuffled in his seat to get more comfortable.

"No one is ok after being called multiple slurs and told to go die by thousands of strangers on live, national television. He's lying, and bad at it too."

WELL HOLY HELL! YOU'VE MADE IT EVEN FURTHER! I may be doing a complete rewrite of the U.S.J chapter. It was sloppy, and made in a rush. I want to change up a few things that happened and make it clearer and funner to read! Be back after I finish that! Thank you readers!

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