Unspoken ▹ Teen Wolf [01]

By insatiabIe

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❝Contrary to the popular belief, there's a very thin & fragile line between saying too much, and saying too l... More



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By insatiabIe

As it turns out, finding Jackson was actually the challenging part of the night.

Rachel hadn't expected it to go so smoothly, but aside from the array of paralyzed partygoers, catching Jackson was surprisingly easy. In fact, he conveniently fell unconscious right beside Stiles's jeep, that is, after Derek showed up & slit his throat. Thanks to him, not only was there blood on the dance floor, but there was also a trail of it leading out to the powder blue jeep, as if the colour didn't draw enough attention to it already.

Unsurprisingly, the alpha had been amongst the many supernatural creatures in the Jungle. What did surprise Rachel, however, was the fact that she hadn't noticed him. Sure, he was good at hiding; but a werewolf's scent always stood out in a crowd. After a bit of thinking, though, she brushed it off, due to the fact that the drag queen's outrageously strong perfumes had nearly rendered her scent-blind.

Although, as of exactly how Derek knew the Kanima was in the Jungle, that was a whole other mystery that had yet to have been deciphered. The easiest assumption to go with, was Rachel's theory; that it was more than likely that he'd followed Scott's scent there, seeing as how the lizard of interest had no specific scent. She still couldn't figure out how that worked, and in all truth, she really didn't want to.

Once the chaos had begun, Rachel, taking after Stiles' mischievous ways, had hidden herself amongst the spazzing partiers, in hopes that the fear & alcohol would mask her scent, much like it had done for Derek. As much as she wanted to assist the aforementioned hyperactive boy & his friend in doing damage control, she couldn't risk being seen by her brother. The last thing she needed was for Derek to drag her out of a gay bar, especially when he was all wolfed up.

Now that would be a panic at the disco.

But luckily, he'd left not long after, leaving her free to retreat to Stiles' jeep, where she was not-so-nicely greeted with the sight of a very unconscious, very human & very naked Jackson Whittemore. Even after Stiles had put pants on him, (he'd been the one to lose in a three way game of rock, paper, scissors) Rachel refused to sit in the back seat with him. That'd resulted in another game of rock, paper, scissors, (this time not including Scott, for a reason neither of the teens could decipher) which Stiles had promptly lost. Rachel may or may not have threatened his life if he didn't choose paper & let her win, but that was a minor detail.

Following that debate, there'd been another minor detail to the story, which came in the form of a bump in the road with their not-so-flawless plan. Stiles had found himself in the company of his father at yet another crime scene, one of which was pretty far from the teen's usual hangout. The sudden interrogation had led Stiles to concoct another lie, before making a quick getaway back to his jeep.

It was more than safe to say he was getting pretty close to Rachel's level in hell, but for the time being, that fell unnoticed as they moved onto yet another of their countless disastrous plans. Stiles had brainstormed the genius idea of stealing a prison transport van in order to contain Jackson for the night, and following day, up until they could find a way to stop him from becoming the Kanima & killing people.

The night had gone relatively well, except for the part where Stiles returned home in order to throw off suspicion with his father, leaving Scott & Rachel to take turns punching Jackson in order to keep him unconscious. As a matter of fact; that'd been the best part of the night, in the Hale girl's opinion. Scott felt bad, but in all honesty, Rachel probably enjoyed it more than she should've. She really hated Jackson, and despite the whole Kanima situation being her fault, she wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to punch him.

Around 3am, it was decided by Scott that they'd simply tolerate Jackson's whining until morning, because hitting him wasn't working. He was starting to wake up more frequently, whilst the teen wolf was growing concerned that they'd eventually trigger his Kanima side; and though they were werewolves, they wouldn't stand a chance. If it could withstand a rainstorm of bullets & an attack from a very angry alpha; Rachel was beginning to think it was impossible to kill.

The majority of the night had passed relatively fast, for Rachel, anyways. Scott had to tolerate her non-stop ranting & raving about the latest episode of Pretty Little Liars, along with her various -A theories, to the point where he'd considered hiding out in the prison van with Jackson. From her suspicion of Toby Cavanaugh, to her lifelong distrust of Melissa Hastings; Rachel had managed to spiel it all off without even taking a breath.

Sure, it was nice to see her relatively happy for once, but there was only so many times she could explain the concept of the A Team, Alison's fake death & Mona's allegedly cured case of psychosis before Scott completely lost his mind. Still, he managed to survive the night by nodding, smiling & refraining from completely flipping out. Rachel spoke of the show like it was her favourite thing in the world, and Scott simply didn't have the heart to tell her that he didn't give two shits about Aria & Ezra.

Much to his joy, morning had finally arrived; as had Stiles, and the opportunity to finally leave Rachel & her endless talking. Scott didn't want to admit it, but he was beginning to miss the old Rachel- the one who didn't talk much, unless it was a threat or snarky comment. The one who followed Derek around like a lost puppy, and- scratch that, he didn't miss the old Rachel. The new & improved one, with a hint of heroism & the nerve to finally go her own way was a much better ally, and friend.

"Stiles!" Rachel yelled, walking over to the jeep as the aforementioned boy climbed out of the drivers' side. "Can you drive me home for a min- wait, is that a sandwich?"

The brunette furrowed her brows as she noticed the clear plastic bag in his hand, with what appeared to be some type of sandwich inside. She couldn't exactly tell what it was by observation, due to the various colours, but a keen sense of smell told her it was something along the lines of ham, which was far past it's expiration date. If there was anything Rachel hated, it was the smell of something rotting- and whether it was the extremely questionable ham, or the strange coloured cheese, it didn't matter. Both were equally nauseating.

"Yeah, it's for Jackson." He responded, advancing towards the van.

"You realize he's just gonna throw it at you, right?" She sighed, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. "Stiles, literally nobody likes expired meat. It's disgusting."

"It was leftovers, alright? And it's not that expired. If he doesn't want it, he'll have to starve."

"He's gonna starve." Rachel mumbled, following Stiles over to the van as she searched her pockets for the keys. Once she found the set he'd given her last night, she picked out the correct one & proceeded to unlock the back doors. Shooting one final glance back at Stiles, she flung the doors open, greeting the teen with a wide, fake smile. "Morning, sunshine."

Stiles stepped up into the back, taking a seat on the bench across from Jackson. "I brought you some-"

The teen didn't even get to finish his sentence before Jackson made an attempt at lunging forward, only to be help back by the chains wrapped around his wrists & ankles. "Let me out, now!"

"You know, I put those pants on you, alright buddy?" Stiles began, as Jackson finally settled down.

"He lost a game of rock, paper, scissors." Rachel added.

"One leg at a time." The spastic teen continued, glaring daggers at the human Kanima. "Being all up close & personal with your junk wasn't exactly a highlight of my day, so don't think this is fun for me either. You know we're actually doing you a favour?"

Jackson scoffed, rattling the chain connecting to the cuffs around his wrists. "This is doing me a favour?"

"Yes!" Stiles exclaimed, annoyed with Jackson's inability to understand their side of the situation. "You're- You're killing people. To death. And until we can figure out how to stop you, you're gonna stay in here. I'm sorry. Now- do you want the ham & cheese, or turkey club?"

"Turkey?" Rachel cut in, her attention suddenly caught by the offer of something that didn't smell rotten. She hadn't noticed the second sandwich over the stench of the first. "Does it have mayo on it?"

"Is that even a question?" Stiles shot back, narrowing his eyes at her. "Of course it does, you can't make a turkey club without mayo."

"I can." The brunette scoffed, leaning back against the cold metal wall. "I hate mayonnaise."

"What kind of person hates mayo-"

"Hey, dumb & dumber?" Jackson yelled over the two, immediately stopping their argument. "Do you actually think my parents aren't going to be looking for me?"

"Not if they don't know you're missing." Stiles smiled smugly, knowing he had him with that. He'd been texting Jackson's parents for awhile now, and in his expert opinion, they were absolutely clueless of the situation their son was in.

Stiles tossed the ham & cheese sandwich to Jackson before digging around in his pockets. After a few seconds, he pulled out his phone & tapped a few buttons to bring up the conversation he'd been having. He turned the screen towards Jackson, practically shoving it in his face as the teen narrowed his eyes at the bright screen. Once Jackson read the few visible messages, his expression became rather unreadable; meaning Rachel couldn't decipher whether he was worried, or aware of something they weren't.

Still, it made her rather uncomfortable.

"Stiles, can you give us a minute? I need to talk to him." Rachel sighed, running her fingers through her hair nervously. It was risky- especially whereas Scott was so close by, but she had to talk to Jackson about how the bite had effected him differently, and her theory of why. Noticing how the teen had yet to exit the vehicle, she exhaled loudly. "Alone."

Stiles gave her a confused look, which was returned by a signature Hale glare, that sent him hurriedly out of the van. He knew that look all too well; it was the murderous expression that Derek wore on a daily basis. It was only instinct to assume that when Rachel mimicked it, she wasn't joking around. For the duration of time he'd known the siblings, they rarely joked when it came to murderous glares & threats of homicide.

Back onto the unsightly topic of murder, once Rachel was certain that Stiles was out of earshot, (well, at least; as certain as she could be without opening the door to check) she turned to face theking of homicide himself, more commonly known as Jackson. The teen looked as though he was ready to use the chains to strangle her, and after what she was about to say; the urge would only grow.

"You need to listen to me, okay?" She whisper-yelled, leaning forward to ensure he could hear her clearly. "I- I made a mistake giving you the bite. None of this was ever supposed to happen, and I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. I- I didn't think anything would happen when I bit you."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Jackson hissed angrily, his level of fury rising with each passing second

"I'm not a werewolf." Rachel deadpanned, allowing her eyes to glaze over in a metallic silver for a split second as her gaze remained fixated on the metal wall behind Jackson. "Think of me as.. a walking, supernatural mirror. I reflect the abilities of other supernaturals, but I don't have any of my own, besides this. I- when I bit you, I didn't think anything would happen, because physically, I'm not even a werewolf, let alone an alpha. But it did."

"Really? Because you know what happened on the full moon? Absolutely nothing." The teen spat, rattling his chains once more. "I don't care if you're a freak of nature, all I care about is prosecuting your ass all the way to jail when I get out of here. I've seen the boarded up, charred little ash-box you live in, Hale; there's no way you'll afford a lawyer decent enough to save you, Stilinski or McCall."

"Are you kidding me?" Rachel scoffed, shaking her head at Jackson's level of desperation. If he thought he could even slightly worry her, he was sadly mistaken. "I could buy you, your parents and your shitty little Porsche! An- and my boarded up charred little ash box? That's the remnants of my home, which was burned to the ground by werewolf hunters. All of whom, are in the process of hunting your scaly ass down, so they can kill you. You-You're so blinded by your arrogance, that you can't see we're going out of our way trying to save you."

"Scaly? What, have you run out of decent insults?"

"You fucking doughnut." Rachel groaned, hitting her head against the metal wall. Talking any sort of sense to him, whatsoever, was borderline impossible; especially in their current situation. She'd have better luck trying to breathe underwater. "You're scaly, because you turn into a human-sized, homicidal lizard."

"A human sized lizard?" Jackson mused, evidently unbelieving of her blunt explanation. It wasn't entirely his fault; the crystal clear truth was rather far-fetched, and if anyone had said something along the lines of that to Rachel a month ago; she wouldn't laughed in their face, much like Jackson was doing to her.


"What, next you're gonna tell me that I have a tail?"

"And claws, that drip paralytic venom." The brunette added, shifting uncomfortably on the cold metal bench. "Look, do you remember the test Derek did? The stuff that he used to paralyze you is what comes out of your claws."

"If it's in my alleged claws, then why isn't it paralyzing me right now?" Jackson smirked, waving a perfectly human hand. He was grasping at strings; but unluckily for Rachel, they were logical ones, which ironically were tough to argue with.

"You're not- y'know what, I give up. I've tried to help you, and it's more than evident that you don't want it." Rachel shook her head, getting up from the bench & pushing the doors open wide. There was only so much she could do, before her efforts were reduced to nothing more than wasted time; time of which they desperately needed to conserve. "I would tell you to screw yourself, but it appears you've already done so, by pissing off the only person actually capable of helping you."

Rachel slammed the doors shut once more, locking them a moment later before making her way over to Stiles, who was leaned up against the van & in the process of texting Jackson's parents for the thousandth time. "Don't you think you've done that enough?"

"They keep asking questions, if I don't answer it'll look suspicious."

"Stiles, it already looks suspicious." Rachel sighed, leaning beside him. "People notice the small things. Like, if you use different abbreviations, punctuation or those stupid emojis; they'll notice."

"They won't notice." Stiles shrugged it off, pressing send on yet another message he'd just finished typing. "Trust me, they're completely clueless."

As if on cue, a very panicked Allison Argent rounded the corner, stopping dead in her tracks in front of Stiles & Rachel, announcing in a worried tone, "They know."

Rachel immediately swung her arm back, hitting Stiles in the chest. Of course; not only had he completely jinxed the entire situation with his previous statement, but it was more than likely he'd been the one to tip them off with all of his texting. "This is why I don't freaking trust you!"

"W- Wait." Stiles waved a hand in front of her face, in an attempt to silence her. Key word being attempt, because Rachel ended up grabbing his hand & snapping it back to the point where it was dangerously close to breaking. "Ow!"

"Don't ever do that again." Rachel growled, turning her attention back to Allison. "Now, go ahead; say the answer to the idiotic question of "they know what?""

"They know Jackson's missing."

Stiles, who was still holding the hand Rachel had chosen to snap backwards, was quick to speak before the aforementioned brunette had the chance to snap another rude remark. "They can't! I've been texting his parents since last night, they don't have a clue."

"Either that, or they've been secretly tracking us through the GPS in Jackson's phone, which updates every time you send them a text." Rachel shrugged, exhaling loudly as she walked around to the front of the van. "What're you waiting for? Get in, losers. We're officially fugitives on the run."

She wasn't a stranger to the art of being a getaway driver; and at this point, she was in far too deep to try & claw her way out. It was go big or go home, and seeing as how a pack of angry werewolves were likely waiting to kill her at her makeshift home, she opted to take her chances with Stiles & Allison. They were doing pretty well so far, and as every avid reader knows; it's usually the underdog heroes who end up winning in the end, anyways.

Even if they encounter an outrageously large variety of conflicts along the way.


Rachel had ended up driving the van to lookout point on the other side of town, and while a small part of her had wanted to drive straight off, Thelma & Louise style- she knew she couldn't solve all her problems with an epic explosion. It might've worked for two of her all-time favourite movie characters, but she'd opted to pencil that in as a last resort, if it ended in a high speed chase. Rachel really didn't want to go back to jail. The mere thought of that, let alone the way that sentence sounded in her head; it all made her want to hysterically laugh at the insanity her life had turned into, all in the run of a few months.

Scott met them there, after Stiles had texted him in some sort of "code" message, for an unknown reason. Rachel was more than positive that Scott had just followed the distinctive scent of Cheetos that always seemed to linger around the spastic boy, due to his beloved jeep.

The group of four had gathered out on the cliff overlooking the town, in order to brainstorm an idea to get themselves out of the grave they'd dug. It was only a matter of time before the police found them; and when they were eventually caught, they had to be prepared with one killer story, one of which could convince even the richest of lawyers not to talk a jury into locking them up.

But before they could move onto that topic, firstly they had to cover the most concerning one; someone had stolen Danny's tablet, which supposedly contained the recovered footage of Jackson on the night of the full moon. That video was the only proof they had in order to convince Jackson of what he truly was; which in turn, would hopefully convince him not to go to the police & have them all arrested.

Theoretically, if they could somehow retrieve the missing tablet & video, they could take out two birds with one stone, leaving only Gerard, Derek & the Kanima as their remaining issues. Technically only Gerard & the Kanima, since Rachel was fairly confident she knew how to move Derek's focus off of the Kanima, and onto her. She'd much rather him never talk to her again, than continue pursuing a creature that'll eventually kill him; that is, if Gerard doesn't do it first. Rachel couldn't lie, it was still beyond bad, but it would be a massive improvement from their current situation; which was worsening by the second.

"If Jackson doesn't remember being the Kanima, he's definitely not gonna remember stealing Danny's tablet." Scott sighed, walking closer to the edge of the cliff as he stared blankly at the scenery, deep in thought.

"Why would he steal the thing if he doesn't even know what's on it?" Stiles questioned, making a surprisingly valid point.

"I think the better question is how?" Rachel corrected, toying with the edge of her shirt. "Danny had the tablet in the trunk of his car at the club, right? Jackson couldn't have taken it; the times don't add up. You said Derek had him at the industrial park before Argent showed up. He got away from you for what, five to ten minutes? That's nowhere near enough time to break open a trunk without anyone noticing; especially when he's a human-sized lizard."

"What if someone else took it?" Allison suggested. Unbeknownst to her, the brunette had just provided one of the most crucial pieces of the puzzle; which they'd been in dire need of. Even if the next clue sparked a thousand more questions, at least they had one more lead to follow up on; and maybe, just maybe, that was all they needed.

"Then somebody else knows what he is." Stiles added, continuing on with the revelations of valuable clues. This was by far the most progress they'd made in days; and while it brought a sense of accomplishment, it was bittersweet. Knowing almost instantaneously became phenomenally useless if they had no one to tell; even more so if the one person they so desperately needed to tell didn't believe them.

"Which could mean someone's protecting him." Scott continued, his mind racing with more possibilities.

Allison nodded. "Like the bestiary says, "the Kanima seeks a friend," right?"

"Hold on." Rachel cut in, her gazed fixated on the ground as she searched for the words to properly explain her state of thinking. "Somebody watches Jackson make a video of himself turning into the Kanima, and then just erases part of it so he wouldn't know? I mean, c'mon, who would do that?"

"Somebody who wanted to protect him?" The huntress shrugged, unsure of any other possible answers.

"There's something else." Scott muttered, furrowing his brows as he glanced up at Stiles. "You said the only thing you found online about the Kanima is that it goes after murders. What if that's actually true?"

"No, it can't be." Stiles shook his head, unbelieving of the theory. "It tried to kill all of us, remember? I don't know about you three, but I haven't murdered anybody lately."

"But I- I don't think that it was actually trying to kill us." The teen wolf disagreed, turning to his not-so-secret girlfriend. "Remember when we were at Isaac's the first time, it just went right by us, didn't it?"

"You're right, it just ran off."

"And it didn't kill you in the mechanic's garage."

"And, it hasn't tried to kill me." Rachel added, pointing a finger at Stiles as if to say "ah-hah!"

"Well, yeah- but I think I know why." Stiles countered, taking a breathe before beginning. "Derek realized it was a Kanima only when it was scared of it's own reflection. You said it yourself, you're the supernatural rendition of an actual mirror."

"You're saying it's afraid of me?"

"I'm saying it might be." He responded, nodding slightly before returning to the previous topic of interest. "But none of that matters, because it tried to kill me & Derek in the pool."

"Did it?"

"It would've." Stiles stated, trying not to recall the near three hour event. "It was waiting for us to come out."

"What if it was trying to keep you in?" Scott raised a brow, making a disturbing amount of sense.

The spastic boy instantly cringed, his face scrunching up in disgust. "Why do I feel so violated all of a sudden?"

"Because there's something else going on." Scott declared, finally managing to realize they'd never fully piece together the puzzle if they couldn't see the rest of the table. "We don't know what it is. We don't know anything about what's going on with Jackson, or why someone's protecting him-"

"Know thy enemy." Allison mumbled quietly, inadvertently gaining the teen wolf's attention. Once she noticed, she was quick to brush it off nonchalantly. "Just something my grandfather said."

"Alright, I got it. Kill Jackson, problem solved."

"He risked his life for us against Peter, remember that?"

"Yes, but what did we find out?" Stiles argued, unknowingly causing a noticeable spike in Rachel's heart rate with his next statement. "He got the bite from Derek, and he somehow managed to get him to lie about it. Isn't it funny how he just got exactly what he wanted by supposedly risking his life for us?"

"Yeah.." Scott muttered, his attention shifting to the panicked Hale. Not only was she on the verge of an anxiety attack, but she was silent; and after listening to her rambling about Pretty Little Liars all night, Scott knew Rachel wouldn't stay silent in a situation like this, unless she had something to hide. "Are you okay?

"Y-Yeah." The brunette nodded, biting her bottom lip.

"Is there something we don't know?" He asked cautiously, taking notice of how her heart continued to beat like a snare drum.

"There's a lot you don't know- algebra, mathematics, geography, chemistry- you'll have to be specific."


"It's not important." She sighed, shaking her head. Technically, that wasn't a lie; the information she withheld wasn't important in finding out who was controlling Jackson. "I swear, it's not important. Let's just focus on saving Jackson, alright?"

Scott nodded uneasily, making a mental note to ask her about it later, he was still suspicious, but knowing Rachel, it was better to leave it until she was calm. Stiles also remained silent, choosing not to continue pursuing his previous argument, despite still believing that the teenaged lizard wasn't all that useful to them alive. Jackson had never truly helped, regardless of Scott's various examples, but for the sake of Rachel; Stiles said nothing.

Because unlike Scott, he knew what she was hiding.


"Do you think they're making out?" Stiles questioned, seated in the drivers' seat of the van. Following their discussion, the group had split up into two's; Stiles & Rachel had gone back to the van to listen to the radio & monitor the police's process in hunting them down, whilst Scott & Allison had gone back to the huntress' car.

"They're doing a lot more than making out, Stiles." The brunette sighed, leaning back in the passenger seat as she focused the majority of her attention on tuning out the sound of her two best friends having sex. It was times like this that she wished she was nothing more than a human, without the enhanced hearing of a werewolf. "God, I wish I hadn't of reflected Scott last night. I just had to have the extra strength to punch Jackson."

"Hmm, speaking of Jackson; can you hear him?" Stiles wondered aloud, changing the topic to one of more importance.

"Not really." She shook her head, attempting to pick up on any sound emitting through the metal behind her. "The metal separating the cab from the actual prisoner area is understandably dense."

"Do you think we should check on him?"

"Do you think we should willingly check on the homicidal teenaged lizard chained up in the back?" Rachel mocked, looking at him as if he were stupid. "I'd rather not."

"It's something to do." He grumbled, toying with the buttons on the dashboard. "Unless you'd rather sit around & listen to Scott & Allison."

"Actually," Rachel paused for a moment, focusing her hearing for a second before answering. "They're done."

"Great." Stiles said, his voice laced in sarcasm. "That's great. Thank you so much for keeping me updated on my best friend's sex life."

"You're the one who asked in the first place."

"I was kidding!"


A loud noise echoed interrupted the soon-to-be argument, causing both teens to instantaneously fall silent. A few more quieter noises followed the initial metallic clang, only increasing the tension & worry in both of them. Rachel turned to the side window, her gaze quickly scanning the wooded area around them for the noise source, but as none was found she looked back to Stiles with a fearful expression.

"Is it just me, or did that noise sound eerily similar to the time Scott broke a handcuff off a radiator?" The brunette questioned, her words almost too quick for understanding.

"Please don't say that." Stiles mumbled, debating in whether or not he wanted to open the door & investigate. "If you're implying in any way that there's a possibility Jackson turned into the Kanima & broke free, please don't say that."

"I'm implying it in every way." She clarified, hesitantly opening her door & sliding out. Someone had to check; and it was very clear that the person (loser) who'd be stuck doing it was Rachel; seeing as how she was the only unoccupied supernatural creature on the premises.

The reflector approached the back of the van as slowly as (in)humanly possible, holding tightly to the hope that maybe the sound had merely been caused by some other perfectly explainable cause. It wasn't like metallic clangs didn't occur naturally in nature, right? Apparently wrong; seeing as how her hopes were shattered by the sight of a broken door swinging faintly in the wind, and an empty prison van.

Jackson was gone.

"Stiles?" Rachel called, glancing back to see the spastic boy falling face first out of the passenger side of the van. Rather than exiting from the correct door, he'd chosen to use to opposite one, resulting in an epic failure. Nonetheless, he got back up, stumbling over to Rachel, only to slam into her & fall again as he turned to look at the broken door.

"Sorry, sorry." He mumbled, getting up once more. "We're screwed."

"No, we were screwed two days ago." Rachel corrected, brushing the leaves from her pants as she got up off the ground. "There isn't a word in the english language to describe how completely & utterly fucked we are."

Five minutes & another miniature argument later, Scott & Allison had joined Rachel & Stiles to discuss exactly how they were going to be spending their final hour of freedom, before Jackson had them all arrested for kidnapping. Unlike Rachel, Stiles & Allison (and Scott, who'd chosen not to add anything) had been more focused on the whole "Kanima on the loose" issue, rather than their freedom.

"I have to tell my father." Allison announced, hearing nothing but silence in response from her supposed-to-be-secret boyfriend. "Scott? He's going to kill someone."

"Okay, tell him." Scott answered after a moment of thought. He knew their hopes of saving Jackson would be shattered the minute the Argent family was informed of his Kanima status, but what other choice did they have? "Tell him everything."

"Scott, I gotta tell mine, too." Stiles added in a defeated tone. He'd been fighting all along to keep his father safely out of the supernatural, but now, it seemed as though keeping him clueless was doing more harm than good.

"Well, I'm not telling Derek." Rachel declared. If the theme of the day was revealing secrets, she sure as hell wasn't about to follow along. She preferred her brother clueless; especially when he was still in the midst of a somewhat psychotic power trip.

"This is all my fault."

"Scott, it's not." Allison objected, taking a step closer to him. "But we have to tell them. We're just a bunch of teenagers, we can't handle this on our own."

The teen wolf nodded. "You're right."

Allison sighed, turning back to Stiles worriedly. "How're you gonna make your dad believe all of this?"

"I don't know." The spastic boy sighed, his mind racing through various ways the plan could go horribly wrong. They ranged from a need for weekly therapy sessions, to his very own jail cell; all of which were quite equally terrifying.

Following Allison's initial question, Scott & Rachel seemed to get the same idea when both of them turned to Stiles as if on cue. It was a foolproof plan, one that even Rachel was certain would work. Everyone knew Sheriff Stilinski was a man of law & fact, but they also knew that he couldn't deny the proof when it was right in front of him; especially when it was in the form of two teenagers with glowing eyes.

"He'll believe us."


It's now 3:30am but aye on the bright side, i finished frenemy WOOOOOOOO

you can probably pick out the exact places where i sorta lost it & stopped for awhile (where rae calls jackson a "fucking doughnut") & theres probably loads of typos but i'm tired so forgive me ily. fun fact about the next chapter; there's scenes with rae/derek & rae/isaac so i'm pretty excited to write it. what i'm not so excited about writing is every episode after raving (except the epilogue following the finale lmao).

oh & before i forget, i have a little poll for you guys. Which of these do you think sounds best as the sequel name for UN? I can't freaking decide ffs.

Queen of the Castle
Hands of Time

Comment opinions please c: (and also feel free to suggest your own title idea, if you don't like any of the above)

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