Dream oneshots

By YuriMidnight

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As seen, this is an dream oneshot! 😍 I will explain the rules in the introduction, also, this will contain... More

Red floors (rewriten)
NO! (Rewritten)
The truth (rewritten)
Movie night (Rewritten)
Happy (Rewritten)
A human... (REWRITTEN)
Caught you
A bloody mess
Shut up!!
I hate myself, Techno
Hide and seek
Running (Hide and seek p2)
You were my paradise....
A peaceful grave
My old eye
Let's fly
Thank XD your ok....
My yandere
No sad.....happy!...(:
😭 😭 😭
▪︎jAcK mAnIfOrD?¡▪︎
I would care for him.
Protecting you is what I want to do
Midnight cuddles
Incorrect quotes
He left me....
✨A R T✨
Disc duo bonding
We'll stick together (Dreambur)
Beat that boy with a frying pan (Dreamnap)
Incorrect quotes cause I'm bored 😘
I'm sorry 《IMPORTANT》
Disc duo comic
Incorrect quotes cuz why not 😩👌
Don't mess with a God ;)
Till death and beyond, love (Dreambur)
Cold (angst)
Dark and too close (angst+Dreamity)
The inbetween (Cold pt 2)
We finally did it....
Maybe it was a mistake《DRUZ ANGST》
Happy holidays <3
Don't take him away from me 《CAUGHT YOU ALT ENDING PT.2》
This is home
I just want it to end
Clingy bastard <3
Together forever, right? ♡HEAVY ANGST♡
New friend
Can we be friends? (Rival duo)
A ghost in the house
Don't hurt me please (a ghost in the house pt.2)
It hurts

You don't need them (Dreamity)

813 36 99
By YuriMidnight

Art on top was by me >:]

I changed the cover to it-

Not me being on my Dundy and Dreamity phase- hehehehe-

PART 2 OF 'Dark and to close'

Possessive Quackity 👁👁

Enjoy <3


Quackity wrapped bandages around Dream broken and bloody fingers. Quackity tried to stop himself from licking Dreams fingers and devouring the poor boy. He didn't want to frighten or traumatize the poor boy anymore then he already was. Dream watched him with dull green eyes. His eyes were puffy and his cheeks were tear stained. Quackity decided to break the awful silence.

"So......are you okay?...." Quackity knew it was a stupid a question. He wasn't okay.

"...." Dream stayed silent. Obviously not wanting to talk. 

"Here, why don't you go rest?" Quackity say, montioning towards the bed in the corner with a soft red blanket. 

Dream softly nods at Quackity. Quackity picked Dream up in his arms and gently placed him on the bed. Quackity pulls the covers over Dream. He (Quackity) tried to not do anything to Dream, despite this desperate need to drink blood. Right as Quackity was about to leave, he felt a wimper and tug on his arm. 

"P-please....don't leave m-me alone...." Dream wimpers. 

There was no way Quackity could say no. Quackity smiled at Dream and sat next to him on the bed. Dream pulled Quackity next to him and put the covers over him. Quackitys brain went insane. 

'He loves me, he loves me, he loves me, he loves me, he loves me, he needs me, he needs me, he needs me, he needs me, he wants me, he wants me, he wants me, he wants me, mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine mine MINE!'

The sweet smell of Dreams blood seemed even better up close. Dreams face was buried in Quackitys shirt, his fluffy hair right in his face. Not that Quackity minded. He loved it. But soon, the smell of Dreams blood overwhelmed him. He wanted, no, needed Dreams blood. 

"Dream..." Quackity wispered, putting his hands around Dreams waist. Dream had a light pink on his cheeks as he looked up towards Quackity, the wonderful and gergous mad who saved his life. 

"Yes?..." Dream asked, staring into Quackitys red eyes that seemed to glow. Wait, were they glowing? Or was he just going insane? Dream couldn't really tell. 

"I-....I n-need blood..." Quackity said, scared that Dream will leave him. But instead, Dreams answer caught him off guard. 

"Oh....okay....." Dreams nods, slowly and soundlessly moving a peice of his shirt so Quackity could drink his blood. 

"W-what?...Dream are you sure? I don't want to hurt you or make you uncomfortable-" 

"No, no....it's okay," 

Dreams tone was so understanding and gentle. Anthor thing Quackity loved about Dream. God, Quackity just wanted Dream to be his.

Quackity softly bit down on Dreams skin, earning just a flinch. Nothing else. Quackity knew he'd have to bite down harder if he wanted to get Dreams blood. Quackity hardly bite down on Dream, tasting his blood. It tasted so sweet....Quackity kept bitting down, drawing more and more blood. Once done with his little feeding session, he sucked on the spot, trying to ease the pain. Dream made a soft wince when Quackity took his mouth away from the spot. Dream blushed once realizing what came out of his mouth, and turned away, embrassed. Quackity grinned and made Dream look at him. Quackity gave him a soft and innocent kiss on Dreams lips, causing Dreams face to heat up like a tomato. 

"Awww, I love you, Dreamie," Quackity softly said, stroking Dreams hair. 

"I love you too..." Dream softly smiled.

"....you know, you don't need them, right?" 

"...Sapnap and G-George?..."

"Yes dear,"

Dream softly smiled and kissed Quackitys cheek. "I guess I don't,"


Dream sat on the couch, reading, while Quackity cooked. Who knew he was a cook? The smell of eggs and pancakes filled the room. Just then, the door opened, making Dream jump. 


Dream, who was hiding, peeked over the couch to see who it was. There was a blonde kid who was the one who yelled. Then beside him was a short brown haired kid with a green T-shirt. Behide both of them was an unusually tall male who wore a suit. Besides the tall boy was a equally tall man. He had long pink hair..........wait, Techno?! All of them had blood red eyes. The short brown haired boy noticed me frist. 

"Ooo! Is that a new memeber?-" He states, pointing at me. "Wait, he has green eyes nevermind. Quackity why is a human in your house?"

"Dream?" Techno states, looking at me. I slowly show more of myself and nod. 

"Dream who?" The unusually tall one asks. 

"Technos childhood best friend yet rivial," The blonde informs. 

"YOU IDIOT!! WHERE DID YOU GO?!?" Techno says, coming over to Dream, shaking him. "I WAS WORRIED!!" 

"I'm sorry...." Dream wispered. Techno hugged Dream thightly, making Quackity jealous.

"Wait a damn minute- is that a hickey?!" Techno asks, glaring at his hickey(?).

Dream glaced nervously at Quackity, who smirked at Techno. 

"Oooooo, let me get my popcorn~" Tommy chuckles. 

"Give me some bitch!!" Tubbo calls. 

Dream was announced missing a few days later. The search was lead for about a month, until he was announced missing. Dream didn't mind, he still believed what Sapnap and George said. No one had really loved him. Exspect for those few people. Quackity, his boyfriend. Techno, his lifetime friend. Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, his vampire friends. 《More but i dont rlly care to mention cuz im getting lazy-》

Dream didn't mind Quackity's possessiveness, or his little flaws. Or whenever he needed blood and bit him. 

Quackity had saved his life. And Dream gave him his heart in return. 《WAIT- DIDNT QUACKITY EAT SCHLATT'S HEART?- 》


*wipes tear*  beautiful 🥺👌

Words: 963

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