Incognito (Paused)

By HER_Meekness

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"Nice." He bites on his lower lip and duck, lifting me over his shoulder as I screamed. "Ran... Randall! Sto... More

The beginning.
1| Secret revealed
2| Lamborghini hit and run
3| Mister Mummified
4| Engaged with no memory
5| Friendship
6| Meeting family
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
18| Clarification
19| Baby shower (Heather)
20| Interrupting caller

21| Cater to you

122 14 2
By HER_Meekness

"I'm scared." I told Heather though the phone.

"Are you there yet?" She asked instead.

"I'm parked across from the building... Heather I'm freaking out. I know he's rich but I didn't think this sky scraper was..."

"Just shut up and get inside. Give the valet your keys and go surprise your fiancé while I cleaned Violet's shitty diapers." She urged and I laughed nervously but breath to calm my nerves. "Ready?"

"Yes. Thank you." I told her and she laughed, making kissing noises before hanging up.

I've been on the call with her for three hours and I understand why she wanted to get me off. I needed to surprise Randall at his company's head office, seeing as though he's been away from home for two weeks. Leaving Chesterfield, I've had to drive a good hour and a half to get to Miami. All dressed up in my chef uniform and with his gifts in my hand.

Getting out of his sleek black car that I borrowed for the day, I took the boxes out and put my phone in my pocket. Seeing as the lights had turned red and the cars started piling up, I crossed the road between them and walked up the steps careful.

"Good day, can you hand this to the valet, please." I told the security who quick took it and nods. His eyes even widened at the keys he held as he gave me a proper look.

"Good day, Mrs. Mayweather."

"Call me Lavender. Do you want a cupcake?" I asked with a smile and he nods.

Opening one of two boxes, I took one out and gave it to him.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, have a great day." He told me to enjoy mine before I left entering the automatic door and make my way to the receptionist desk.

Just saying my name gave me pass to continue and I passes along another two cupcakes to two of the beautiful women there. With the VIP card in hand, I stepped into the private elevator while security press the button for the fifteenth floor. The receptionist had already made a call to the top floor and I was greeted by one of Randall's PA, Mister Vance.

"Miss James, it's a pleasure having you here. How are you?" He asked politely and I grinned.

"Thanks for your warm welcome and I'm doing great, I just wanted to surprise your boss." I whispered yell and he winked.


"Oh, sorry, take this and issue to anyone you wants." I gave him the three small rectangular boxes and he opens it, with widened eyes and mouth.

"Thank you." He said and I nod. "I'm suppose to bring in more beverages for the meeting but I'm sure they'll love some pastries too. Would you mind if I grab the drink..."

"Not at all, I'll wait." I told him and he rushed out and returned with company. They held clean glasses and bottles of champagne. "Wow."

"We needed an excuse to celebrate, your fiancé had been moody all week." Mister Vance whispered and I smile.

"Sure, let's go surprise him." I let him lead with the rest and I followed.

Entering the large meeting room on the eleventh floor, Mister Vance told me about the glass wall that can change into a one way mirror and that Randall has a five out of a hundred change of seeing me approach. Thankfully, he was busy talking as he gave a room filled with business men and women his views.

I walked up to him slowly as all eyes fell on me which finally got his attention and he gasped.

He stood there for a few second staring at me before he attacked. With two giant steps, he had his arms around me and kissing all over my face as I giggled. "Randall..."

"Oh how I've missed you, love." He looked down at me grinned and I blushed feeling his erection that never hides in anything he wears. Oh the embarrassment when or if we move from this position.

"I've brought you creamy pastries and the nut speciality." I whispered and he bites on his lower lip, staring down at me with his beautiful green eyes. "An a little surprise."

Clearing his throat, he turned to the room and announced a break but gave no time limit. As he took the last box from my hand, he lift me over with the other as I gasped loudly as the rest of the room.

"Lord Jesus, deliver this man." I managed to say as I caught my chef hat from falling to the ground.

I was embarrassed, truly, hearing all the giggles, whispers and gasped from around as we passed, even on the fifteenth floor before we entered his office then I'm placed on his desk to sit. I held my head to keep the blood flowing before I was being stripped of my clothing.

Holding my head up with his hand, he started kissing me on the lips, hungrily and lovingly while I moaned. My hands reached up to unbuttoned his shirt since he threw off his jacket sometime ago and I greedily unbuckled his belt and pants, glad that it fell to the ground.

He breaks the kiss to look into my eyes and I grinned. "I love you so fucking much."

"I love you too." I told him, holding unto his arm and pulled him closer. "Fuck me like you've imagined. I brought whipped cream and small jar of nuts."

"We won't need it. Not yet."

We spent a while I'm the office, making love and fucking all over. Tired beyond repair, I blurted out when I wanted to tell him as soon as he orgasmed and I was just laying there on his office carpet. "I'm pregnant."

"Uh... What?" He snapped out of the lustful feeling, looking down at me with disbelief.

"Last... Last night I found out I was pregnant. The doctor confirmed it five hours ago." I smiled, looking at his eyes then his expression.

Seeing that wide grin on his face made me giggle before he rained me with kisses. "Thank you, love. Thank you so much. How far along are you?"

"Almost two months, it happened when Alaina was born..."

"Yeah. On the floor of my family room doing my push ups." He grinned more and I nod.

I was a little worried as tears filled his eyes and I reached up to wipe them away. "Let's get cleaned up, I need you at home in our bed, tonight."

"Yes boss."


We break the news to our family and friends over the phone and they all planned on visiting soon.

Randall on the other hand surprised me with lots of wedding, vacation, decor and baby magazines as well as a maternity. I was having breakfast that our cook prepared, eating as I sat on the carpet of the family room when he rudely turned the television off. I was watching a series of Tyler Perry movies and I felt my blood pressure raised but then the box he put ahead of me got my attention. He too got seated next to me and I also cried as we went though the books.

"We'll have to change Q's room too, maybe give him some ideas of what he can choose from. Just mark whatever you like, love, want or need and I'll make it happen." He told me, kissing my lips as I blinked.

"What about what you need, want, love or like?" I proposed and he smirked looking at my lips.

"Right ahead of me, baby. It's all you, Quasey and our new baby."

"Okay, if you say so." I wanted to say sarcastically but instead I grinned and reached for another book. "Let's do the baby list first, and incase we forget or remember anything we can write it down later on."

Randall only chooses an handful of good items as the rest would just be a waste of money which he argues about.

"What's wrong with these clothing? She can wear them."

"An I'm saying it's too much..." I started which he rudely cuts me off.

"Money is not the issue." He acknowledged and I rolled my eyes, getting up. "Love, where are you going?"

"Away from you. I'm sure you can handle everything for the baby to decor, and the wedding can wait for I'm in no rush." Smiling, I turned and left.

"Lavender honey, I'm sorry..."

"It's great really. I have no problem with money not being the issue so do you and I'll focus on my job as well as Quasey. I have to get ready for work." I half lied and he frowned sadly.

"Today's your day off. I thought we were going to stay home with Q today?" He mentioned but I just kept walking and he followed. "Hello love, I'm talking to you?"

"I don't want to talk right now but call me when my son gets here." I told him and he nods, turning to leave which I was thankful for.

"Yeah, your son. What more do I gotta do or say to prove how much I love and need him in my life." He grumbled, clearly upset but I said nothing as I was already walking away and didn't want to have a useless argument over that.

I woke up to Randall lightly shaking me awake.


"Uncle Mark is on the phone." He told me so I took my phone from his hand and put it to my ears.

"Yes, uncle?"

"Your mother gave Julius my number and would you believe that he's here to meet Q?" He asked and I frowned, feeling the sleep disappear completely.

Randall has went to the balcony to gave me some privacy which I loved.

"He spoke to you... I meant, did he call?" I inquired.

"Yep." He popped the 'p' and I sensed his mood. "He's in the states for two weeks and he wants to meet with you and Q this Friday."

Sliding out of bed, I made my way to the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

"That's two days away. Why didn't he call me instead? I was expecting to visit the island so we could talk but nothing." I scoffed.

"Don't stress, it's not good to the baby and I'm sure Randall can..."

"I don't think he should be there." I blurted.

"But will you informed him about any of this?" He asked and I shook my head, only to remember he couldn't see me.

"He's leaving tomorrow for New York and it's really important for him so it doesn't make sense that I tell him anything. I have you and Mister Dan so that enough." I explained but uncle only hummed. "Uncle Mark?"

"Please remember you're in a relationship and a serious one at that with a man, not a boy, a man who happens to be your fiancé. Let him know what's up. You hear me Lavender?"

"Yes sir." I answered.

"Good, and don't send for Quasey. He'll call when he wants to see or speak with you. For now, don't let me remind you that keeping my grand nephew away from me is an issue that I have, plus he happens to have his friends living in this neighborhood. We'll need to establish his time spent with you and myself, I'll keep him on week days and you'll have him for the weekend. Is that okay, my dear?"

"He agreed to stay with you because?" I smiled and uncle chucked.

"I was planning on surprising you soon but the little guy calls me grandpa." Tears pricked my eyes and I awed which made the old man chuckled. "Your the daughter I don't have biological and he's not my biological grandson, but I love you both just the same."

"We love you too, Dad." I grinned.

"I'll call you later since you want to make me cry. Speak with your man and take care of yourself." He told me before hanging up.

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