His Angel in Disguise (Comple...

By msjasly

764K 88K 25K

(English Translation done) He was not arrogant yet she felt him the boss of arrogance. She was not beautiful... More

Chapter - 2
Chapter - 3
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter - 12
Chapter - 13
Chapter - 14
Chapter - 15
Chapter - 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter - 21
Chapter - 22
Chapter - 23
Chapter - 24
Chapter - 25
Chapter - 26
Chapter - 27
Chapter - 28
Chapter - 29
Chapter - 30
Chapter - 31
Chapter - 32
Chapter - 33
Chapter - 34
Chapter- 35
Chapter - 36
Chapter- 37
Chapter - 38
Chapter - 39
Chapter - 40
Chapter - 41
Chapter - 42
Chapter - 43
Chapter - 44
Chapter - 45
Chapter - 46
Chapter - 47
Chapter - 48
Chapter - 49
Chapter - 50
Chapter - 51
Chapter - 52
Chapter -53
Chapter - 54
Chapter - 55
Chapter - 56
Chapter - 57
Chapter - 58
Chapter - 59
Chapter - 60
Chapter - 61
Chapter - 62
Chapter- 63
Chapter - 64
Chapter - 65
Chapter - 66
Chapter - 67
Chapter - 68
Chapter - 69
Chapter - 70
Chapter - 71
Chapter - 72
Chapter - 73
Chapter - 74
Chapter- 75
Chapter - 76
Chapter - 77
Chapter- 78
Chapter - 79
Chapter - 80
Chapter - 81
Chapter- 82
Chapter - 83
Chapter- 84
Chapter - 85
Chapter - 86
Chapter - 87
Chapter - 88
Chapter - 89
Chapter - 90
Chapter - 92
Chapter - 93
Chapter - 94
Chapter -95
Chapter - 96
Chapter - 97
Chapter - 98
Chapter - 99
Chapter - 100
You are Stars
New Story
Bonus Chapter - 1
New story Alert

Chapter - 91

5.2K 763 72
By msjasly

Recap: Liya send the details of Narens parents to Ram as insisted by Jhanvi. Naren received the DNA report of Jhanvi and Rajendran.


Naren received the DNA report of Jhanvi and Rajendran which confirmed that she is the biological daughter of Rajendran and smirked looking at the report. He placed the reports inside his blazer and reached the hospital.

Kamini and Sita were in the waiting room and Akhil was inside the ward were Rajendran was being treated. Doctors were treating him and he was unconscious after the platelets count dipped again. After the transfusion doctors were checking his vitals and updated Akhil about his health. Once the doctors left Naren entered inside and Akhil gritted his teeth and tried to leave but Naren stopped him.

Nar: What so hurry Mr. Akhil. Why not stay for some more time and we shall have some interesting discussions ?

Akh: I m not interested in any nonsense talks with you. Better stay away from me.

Nar: Why do you care so much for my soon to be father in law Mr. Akhil . Can you enlight me please ?

Akh: Even before you came into their family I have been there with them knowing them. Even if not there is no need for me to give you any reasons.

Nar: Is it ? Here I thought that you are worried because he is related to you like I m related to him.

Akhil stopped in his tracks and his hold loosened and turned towards him in rage. Naren chuckled and sat on the couch with legs crossed.

Nar: How long will you hide the secret from your wife that she is Rajendran uncle's daughter ?

Akhil rushed to him caught his collars and pushed him on the floor. Naren laid on the floor on his elbows and laughed at him.

Nar: Don't worry I will not tell anyone about this. I m a man of words and will keep this a secret until you want but everything has a cost.

Akhil was getting frustrated looking at Naren who was taking the situation to his convenience. He clenched his fist and his eyes turned blood shot.

Nar: I don't have time all day Mr. Akhil nor you have. Anyone may walk in and your time will end by that so tell me are you ready to pay for the secret ?

Akh: What do you want and how do I believe that you will keep your words ?

Nar: Do you think that you have any other option than trusting me now ? Well I don't think so.

Akh: What do you want ?

Nar: The first shares you bought on your own. I mean the 40% shares you own in my hotel groups. Return those to me. Before end of this day and I promise to keep my words.

Akhil remembered how happy he was when he bought those shares from his own money and the first time he took Jhanvi there for their first outing. Those shares were always special for him. Now nothing mattered him when it comes to his angel and decided to give into his demands.

Akh: Papers will reach your office on time. Remember when I m ready to do this then I will not hesistate to go any extent to save my wife.

Both thought that secret is safe but not aware that it is no more a secret when they have a third person in the room.

Akhil stormed out and saw Jhanvi lying on Liya's shoulder and rushed to her.

Akh: What happened to her ?

Liy: The person who was suppose to come for donating platelets did not come so Jhanvi donated again so she is feeling weak.

Akh: I will take care of her. We are leaving home now. Call me for anything.

Akhi carried Jhanvi to the car and reached penthouse. He settled her after feeding her food and informed her that he had some urgent work at office and rushed to his office. He called Mayuri and asked her to prepare the papers of transfer of shares to Naren and he did not let her go out of his cabin and made her work in his room.

Mayuri saw Akhil's face which was in extreme anger and frustration. She was scared to hell to question and prepared the papers as he said. Kabir entered the room and saw Mayuri giving some hints to him but he could not get what she was saying and sat on the couch.

Kab: What are you doing here Akhil. I thought you would be in hospital ? What urgent job got you here now and what is Mayuri doing here ?

May: Sir has told me to prepare the documents..

Akhil cut her and send Kabir to check for the progress on the land procrument in New york and glared at Mayuri and lashed out at her to complete the papers quickly. Once she finished he checked the papers and signed it quickly and called Naren to arrange a person to collect it from him on way to hospital.

On seeing Akhil leaving the office Mayuri immediately called Jhanvi but her mobile was in silent which Akhi did not to disturb her sleep. She then called Liya whose mobile was with Naren. He saw the call from Mayuri and guessed the reason behind the call and answer it himself.

May: Liya, there is something wrong happening now.

Nar: Mayuri, it would be good if you dont' call Liya for the next one hour or atleast  I receive the papers from your boss. Bye baby sister.

Naren returned to Liya who was sitting on the couch and she leaned on him as he sat next to her.

Liya: I feel bad for Jhanvi, she was very weak after donating the platelets again today.

Nar: Why did she give again. There was a donor arranged already right ?

Liya: Yeah but he did not arrive and declined the request so Jhanvi donated again today. Akhil carried her home to rest. She don't have reason for doing so much for us. we have only hurted her for so many years but still she is good to us. How do I repay her for all these Naren ?

Nar: Don't worry Liya, she grew up with you in your home. Your parents took care of her so she is repaying for that.

Lia: You don't understand Naren. Only mom loved her. Me and dad treated her very badly. She lost her identity because of us.

Nar: Everything will be fine one day Liya. Now stop worrying for her and think about your father. He must be fine soon. doctor said he is showing progress since afternoon.

Liy: Yes, after Jhanvi donated her platelets he is doing fine.

They were conversing unaware the tears rolling from the corner of Rajendran's eyes. Naren's men reached Akhil and got the papers from him and messaged Naren about it. Naren smiled at the message.

Kamini and Sita arrived at hospital and sent Liya and Naren home. Liya and Naren reached home and saw Mayuri sitting with blood shot eyes.

Liya: Mayuri what are you doing here and you did not tell me about coming here today ?

May: You should ask the reason to your lover boy Liya. Ask him what great deed he did today.

Liya: whats happening Naren, why is she is frustrated ?

May: He wont' say anything Liya. Because he is so happy that all his words are jammed in this throat. I will tell you...he got the 40% shares which Akhil owned and Akhil gave him without second thoughts.

Liya gasped in surprise and pulled Naren by his elbow who was not looking at her.

Liya: Tell me those are lie Naren. You didn't do that right ?

Nar: Liya, I agreed with him to not troublem him anymore if gave his 40 % shares to me and he accepted so you all can stay relieved that I will not trouble him anymore.

Liya: What made you get settled with those 40% shares ?

Nar: Those are the shares he bought from his own money and those are the shares of our hotel groups. He was very sentimental of those shares and I got it from him simple. I don't think there shuld be any problem in this.

May: I doubt that Naren. If you done this then there should be some problem for Akhil and definitely he gave you this knowing that. Be happy that you took the first step of your destruction.

Mayuri left from there and Jhanvi woke up and saw the missed call from Mayuri before she could call her she received call from Kabir.

Kab: Jhanvi, where is Akhil ?

Jha: He came home with me and left to office for some urgent work ?

Kab: He was in office but not now. We have some serious problem now Jhanvi. He gave his 40% shares which he bought for the first time to Naren. Now our shareholders are behind us for the sudden change over of shares from Ak groups to Naren's.

Jha: I will call you in sometime.

Jhanvi came out shouting his name and saw him in his study in a dishelved state. He was smoking and his eyes were blood shot. He quickly wiped his eyes and smiled at Jhanvi who entered inside.

Jha: Why did yu give your shares to Naren ? You knew share holders might question the sudden change over and the impact may affect our business right ? 

Akh: Those were his company shares and I just returned what was his.

Jha: Shut up Akhil. I know how important those shares were to you. It would have not been so easy to give those shares just like that to him even if they belonged to his company. You bought those shares from your money and I will find the reason why you did this.

Akh: Shut up Jaan and you will not do anything on this matter anymore. Just let it go and I m not interested in anything related to him so I m least bothered on returning it to him. Lets not lose ur peace over this matter please...

Akhil left the study and reached their room were Saira was sleeping and laid next to her stroking her cheeks forgetting everything. Jhanvi saw him relaxing and did not push further on the issue and cuddled with him patted his chest.

Jha Mv: Something has happened Akhil, I m not waiting anymore time and will find everything soon. I can never see you lose anything or breaking like this. 



Please give your valuable comments on this update. What will Rajendran do when he is back fit and fine ?

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Take care and Thank You.

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